Year End Update and Hawaii Pics

By | December 18, 2012

I figure this would be a good time for a little update about my life and business. Each year as I get older, it seems I’m finding it less enjoyable to write about myself. But I think it’s an important ingredient for this blog.

2012 was a great year for me and my family. I believe we are moving in the right direction, and walking in our God-given destiny. That’s not to say life is always easy. It’s not. But life is good.

In November of 2006, I wrote a series of three articles about the importance of vision for your life and business (later on, this became the basis of Eric’s Tips lesson #13).

In 2008, I began to get a new vision for my business. Here are some quotes from an article I posted on June 3rd, 2008:

“Internet marketing has been a catalyst which has enabled me to pursue some of the bigger passions in my life. My plan is to get out of this business in the not-too-distant future (maybe in a few years), to focus more of my time on some of those things.”

“And in case you’re wondering… no I’m NOT talking about retiring to an island and living a luxurious lifestyle. I’m talking about focusing less on money, and more on family and other things that will have an impact beyond our lifetime.”

I also made some fairly bold claims about stepping out of the Internet marketing hype machine, and not promoting many products for other people.

So here we are more than four years later. Am I still planning on getting out of the business? At some point, yes, but probably not very soon. My perspective has changed significantly. I’ve discovered that I can pursue those more important passions in life, while still maintaining my business.

One of those passions is traveling and visiting new places. Another passion is taking mission trips and helping those in need. In the years since I wrote those things, I’ve traveled quite a bit, and have taken at least one mission trip each year.

This year we spent two months away from home, during which time my business ran on autopilot. I also spent a lot of time on other things outside of business, including a bunch of time processing all those pictures that I took on those trips πŸ˜‰

Another passion that I’ve been able to devote more time to is painting, and I’ve been blessed to use this gift in ministry at church. I completed over 60 paintings this year, many of which can be seen here.

All in all, I’d say I spent a solid four months of the year NOT working on my business. To that extent, I’ve come a long way toward the vision that began forming in 2008.

I’ve also continued my commitment to run my business with integrity, and to not promote a bunch of stuff that you don’t need. While my inbox is flooded with promotion requests virtually every day, I only promoted 9 products (other than my own products) via email to Eric’s Tips subscribers in 2012. That’s less than one per month.

I’m happy to report that business is great. The business model that I use and teach DOES still work today. My income has not suffered in this economic climate.

I’ve been amazed at the number of business associates and various Internet gurus who have either gone out of business, or seen their businesses suffer dramatically this past year. Some were due to Google’s changes. Others burned out their lists promoting all the hype. Yet others built their businesses on a foundation of here-today-gone-tomorrow tactics.

Unfortunately, some of those guys are digging themselves into deeper holes because now they’re saying “dude, I need to make some money, quick!” and they’re resorting to unethical tactics, while their desperation is starting to show in their marketing efforts.

More than ever I would like to emphasize that the kind of business I teach is NOT a get-rich-quick business. If you use get-rich-quick tactics, you might get rich quickly, but you will also lose your business just as quickly.

A quick update on my personal health, as a few people have asked about it (thank you for your prayers and concern)…

On June 6th, 2011, I wrote about my battle with some symptoms that are called Adrenal Fatigue by some experts. It’s been a rough road at times, but I’m blessed to say I’m about 60-70% better so far.

The road to healing has involved a combination of traditional medicine, holistic medicine, and God’s power. I’ve continued on a recovery plan, and have seen improvements in the applicable tests. I also experienced supernatural improvement in my sleep that began while in Israel last fall.

One of the most important ingredients of a recovery from these issues is reducing stress and anxiety, and the way I’ve been running my business has been conducive to lower-stress living.

Of course it helps to be able to take vacations…

We just spent two weeks in Maui, Hawaii, which was a lot of fun. Below are some pictures from the trip. As always, I hope you know I’m not posting these to brag or make anyone envious in a bad way. I just enjoy sharing pictures, and hope to inspire someone else to pursue their dreams…

















I’ve posted more pictures from the trip on my Google+ account: view them here.

When it comes to our economy and society in general, it seems that the only certain thing these days is uncertainty. Tragedies such as the recent school shooting in Connecticut are sober reminders of our human fragility (please pray for the families of the victims!), and countless other tragedies around the world go unreported each day.

I encourage you to remember your priorities and spend time with your loved ones while you can! Remember that the end goal of being in business is not merely to accumulate wealth. As you reflect on the past year, and look forward to the new year, this would be a good time to get a vision for what you want your life to look like. It would also be a good time to set some specific goals, like taking a family vacation in 2013.

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments below.

I wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year!

87 thoughts on “Year End Update and Hawaii Pics

  1. Stephanie Hillberry

    Thank you, Eric, for all of your tips. You’ve been a great resource for me for the past two years and I appreciate all of your hard work! And yes–I agree that posting about your life is an essential part of this blog, so please don’t stop!

    Cheers to a good year and the start of a new one–

  2. Janny

    Love the pics and glad your health is on the mend. I’ve followed a burn out recovery herbal program for 7 years and know it’s a slow but sure process.

  3. Dan Sumner

    Hi Eric, wow it looks like you had a blast in Hawaii, it’s definitely on my list if to do’s in the future and I’m sure online biz will help me to get there.

    It’s great you are feeling better, I remember reading about your health issues which also made me think about how I would cope if I were to fall ill.

    Incidentally I booked my family vacation today, so I’m on the right track for 2013!

    Thanks for sharing Eric, have a great Christmas and a great 2013

    ~ Dan Sumner

  4. Travis Campbell


    Love what you do, thanks for sharing it here. You inspire more than you know. Grateful to know that through weakness strength is made known. You exemplify that!


  5. Kwame

    Love those pictures. Thanks for sharing and God Bless. Merry Christmas in advance and your best new year ever through Christ.

  6. Jessie

    Thank you for sharing your great pictures
    of your lovely family. The nature photo shots
    are absolutely beautiful. I will add you to my prayer list for total recovery and restoration
    for your health. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. Thanks for helping me get started in IM.
    God’s Servant Ambassador

  7. Eric Post author

    Hey Stephanie, thanks πŸ™‚ I checked out your site recently and it’s really cool. Blessings

  8. Eric Post author

    Stan, Good to see what you’re doing. I’m not doing personal consulting these days, but it sounds like my coaching club could be a big help to you in getting past that hump. You can try 1 month for only $17 here if you’re interested: We answer all your questions 2X a month on webinars, and also do site analyis, etc.

  9. Tatiana

    Those are very beautiful pictures. I’m happy for you and your family.

  10. Jeanette

    Thanks for sharing, Eric, and for being a inspiration. I am pleased that your health is improving. And the photos look great!
    May you continue to walk in the path God has set for you, and be a blessing to many.

  11. Aldreama

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks for sharing your wisdom, life and tips. I truly enjoy your emails and have learned so much. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.
    Be Blessed,

  12. Daniel Barwick

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. You and your family seem very grounded in your spiritual principals which is how I like to run my business and my life. Thanks for keeping it real in in a business filled with false claims and outright deception. To the best year yet!

  13. billy

    Im so glad to hear things are going in the right direction for you and your family. My prayers are with you.
    have a Wonderful Christmas

  14. Renee J Mack

    Eric, for the past several years I have learned so much from your tips. It has been the foundation for me in learning about the internet business arena.

    I must say here that I am immensely impressed with your photographs. They are postcard perfect. They are the kind of pictures one wants to use, but I won’t do that because it would be unethical. They are simply breathtaking. Not to mention love Hawaii & looking forward to visiting there. You have a wonderful, good-looking family. Enjoy!!!

  15. Tracy

    You have a beautiful family! Thanks for the lessons. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  16. Steven Stuart

    Eric, I’m really glad to hear your health is on the mend. I really enjoy the pictures of your family’s adventures. I truly believe a big part of a successful business is how much you give back, and no one gives back more to their customers than you. What I have taken away from your tips the most is: Always keep learning and moving forward, and never give up! Thanks tons, man.

  17. Dale

    Great info and products always! If or when you decide to stop, please leave up all your work if you can… Not only is it easy to follow and learn from you, but from time to time I revert back to a certain video to recheck or relearn things… Thanx

  18. Esther

    You are a beautiful family…and beautiful pictures…glory to God! Thank you for all you share and care. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  19. Jesse

    glad to hear you are getting better…even if it is slow. I look forward to Eric’s tips whenever I get them. You are not only helpful but motivational and insprational. Thank you for all Accts. I went into online resume writing to create my own business to do from home so I can be with my kiddios more. So blessed to be with them. We are at a position now that I need to either go back to work full-time away from our kids or my business needs to really pick up. Please keep us in your prayers so we follow God’s plan and not create our own.

  20. Mike Wong

    Eric,thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures.
    Wishing you & your loved ones
    A Very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
    God Bless

  21. robert

    thanks for sharing, Eric. May God bless you and your family. I look forward to any information you share and I do trust you so it really does make a difference what products you recommend because I believe I’m speaking for a lot of people when i say stick to doing what you think is right. So far you’ve done very well without compromising your principles and you have a family that can hold their heads up high knowing they have nothing to be ashamed of.

  22. Viola

    Thanks for sharing Eric. You are keeping it real for us.

    Wish you and your family an super great 2013!


  23. Dorothy Marr

    You are blessed with a wonderful family. I glad you are doing better.

    I need to ask you again if you could possible start my lessons again? They were stoped at Erick’s tips Lesson #86. I would like to receive the rest of them I been waited over a month,

    Thank You and may God Bless you and yours Merry Christmas.

  24. Vance Sova

    Hi Eric,

    I enjoyed reading your post about your life and what are your plans for it as you look ahead. I didn’t know you had some health issues. I’m glad that you are getting much better. The pictures from Maui are great. Hawaii is always nice to visit.


  25. Peter Buzzard

    Wonderful pics Eric, Lovely family,thanks for sharing.

    I have enjoyed all your Tips and Training throughout this year, Great stuff !

    Have a great Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


  26. Michaela

    Hi! Eric I am glad you update us, and I like what I just read, you live by example, and your health is better – super.
    Love the pictures, I can imagine that it is not easy with 5 kids, but your wife is always smiling, so I think she is a medicine in itself, with a great positive attitude.
    All the best
    Have a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

  27. sajan elanthoor

    Hey Eric,

    Thank you very much for this honest post. What most of the marketers don’t understand is that, the person who reads their email or blog post are real human beings with intelligence and emotions. We’re in the era of humanization of marketing, where people buy from real people with integrity and ethics like yourself.

  28. Janet

    Thanks for your generosity and encouragement πŸ˜€

    May the good Lord bless you and your loved ones with His joy, peace and good health throughout this wonderful season and new year!

  29. Phil Cullum

    Eric, I have been following your tips for years and have invested in many of your products. I am glad to have encountered you.

    If you are interested in spreading your information to a wider circle, IM NewsWatch is looking for someone to write a weekly column. You would be great in that role.

  30. Abdullah Ibrahim

    Hello Eric – peace be upon you.
    Looking at the photos of your family particularly your kids it gives an inspiration how I wish to be the same. I too have five but not as lucky and blessed as you’re. However, I’m thankful and grateful to God for His continual blessing.
    I wish you and famly merry Chrismas and happy new year. God bless.

  31. Nombulelo

    Good to hear your health is improving. I pray for your full recovery. Thanks again for sharing pictures of your lovely family. Thank you also for keeping encouraging us. Even me, I have not lost hope that I will get my business going some day. I have all the tools from your free lessons! Bless you. I recently managed to sort out stuff about my website above and I believe I’m a lot closer to activating a business.
    The only thing I’m sorry about is that you discontinued offering mentorship- I recall that you used to offer this service. But recently when I enquired about it your staffer told me that you are too busy to do that service. It helps that you give the updates about your personal life that you do Eric, so I do understand that you personally can’t do this. But because of the TRUST I/we have developed from dealing with you and because of the many SCAMS out there, I’m afraid to ask anyone for the kind of help I need. Please don’t laugh when I say I felt I need the help of someone to hold my hand to launch my business. I have, in the past purchased some materials from you and those you recommend but they are just sitting in my computer. I have and still am going through a very rough patch in my life. But I believe that I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. Getting this business started as soon as possible is part of my recovery. For I do need to have an income. And I especially appreciate your putting it like it is, that this is not a Get Rich Quick Scheme that so many scammers present and sometimes they succeed to scam us because we are desperate. My hope had been that you would recommend someone I could approach that I could trust to help me set up my business. I know your staffers referred me to the lessons and that they know your associates are equally busy. But I hope you will understand my request. It was a major milestone for me to have my website up and running after literally years of struggling with vrious things. Now I’m looking for someone who will help me get started very fast and have it working while I learn and deal with the many other issues.

    Have a great Christmas with your family. Please keep up the work you do – I’m glad you decided to. You bless many like me along the way by the hope you give. May the blessings on you, your family and friends be abundant this holiday season and in the coming year.

  32. Leo Verkoelen

    Eric, thanks for sharing. I love Hawaii.
    In these economic uncertain times (europe etc) is it very important to stay close to your family. You are an example. Have a great Christmas and a happy new Year.

  33. Annie

    Oh Eric. Your “God-given destiny?” Really? I am happy that you and your family are healthy, wealthy and traveling the globe because of your “destiny” that was set up by your God while he turned his back on the “destinies” of 6 and 7 year old classmates in an elementary school last week. But you’re special!! πŸ™‚ God was pandering to you when he forgot to stop and take notice about innocent children.
    You online marketers have GOT to get off the god kick. You’re not special and your sales are even somewhat deceptive – because that’s what sales are!!! No matter how good you are, you know you put a bit of spin and biased view on things that you know aren’t true.

    God’s destiny. Yea, because you’re special!! That’s how we can be sure YOU are your god and he’s made in YOUR image – and not the other way around.

    I don’t know how you could say a thing like that with all the suffering in the world.


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