JV Formula Bonus is Unveiled Plus A Call With Mark Joyner

By | May 15, 2006

Edition #50 – 5/15/2006

We had a great call last night with Sterling Valentine of JV Formula. A big thank you for all of you who turned out on Mother’s Day to listen!

If you missed it, I’ve now got the audio posted and you can listen to the recording at:

(Recording no longer available)

Sterling gave some fantastic tips that will help you do joint ventures the right way.

Important Call/Webcast Tonight With Mark Joyner:

Tonight, Sterling Valentine will be interviewed by Mark Joyner. Mark is one of the all-time best known internet marketers, who has left the marketing arena to pursue helping people through his Simpleology program.

He’s also a great interviewer, and I’m really excited about this call. I will be on the call personally, and I can’t wait to see what Mark has in store.

All participants in the call will get access to download a “mindmap key” revealing a 3 word “Uber Secret”. Sterling says, “It’s so revolutionary that even the experts who unknowingly revealed it to me in their interviews are COMPLETELY unaware of its existence – AND, it will NEVER be revealed again – ever.”

To get on this call, go to:

Mark Joyner Simpleology Signup

From there you can sign-up for Simpleology for free. When you get into the member’s area you will see announcements on the main page.

The call info will be posted there along with the call-in number, and webcast URL (you can choose to call in by phone, or listen via webcast).

As always you can leave comments here in the blog entry.

Have a great day!

2 thoughts on “JV Formula Bonus is Unveiled Plus A Call With Mark Joyner

  1. Ray Culver


    Since you seem to be coming out strong for JV’s how would you feel about putting up a post board for your members to contact other rookies about JVing. Perhaps name, city and state, e-mail address and list your strong and weak suites ?

    Ray Culver
    From it’s hot already Palm Desert, CA

  2. Eric Post author

    You’re thinking just like me Ray… I am already planning on making sure JVU members are able to get in touch with their peers. But I like the idea of all Eric’s Tips members having a place to communicate too. I’ll put an “Eric’s tips” member forum on my development list for this year…


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