Affiliate Sales Videos

By | July 29, 2007

UPDATE: This product is now outdated, and I do not recommend it any longer. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only, and I have removed the links from this article. Also I am no longer the owner of Affiliate Video Brander or Video Pop-in Genius. To get the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #133 7/29/2007

Most of you bought my new Affiliate Video Brander, my Video Pop-In Genius, or both. While these tools make it a breeze to incorporate videos into your online marketing, there is one thing they don’t do. They don’t give you pre-made videos, ready to be used with them. With the Video Pop-In Genius, you either need to make your own video or find one suitable to be used as a pop-in. With the Affiliate Video Brander, you need to find videos for affiliate products, and in most cases you need to get permission to use them.

Because of this, my partner on Affiliate Video Brander (Michael Nicholas) and I literally had developed a plan to create a monthly affiliate video membership site to fill this need. It’s almost a no-brainer. Affiliate marketers need videos, and we could provide new ones each month.

So when I saw this new program from Dr. Mike Woo Ming and Eric Louviere today, I knew I needed to take a few moments to let you know about it. Apparently they saw the same opportunity that I saw, because they just released a membership program to provide videos each month for affiliate products.

These are screen capture videos that can be used in conjunction with the Video Pop-In Genius or the Affiliate Video Brander. Each month they will provide you with 10 new affiliate videos for hot products, plus a whole lot more (I can’t believe they are even including 5 professionally written sales letters each month!).

Sure, I wish I’d have been the one to release this service first, but I know how valuable this can be for your business, so I’m not going to hide it from you or act like it doesn’t exist. In fact, they are capping the membership at only 450 members, so I can assure you that it will fill up quickly.

Based on how hot of a phenomenon this is, I expect they’ll sell out in a day or two. You can check it out here:

(Link removed – product no longer available)

OK, time to get back to the reality of producing a reality show.

As always you can post your comments here on the blog.

Have a great day!

10 thoughts on “Affiliate Sales Videos

  1. Pat Rowan

    Hi Eric,

    I just had to stop today and take the time to tell you how much I respect you. When I see that I have received an email from you, I immediately read it. I know that it will actually say something that is not just a sales pitch for your benefit. You actually care about the people on your “list” and anyone else that reads your blog. I for one appreciate the type of integrity that you displayed in today’s post, recommending a sale for someone else because they got it done before you did. You are really a wonderful marketer, but more importantly a man that when he speaks does so with complete honesty and I think you are extraordinary!

    Pat Rowan

  2. Franck Silvestre

    I was a subscriber of Affiliate Sales Letters, and I received good material. It’s funny, a while ago, I asked who was able to do videos for me on a forum, and here is the answer.

    I have several project going on right now, so I may subscribe later on.

  3. Steve Ingram

    Hello, Eric

    Thanks for the heads up on the Affiliate Sales Videos – I just wish they would have included an example or two of their work. I won’t spend $47 per mo. sight un-seen.


  4. Kim Harrison

    Hi Eric,

    I purchased the Affiliate Video Brander and when I asked you where to find videos you responded right away. I later got an email about Dr. Mikes’ videos and it is a great idea. I did subscribe and am working on sites to show the videos (wish that was done!).
    Thanks again Eric – the Colorado guys rule: Eric, Holmlund, Joel Comm, Rick Butts – thanks to all.

  5. Jeff

    How do we use AVB with this product? I am trying and its no working


  6. Faith


    I believed you are really a good man, just like your BEAUTIFUL WIFE i envey her….I am right here in Nigeria, the largest black nation in Africa if not the world. I want to thank you for your mails even though i am not into Internet Business, i don’t even have a website but i m beginning to think of joining you people how to start is my major problem now. I will appreciate your advise, how will i have one please.

  7. Hugh

    Hi Eric,

    I purchased Video Pop In Genius at the start of July. I did not receive a licence key for the product. I have emailed the primary & secondary email addresses but still have not received a reply. I do not use yahoo messnger etc and don’t want to install it on my system just so I can get in contact with Amy.

    I use readnotify to track all my email and so far it seems that the emails haven’t been opened less replied to.

    I would really appreciate it if you could help out with this. I received an email from you about the Peel Away software which I would have been really intersted in buying but decided not to simply as a result of the problems with purchasing but not being able to use Video Pop In Genius.



  8. FJ

    Hi Eric,

    I know you’ve been pretty busy with the production of the Next Internet Millionaire.

    So busy that we don’t hear from you as often. By the way you guys have done an
    excellent job with this project. I can’t wait to see the kickoff tomorrow.

    Have you gotten a chance to check out: Yuwie ( )?

    It is like a cross between MySpace and Agloco. Do you think this service will catch on?

    I would be interested in your take.


  9. Patrick Scholer


    How can we use Affiliate Video Brander to post videos to sites like YouTube, etc.?

    Can you provide a step by step tutorial on this?


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