AdSpyPro Compared to Google Cash Detective

By | June 9, 2007

UPDATE: These products are now outdated, and I do not necessarily recommend them any longer. I am leaving this review here for informational purposes only. Additionally, I have removed some of the links from this article. To get the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #128 – 06/09/2007

When Chris Carpenter released his much anticipated Google Cash Detective last week, it sold out in a matter of hours.

I personally bought a copy of it within the first half hour of the launch, and I was order #395 (assuming the orders were sequential).

I plan on using GCD to help cut down trial and error time in developing profitable new PPC campaigns.

Remember about six weeks ago, I wrote about the proliferation of “clones” and their tendency to coincide with guru’s product launches?

Well it’s happened again.

Although in this case, it wouldn’t quite be fair to call AdSpyPro a Google Cash Detective “clone”, because GCD itself was not the first of its kind.

Neither would I call GCD a clone, because I’m quite sure Chris Carpenter developed it in accordance with his own needs. But it came out more than a month after John Jonas’ Undercover Profits, which essentially does the same thing.

I decided not to invest in Undercover Profits mainly because of the $291/month price tag, and I knew something cheaper would soon follow.

Likewise, that’s a big part of the reason I DID buy Google Cash Detective. At a price of $497 (with no recurring payments, unless you also subscribe to the Google Cash Automator), it seemed a bargain.

But now, JP Schoeffel has released AdSpyPro at a “guru killer” price that puts the others to shame.

If you missed out on Undercover Profits and Google Cash Detective, or just couldn’t afford them, this is your chance to pick up an affordable alternative.

By the way, Undercover Profits is currently SOLD OUT of it’s 300 member limit. Likewise, Google Cash Detective is SOLD OUT of its initial 500 member limit.

So if you want to start “spying” on keywords to see which ones are the most likely to be profitable, I recommend picking up AdSpyPro at this low price.

In case you were wondering, I will NOT be asking for a refund of Google Cash Detective. For one thing, I think Chris Carpenter is one of the foremost experts in the PPC field, and I think he will provide more value in his program over the long term. So if you’re serious about PPC, you might want to pick up a copy of GCD if he releases any more memberships.

But if you don’t want to wait, and if you would rather spend less money for a similar program, grab AdSpyPro while it’s still available.

I also want to take just a moment to mention a couple of concerns that I have with all of these keyword “spy” programs.

First of all, they are not an all-inclusive system. While they will help you identify potentially profitable keywords, they can not tell you with 100% accuracy which keywords will convert for YOU.

Therefore it’s essential that you track your results, whether it be through the PPC program’s built-in tracker (only works if you are able to plant a piece of code on the destination site), through a rudimentary spreadsheet, or through a specially designed program such as Keyword X-ray or Xtreme Conversions (ironically the topic of my last “clone” edition).

Secondly, I halfway expect to see a day when Google decides to prevent these third-party scripts and software programs from being able to harvest the keyword and advertisement data.

In conclusion, I’d say if you are using PPC then you should grab AdSpyPro or one of its more expensive competitors, and exploit it while you can.

Click here to visit AdSpyPro…

As always, you may leave your comments here on the blog.

Have a great day!

51 thoughts on “AdSpyPro Compared to Google Cash Detective

  1. Norberto Maldonado

    Hey Eric,
    I just bought Adspy pro through your link as well based on your recommendation and at that price hell I’ve eaten lunches for more money that were terrible. It’s a throw away price.
    thanks again and I’ll be sure to leave feedback as I delve into both programs.
    -Norberto Marcel Maldonado(velvetpunch)


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