Autopilot Traffic Machine

By | November 26, 2006

Special Edition 11/26/2006

This review is outdated, and I no longer recommend the product. I have removed the links from this page.

13 thoughts on “Autopilot Traffic Machine

  1. Joe Sansoucie

    Hi there,
    I have a question. Is this peer to peer?

    The reason is they say on the site that it’s none of the proven methods of traffic generation.
    Any light on this subject would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Joe Sansoucie

  2. Chris

    Hi Eric…
    would like to know if the ATM does hv a OTO attached ?

  3. Eric Post author

    Joe- I honestly haven’t talked to Ewen about it yet. But I have done business with Jo Han and Ewen, and I know they’re the real all I can assure is that their techniques are legitimate. I’m looking forward to what they reveal on the 28th, and perhaps I’ll be able to say more about it then. I’d be doubtful that it’s something new that I haven’t heard of…but who knows. Maybe it really is new, or maybe it’s a new angle on an old method. All I know for now is that it’s working for them and I want to know what it is…

    Chris- There is an OTO… a very good one (I bought it)… but it’s not a mandatory purchase. In other words, you’ll still get the info without the OTO.

  4. Angelica

    When will you post your comments on the Autopilot traffic machine?


  5. Eric Post author

    Angelica- sorry, I got busy testing these other traffic systems 😉 I’ll post my comments about ATM sometime this month, sorry for the delay.

  6. Successful Home Business

    So what can you tell us about the ATM?

    Can you give us hint? I rather not just throw my money away
    unless it is something tremendous.

    Give us an example of the method. Have you seen any results with it?
    How much does it cost to implement?

  7. Ndoki

    I have just installed the Autopilot Traffic Machine software on my server. The software by itself is not the ATM system (tho’ labeled as such), but is an essential step to delivering traffic to your website. Once I installed the software, configured the site to my tastes, placed my ads (to affiliate programs I am involved in, my products, and even Google Adsense), it appears that it is simply a matter of time before the search engines crawl to index my site. Yes, I see the “traffic-delivery” potential of ATM. You MUST have some knowledge of FTP (for file transfer), PHP and MYSQL and setting file permissions. ATM provides excellent instructions, however. Your host provider’s server must support MYSQL and PHP. Most host providers these days do. I am the patient type and will give this a month or two to see what kinds of results I get with it. Configuration of my ATM website is nearly complete and I will post the URL in a few days for those interested in seeing what it looks like. In my opinion $20 is a drop in the bucket if ATM works. We shall see.

  8. Rod

    Hey Eric,

    The ATM transcript wasn’t really clear on how to set up these “feeder sites”. They said it could be a blog or something. So does that mean you should go get six blogs set up to feed traffic to your money site? Or does the software somehow actually do that for you? The whole feeder system wasn’t really clear how it works. I’ve heard about the feeder site system somewhere before but I haven’t been able to find where that was. Anyone with a link to where you can learn more about it? Thanks.

  9. Chris_Titan


    I have been looking deeply into the ATM, Autopilot Traffic Machine very closely because I intend on promoting it very heavily after the Dec. 28th Launch date of the 100 packages of resale rights which were released. I am intensly convinced that this system is going to be of great calue to many many people who want to sell information online. When people figure out that they can monetize their personal knowledge with a network of individuals who are working at home with online marketing businesses there is going to be a tsunami of money to be made. A genuine shift in the business reality is at hand.

    That said. The feeder site is going to be of primary importance. The feeder site is really what most people are familiar with. This can be your web page, your blog, a skidoo lens, MySpace or any form of internet publishing. This is what ever you publish that gets attention. If you have a blog that is full of banner ads and affiliate links you are not going to gain return traffic. You must at least have the ability to gather a crowd with your information, even if it is a small crowd depending on how big your niche is.

    The blog is good for search engine placement. In this case your feeder site must capture the attention of the prospect with interesting content. The feeder site builds your reputation as a knowlegeable person, it builds the trust in the prospect that you are not just conning them out of their money with a pig in a poke. (google that for a laugh)

    I am building an affiliate network around this product and will be glad to answer all questions to my affiliates.

    Click “Chris-Titan Says” for connection detail.

    Thanks Eric! I am going to put your great blog on my side bar so my affiliates will be sure to check out your excellent site. Happy Holidays! The Holy World Wobble bringing back the Sun!


    Chris Titan

  10. Alexander

    I saw your message at the forum about the “Autopilot traffic machine.”
    Unfortunately Ewen Chia developer of this type of traffic is no longer sells.
    I would like to ask you, can I buy it from you? write please!!!!

  11. Blake

    I find it intresting that back in 06′ several people are talking about setting up and testing ATM. Then the thread goes dry untill 08′ I didn’t see any follow ups to let us know if it actually worked well or not.Combine this with the fact that it is no longer fro sale I am going to guess not.Anyone have any more info on the success or failure of this product???

  12. exodus

    i was reading something similar on another website that i was researching. I will be sure to look around more. thanks…


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