Update and some pictures

By | January 26, 2011

No lesson today. I just want to give a quick update on a few things, and show off some pics from my recent trip.

First I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the fundraiser/promotion that I ran while on vacation.

We raised 100% of our goal to provide a new water well for an orphanage in Uganda. Actually we exceeded the goal, so I am also sending them an additional donation. Through online fundraisers like this one, we have now given over $65,000 to various causes.

In case you’re interested, the orphanage is Eagles Wings Children’s Village and their US-based affiliate to which I am making the donation is Real Partners Uganda.

I also just got home from a “2nd honeymoon” with my beautiful wife of 11+ years. We’re expecting our 5th child later this year, so we wanted needed to get away for some alone time without the kids before the next one arrives.

It was our first time visiting Long Island in the Bahamas, and I do recommend it for anyone who wants a place with very few tourists and miles of secluded beaches. I also recommend Chez Pierre, which is a very affordable, rustic accommodation run by a French chef who served up awesome food all week. And while he does have Wi-Fi, I did not check my email or get online at all 🙂

View from our deck…

White sand, beautiful flats perfect for wading and fishing…



Saw plenty of cool stingrays…

My beautiful wife, going to have our 5th kid soon!


I caught at least 15 different species of fish…



Lastly, I want to invite you to join me in Orlando next month at JV Alert Live.

Compared to other Internet marketing seminars that I’ve been to, JV Alert Live has the most friendly down-to-earth people, and the best opportunities for networking.

In addition to meeting other marketers of all levels–including ones that are in a similar place as you–you’ll get to meet, network with, and pick the brains of dozens of top Internet marketers such as these ones who are signed up to be there…

Gary Ambrose, Jason Anderson, Michael Angier, Alan Bechtold, Nashlah and Shahar Boyayan, Hollis Carter, Joe Clayton, Lee Collins, Paul Counts, Willie Crawford, Glenn Dietzel, Ron Dilbert, Andy Duncan, Brian T. Edmondson, Ray Edwards, Mike Evans, Carl Galletti, Edie Galley, Michael Glaspie, Ross Goldberg, John Halpin, Mark Hendricks, Shel Horowitz, Michael Humphreys, Bob Jenkins, Audrey Kerwood, Sohail Khan, Tony Ladig, Walt Laurel, Simon Leung, Skye Mangrum, Jane Mark & Phil Basten, PJ McClure, Deb Micek, Daven Michaels, Melanie Milletics, Vin Montello, Joey Montez, Chris Moos, Chuck Mullaney, Cori Padgett, Scott Paton, David Perdew, Daniel Perry, Susan Preston, David Preston, Laura Roman Lopez, Roger (Wajed) Salam, Marlon Sanders, Thom Scott, Brad Semp, Felicia Slattery, Joey Smith, Frank Sousa, Erik Stafford, Howard Tiano, Jeff Wellman, Mike Wesely, Jess Kennedy Williams, and Bob Yeager, just to name a few!

Click here for more information about JV Alert Live…

It’s across the street from Disney World, so it’s a good opportunity to combine it with a vacation. I’ll be bringing my family.

I hope to see you there! It’s been three years since I’ve attended an Internet marketing seminar, so who knows when the next time will be.

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments below.

Have a great day!

68 thoughts on “Update and some pictures

  1. Peter

    Hi Eric.

    So glad you had a great time with your family, you certainly deserve it, Maybe one day I’ll will be able to afford to get over to the states and visit some of these conferences, and it would be great to catch up some time…

    Welcome back anyway and thanks for all your hard work. My Landscaping site is just about up and running and I’ll send you a link when it’s finished.

    All the best….Peter

  2. Anonymous

    Thank you Eric.Your simple way to give,it convenced me that you’re not “Me first”.I apreciate your invitation,but will attent,
    if any in the Future.As i am visiting my Son,
    Grandchildrens and some Friends of mine,in far
    East Asian.This incident doesn’t allow me how soon,could be back from “back to future”.Thank you again and wish you the Best,and so do to
    your Family.

  3. Maggie

    Wow!! Lovely, holiday destination. Sure does inspire! Lovely to see you’re having a new addition soon. Nothing like a large family. You both will be kept very busy. Keep up the good work, and may the delivery of your 5th, go with ease. He/She certainly has picked a delightful and loving family to grow up with!

    Look forward to reading and learning more from you.

    Love and Light

  4. Christopher Thomas

    That Vacation looked awesome….it took me somewhere just by looking at your deck view. So soothing.

  5. brenda

    stunning pics, the first one is surreal. Looks like you had an amazing time. Motivating me all the more to go somewhere that beautiful. Someday I will meet you and your wife in person at one of those jv meetings. By the way I don’t think I could eat those fish, they look like pets to me.

  6. Steven Goodwin


    Awesome pictures! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time! My wife and I try to get down to Cancun or Playa Del Carmen once a year to enjoy the “beach life”! You take some great pictures!

    As far as the JV Alert convention, I have never had the opportunity to go to one. I keep hearing about them all over the place all the time though. You may have just kicked it up a notch for me to try to get to one in the near future!

  7. Mel

    Thx Eric

    Wish I could come. Maybe when you visit here in SA you can contact me and we can show you our beautiful country.


  8. Chris

    Eric just wanted to thank you for Tip #80 on video marketing! Really good stuff! Also, some great pic’s there! I definitely will have to put Long Island Bahamas on my list to visit! Thanks again for all the great info on your site!

  9. MoniqueSuzzette

    I have your 10 free ebooks as well some others and was wondering if I could offer them on my website. I really do appreciate all you have to offer more than you know.

  10. Eric Post author

    I think some of them have giveaway rights and some do not. The best way to give away the 10 free ebooks is to log into your account at http://10-free-ebooks.com/download/login.php and get your affiliate link. Just send people to that link to download them, and then you have a chance of earning commissions too.

  11. MoniqueSuzzette

    Thanks so much. I do have the ones with resale rights. I’ll use those with AWeber.
    How do I promote you? I have a friend that promotes your newsletter and I would like to do the same from my website. I haven’t quite figured that one out yet.
    I am going through your training and would like others that are as lost as I was (until I found you by the way) have that opportunity as well.
    Thanks in advance, MO.

  12. Ron Townsend

    Your 5th child, I guess you have to have that big paycheck every week. well god bless and I hope you have as many as you want.

  13. Eric Post author

    The best way to promote me is to build up your own following of loyal readers/subscribers/fans, and then make a recommendation to them. I cover list building in lesson #59-70.

    You can promote Eric’s Tips as an affiliate, by posting links on your blog, etc. You can get your affiliate link here.


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