LESSON #59: Introduction to List Building

By | March 8, 2010

I hope you’ve been enjoying this lesson series, and I hope you’ve followed all the action steps so far, because today we’re getting into what I consider to be the “heart and soul” of internet marketing.

We’re talking about… list building!

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

  • “The money is in the list.”

    Yes it’s also in the relationship with the list, it’s in the quality of the list, and all the other stuff that some marketers say. And you don’t NEED a list to make money online (there are other business models)…

    BUT, it is true that the money is in the list for the type of business that we’re building.

  • A list is comprised of real people (not just numbers), and should be treated as such.

  • Types of marketing contact lists…

    – Mail
    – Telephone
    – Fax
    – Mobile phones/SMS
    – Social media
    – (New types of lists will evolve as new methods of communication sprout)
    – ANY combination of the above

  • Email marketing is what we will focus on for this business, because…

    1) It’s an effective way to capture and manage leads online.
    2) It creates web traffic on demand. (See video for explanation of priority of traffic vs. list)
    3) It’s here to stay. (In spite of rumors!)
    4) It has a low startup cost, and is very cost effective.

  • How to get an email list…

    1) Buy it
    2) Build it (recommended)

  • Some basic requirements of an email marketing platform…

    -Receiving your opt-ins from your website
    -Sending broadcast emails
    -Creating autoresponder sequences
    -Managing email campaigns
    -Handling subscription management
    -Making sure your email gets delivered

    Two options:
    – Hosted on your own site
    – A specialized email host

    Hosting your list on your own website is NOT recommended by me, for two reasons…

    1) Spam compliance
    2) Deliverability

  • Some email marketing service providers…

    – AWeber
    – Infusionsoft
    – iContact
    – VerticalResponse
    – Constant Contact
    – Topica

    My personal recommendation: Aweber Communications (who I’ve used since 2005)

    UPDATE: AWeber DOES allow you to import lists now, and in some cases without confirmed opt-in. I have imported several lists that I personally built.

    Additional resource to learn more about list building:

    Click here for the List Building Pack

    Action steps:

    1) Memorize this phrase: “The money is in the list”.

    2) Sign up for an email marketing service provider, such as AWeber.

    In the next lesson we’re going to set up a list… step by step!

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 126 thoughts on “LESSON #59: Introduction to List Building

    1. Angelo Lopez

      I am ready to start…. I have twenty five dollars a month for these project…. please let me know if I could get a website to sell info with this much money monthly….. I am willing to pay more for my website as I start making some money…. say I could reinvest up to 30 percent back to pay any shortest on my rent …. or for the cost of my
      website…. but I need to start my business as soom as possible ….. I am having less and less money and retired….. I need help now…. In the future I also going to nbuild websites for my customers and for my daughter….
      but for now I love to have an small website with all the tools to sel info packs…. I will buy the list …. for my potential customers from you…. so I can wlak faster into the profit…..please let me know if there is room for me with twenty five a month to rent an small website to do these business…. the business of saling the info/ you already have build…. maybe I could just get pay commision on sales for now untill I can cover the full price of the…. whole website you talk about in the lessons… I like to have one just like yours but with my Co. name…
      I am willing to sell the same info/ packs you already have develop…. and if I can’t not pay for the website with my twenty five a month….. just pay me a commision and keep the necessary other to cover the rest of the website rent…. ….Angelo M. Lopez

      1. Micah

        Hello Angelo,

        A realistic minimum investment for an online business would be about a couple hundred dollars, for web hosting, a domain name, an autoresponder service, and a product to start selling.

        However, there are many different ways to earn money online. Here is Eric’s lesson highlighting 18 different ways to earn online revenue:

        LESSON #4: 18 Ways to Make Money Online

        There are also free methods for running your business as well.

        Have you checked out Eric’s recent product, the No Cost Income Stream 2.0?

        It sounds like it would be a good fit for what you are looking for.

    2. Joseph Cheek

      Hi Eric,

      I get the whole idea about the money being in the list, but I’ve a question for you. Is it best to use an autoresponder to gain subscribers to a blog, or is there a way to collect blog subscribers using the wordpress blog platform? If using an autoresponder is the best way, how do I do this? I believe you take this approach with Eric’s Tips, but am not sure. Please let me know. Thanks so much.

      1. Micah

        Hello Joseph,

        Aweber is our recommended autoresponder. You can gain subscribers other ways, but Aweber is incredibly helpful in fighting spam complaints, and providing subscribers with easy unsubscribe options.

    3. james ellison

      Listwire is a free autoresponder, would that suffice until money starts rolling in?

        1. Michael D Gorman

          InInbox.com is another free email service with auto responder services – free up to 2,000 subscribers I have found it to be really good.

    4. Chris Cranston

      Hi, I’m just wondering why Mailchimp isn’t on your list of email service providers? They seem to be on everybody’s list. Something I don’t know about? Thanks so much. Great tips blog!

      1. Eric Post author

        Mailchimp is probably OK, they’ve been around a long time. One reason they were not one of my recommendations in the past is because they had Mailchimp advertising at the bottom of every email (not sure if they still do). Also, I had heard from some associates that Mailchimp frowned on the “how to make money” niche, and also were not too friendly for affiliate marketers. I’m not sure about their current status.

    5. Andrei

      Hi Eric, Micah,

      Contrary to what we hear in the video, I was very surprised to find out that now AWeber actually ALLOWS to import the lists! I just did it myself.

      So maybe you should mention it in the summary of this lesson? This should make it easier for many people to switch, I believe.

      I recently switched from Mailchimp and I am still enjoying every moment 🙂


      1. Micah

        Hello Andrei,

        Thank you! Eric is aware of this newer feature, but he hasn’t updated this in the lesson.

        I will send him your comments, so he can update this lesson, if he gets a chance!

    6. Jim

      Thanks for the great info Eric…I’ve been learning tons. I’m considering signing up for your coaching program once i get through all the free stuff.

      I’m concerned about your advice against managing my list from my own website. Not that I think it’s bad advice…I just dont know. I’ve built my website with drupal and am prepared to launch my first newsletter to a list of 500. The module I’m using is being used by 65,000 other developers. Can you offer more to help me make my decision?

      1. Micah

        Hello Jim,

        It just sounds like you selected a popular module. Many people use the same WordPress themes, without it hampering their SEO.

        The Coaching Club is $17 for the first trial month, with a $97 monthly renewal fee after every 30 days. You may cancel at any time!

        What is included in the Coaching Club:
        – 2 Live Coaching Webinars Per Month with Jeff Wellman, Paul Counts, and Eric Holmlund
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        Once your account is active, you may submit questions to be answered during the coaching calls at the following link:

    7. K F Orison

      I enjoy your tips . I bought e-books from you guys since 07/06/2016 , Thinking I have been scammed , but few days ago when I placed a complain , few hours later my e-books were sent . I now believe that you are real and not scammers . Thanks

    8. Eric Hansen

      Hi Eric and family(:

      I’m impressed with your quick refund support…

      I had a look and saw a post with Aweber now allowing you to import your own email lits without opt-in?

      In the past when you have tried to include non-optin mail, you had to go through the hoops):
      and tgo for dbl opt-ins.
      So now you’re saying my business mailchimp optins can be refined and exported without asking existing clients 10K NOT to have to optin?

      This is really important if you have already regularly sent out monthly “specials” and now want to hone in on say, another relevant niche introduction?

      Cheers & blessings,


      1. Eric Post author

        Yes they will now allow it if the list meets their standards. I’ve imported lists that I’ve built elsewhere, without them having to opt in again.


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