Edition #119
Last night I had dinner in Washington DC with Tom Kulzer, the CEO of Aweber.
In case you didn’t know, Aweber is the company I use to manage my email lists (such as Eric’s Tips).
We talked about some of Aweber’s new features, several of which I was not even aware of. One of the cool things that I didn’t previously know about is their “geo-targeting” feature.
It allows you to segment your list by geographic location. It’s not perfect, but it gives a good estimate of most locations.
So if you received an email about this edition, please let me know: is the location in the subject line of the email close to where you live? If you’ve got a minute, I’d appreciate if you could post your location in the comments of my blog. I also think it will be neat just to see where everyone is from.
Aweber also has a mapping function. I’ve posted a map below which shows where all of my subscribers are located around the world:
According to Alexa.com, only about 50% of all visitors to the Eric’s Tips blog are from the US, and the map from Aweber seems to coincide with that number.
It’s a little mind-boggling for me to think about all of you reading this all over the world, and very humbling at the same time.
We also talked a lot about email strategies and statistics. Tom is fanatical about that type of stuff, and he gave me a lot of great information. He actually posts a lot of great tips on the Aweber company blog, which is a goldmine of information for their customers.
Since a lot of you have been asking me for “more tips” lately, I’ll share a couple of them with you here.
Best time of day:
Morning is by far and away the best time for emailing your list. Most emails are opened in the 9AM-10AM range. While I don’t always stick to it, I often send my emails just a little earlier than that, to make sure they arrive shortly prior to this hot zone.
Best day of the week:
While it seems that it might be getting a little overly-used in the internet marketing community, Tuesday is often the best day to send an email to your list.
Avoiding spam filters:
While you should avoid spammy keywords in your emails (to stay out of spam filters), you should NOT use special characters and weird spellings in an attempt to get around the spam filters. Doing so will only make you look more like a spammer (I need to go fix that on some of my older autoresponder messages).
I hope you found those helpful, and Aweber has many more helpful materials and tips for their customers. If you’re not already building a list, you NEED to be. And if you don’t already have a company that you’re using, I highly recommend Aweber.
Remember to post your location in the comments so we can see where everyone lives 🙂
Have a great day!
Hello Eric,
I am form Hamilton, Bermuda. Spring is definitely here, the weather is beautiful.
You should come and visit: it’s less than a 2-hour filght from New York.
Have a great day!
No, I’m not in the Dallas area, I’m from Derby, that’s in the middle of England. I’m from the UK.
Thanks for the tips.
Because I know that some of my subscribers are in the States, I’ve set my newsletter to be sent out in the early hours of the morning UK time. That way I hope to catch most of people in the morning.
Wishing you well
Lynne Lee
Hi! Yes, you’re right. I’m from Singapore!
I’m from Malaysia.
Not sure how it got Bukit Gajah Lawan as my area. Btw i’m from Penang Malaysia.
Yeah I am from South Africa. The location is wrong, I live in Port Elizabeth. But I guess it’s right because my internet’s servers is in Midrand. Thanks for all the tips
Hi, Eric.
Yes, that’s correct. I’m in Vancouver Washington.
Keep up the great work on your tips too…I always appreciate your perspective.
Take care,
I’m living near Oslo in Norway.
Thank you for your serious newsletter!
All the best,
Hi Eric,
Yes I live just outside Wigan. A very small world!
Thanks for your tips.
Hello From (Rainy) Richmond B.C. Canada
Thank You for the great newsletter.
Bob L.
Not a million miles away old chap. The area mentioned is in north west London and I’m west of London…….tell Tom to get his act together will you…
Well done
Hi Eric.
You asked about my proximity to Victoria, BC. Well, were I am, Port Alberni, is 117 miles away, a 2.5 – 3 hour drive.
Will there be a random prize draw for those who responded? LOL!
I live in Fort Myers, FL area. Great tip!
Hi Eric, almost perfrect match! 🙂 But since Bratislava is out capital and Trnava is just about 45 km from it – the location is quite correct!
All the best,
Sweden was right but the location is Trelleborg 😉
Kihei is close and I recently moved from Kihei and bought a house in Kahului. It’s all on the island of Maui.
Hi Eric,
I live in Sydney, Australia on the Northern Beaches,
20miles of sun,beach and sea.
As requested please do a tutorial on autoresponders.
So enjoy your emails
Hi Eric,
Mine just said, “area” but the last time I checked, I was in Dallas, Texas. Enjoy your newslette and recommend it to others all the time.
Keep up the good work.
Hi Eric,
I live in Endeavour Hills a south-eastern suburb of Melbourne, Australia, about 40 minutes drive from the city center. The location you gave, Glen Waverley, another south-eastern suburb, is about 10 – 11 miles or 20 minutes drive from where I live and about 25 minutes from the city center.
So I’d say that the pinpoint is pretty close on a world scale.
Hi Eric
I am from South Africa, living in Saldanha, a small town on the West Coast, about 150 km from Cape Town. Could’nt make money on the net yet, but not giving up.
Thanks for the helpful tips.
All my best wishes Karin.
Hi Eric,
I am in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Also have offline business interest/relatioship in Japan, China and Malaysia.
Best Regards,
G’day – yep got it right – Perth Western Australia – great place to live 🙂
You are right. I do live in India. But do not live close to Delhi. I am atleast 2000 Kms. from Delhi.
State: KERALA ( the southern most state of India)
City: Trivandrum, the capital city of the state of Kerala
It was 1300 kilometers out. I’m in Brisbane and it said Canberra.
I was actually born in Canberra, could Aweber be smarter than we think?
Aloha Eric,
There was no mention of where in my subject or email, just a question mark… oh and how’s the weather?,
It’s Great here, although its late in the evening when I’m responding to your request.
Anyway I am from Oahu Hawaii USA.
Thanks for sending your marketing tips newsletter, it’s much appreciated.
Pittsburgh Pa….Verry nice…keep up the Good work ….
Hey Eric, your email felt so personal
Yes, the weather is quite balmy in Honolulu!
This is what was in te subject line: Becky, are you in the area? (let me know either way)
Then further down: How’s the weather in …?
and even further down: Aweber seems to think you are from:
So it didn’t even list a location for me 🙁 wonder what’s up with that?
Hi Eric
I’m from Laidley, Queensland, Australia. The closest city would be Brisbane.
You’re email had me as Dallas, USA.
Pretty interesting technology if it was working correctly all the time 🙂
Hello guys,
I’m from Croatia and I’m on Eric’s list. New one! Maybe week or two. Now I must subscribe just in his Newsletter – Eric’s Tips. You can see my job on Internet here:
http://www.pluginprofitsite.com/main-15972 or here http://www.money-trial4you.com/
and now I’m working on AdWords and advertising without of sites with JC and ClickBank and so one…
For our Success
and to you Eric, when you’ll be in Croatia-Europe, let me know !
Ales Orlic
my blog: http://money-trial4you.blogspot.com/
P.s. if anybody have some post for my site I’ll be happy to publish on my new site which will be start this weekend, 03.25.2007
Aweber didn’t pick my place but I’m in Adelaide, South Australia too. Hello David Dyke – it’s a small world!
I enjoy your tips Eric.
all the best
Hi, I am from the UK – Hull but am living in St Vincent in the Caribbean. I notice from the map that you have several people in this area. Would be interested to know if any are from St Vincent.
Always read your musings with great interst.
Hi Eric,
I am Paksitani living in Saudi Arabia
Very interesting, my email host is in Melbourne (I think) but I am about 10km from Adelaide where Aweber has determined that I was. Pretty good and accurate enough for most purposes..
Cheers from South Australia.
Hi Eric,
I’m from Springwood which is south of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Not in your email, but certainly on your map. Best wishes inputting all the data.
Eric, your sub line was spot on. I’m located in Osaka, Japan. I’m on a great connection with J-Com, so it probably pinpoints pretty close.
Hi Eric,
I’m from Queenstown, New Zealand.
Cheers, Paul
Hi Eric,
Well done, I have my postal address in Perth. At the moment I am living about 2.5 hours south of Perth in a small country town called Donnybrook.
keep the tips coming.
I guess Aweber was accurate, as when I first signed up for Eric’s Tips, I was living in Northampton, in England, which is about 45 miles from Stevenage, which is where Aweber thinks I’m located.
However, I moved to the USA in 2005, and am now living in Arizona.
Best wishes,
Hawaii is a beautiful place to be!
Hello Eric,
When I saw your subject line, I thought you were visiting my country, the Philippines. I’m in another island in this country. I have to cross the sea either by boat or plane just to get to Manila.
I’m impressed!
Very close Eric – your email said Leeds, which is about 70 miles from Wigan, UK where I live!
Hi Eric,
Yap, I’m from France. But somewhere in the south, just next to Monaco. Ever heard about Nice? Yes, I’m from there..
kia ora Eric, the greeting is my native language which is Maori and translates to read .hello Eric.
Yes Aweber is correct in that I reside in the city of Hamilton which is located in the North Island of NewZealand, I guess thats the power of the Internet which allows us to communicate to each other around the world.Keep the tips coming
Hi Eric,
I actually live on the Central Coast which is in the state of NSW which is about 4hrs drive North of Fyshwick. Fyshwick is in the ACT (Australian Capital Territoty) which is where the commonwealth government resides and the majority of our politicians.
For your information, Australia is made up of 6 States and 2 Territories.
I am from Connecticut, USA. Most of these location finders find me as in either New Haven or Meriden (both close to the town I live in), but the email didn’t include a location for me.
Hi Eric,
you got it right: Steven, are you in the Neuilly-sur-Seine area?
answer: YES its close to Paris, France
Hi Eric,
I’m in Edinburgh Scotland UK but Aweber location was blank in the email.
Thank you for your newsletter!!
I’m not in Ichikawa. I’m in Kanagawa prefecture, Fujisawa city (near to Kamakura).
Best wishes
I’m living in Phuket Thailand although I originate from the UK.