It’s a Girl… Again!

By | June 28, 2011

First I want to say a big “thank you” for all the kind words and prayers after my recent Let Them See You Sweat post. I truly appreciate it. I’m still taking it day-by-day, but the great news is…

I was able to be there to support my wife and witness the birth of our 5th child, Tirzah Raelle.

She was born on our 12th wedding anniversary… what a great gift!

She was 7 lbs, 3 oz, and mother and baby are both doing great.

First, I have to brag on my wife and show you a couple pictures I took of her less than 24 hours before the birth…

mom pic

pregnant mom

As usual, my wife was amazing and was nothing short of inspirational. She was also very blessed this time around to only have to push once!

And here are some pics of Tirzah only 1 day old…

baby girl


baby Tirzah

Many Eric’s Tips readers have now been with me (as subscribers) through the births of 3 of our 5 kids. Amazing.

Thanks for letting me share my joy with you.


532 thoughts on “It’s a Girl… Again!

  1. Susie

    Eric, What a wonderful picture. She is just beautiful. Perfect in every way. God has really blessed you and your wife with a wonderful family. Thank you for sharing with us, and congradulations to you and your family.

  2. Charles

    Congrats Eric on your new daughter. Your wife deserves a “Big Pat on the back” as she did all the work. Beautiful daughter.

  3. Gloria

    Congrats! There’s no better gift, than the gift of life. God Bless and may the lord look upon you with grace.

  4. Renee Mack

    Congratulations for your 6th blessing. I am including your beautiful wife, of course. One push WOW!!! Tirzah is indeed an inspiration. The Lord surely does bless in so many ways. Congrats to you for being able to be there to witness the birth. We believe in faith you are whole in health. Hallelujah!!

  5. Diana Clark

    Congratulations on the safe and wonderful arrival of Tirzah Raelle Holmlund.
    God bless, guide, keep and protect you and your precious family always.

  6. David Howard

    Hey Eric,
    Congratulations,man. What a beautiful and darling little girl. Happy Day to you and your wife.

  7. Estrelita

    Congrats to you and your family.
    It looks like she is going to be a great speaker…. looks like she’s got something to say…hello.

  8. Larry Lewis

    Congradulation Eric! You did a great Karen and I are praying for the family. Your daughter is lovely. Once again congrads.
    Larry Lewis

  9. Angel

    You are truly blessed Eric. Look at the beautiful smile of that adoring baby. Your wife is cute. God bless your family richly.

  10. jim gleason

    Congratulations Erick n family!
    We have 4 things in life.
    God, Family, a few close friends
    AND I.M. :0)

  11. Clair Evans

    What a gorgeous little girl. Congrats and honor to your wife as she did all the work I am sure.
    Take Care and enjoy forever. Clair

  12. Dave

    Eric, congrats to you, your wife and family!!! Another miracle and blessing!

  13. Karen

    Congratulations Eric to you and your wife.
    God sure has blessed you both with a beautiful bundle of joy and your whole family is such a beautiful blessing.
    God Bless you all!:)

  14. Jeanie

    Congrats all round. Lovely pics and thanks for sharing this precious moment. Happy Anniversary too. God bless.

  15. Rosemarie

    Congratulations on your new baby girl. Children are all precious and your girl is beautiful as well as your wife. May God be with you all. How do you pronounce her name? Like the name. It is differant. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Lucy

    Congratulations Eric, very beatiful baby…
    All the best to you and your family!!!

  17. Jevz

    Another Big Gift For you and Your whole family Eric. Congatulation and Jesus Bless You and your Big family. Please pass my Big Hello especially for Tirzah Raelle. Welcome to the IM forest LOL.

  18. Lynn

    Congratulations Eric: To you and your lovely wife and family. Tirzah is absolutely beautiful. In the Bible there is a verse that says: “Blessed is the man whose quiver has many arrows”. Arrows means many children. And from the look on your face as you hold your beautiful new baby girl, I would say you are certainly blessed. I pray for God’s blessings on you and your family.

    God Bless All of You.

  19. Clayton Elston

    Congrats and job well done. My son and daughter-in-love will be having their first baby in September. They have been trying for 11 years and had given up when their prayers were answered. I got to see the 3D ultrasound last Saturday. I totally embarrassed myself but I don’t care. What a blessing these little girls are!!! I am so happy for you and your lovely bride.

  20. Carroll Banks

    Your little one is beautiful!!!!!!!!She’s gonna be a heart breaker. Of course she is, she takes after her pretty Mommy!!!!! I don’t know. the more I look at her, the more she looks like you. CONGRATS TO YOU AND YOUR WIFE. Kids are a precious gift GOD gives us to teach us about LOVE.

  21. Gail

    You are all looking great! Wishing you all the very best. Tirzah is absolutely gorgeous! But then so are the parents. Congratulations.

  22. Kirk Nelson

    Congratulations man you and your family are blessed……she is a lil’ cutie

  23. Cindy

    What a beautiful child………….Congratulations to you all.

  24. Mike Wong

    Congrats Eric..What a precious & cute baby girl.
    We all share your joy :o)

    God Bless u all

  25. Margaret Hampton

    Congratulations, Eric, to you and your wife on such a beautiful little girl! Congratulations to your wife for only having a single push, too. 🙂 … and to you for having such a beautiful, clearly loving, awesome wife and four other special gifts of God.

    You and your family are blessed because YOU are a blessing … and I pray the floodgates of Heaven are opened to pour out a blessing so great you cannot contain it … above and beyond all you could think or ask … to overflowing, for you let it overflow to others.

    Your complete healing, restoration, health are among the promises and blessings I know you are claiming, too, and we stand in agreement with you! So glad to hear you are better.


  26. Pst. Bon

    I thank God for His mercies, favor and grace upon your family, i rejoice with, i am believing God that mine shall come soonest. CONGRATULATIONS!

  27. Julius Po

    Congratulations!! She is very cute….

    all the very best… you and your wife and ofcourse your family.

  28. JJ

    Hey Eric, CONGRATULATION. What a happy moment.
    Both your wife and daughter are great.Best wishes and prayers to you and your family.

  29. Niky

    Your daughter is a real goddess! I love her! Thanks for sharing your joy and her first photos with us!

  30. Kevin

    Congrats Eric on the arrival of such a beautiful baby girl.
    Best wishes to you and your family.

  31. brenda

    awww congrats to the both of u may all ur dreams come true
    wonderful wonderful news

  32. Hank van den Berghe

    I agree with all that has already been said, Eric, you have been truly blessed mate! I pray that our loving God continue to lavish his abundant blessings on you and your family. Congratulation from Perth, Australia.

  33. Ria

    Congratulations Eric. She is an angel. I can tell that you are a very proud dad.



  35. renu seth

    CONGRATULATIONS to you and your family!!!
    Tirzah is PRECIOUS!
    All the best to you ALL.

  36. dan

    What a beautiful blessing! 5 in 12 years is faster than us, we had 5 in 15, the oldest just graduated college and #2 HS. The closest we got was 1 day of my wifes BD. QTπ Congratulations!!

  37. Norwood R. Sanders

    Eric; I look forward to watching your daughter grow healthy throughtout the rest of the coarse and beyond. I,ve just finished watching lesson #4 of, I think you said 100 total lessons. I’m 50 years old, and have no children (of my own), although I have always wanted to procreate. It is the one thing I regret most in life. So Eric please charish her for you have been blessed with yet another teacher of life.

  38. Susan Connors

    Congratulations to you both! She is beautiful and a gorgeous name as well. I have not heard it before it is very unusual 🙂 All the best to your family.

  39. Hendrik

    Congratulations to you all. I am sure she will be as lovely as her mother one day.
    And to think that I, with only three daughters, thought I had my hands full !!
    Good luck.


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