Edition #58 – 6/6/2006
Today I’m doing something different. If you’ve been a member of Eric’s Tips for awhile, then you’ll know that I pride myself in exposing the information that few others will reveal.
Well this time, the information is a little too sensitive even for my newsletter. To get this information, you’ll need to enter the Inner Circle. To get the details, go to…
Don’t worry, I’m not changing my format or anything like that. You can expect to keep getting my hard-hitting tips each week. This particular situation just called for something a little more discreet. You’ll understand why, once you’re in the Inner Circle.
On another note, I want to do a quick “condensed” review for you (I decided it didn’t warrant an entire edition)…
WP Mass Installer
There’s been a fair amount of buzz the last couple of days about a new program called WP Mass Installer. So as usual, I decided to check it out so I could let you know what I think.
Basically, it’s a program that instantly installs WordPress blogs with the click of a button. It allows you to use any WordPress theme (you can add as many as you want), and create topical blogs based on any keyword that you input.
It will then create the blog and automatically post entries to it, based on your keyword, pulled from RSS feeds at your specified interval.
First of all does it work? Absolutely. I tried it personally and created some blogs in under a minute.
Should you use it? Well that all depends on what you’re going to use it for. I think the implied selling point is that you can use it to dominate AdSense. If that’s what you’re thinking, I’d say forget about it.
In my opinion, creating mass quantities of blogs and using RSS to “autoblog” definitely qualifies as a “spammy” technique. You need to consider whether it is worth losing your AdSense account.
On the other hand, if you have a legitimate purpose for it, then it could be a great tool. For example, if you wanted to host all your family members and relatives’ blogs on one domain. You could set up a separate blog for each person in a matter of minutes. Or let’s say you have a site about a certain topic, let’s say “gardening”. You could invite some expert gardeners to blog on your site (you’ll offer them free publicity and blog hosting). Then simply use the WP Mass Installer each time you want to add a new blogger.
This is not a completely new concept. There have been some very similar programs out for awhile, with a somewhat steeper price tag…
SEO Blog Builder – $297
RSS To Blog Mass Installer – $297
Due to the “spamminess”, I’ll only give this a one-thumb-up, but due to the potential usefulness and very low price I won’t rule it out either.
As always, you can leave your comments here in the blog.
Have a great day!
Yep, I’m afraid I would have to go back after another affiliate link on that one! lol Too weird!
BTW, thanks for the ‘inner circle’ invitation, I sure am glad I got the discount on that one!! hehe
Thanks a lot Eric! I just about had a heart attack at your BIG joke for the Innter Circle; thought you had gone to the other side. >
Kathe – you’re welcome π
Gail- Yes I’m not sure how some people will interpret it. But nah, don’t worry I won’t go over to the dark side, and if I do be sure to pull me back OK?
Well, Eric, on the flip side, Jim Edwards thinks that 6-6-6 is a really good date (and number) because he said like the launching of our country’s fight for freedom on the beaches at Normandy long before you were born and he suggests thinking in a positive vein about launching your own online beachhead for financial freedom.
Like everything, it’s all in how we choose to interpret it. So… it could be a good sign for you. π
Have a great rest of the week,
Yo Eric,
It’s weird to be assigned 666 on this auspicious day.
You must be in stupor for that 3 minutes there…
Did you check your left temple for some embossed
letterings surfacing on the scalp, or
your suddenly being able to perceive heightened
extra-sensory pre-monitions – like…
a torrent of Eric’s Tips subscribers clawing to get
into Eric’s Inner Circle? Kidding… π
Nonetheless, it’s still a potentially Earth-shattering
system you are offering today!
Maybe you’ve been ordained to rock out the ‘evil’
elements of internet marketing fraternity.
Thank you Eric
I joined your inner circle, but I think you offered it way too cheap π
I am not so sure about the wpmassinstaller though. I am still thinking if I should
buy it or not. I can see the massive potential here, but I am sceptical about posting
automatically to blogs. I have tried it with RssToBlog and most of those blogs got banned
from Google.
What if I created 100 blogs and posted private label articles? Hm…
But then they are still all on the same IP address, so not much benefit there
if I am going for links.
I might still get it, since the price is highly attractive.
I like wordpress but I don’t know if I would use such a product.
On the other hand this has been a week of strange coincidence around the numbers 666. The other day I went through a drive in food establishment and my order came to 6.66. Today a friend viewing an ebay auction noticed he was the 666 visitor to the site and he pointed it out to me on the computer he was on. I don’t know what it means but it’s wacky and weird just as your’e getting the affiliate number 666 is. An omen, maybe? Then again?
Thanks for the Invite! I have a lot to check out Just getting started.
Today 6/6/06 is my 31st wedding anivarsary so not a bad day.
keep up the good work.
Lord Bless,
I joined your Inner Circle because it will be interesting to follow the steps of product creation from start to finish. However, I must say the I think you probably sent this invitation to all your email list even though it says “special invitation”.
I’ve been fascinated by Liz and all that she is doing on the web, so that was one reason that I joined. We all need someone to look to as a business model.
Barbara King
A couple of thoughts. First if you are doing this kind of building, you can’t think in terms of hundreds, you have to thing in thousands and better still tens of thousands. And they WILL get banned in the search engines, your goal is to build them faster than Google bans them. But these is a lot more to it than that. It’s tedius mind numbing work, but it does work.
Second, if you want to set up lots of WP blogs but not neccessarily 1000 at a time, and you want to use them for building quality blogs. http://mu.wordpress.org/ is made specifically for this. Well, it’s made to be a wordpress blog hosting application, but you could always hide the create a blog link and be your own best customer. And you can’t beat the price tag.
Hello Eric,
I have been a subscriber for a while and always read your newsletter because it’s easy to read and not long like others.
Thanks for the invite will definately get in there.
On the other hand would you like to try out WP ManagerDX at no cost for trying, reviewing and possible recommending to your members?
I would like to hear what you have to say about mine since you reviewed WP mass installer which is similar but mine does not have the auto rss posting feature. But think is great like you said when used as a tool for saving time – I use it for plr articles which I don’t think will be banned if you post every other day and not make it look like spammy blogs.
Anyways, let me know – looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for all the great stuff you share with us.
Thanks for the invite to your inner circle. To much value to pass up for so little. Thanks for the heads up on so much of the junk out there.
Hi Eric,
I certainly do agree with you that the use of RSS to mass-create multiple blogs, on an automatic basis, is a “spammy” technique, which would almost surely put your Adsense account at risk. While there is a more valid reason for using RSS to add content to existing blogs, (for example, to periodically “freshen” those blogs), the use of RSS as the SOLE means of populating one or multiple blogs, for whatever reason, is truly self-defeating, and would only be used by those who are totally clueless, lazy, pursuing the “GetRichQuick” fantasy-of-the-day, or just downright self-destructive!
In regards to WP Mass Installer, however, while it does have that feature, it IS just an “option”, and not its core focus, by any means.
The real value of WP Mass Installer (WPMI), at least to me, is that I can use it to create all the niche blogs I could possibly want or need, with only a single copy of WordPress installed. This yields a massive space savings on my server, and saves incalculable hours of time, compared to installing and configuring multiple copies of WordP for each blog by hand,
Plus, I can administer all of the blogs, either from the WPMI interface, OR from each blog’s WordPress dashboard. I can also populate each of those niche blogs with that niche’s set of articles that I have authored, as well as “Private Label Rights” articles that I have for that niche (after suitably “customizing” the articles to increase their uniqueness using, say, Secret Article Converter). The products offered in the WPMI after-purchase OTO are a perfect companion for just that purpose, if one doesn’t already have such assets already in their arsenal, all at an astoundingly low price.
After accomplishing the above, I can then easily monetize ALL of those article pages, in ALL of those keyword-rich, highly targeted niche blogs, with my Adsense ad blocks and link units, thereby greatly multiplying my AdSense revenue, month after month.
And all of the above does not use the “RSS to blog post” feature, and it didn’t require me to spend a small fortune to acquire it.
So, for what it’s worth, you can add my “two-thumbs-up” to your “one-thumb-up”. That makes WPMI a “three-thumbs-up” product in my book!
Best regards,
P.S. That part about your affiliate link is certainly too weird to be classified as a “coincidence”, by any stretch of the imagination. I mean, c’mon, while I haven’t done the math, can you imagine what the odds are for something like that to occur?? I would definitely get another affiliate ID….just to be on the safe side!
First let me say how much I enjoy Eric’s Tips. I look forward to reading every one!
I have not tried the blogging thing as yet. I have not noticed that you reviewed Blogging to the Bank , or did you? I would be interested in your take on it.
Thank you!
I’m fairly new to internet marketing and will say I do follow much of Erics advice. I appreciate his honesty, telling it like it is. His Adsense inner circle is, I think a great idea! I am not one to just jump in and buy every great sounding product that comes along, but think I’ll give this one a whirl. If I get more than 5 or 6 emails from different people a day on the same product, its usually right in the trash bin. Concerning the wpmassinstaller I think I agree with Pawel on thinking it could be a great idea for a while. Google and the others will find a way of putting an end to it if too many blogs start popping up this way. Then we take the power of the blogs away from everyone. As far as the 666 thing, I would not have felt to comment unless I had a personal encounter with it today, very bizaar to say the least. Eric, we all appriciate the work and help we all recieve from you! Keep um coming! Cheers and God Bless
Thanks for all the comments everyone…
Ed- happy anniversary!
Barbara K- you are correct in a way… I did send the special invitation to all members of “Eric’s Tips”, but not to any other of my lists, and obviously I’m not promoting it externally via any affiliates or anything.
Dane- That’s a good way of looking at it, and further confirmation that it is NOT the kind of strategy that I would like to spend my time pursuing. And thanks for the tip about multi-user WordPress.
Edna Melendez – Sure I’ll take a look at it. Please send download info in a helpdesk ticket. Do I understand correctly from your sales page that you can install WP blogs to multiple DOMAINS from one installation of WP ManagerDX? If so, that’s something I could really use…
Ken- Thanks for the note about possible usage of RSS feeds in in blogging. And for the reiteration of positive attributes of WP Mass Installer. I definitely agree. It’s well worth the investment for the time you’ll save running your blogs. It’s just too bad so many people will abuse the system anyway.
Lyn- You are right I have not reviewed Blogging to the Bank. I think it was way overhyped in the last few months. I’ve got a good blogging resource I’ll be recommending later this month.
Thanks all!
HI Eric,
I joined “Inner Circle” and I think it’s a great investment. I’ve learned some excellent things already and having a video to go along with it
really helps me since I’m a visual learner as opposed to reading which I still can do in the pre-amble.
I have a question which could turn into a good article for your blog. I’m in the market for a new site builder especially made for adsense. I did the Traffic Equalizer and other grey / black hat builders and am going straight now with building good quality sites with a real site builder.
I’ve been looking at XSitePro and Content Creator Pro. I’m not very technical otherwise Dreamweaver or Frontpage would do. Since you have obvious Adsense expertise, what programs would you say are the better ones? As I said ealier, this might make a good review with the multitudes of generators, builders and scripts which come up almost everyday. Perhaps an ongoing review where you could add to the existing reviews as new site builders are being marketed.
In the meantime I would appreciate your input on a good builder with a reasonably easy learning curve and makes good “white hat” sites.
Keep up the great work,
i really thank u for whate you are doing in peopls life keep it on
Jack- Thanks for the comments. As for which site builder program…
XsitePro is good. I don’t use it personally because I write all my HTML in MS Notepad, but most people I’ve talked to have liked it, especially newbies. However, there’s a “white hat” site builder included with my new product Instant AdSense Templates, which Joel and I are launching on July 5th. You’ll want to check it out π http://www.instantadsensetemplates.com
Thanks for the info. The WP Mass Installer looks like something that good benefit me.