It’s a Girl… Again!

By | June 28, 2011

First I want to say a big “thank you” for all the kind words and prayers after my recent Let Them See You Sweat post. I truly appreciate it. I’m still taking it day-by-day, but the great news is…

I was able to be there to support my wife and witness the birth of our 5th child, Tirzah Raelle.

She was born on our 12th wedding anniversary… what a great gift!

She was 7 lbs, 3 oz, and mother and baby are both doing great.

First, I have to brag on my wife and show you a couple pictures I took of her less than 24 hours before the birth…

mom pic

pregnant mom

As usual, my wife was amazing and was nothing short of inspirational. She was also very blessed this time around to only have to push once!

And here are some pics of Tirzah only 1 day old…

baby girl


baby Tirzah

Many Eric’s Tips readers have now been with me (as subscribers) through the births of 3 of our 5 kids. Amazing.

Thanks for letting me share my joy with you.


532 thoughts on “It’s a Girl… Again!

  1. Marilyn Martin

    Hello Eric,

    OMG! What a beautiful baby! She is such a little doll. Congratulations to you and your wife on a job well done! lol Take good care of that precious gift from God, and if you ever get tired of her I will gladly take her for a while! LOL I just love kids and babies are the best!

    Congratulations again! God Bless All Of You!

    Marilyn Martin

  2. Christiana

    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for sharing. What a blessing!
    Your wife looks amazing and your daughter looks content and happy – priced attributes in a baby πŸ™‚ Congratulations!

  3. glenda

    amazing little newborn – smiling even!! She looks like her dad I think!

  4. Bill (LoneWolf) Nickerson

    Congratulations Eric! It is great to see another beautiful child in the world. It is also wonderful to hear that you are doing well enough to be able to be present for the birth!

    God bless you all!

  5. frank

    Congrats Eric. Another miracle of life. To God Be the Glory!

  6. Nick Sherwood

    Hi Eric,

    Congratulation to you both. What an absolutely cute baby. My daughter Alya who is 4 and half totally agrees with me! All the best.

  7. faika

    Hi, Eric
    Congratulations on your fifth child she is beautiful girls may our Lord Jesus bless her and you and your wife and all of your other children.
    and thank you very much for your information you e-mail me i learned a lot from it.God bless you always

  8. Ivan

    Cherish life on this earth, cherish everything and every day for it is a gift from God, and it is all just a loan for a season..God bless..enjoy your new gift.

  9. Celeste

    Congratulations, Eric! Beautiful family and gorgeous new addition!

  10. sushma

    congrats……………..woe……….how a beautiful baby girl………

  11. josh

    hi eric,
    congratulations! what a beautiful baby! God bless your family! quick recovery for your wife.

  12. Martin

    Congratulations to you Eric and your wife πŸ˜€

    I wish you all the best in health and happinness and may God Bless your family.

    Best Wishes

    Martin & Family

  13. Julius Belleza

    Congratulations! God bless you and your family. Amazing gift from God through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Any plans to form a sports team?

  14. Hyacinth

    Congrats Eric and family – what a beautiful addition.

  15. Khalid

    Best wishes to all family Eric.
    Realy sweet girl.
    Wishing you both all god’s many blessing for a healthy,happy family.
    Best regards,

  16. Piet Hein

    Hi Eric very nice pictures wife and baby look both very healthy and happy. Wishing you al the best and a happy and healthy lifestyle.

    Kind regards,
    Piet Hein

  17. Stephanie

    Hi Eric, thank you for sharing this precious moment with all of us. Your wife is so beautiful and so is Tirzah. May the Lord continue to bless you and make this addition to your family fill your home with greater joy, peace, love and fulfillment.

  18. Stella

    Wishing you all the best for your wonderful family Eric! What a beautiful baby girl!!! May her life be filled with joy, love and happiness


    CONGRATULATIONS! The joys of fatherhood are speechless. even you have one kids or 12 kids
    every time this feeling is amazing.

  20. David Taylor

    Hi Eric and congratulations.

    My wife and I are expecting our first baby in a couple of months and we are hoping for a girl.
    Hope it goes as well as yours did.

    All the best,


  21. Ruthy

    “MAZAL-TOV” is congratulation in Hebrew, to you and your beautiful family.
    Tirzha is a beautiful name, took from the bible (Tirzha was one of the douther of Zalpehed from the Menashe tribe. Tirzha was also the first Israel capital kingdom).
    Many years of health and happiness.

  22. Nagarajan

    Hi Eric,

    Happy to hear.

    God bless you and ur family. All the very best.


  23. Romeo

    Congrats Eric !!!

    She exactly look like you

    Very cute

    Lots of love for her.

  24. BlueRiviera

    Congratulations on your 5th child! You are blessed with a beautiful wife and a beautiful Christian family! Wishing a good life and good health to you all. New baby is beautiful!!! Wishing a happy life to the whole family!! πŸ™‚

  25. Gerry Griffin

    Congratulations such a beautiful Baby Girl,and she is blessed such a lovely family to watch over her.

  26. Bob

    Hi Eric,

    My deep congratulations to you and your wife. I have two daughters of my own and I believe that God’s gift of children makes us truly rich.

  27. Peter

    Congratulations Eric. God bless the baby the mother and you too Eric.

  28. Michael

    Yes congrats. It is one those unforgetful moments in life and she will probably be on You Tube 12 years from now marketing something like good old dad did back in the day, if it is still around. God Bless.

  29. Kerwin


    Thanks so much for sharing this joyous moment with us. Wow. I’m glad that everyone’s doing well. The birth of a child is indeed a special moment.


  30. PETER

    Congratulation to both of you, what a healthy and
    beautiful baby girl you have.
    Best Wishes to both of you.
    from Peter,singapore

  31. Ben Shaffer

    Congratulations Eric! Beautiful name also. We have number 3 coming in November.

    Regards to the wife,

    Ben Shaffer

  32. Self Hypnosis

    You’ll guide your little girl’s footsteps in life and together you’ll discover wonderful new things along the way. Congratulations on the arrival on your 5th bundle of joy.

  33. Leslie Fletcher

    Congratulations to you both.

    Having myself been blessed with daughters and earlier this year two more grandsons, I cannot express the joy your news brings in these trying times.

    I truly wish you and your family every happiness and all the love new life brings to a family. God bless and protect you all.

    Leslie, Liverpool UK.

  34. nakul

    Hi eric,
    Congrats and best of all life has to offer to teh little one.



  35. Mouloud

    Congratulations, wonderful pictures. May Allah bless your new born, your wife and your entire family. You are truly a blessed lot. I wish her a very long, healthy, happy and prosperous life inshallah.


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