LESSON #62: Introduction to Squeeze Pages

By | April 9, 2010

In the previous lesson we looked at how to set up a customer list, to capture your paid customers onto an opt-in list.

Today we’re going to shift our focus to prospects, and we’ll start by talking about squeeze pages…

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

  • Squeeze Page: a landing page designed to collect the email address (at a minimum) of the visitor, through an opt-in form.

  • Squeeze pages have one objective: getting the visitor to opt-in.

  • Prioritizing Squeeze Pages vs. Sales Pages

    In most cases, you will make more money by sending the majority of your traffic to a squeeze page instead of a sales page. There may be some exceptions, and of course it should be tested.

  • Long copy vs. Short copy

    In most cases, shorter is better. (See video for examples)

    Short copy presents the visitor with a clear value proposition and keeps the opt-in above the fold.

  • Essential ingredients of a squeeze page:

    1) Attention-getter (Headline)
    2) Benefits (What they get and how it helps them)
    3) Call to action (Enter your name and email)
    4) Opt-in form

  • How much information should you collect?

    The more information you collect, the smaller the percentage of visitors that will opt in.

    The less information you collect, the greater the percentage of opt-ins.

    The more information you collect, the more valuable the lead. (More ways to market to them, and possibility of lead brokering)

  • Using freebies/incentives on your squeeze pages:

    Physical product:

    Digital product:

  • Give away something of VALUE to your prospect that will…

    -truly help them
    -prove your credibility
    -build their trust
    -leave them thirsting for more (so you can sell your product)

  • What kind of people do you want on your list? (Who is your ideal prospect?)

    What you give away will affect who ends up on your list. Give away something that will attract your IDEAL prospect.

  • If you haven’t yet signed up for a list hosting service, I recommend AWeber Communications

  • For additional education on list building, please see my List Building Pack

    Action steps:

    1) Determine what your ideal prospect looks like.

    2) Decide what you’re going to give away to get them on your list.

    Once you’ve got those things figured out, it’s time to build your squeeze page. We’ll be doing that in the next lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 85 thoughts on “LESSON #62: Introduction to Squeeze Pages

    1. Robert

      Mr. Brent,
      I am curious. Under what circumstances would you feel comfortable in obtaining email addresses in order to build a list?

    2. Jenny

      I’ve been watching videos related with how to make squeeze page and so far, this is the best video I ever seen. With it’s complete details and informative information.I will keep an eye for your next lesson.

    3. MyTrafficPig

      I’m planning to implement a light box short copy opt-in for my traffic website. Do you have any more ideas for generating leads for a site that sells one product.

    4. Daniel Rodgers

      Hello and shucks!
      This stuff is so GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.
      So good that I want to send anybody that joins my list to see your stuff. Because i think that would be in their best interest. What happens then if I send them to you, how do I get them back. You have created quite a dilemma here young man. If it is in their best interest to send them to you what do I do.
      I guess the question is – is this business right for me. would love to hear back from you on what you think I should do.

    5. Eric Post author

      Thanks Daniel. You can send people here through an affiliate link. You can get your affiliate link here. That way you make money when your referrals buy stuff on my site 🙂

    6. Sue

      Eric, I just stumbled upon your site when researching squeeze pages. Is it heard of to have a squeeze page on a sales page? for instance have a sales page with text that says not ready to make a committment yet? then have the email capture on the same page?

    7. Doris

      I love the herb niche but have had no luck with trying to promote herbs online. Are there some tips you could give me for using a squeese page for an affilite product.

      What would a good free give away consist of for the herb niche.

      My target group would be people who experience health issues, and perhaps those who are supporters of natural health remedies, ie: the health nut.

      I have tried simple ebooks and articles, but people are fooded with these offers.

      Maybe a free $5.00 gift certificate, but then the cost of selling affiliates advertising really shoots up. It may not be worth it??

      The affiliate makes good offers once I can get people to their page. I’d like to use that angle in an squeese page. Do you think this would be effective or useful.

    8. Micah

      Hello Doris,

      You could give away a free ebook on herbal remedies or benefits. That wouldn’t cost you anything or take away from your bottom line!

    9. josh

      hi eric,

      what’s the difference among your list building lessons here, the List Building Pack, and the List Building Blueprint? Do I have to buy those products (List Building Pack and List Building Blueprint) to know more about list building or is it enough to watch your free lessons?

    10. josh

      In your List Building Pack there is already something about Email Marketing. How does it differ from “Extracting Maximum Cash From Your Email List”?

    11. Eric Post author

      The List Building Pack is a more comprehensive education, with several modules. Extracting Max Cash is just some tips for getting more out of each mailing.

    12. Eric Post author

      These lessons are pretty comprehensive, so I’d say wait and see if you feel like you need more information after lesson #69, and if so then the List Building Pack might be appropriate. The List Building Blueprint is a separate course created by my friends Paul Counts and Jeff Wellman, and they incorporated a lot of the principles from these lessons. It is actually similar to these lessons.

    13. Giddu

      Hi Eric

      Please tell me some of the sources where i can find some useful products to be given away as free-gift for opt-in.


    14. Dan weyler

      Eric, I cannot put into words how comfortable one feels while listening to your videos. Its not over whelming Like mlsp listing are. I was on a free trial and didn’t get to first base. Very professional——–Dan weyler Baytown Texas

      I would love to get in on the cozching but I actually live on this UnGodly and unholy $712.00 a month. That will not evern take care of any thing and its not a house note. I’m glad I live alone in this old motor home. I can’t even afford a refrigerator, For about a year and there isn’t even enough money left to buy a fridge. God bless

    15. Marija

      Eric, how can I collect a list for phone coaching prospects? What is here different?
      I am still waiting your answer from previous lessons: where in WordPress can I copy the Java script for Thank You page? Plugin or where?
      I would appreciate your answer very much because I can’t continue. Thank you! Marija

    16. Micah

      Hello Marija,

      With Aweber, you can create whatever form fields you need, beyond just “Name” and “Email.”

      You would probably still need to build a straightforward email list of your customers or prospects. Then, just email them the details of your call-in webinars, or phone number, and available coaching times.

      Your other questions have now been replied to at your previous posts.

    17. Mark

      Eric, is a squeeze page and a “lead magnet” the same thing.

      Thanks for another wonderful lesson.


    18. Micah

      Hello Mark,

      The Lead Magnet is what you include on your squeeze page, that makes potential customers want to join your list.

      It could be a free report, eBook, product sample, free bonus videos, free trial membership, etc…

    19. Joseph Juhant

      Hey Eric, I like all the information and look foreword for the next lessons..Sure wish I found you 4 years ago it would have saved me thousands.I am at the point where I don’t trust to many people on the net..However after reading about you I know I can trust you..anyway How do I get people to my squeeze page

    20. Eric Post author

      I cover this in lesson #67, and then in-depth traffic strategies from lesson #72 through #87.

    21. Don Karp

      Good lesson! Looking forward to see how this squeeze page will get people to sign up. Will that be covered?
      Don’t I need some convincing content, in length, to make this happen?

    22. Eric Post author

      1) Find out what your audience WANTS to know more than anything.

      2) Give them that. (OR a partial solution, if you’re selling the full solution)

      3) It’s all about copywriting and split-testing to optimize the conversions of your squeeze page.

    23. Eric Post author

      Yes it needs to convince them, but it doesn’t have to be long. Many of the best squeeze pages are very short. It’s about copywriting, and/or using a format that generates an impulsive opt-in. In most cases, they are opting in to GET the content, so you don’t need to give the content on your squeeze page, you just need to adequately convey that the content they want is on the other side.

    24. susanann

      This is a great lesson…I looked long and hard to find something on building squeeze pages a few years ago when I was into Internet Marketing…gave up on the whole idea (of IM) but giving it another go.

      I’m remembering now that there was no html code page in the download for constructing the sq page. Just downloaded it again…and its not there. Am I missing something? Many thanks. Susan

      1. Micah

        Hello Susanann,

        Here is the link you will need:

        The materials are packaged in ZIP files, so you will need an unzipper to open them, before they will work properly. Your computer probably already has one, but if you need a Zip program, you can download a free one at http://www.7-zip.org

        Eric explains how to use ZIP progams 7 minutes and 40 seconds into the following video lesson. You may simply click the progress bar below the video display to locate the spot 7 minutes and 40 seconds from the start of the video:

        LESSON #9: Basic Computer Skills You Need to Have

    25. susanann

      Oops! I clicked back to lesson 62 but was referring to lesson #63 regarding my comments on the html code for building a squeeze page being missing in the download…thanks again. Susan

    26. Adib Nor

      Hi eric,

      Im having difficulties to insert my aweber code into the graphic squeeze page.
      Do you have tutorial about that?

      Highly thanks,

      Adib Nor


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