Where in the World are My Subscribers?

By | March 25, 2007

Edition #119

Last night I had dinner in Washington DC with Tom Kulzer, the CEO of Aweber.

In case you didn’t know, Aweber is the company I use to manage my email lists (such as Eric’s Tips).

We talked about some of Aweber’s new features, several of which I was not even aware of. One of the cool things that I didn’t previously know about is their “geo-targeting” feature.

It allows you to segment your list by geographic location. It’s not perfect, but it gives a good estimate of most locations.

So if you received an email about this edition, please let me know: is the location in the subject line of the email close to where you live? If you’ve got a minute, I’d appreciate if you could post your location in the comments of my blog. I also think it will be neat just to see where everyone is from.

Aweber also has a mapping function. I’ve posted a map below which shows where all of my subscribers are located around the world:

World map

According to Alexa.com, only about 50% of all visitors to the Eric’s Tips blog are from the US, and the map from Aweber seems to coincide with that number.

It’s a little mind-boggling for me to think about all of you reading this all over the world, and very humbling at the same time.

We also talked a lot about email strategies and statistics. Tom is fanatical about that type of stuff, and he gave me a lot of great information. He actually posts a lot of great tips on the Aweber company blog, which is a goldmine of information for their customers.

Since a lot of you have been asking me for “more tips” lately, I’ll share a couple of them with you here.

Best time of day:

Morning is by far and away the best time for emailing your list. Most emails are opened in the 9AM-10AM range. While I don’t always stick to it, I often send my emails just a little earlier than that, to make sure they arrive shortly prior to this hot zone.

Best day of the week:

While it seems that it might be getting a little overly-used in the internet marketing community, Tuesday is often the best day to send an email to your list.

Avoiding spam filters:

While you should avoid spammy keywords in your emails (to stay out of spam filters), you should NOT use special characters and weird spellings in an attempt to get around the spam filters. Doing so will only make you look more like a spammer (I need to go fix that on some of my older autoresponder messages).

I hope you found those helpful, and Aweber has many more helpful materials and tips for their customers. If you’re not already building a list, you NEED to be. And if you don’t already have a company that you’re using, I highly recommend Aweber.

Click here to visit Aweber…

Remember to post your location in the comments so we can see where everyone lives ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a great day!

595 thoughts on “Where in the World are My Subscribers?

  1. Lloyd Hester

    your email says Siddington…. i have no idea where that is. i am in warrington, north west england.

    great tips Eric. thanks

  2. Michael

    Hi Eric,
    You were quite close. I live in West Bloomfield which is about 15-20 minutes from Southfield. I love your tips. Take care.

  3. Deb

    Hey Eric ,

    Aweber got it right. I live in Eagan, a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota.

  4. Matthew Sherborne

    Pretty cool trick…

    From the look of all the responses here I’d say it’s working great. The location for me was off by about an hours drive, but definitely close enough to get my attention.

    I’ll have to get with the program now and get this going on my own blog : )

    Thanks Eric!

  5. Mario

    Hi Eric,

    Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขm from Chile but live in Brazil. There was no location in the email.

    best regards,


  6. Joan Hackathorn

    My e-mail didn’t have a location. I am in Bedford, TX

  7. Brian Butler

    Your eMail said my location was “…………”. I don’t know where that is!

    I am in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada which is in the beautiful Okanagan Valley in the heart of the Rocky Mountains.

  8. Edgar

    Hello Eric,
    Aweber, was right I am in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. I am now working on my first wealth web site and will be using quite a bit of your tips. Will also be using Aweber for all my future email lists.

  9. Belinda

    No location in subject line, but I am in Junction City, Kansas. I guess, it is better known because of Fort Riley, its about 30 minutes away from where I live.



  10. Judep

    Hi Eric,
    Yes, the world is an ever shrinking place! Hemel is close but Harpenden is classier, so I’d rather claim that side! Ain’t no place to hide anymore!

  11. Nela Odarijew

    Hello Eric,
    Yes the email system is right. I am from Halifax, Canada.
    Thanks for all your Tips! What great fun to see where everyone is from. It is a small world after all, and we are of like minds. Success to everyone!

  12. Cedric Aubry

    Hey Eric,

    Yes I’m from Canada

    Your Subject line was In the Milton Area,.

    But I’m from Beautiful Montreal, 10 minutes from downtown ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Milton is my internet service Provider location, which is
    In Ontario about 1 hour from here.

    Keep up the good work, awesome newsletter.

  13. Ulla


    I am from Sweden, the North part of Sweden. So it was correct. It is still winter in my location.

  14. Dale

    Greetings Eric…
    Thanks for the ‘personal’ invite. Mine was right on. (Winnipeg, Canada) It seems pretty accurate, depending on routing of IP addresses. It is VERY interesting to see the globalization of YOUR coverage. It frankly surprised me, not because of the quality of your information (very good), but to the degree that so many were outside North America. To me is shows the surge in web access worldwide and the rampant enterpreneurial nature of many world citizens.
    On a side note, I was thinking of switching to Aweber for a while and this article put me over the top. And yes, I will use your coded link to them to sign up. Its the least I can do to support my internet bretheren.
    Thanks again,

  15. Jac

    Hi Eric

    You are right. I live about 40 Km outside of Durban, in South Africa.


  16. Bruce Stewart

    I am from GoldCoast 70 Kls south Brisbane Queensland Australia

  17. Tony

    I’m in the USA in a tiny shore town in New Jersey called Ocean Gate the town’s about one mile square, near Toms River). I enjoy your “Eric’s Tips”.

  18. Richard

    Sorry I did not have a location in my subject line but I am in Silver Creek, GA. Ya’ll listen up from the South as we give you a hollar.

  19. Marte

    The location in the email was pretty close. My official address is actually in an adjacent city, but here in the LA megalopolis, city boundaries don’t mean a heck of a lot. ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Abayomi

    Hi Mysterious Eric,

    You very much correct,I live in Lagos Island,Nigeria from where every now and then am fanatically glued to my PC perusing your lucious Newsletters.You are a wonderful chap working with a mysterious (witchcraft) firm as well like Aweber,with spying online software that goes about fishing out where subscribers reside in!
    Keep up your good works!.

  21. Susan

    Hi, Eric! I’ve been reading some of the responses–what a great community!

    No, I’m not from Dallas–I’m currently living in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.

    Thanks for your sharing of info–it really has helped me enter this (for me) new world–Sue

  22. Allen

    Some how tool missed me. I live in Gridley, in Northern California.

  23. gwendolyn

    Hello Eric,
    There was no location listed ~ But i’m in Revere, Massachusetts.
    Thanks for the tips your newsletters are very helpful and informative!

  24. Elspeth Anderson

    Hi Eric

    You were spot on I do live in the United Kingdom and in cold windy London

  25. Becky

    The subject line didn’t indicate a location. The body of your note indicated US, which is correct. I’m in Augusta, GA, Home of the Masters!

  26. Jeanette

    Hello from Tennessee!
    The subject line shown LaVergne area, actually I’m appx. 60 miles east on Interstate I-40.
    As I looked where your other subscribers are from, I couldn’t help but envy your huge subscriber list. All of this is new to me, but I’m enjoying every breath and eye blink along the way! Thanks for all of your hard work and to everyone that has posted a comment, Hello from a little town in Tennessee!

  27. Kevin

    Lincoln, NE is only 50 miles west of my home town (Nebraska City, NE.)

    Thank you Eric for the valuable tips. Your newsletter is the only one I read completely through every time I receive it. Keep up the good work.

  28. Richard


    Hello Eric,

    Aweber was right on! I do live in Yokohama, Japan.


  29. Jim Partridge

    Hi Eric, It got me right as far as country is concerned (Canada). Not sure where Alluvia is but I am in Langley British Columbia. I enjoy your Tips and I hope my Vancouver Canucks beat your Colorado Avalanche tonight!! (grin)

  30. Richard Hill

    Hey Eric,

    Nah, man, Tom missed me by a whopping 15 miles! Gainesville, home of TWO US Championship Florida Gator teams ( and in the Final Four as of an hour ago) is just south of beautiful downtown Alachua, Florida.

    But then, no one outside of north Florida even ever heard of the town, so he done good! Ha, ha.

    That is one cool tool AWeber has, and seeing that map of your gang is really, I mean REALLY impressive.

    Go Eric, Go Gators!
    Richard Hill
    Free Sitemaps Forever!

  31. Jean-Yves

    Hi Eric,

    According with the subjet of your mail, I’m in Dallas.
    But unfortunately, I’m not ! I am really very far from there : I am from near Tahiti in French Polynesia.

    I’m with Aweber since 3 weeks, now ! It seems to be very powerful, but need time to learn how to use it in 100% potential.

    Best Regards,


  32. Anita

    Eric, you got it right—Columbus, OH, which is currently locked in the grip of March Madness with the Ohio State Buckeyes in the Final Four.

    I really enjoy your newsletter and find lots of useful information in it. Keep it coming.

  33. Dan

    Hi, Dan here and I drive thru Everett, Wa, USA everyday on the way home. love your stuff!

  34. Gordon

    Hi Eric,

    I’m afraid you got this one wrong. I’m in the UK, not the US, in a little place called Eamont Bridge in the English Lake District.

    Thanks for all the info. I’m still new and have much to learn.

    Best wishes


  35. Vernon

    My web site, incidently, has been transferred to a new builder and I am waiting for it to be launched again.

    I live in Brisbane, Eric, where it hardly ever rains and where we are getting desperate for water.

    Tried to use IAT but had numerous corrupted files after downloading so I have a site with no info on it at present.

  36. Judy

    Hi Eric,

    You got close- like 12 miles – .must have been looking for the football team here because that is where they play [Irving, Texas]

  37. Vince

    Hi Eric

    You got my location exact. Terrace is half way up the British Columbia coastline on the west coast of Canada, just below Alaska. Looks like I am your only subscriber in the region according to the map. I’m enjoying the newsletter a lot – keep it up.

  38. William

    Greetings, Eric!

    Yes, I live in Citrus Heights, CA, which is near Sacramento, the state capitol.


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