brrreeeport is the buzzword

By | February 16, 2006

Edition #23 – 2/16/2006

This is sort of a cryptic marketing tip for all you bloggers who read my tips. See if you can figure out what the buzz is about. A good place to start would be to look at all the other bloggers using the word brrreeeport on Technorati:

Have fun!

See the comments for this post if you want to know what it’s all about…

One thought on “brrreeeport is the buzzword

  1. Eric Post author

    It was all started a few short days ago when Robert Scoble said,

    “Here, let’s play a game. Everyone in the world say “brrreeeport” on your blog and you’ll be listed on this Technorati page automatically. Heh. There are also no pages on the Internet linked to for that term on Google, Yahoo, or MSN.”

    Since then, there have been some interesting developments….

    Today, brrreeeport is the #1 term on Technorati.

    A couple of marketing lessons to be learned here.

    1) Never underestimate the power of a blogger to mobilize the masses.
    2) Creative “experiments” can turn into viral traffic.


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