A Couple of Things for Today…

By | January 16, 2008

UPDATE: This offer is no longer available. Additionally, we sold Affiliate Video Brander to a new owner. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. To get the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #148

In the last edition, I wrote that there would be two important things happening today. So here they are…

(offer no longer available)

The second thing that’s happening is my birthday 🙂

I’m now 29, so I guess next year will be a bit of a milestone. Anyway, I thought my birthday would be a good day for a product launch, so please take a look at the package that we’ve put together.

Instead of the all-too-common low quality stuff, this is a great product that you can confidently sell and keep 100% of the profits.

We’re only offering it for a short period of time, so I encourage you to grab your license today at:

(offer no longer available)

As always you can post your comments here on the blog.

Have a great day!

37 thoughts on “A Couple of Things for Today…

  1. Pingback: Blog » Blog Archive » Affiliate Video Brander Resale Rights

  2. proson

    can you tell me more on what your affiliate video brander include? Can I use it to promote others affiliate products or just your own? thanks

  3. Jack

    Hey Eric. happy b’day.

    How does the “resale rights” work? You don’t have to bore everyone else with this, but if you could email me with the details, i.e., do I ship the product, or you; do I forward requests to you or your site or do I close the deal? Obviously I’m a newbie and I wouldn’t mind dabbling a little bit.


  4. Martin D.

    Eric, happy birthday and may you live to see 2079 when you’ll be 100. I wonder if you’ll still be guiding us with your tips. lol
    You can’t retire! Because your business runs itself. lol
    Haven’t bought the AVB yet so can’t comment on it but it sure sounds good and even better with 30% off.

  5. Frank

    Have a great 29th and 2008. Can’t remember that far back myself.
    Oldest grandchild is only a decade behind you.
    already have AVB though haven’t got it working.
    do we get an upgrade to V2 you mentioned just came out???

  6. Joe

    Regarding your offer of the 319 videos – is it possible to view one or two of them so I see the quality and content

  7. JWK

    Happy Birthday Eric !!
    Even though I already own AVB, I bought another copy today (Version 2) and also purchased the PLR rights.

    Thanks for over delivering product every time !!

  8. yuanyu

    Happy birthday, Eric! Good Luck for you everyday ! I from China, so more content i can not understand, i will try my best to do, thank you!

  9. Eric Post author

    Frank- yes owners of AVB will receive the upgrade to 2.0. But of course if you want the resale rights license you would still have to buy that separately.

  10. Eric Post author

    Jack- its a digitally delivered product. So you would just need to have your own website. People would buy it from you (for example using Paypal), and then would be directed to your thank-you page where they could then download the file.

  11. Mandy

    Happy Birthday!Eric

    I have a question about Video Brander resale right, it seems to me,that’s a software for those big marketers who already have a big list of they own and doing well in this business. How about for a newbie? who never done resell right before, still new to the affiliate market? I am just wondering how a newbie can be success at this resell right business. I am afraid it will be too complicate to me to get into it, expeically if you don’t know where and how to promote it.


  12. AndyC in U.K.

    Hi Eric

    First My apologies, seems I left the following comment on one of your other pages too, still hope that didn’t matter! I didn’t realize it was the wrong page till it was to late!

    Nice to make your aquaintance as you will see from one of my sites I have listed here I think the idea of using video on webages is the way to go in 2008!

    I have today ordered my copy of Affiliate Video Brander 2.0 and although I am a bit of a novice compared to you and possibly all who have placed comments on your page here, by the way nice to meet you all!

    I hope to at least utilise all the products I received to the best of my ability but as I am still a learner any help offered would be apreciated!

    As you can see from one of my first attempts at a website here http://www.bestonthenet.ws
    I know I have still allot to learn but I have always followed my rule of Nothing-Ventured then Nothing-Gained!

    Well guess I will get back to Affiliate Video Brander 2.0 now and try and follow the instructions and hopefully in time recoup at least my intitial fees LOL:

    At least I have started some promotion using my affiliate link http://itsezyman.vidbrander.hop.clickbank.net
    Then by the 30th January “08 I should have some of the links in the system in place!

    Looking forward to further tips you send!

    Bye for now AndyC

    p.s. seems a Happy belated Birthday wish is in order! All the best!

  13. Mike


    Q about videos.

    Can I use youtube and google videos (mine) to do it or is it just flash and uploading to my server??


  14. Ulla H

    How does it work to brand a video if one use the script that install videosites? Are there instructions how to do that? Can I do that in a html editor or how does it work?

    Best wishes,
    Ulla H

  15. Jaques Beaudoin

    Hi Eric,
    I have the original version of Video Brander how do I get the version 2.0 upgrade? All I am getting in my email is links to buy the new version!
    Regards, Anteek

    PS Ignore my previous email to you I got the wrong impression from your email about the new version.

  16. Eric Post author

    Jaques- please email Michael and he will send you a link to the zip file of the new version. Thanks

  17. Jim Hunt

    Hi Eric,

    At the suggestion of Dave Wilcox I’m moving this discussion over here from his blog (http://www.internetmarketersanonymous.com)

    Can customers like me, who bought the OTO and hence the source before January 29th, expect to receive in due course a new version of source code that compiles into an application that works properly with SWF and FLV at a minimum?



  18. Suzanne Grant


    I want to answer your question though Eric did I do not think he has the time to elaborate on it.

    Resale Rights means YOU can Resell the product, someone who owns a product can offer you the rights to resell it. You could not sell someone’s else product placing it on your own website unless you BUY the “resale rights” from the owner of that product.

    Not to be confused, you can always sell other people’s products as an Affiliate online or offline but in the resale rights case is different because once you bought the “resale rights” to a specific product you can earn 100% from it. In the case of an Affiliate you would get a percentage of the sale only. It is not your product. Capishe?

    Then it gets even more confusing… LOL

    You can go a step up and buy “Private Label Rights” if the owner of the product offers them for sale. In this case not only you have “resale rights” but you can sell the “Resale Rights” to others who in turn CAN (have the rights) to resell the product.

    I only hope I did not confused you more…

    In brief you cannot sell what you do not own. In the PRL case the owner transfers the ownership to you and in the Resale rights case you do not own but can (have the right) to resell the product.

    I hope this helps.

  19. Augustine

    Hey Eric,

    Just an observation if you do not mind. I know you are a good guy trying to help the newbies but on this blog you have the ‘external nofollow’ argument on. That means no one who posts here on your blog gets a back link to their site Correct? Did you just forget it on? Or…

    I wonder if you lose anything by not entering the ‘external nofollow’
    argument in the code.

    Thank you!

  20. Eric Post author

    Augustine – thanks for letting me know about the no-follow tags. I thought I had turned them off a long time ago. I will remove them when I get a chance, as I don’t mind passing PR to commenters.

    The main thing I could potentially lose, is some PR with Google if they deemed my site to be linking to “bad neighborhoods”. but I’m not too worried, as I approve comments manually.

  21. Augustine

    Thanks Eric but the ‘external nofollow’ are still there os of March 11.
    You lose NOTHING by not having the ‘external nofollow’ ON- I know that as a fact (my blog)
    These SEO myths are just that…

    BUT potentialy lose credibility with your trusted subscribers.

    They call this in chinese “small heart”

    Anyways it’s your call.



  22. Augustine

    Hi Eric,

    Thank you for your time and effort BUT the ‘external nofollow’ is still on after two weeks.

    Besides the promotion and other benefits you get from visitors … the question still remains ..what’s in it for us? Why should we came, post and read your comments if this is a “ONE WAY STREET” ?


  23. Eric Post author

    Augustine- I am planning on revamping my whole blog sometime before June, at which time I will make sure there is no no-follow on comments. I would do it sooner but I’m pretty sure I would have to fix it in the code, as it’s not just a checkbox in WordPress.

  24. Andreas

    Hi Eric,

    When I watched promotional video of AVB on youtube I thought this would be a very good program. However, now I have bought it and I have changed my mind … This program does not work at all …. You say it works with .swf files …. I have input about 30 different urls of swf files, NONE of them worked. Always the same message “I/O error 123” or “Cannot find flash files”. The only video it worked with was the one stated in the camtasia tutorial that came included with AVB.

  25. Micah

    Hello Andreas,

    Michael should be able to help you out. Simply email Michael @ ImpactInfoMarketing.com, and be sure to specify “Affiliate Video Brander” in the subject line.


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