AdSense Tips & One BIG Bribe!

By | June 17, 2006

Edition #60 – 6/17/2006

After my last newsletter, it was obvious that a LOT of you are as excited as I am about the idea of having someone else write articles for you on demand (if you missed it you can read it in the previous blog entry.)

However, what good are a bunch of articles if they’re not generating income for you? As I got to thinking about it, I wanted to make sure you understand exactly WHAT you’re supposed to do with your articles to bring in AdSense revenue…

Fortunately, my friend Liz Tomey is an expert on the subject and has put together a good resource about it. Liz was voted into our “secret” mastermind group last Wednesday (Inner Circle members, were you on the call with me and Jeff?), and I’m glad to have her on board because she brings a lot of knowledge and experience to the team.

Be sure to check out her system here…

(Link removed – product no longer available)

AdSense System

Next, I need to tell you about a BIG bribe!

Last March I met a marketer named Joe Cooper from the UK, at a meeting in Washington DC. What I liked most about him is that he’s just an all-around nice kid, and in spite of being an up-and-coming hotshot marketer, he really didn’t care about impressing people at the event.

In fact, he showed up wearing a sweat-suit (I think I was wearing something similar). Actually it sort of makes sense because his aspiration is to to become a professional tennis player, although he probably wouldn’t mention it because he’s a pretty humble guy.

Anyway, nice guy that he is… Joe is trying to help his Dad fulfill a lifelong dream of being a children’s book author. So the bribe is very simple…

All you have to do is order a copy of his dad’s book for about $12, and you’ll get to download over $5,000.00 of material including new private label rights software and ebooks! You can check it out at…

(link removed – offer no longer available)

Joe and his dad

Today also happens to be Father’s Day, and I can’t think of a better time for us to help Joe in his quest to make his dad’s dream a reality.

To all the dads out there, have an extra great day! I’m certainly blessed to be a dad, and I’ll be adding another arrow to my quiver next month (check out Psalm 127 if it sounds like a riddle).

As always you can leave comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

9 thoughts on “AdSense Tips & One BIG Bribe!

  1. Harry

    Eric, first time here to your blog.
    Just wanted to tell Joe something.

    Damn, you must really love your dad to offer this much stuff, just to help jumpstart his book sales. As both A Father and a Son, you are a very lucky young man to love your dad so much.

    Thanks for the deal. Happy Fathers Day!!!

  2. Eric Post author

    Hey Harry – welcome to my site, I’m glad you found it! Yeah Joe really cares about his dad… I know he’s been planning this promo for many months.

  3. Ian


    I must say I’m a bit peaved!

    I just spent $100.00 on your Motivated Marketing System software.

    And now I see you are letting Joe give it away in his package.


  4. Eric Post author

    Ian- That’s MMS Lite. I’ve given it away in a couple of venues… It’s a very watered down version of MMS, with an offer to upgrade to the full version for $100. It comes with no support, and no upgrades. If you paid $100 for yours that’s great because that’s as cheap as you can get it. Most people these days are paying $247– so you probably just made THEM feel bad with your comment 😉


  5. Suzanna

    Happy Fathers Day Eric and Joe’s Dad. We all appreciate all you do Eric!
    Cheers and God Bless

  6. fred

    hi eric : i would order your book offer ( huge bribe ) but i’m having a problem ordering from the UK .also i would like to use paypal . sorry fred

  7. Eric Post author

    Hi Fred, You’ll need to talk to Joe about that, as it’s his deal not mine. however, I wouldn’t think you should have any problem ordering, as it’s and Joe is in the UK too.

  8. PT Leshoure

    I hope that since Im a newcomer, and dont yet know a great deal about how to add flex skins, or flex 3 to my word press…,that youll take time out to work with me.


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