It’s a Girl… Again!

By | June 28, 2011

First I want to say a big “thank you” for all the kind words and prayers after my recent Let Them See You Sweat post. I truly appreciate it. I’m still taking it day-by-day, but the great news is…

I was able to be there to support my wife and witness the birth of our 5th child, Tirzah Raelle.

She was born on our 12th wedding anniversary… what a great gift!

She was 7 lbs, 3 oz, and mother and baby are both doing great.

First, I have to brag on my wife and show you a couple pictures I took of her less than 24 hours before the birth…

mom pic

pregnant mom

As usual, my wife was amazing and was nothing short of inspirational. She was also very blessed this time around to only have to push once!

And here are some pics of Tirzah only 1 day old…

baby girl


baby Tirzah

Many Eric’s Tips readers have now been with me (as subscribers) through the births of 3 of our 5 kids. Amazing.

Thanks for letting me share my joy with you.


532 thoughts on “It’s a Girl… Again!

  1. Dana

    Hi Eric,
    There is something about interacting with a baby that ignites something magical in all of us. They stare at us with inquisitive eyes curious about everything that is happening in their world. We look into their eyes and we remember a time before we were sure we had seen everything meaningful in life. They are us in miniature. We look at their tiny features and their chubby little bodies and we can’t help but smile. Interacting with a baby can be truly miraculous.


  2. Linda

    What a lovely little girl – Hard to believe she is only one day old, with that wonderful smile! Mazel Tov!

  3. Michaela

    By the way, your wife looks great as a mother to be, from the girl pictures I like the most the first one. Regards

  4. James Fullen

    Congratulations, to both mom and dad! Beautiful little girl, smiling already!

  5. Walter Gavurnik

    Beautiful baby girl Eric! Congrats to you and
    your lovely wife!

    Ad you know, your family is your most precious
    and valuable commodity.

    Be safe and enjoy your many years with them!
    God has truly blessed you…

  6. Laurynas

    Congratulations Eric.
    She is so cute.
    Your wife is a hero.
    You are both great parents. All the best 😉

  7. kay

    hi eric, she looks so cute especially sleeping on her side…great news….Congratulations..!!.k

  8. Marlene

    CONGRATULATIONS to you, Eric, and to Mrs. Eric!

    ‘Wishing you delight & fun in this new family addition 🙂 HAPPY Anniversary, too!!

  9. Monday

    What A wonderful gift from God,my prayer goes to almighty God may he covers my friends family under his Canopy,am happy for they family,baby your welcome to the world.

  10. Prue

    Isn’t she lovely? Beautiful little girl.
    Congrats! All the best to you and your family.

  11. SEO Austin

    Congrats Eric – to you and your wife!! And thanks for the value you create! You really are a ROCK-STAR!

  12. Harold Ward

    Hi Eric,Wow,another beautiful girl and on your
    12th annaversary. May God continue to bless
    your wonderful family.

  13. Lance

    Congratulations Eric and especially to your wife. God has indeed blessed you richly.
    Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing this joy with us all.

  14. Franklin

    Eric, as you know, it is God’s blessing for you and your family… baby looks great, five fingers and toes, huh? Congratulations!
    God Bless you and be with you!

  15. Rigger

    That is a particularly beautiful child Brother Eric.You BOTH did a fine job once more.Always remember too Bro,these children are the only future this world has.Take it from there.And your wife,I telya Bro,a woman just can’t be any more beautiful than when she’s with child.Thank you so much for sharing with us all this fresh presence in the world.The gift of life.Good day my friend

  16. Rania

    Congratulations Erick to you and your beautiful wife, she is perfect! A beautiful healthy child and I hope your wife don’t take me wrong, but for now I think she looks like you.

    I hope she will grow up in happiness and have the life she is deserving! (hug)

  17. simon harkin

    Wonderful! Congrats Eric
    I just had a baby boy last week and he is also amazing
    Tis a great feeling. Enjoy


  18. Shirley

    Awwwww Sooooo Sweeet! Congratualations to you both…many blessings sent your way!

  19. Philip C.

    Congrats Eric. Even as a newborn you can see she looks just like Dad. Wishing you and yours nothing but the best. God Bless.

  20. barnard

    wow what a beautiful littler girl she takes after her mother with a pinch of you thrown in lool god bless you all

  21. Billy

    One of God’s Great gifts. Simply Beautiful.
    I have 3 girls. so my TIP for you is; build an extra bathroom LOL.

    Stay Blessed


  22. Anonymous

    Well done Eric and Mum especially (so sorry I haven’t spotted your name) You all look gorgeous but most importantly please accept the my very best wishes to you all.
    Stephan in the UK

  23. Abraham van der Linde

    Gratz Eric.

    Little Tirzah is a great anniversary gift from our Father in Heaven.

    Please give my regards to your lovely wife and Jesus Christ’s love to all.

  24. Antonio

    Hello Eric,

    Congrats! She’s beautiful, good think she doesn’t look like you…. LOL

    Again, Congrats to you and your lovely wife!


  25. Ely Shemer

    Hi Eric,

    Isn’t it great being a dad?

    Wishing you many happy years with the whole family – especially the new addition 🙂


  26. Phil Meyer

    My heartfelt congratulations to you and your wife, Eric! May God give you wisdom to raise her in the fear of the Lord, and grant her good health and His protection and providence in the warmth and safety of your loving family.

    Enjoy her!


  27. Kevin


    Your wife and baby are beautiful. You are a truly blessed man. Never take either of them for granted, but daily show your gratitude. Keep showing the way, man. We are following you to success in life.
    God bless you and your wonderful family!
    Kevin Horn

  28. Rosemary Gullo

    God bless your precious little one and your whole family. Thank you for sharing.

    Parenthood is the best!

    All the best,
    Rosemary Gullo

  29. Olive

    Beautiful Baby and beautiful wife!!! Blessings for all of you!

  30. Daryl

    I’ve followed you silently for a while now, and purchase a couple of your projects. Many congratulations Eric, please pass my congrats to your wife aswell on the arrival of your new family member. Blessings to you all.

  31. Glen Wayne

    Hi Eric,

    That is great news and a great little bundle of joy! Best wishes to you and all of your family. It was nice to finally meet you in Orlando at the JV Alert event.

  32. RogerV

    Eric, your new daughter is fantastic. Glad everything went well and both she and your wife are doing good. Bye the way, do you know how lucky you are? Your wife is a real beauty! Five kids eh? Did you two figure out how this is happening? No, it has nothing to do with a stork, or cabbage leaf etc., lol! Anyway congratulations to both of you.

  33. James

    Congratulation on your beautiful baby girl may the Blessing of God be with her and the whole Family.


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