Edition #119
Last night I had dinner in Washington DC with Tom Kulzer, the CEO of Aweber.
In case you didn’t know, Aweber is the company I use to manage my email lists (such as Eric’s Tips).
We talked about some of Aweber’s new features, several of which I was not even aware of. One of the cool things that I didn’t previously know about is their “geo-targeting” feature.
It allows you to segment your list by geographic location. It’s not perfect, but it gives a good estimate of most locations.
So if you received an email about this edition, please let me know: is the location in the subject line of the email close to where you live? If you’ve got a minute, I’d appreciate if you could post your location in the comments of my blog. I also think it will be neat just to see where everyone is from.
Aweber also has a mapping function. I’ve posted a map below which shows where all of my subscribers are located around the world:
According to Alexa.com, only about 50% of all visitors to the Eric’s Tips blog are from the US, and the map from Aweber seems to coincide with that number.
It’s a little mind-boggling for me to think about all of you reading this all over the world, and very humbling at the same time.
We also talked a lot about email strategies and statistics. Tom is fanatical about that type of stuff, and he gave me a lot of great information. He actually posts a lot of great tips on the Aweber company blog, which is a goldmine of information for their customers.
Since a lot of you have been asking me for “more tips” lately, I’ll share a couple of them with you here.
Best time of day:
Morning is by far and away the best time for emailing your list. Most emails are opened in the 9AM-10AM range. While I don’t always stick to it, I often send my emails just a little earlier than that, to make sure they arrive shortly prior to this hot zone.
Best day of the week:
While it seems that it might be getting a little overly-used in the internet marketing community, Tuesday is often the best day to send an email to your list.
Avoiding spam filters:
While you should avoid spammy keywords in your emails (to stay out of spam filters), you should NOT use special characters and weird spellings in an attempt to get around the spam filters. Doing so will only make you look more like a spammer (I need to go fix that on some of my older autoresponder messages).
I hope you found those helpful, and Aweber has many more helpful materials and tips for their customers. If you’re not already building a list, you NEED to be. And if you don’t already have a company that you’re using, I highly recommend Aweber.
Remember to post your location in the comments so we can see where everyone lives 🙂
Have a great day!
Hi Eric,
I’m writing you here from Minneapolis. It’s fun to see the subscribers and visitors from all over the world. I have had a blast with Google’s Analytics. This is a really cool cool and it’s free!
All The Best,
Well Done Eric!
I am quite impressed, I live on the outskirts of Melbourne (Australia, Victoria) about 45 km away.
BTW, thanks so much for your informative newsletters.
Much Appreciated!
Gordon 🙂
Hi All,
I’m from Jitra, Malaysia… not from Kuala Lumpur. Although 400km off “target” :), the headline really caught my attention. Cool stuff!
For me, it’s a little bit more complicated than others…
I am from West Indies (La Guadeloupe, just beneath trinidad), I have French nationality (I was born in and grew up in Paris), I just left Dubai (I just spend 5 years there), and I am now in Egypt (since 6 month), but I am preparing to move to another country.
I told you it wasn’t easy to follow. And this is just a summary.
Satellite Beach, FL (atlantic coast of florida)
Hi, mine asked me if I was in Thornton … don’t know where that is. But it got the country right – UK. I am in Oxford. Love the map! Keep wondering about those dots out by themselves in some very cold places! Rosie
I am in Indiana
Hi Eric,
This is Shabbir from Bangalore, India.
It showed perfectly in my mail. Was really surprised about it untill I read your mail completely.
Yes, I too like your Newsletter. It rocks!
Shabbir Saherwala
Hi Eric,
I live in Melbourne, on the land of Terra Australis. (commonly referred to as Australia).
I get a lot out of your “Eric’s Tips”.
Many thanks,
Email said Jacksonville – I’m in Little Rock, Arkansas
Thanks for the great tips.
3 Easy Steps to Make Money Online
Had my location perfect !
I just started with aweber and your tips help out a lot thanks
Greetings from Nashville, Tennessee/ USA
Right where you thought I was!
sorry. quess you want the city huh. madison, in.
Hi, Erick.
I am really from Goiânia, area center-west of Brazil. Beautiful women’s hospitable earth and in the middle of the development. In fact, development that have been looking for with your precious collaboration. I am member of the WEBER, Tom Kulzer, and have been learning a lot with him, also. All the best,
Hi Eric,
For those of us staying in Malaysia, we will probably be shown as being somewhere in the vicinity of Kuala Lumpur. But no, I’m in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Malaysia). BTW, Sabah is the northern part of the island of Borneo.
Best regards.
Hi Eric,
Dallas area is what was on my mail.
I am from Glenrothes Fife Scotland UK.
It’s off by 500 miles. The email said Atlanta, but I am in St Petersburg, FL (Tampa area). I’m not too impressed if it’s not even getting the state right.
Hi Eric,
Lawrence here from:
City of Aberdeen
United Kingdom
Hi Eric ,
I am living in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Actually we are beguining the autum season, the temperature is about 23/25ºC
I enjoy your Tips
Best regards form BA
Hello Eric,
very clever !
I’ve heard of geo-targeting before but it’s combination with aweber makes it very usable and
– if it’s a standard feature – affordable.
And yes – I Iive about a km from the Sydney suburb of Baulkham Hills.
Pretty close –
PS : I enjoy your tips – keep it up !
Cheers ernig
Spot on. I am from Niagara Falls, Canada
Hello from Mountain View, Calfornia. It wasn’t all that long ago that if someone asked me
what aWeber was, I would have told them a Webber was the one of the Fab Five who brought dishonor and harm to the U. of Michigan basketball program. (Now redeeming himself with the Detroit Pistons.) Now I know it is generally considered the top service in
its niche. Let me “double opt-in” on that opinion. 😉
Val Spangler
“Fourscore and seven years ago”- Gettysburg. Pa.
Hi, Eric.
I hope my comment has correspond to your expectation. I live in Goiania.
Thanks for the tips.
Hi, Eric!
I’m located in Burlington, North Carolina. Fortunately, my location has no effect on my online business. It’s exciting to have clients from around the country and around the world.
Thanks for all your tips. They’re invaluable.
To your success!
Jean Bailey
author of ‘How to Make $50,000 a Year Writing’
Hi Eric,
You’re right, I’m near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia locality.
Hi Eric,
Les Schmidt here from Hershey, Pennsylvania. Love your tips.
Hi Eric
Got the country right but it’s a 5 hour drive to Madrid so not that close
Thank you Erik
You were right, I live in Brisbane, Australia.
I think this mapping of your members is a
great idea.
Hello Eric, really enjoy and appreciate all
your tips and recommendations in your newsletters.
I would like to be in ‘Dallas’, my location is >
Kingston, Ontario – Canada.
As is said, nothing is completely perfect.
Universal blessings to you and yours,
Hi Eric,
You were close, AWeber called Canberra, that is the capital of Oz.. .
Had the country but wrong state.
I live in Darwin Northern Territory Australia. Crock country and home to the great Barramundi fish. [best table fish in the World] and record beer drinkers.
Ken Mathie.
I’m from Red Bank, New Jersey , USA!!! I use your letter for “How-To” infoin starting my business… Thanks.
your location was quite close. You tagged me as Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I am about 60 km (40 mi) west of there in Hamilton.
According to your letter to me, I live in Dallas.. Not even close. I am actually in Northwest Illinois
I love the newsletter
Hi Eric, I was quite surprised when you asked if I was near Graton, CA as if you blink when you drive through you will miss it. I am rather near there, but actually in Cazadero, a small town in the redwoods on the Russian River in West Sonama county, 8 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean. I am about 70 miles north of San Francisco, CA, and Santa Rosa, CA is the largest city close by. I love your tips by the way! Julie
Yep, spot on, Nottingham (Robin Hood county) England.
Windsor, Canada was pretty much exactly right. Have a great day!
Hi Eric:
A Colorado Native here.
Thanks for your tips.
Hi, Eric.
I’m from Santo André, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.
Hi Eric:
Yes, I enjoy living in this sunny, warm bit of paradise called, Fort Myers, FL. By the way, my husband is a Realtor, if you would like to be our neighbor and live on a golfcourse or on the Gulf of Mexico, we would love to have you join us.
I write sewing courses and also use AWeber’s great service to communicate with my sewing friends all over the world.
Your tips are very helpful to this “Gammy Geek” as the grandkids call me. Thanks much!
To Your Success,
1st Step To Sewing Success
Hi Eric
I’m located in Nigel, South Africa, about an hour from Johannesburg.
Hi Eric,
Yes I am in Columbus. Georgia not Ohio. In most cases, if you say you live in Columbus people assume that you are in Ohio. Columbus Georgia is home to Ft. Benning, the largest military installation in the world. BTW I appreciate the tips and wondered if you could give us some info on rss readers.
Hello Eric.
Greetings from Fleetwood, a one time major fishing port on the South shore of Morecombe Bay Lancashire in England.
Sorry, but Chalfont St, Giles, like its neighbour Chalfont St. Peter is a posh part of England :-)))
Hi Eric
I live on Dartmoor (not , I hasten to add, at the infamous prison!) in Devon in S.W. England.
Kind regards
Graham Kidson
Nice touch. It supposed to rain today – in New York. Tips are always helpful. Aweber looks good. Affiliate program is sweet too. BTW, I’m in need of a tip on blog software. Which system do you use? How do the others rate?
Thanks, Akili.
Hi Eric,
I am from Ypsilanti, MI and that is exactly what was in the subject line. Good Job! Aweber.
Chaplain Ed Brooks
Hi Eric. Keep up the good tips, as a newbie I need them.
John from Blackpool North West England.
Hi Eric,
You actually got a city I used to work in, which is about 35 minutes from my home. I live in Putnam Valley, New York. So I think it’s close enough to what came out.
Take care,
They got it right that I am in Australia, but I think that was a given considering the .au email address.
However Camp Mountain, which I had to look up myself, is on the outer northwest side of Brisbane and I am on southern edge 60-70 km away. But taken in context with the size of the country and the world that is pretty darn close. Tell Tom that his people have still got some fine tuning to do. 😉
Hi Eric,
I’m just over the “hill” in Taylorsville, Utah.
Bob Macek
PRO-BIZ marketing, LLC