It’s a Girl… Again!

By | June 28, 2011

First I want to say a big “thank you” for all the kind words and prayers after my recent Let Them See You Sweat post. I truly appreciate it. I’m still taking it day-by-day, but the great news is…

I was able to be there to support my wife and witness the birth of our 5th child, Tirzah Raelle.

She was born on our 12th wedding anniversary… what a great gift!

She was 7 lbs, 3 oz, and mother and baby are both doing great.

First, I have to brag on my wife and show you a couple pictures I took of her less than 24 hours before the birth…

mom pic

pregnant mom

As usual, my wife was amazing and was nothing short of inspirational. She was also very blessed this time around to only have to push once!

And here are some pics of Tirzah only 1 day old…

baby girl


baby Tirzah

Many Eric’s Tips readers have now been with me (as subscribers) through the births of 3 of our 5 kids. Amazing.

Thanks for letting me share my joy with you.


532 thoughts on “It’s a Girl… Again!

  1. Peter Fry

    I have strong words of advice, get out a video camera and use it once a month, birthdays, Christmas (around Santa) . The years pass very fast, my youngest is 20 gulp. They love to see themselves as kids looking at the video footage I did, running around the garden, down slides etc. Congrats Eric

  2. Linda

    A new baby is like the beginning of all things, hope and a dream of possibilities. Many blessing to you and your beautiful family Eric. May you always have health and happiness.

    Linda from Canada

  3. Tom

    My congrats to Mum and Dad ,how lucky you are to be at that stage enjoy the wonders of your little girl

  4. ahmed

    Congratulations Eric!!!! Beautiful baby girl!!!
    May Allah (God) bless you and your family. AAmeen

  5. David

    What a great gift from God. Praise be His name. Congratulations and God;s blessings.

    David Glasgow

  6. Adriana

    Hi Eric & Fam.
    Congratulations! Felicidades!
    God bless you

  7. Tom Gibbs

    Great new addition to your family! Best wishes for the coming weeks as you bring your new daughter into your household. Children are one of God’s most wonderful blessings. I pray that Tirzah will be a source of great joy for you and your wife for many years to come.

  8. sandi adams

    Beautiful little girl and lucky to have you 2 loving parents. Wish my BellyButton Bible Study had been available for your pregnancy. In the final edit this week and to print 1st week of july. 9-chapter love conversation from the parents to the child growing within Mama and bible verses: what are God’s Words about what is happening with the child each month.

  9. Florence

    Congratulations to both you and your wife.

    Thank you for sharing your special blessing with us. You are truly blessed and have a beautiful gift from God. May the living God pour out his love and his special desire and instill in your new daughter the gifts of the Holy Spirit to always give God the glory for all the good things he will surely bless her with thoughout her life and may he may her way prosperous.

  10. Carroll Alexander

    Eric, as a man of faith doesn’t it just blow your mind and break you heart to know that many people actually believe that such miracles as a baby are but a by-product of “Chance”, the god of mathematics (1st name of which is Notta). Praise be to the Tribune God who created and sustains us all.

  11. Elaine

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ~

    Isn’t God’s creation just Beautiful. I know you guys are so very happy that all is well.

    God Bless:
    Elaine Willis

  12. Joe

    Congratulation Eric and Your Wife, the both of You.

    It’s truly a miracle, when you really think about it!

    Hope your feeling better, the both of you.

    Thanks for all the Videos.

    Joe and Yaneris.

  13. Simon

    Congrats, Eric.
    U’ve got such a cute baby and a georgeous wife! May God make the baby great and make her a voice to her generation
    Congratulations and God bless for all the useful tips you share

  14. William

    Congratulations,Eric to you and your wife…and on your anniversary at that…A big welcome to the little girl with the big smile.

  15. Michael

    Congratulations Eric,
    Hope you talked to her while your wife was carrying her before her birth. I did at night…would talk to her and tell her to go to sleep. She would be kicking mommy, then she would quit. The first day in the hospital while she was laying on my wife’s chest, I walked in and said “hi Janelle” and she lifted her head and looked at me because she ‘knew’ my voice. As we are to ‘know’ the Father’s…the nurse couldn’t believe it…she was born on Mother’s Day…and turned 18 last month already.
    God Bless.

  16. John

    Beautiful baby! Congratulations and Blessings to you and your wife, Eric. 🙂

  17. Ellie

    To your entire family – CONGRATULATIONS!

    How awesome…. and even more wonderful that you share with all of us. Breathe and savor these wonderful moments. ENJOY!

  18. Kris

    Hello Eric,

    Congratulations to you and your family. What a precious and beautiful little girl baby!! I think she looks like you 😀

  19. James Reilly

    Congratulations Eric, welcome to the 5 Club. I have 3 girls and 2 boys all under 10 years old.

    Congratulations to you both


  20. Vasant

    Mr.& Mrs Eric
    Wow,You both are blessed with a cute baby.She looks like you,Isn’t it? In our Hindu samudrik shastra(old scripts)it is said that if girl’s face is more like father then she is very lucky.You have lucky girl.God bless you and your family.

  21. Karen Kokshoorn

    Hi Eric,
    Congratulations to the both of you *Well Done* again…Mother and Baby are so BEAUTIFUL – not to mention the proud Father as well xxxooo

  22. Elissa Joy

    Awwwww… beautiful Family.. Congratulations on a wonderful easy birth, and a blessing of a baby for you all!! She has such light around her.. fantastic! What a precious little thing. (Ahh. babies are such blessings!!) Congrats to your other kids too!! they have a new little playmate!
    Peace and light
    Elissa Joy

  23. Cynthia

    Thanks for sharing with us your wonderful family. Your new baby girl and family are beautiful…may you be blessed always:)

  24. Ray

    congratulations to you and your family. i know the joy of becoming a dad myself. and for me it got even better when i became a grandad in may of this year 2011. something that you will have to look forward to. dang i feel old oh wait i am old lol.

  25. David Robichaux Sr

    Congratulations Eric to you and your wife. That is a beautiful girl you have there. Well, do you have your quiver full yet. The Lord said he would bless you with children that could be shot out as arrows and that you could have a quiver full. I am sure you will be able to point them in the right directions as you follow the Spirit within you. Be blessed and may the Lord continue to make His face to shine upon you. Peace my brother in Christ.

    David Robichaux Sr

  26. Lawrence

    Hi Eric, the world will experience a special manifestation from this baby, for the Lord will be with her Mightily!!!
    Blessed is the womb that has given birth to her.

  27. dennis

    congrats eric she looks like you boy do you have a tough future comming good luck and may god bless you all
    Dennis Oregon

  28. John Guild

    Five! Way good. My pastor’s wife gave birth Sunday to 5th son! in Greeley, CO. Congratulations Eric.


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