Update About the Belize Orphanage Water Project

By | September 29, 2009

I’m back from my second trip to Belize, and I’m happy to report that it was a success.

Thank you so much to all of you who participated in the online fundraiser. We were able to pay for the well to be installed at the orphanage, plus give a significant extra donation. So far we have given over $36,000 to various missions as a result of these fundraisers.

I will be posting lesson #50 within the next couple days. In the mean time, here are some pictures…

Drilling the well…



This is the pump that we brought down with us. You should have seen the look we got from the customs official when they opened Nate’s luggage and out slid this huge bomb-like apparatus…

Nate working on the pump…

Village children…


Belize Belize

Villagers utilizing a water catchment that was provided by my friend’s organization…

A trip to the hardware store in downtown Punta Gorda, Belize

Again, thanks to all who helped make this happen!

You can see some more pics on my flickr account, including a rather large tarantula, and what I ate for dinner 🙂

Have a great day!

83 thoughts on “Update About the Belize Orphanage Water Project

  1. Frank Daley

    Eric, congratulations! I sent you the dinero to help but somehow cannot find a link to get the items you offered in return. Cld easily be my fault!
    Cld you check for me? Maybe resend the link? Thank you!

  2. Victoria

    Hi Eric,
    Great project and great pixs!
    I am based in the Caribbean not so far from where you were. Eric’s Tips Rules!

  3. Anslem

    Thanks so much for reaching out to people
    who really need to be reached out to.
    Nice pics,you sure can take good pictures.
    Keep up the good work

  4. James from Singapore

    Now, we know why you are made to be successful in online business. God knows who would be deserved prolonged success for a good cause. Good begets good. Evil begets evil. Let us hope more legitimate online marketers can follow such kind footsteps side by side with you. Bless you!

  5. Brahim El Mouaddin

    Bravo Eric , it’s heroic act that you did emanating from your noble character that we know mostly with knights and princes . with such philanthropic deeds we can diminish the so many sufferings around the world ! congrats !

  6. kenny

    eric, great job. God will continue to reward you effort. keep it up bro.

  7. Helen

    WOW, cool that these people in Belize have access to clean water, my god! Thanks for your work Eric! As well, thanks to all those helping on this project!

  8. Bob


    If there would be a need for it I would be willing to assist by: Obtaining plants and/or budwood of good varieties of fruit and traveling on the next trip and teaching several of the people there how to graft plants.

    Besides improving the diet there would be a potential profit to the people from sales of higher quality fruit at market and sales of grafted plants to others.

  9. Claudia

    Hey Eric! Great Pictures…I love spiders
    but the legs get caught in my teeth…I hate that!
    I’m happy I could share in this. I hope I can help out more in the future. Good Work Eric!
    What goes around comes around!

  10. Andreas

    Dear Mr Holmlund,

    i am thrilled that i just joined your group 20minutes ago. i have been webbing for less than i month now (introduced to internet just this year) and all internet marketers i came across where either impersonal, interested in my money only(dont have much money though). or have their own agenda to push, but you seem like a genuine person.

    am suprised and exited to see that as an american you are a Christian trying to help poor people. we always thaought Americans were loudmouthed and self centered people, but you are difenitiely different thereore i will follow you exploits particularly as a missionery

    our GOD the Father of our LORD JESUS will bless you richly for your heart is in the right place…HIS PEOPLE regardless of creed, race, color, or wealth.

    my only intendion was to follow you to make some money in I-MARKETING, but now that i see a humane side in you it is more the reason why i will continue to follow you daily.

    how can we send some of our church members to go with you on the mission trips in India and help in the ophanages etc. we are not a rich nation but we believe in giving to others out of what our God has blessed us, and we want to send out missionaries to missions in Asia and even the US and other western countries .

    Mr. Andreas

    PS: the thatched hut in the picture looks exactly like our style of house here in villages in my country Papua New Guinea. is Belize on the Pacific Coast or Atlantic?

    PPS, we have similarities with Belize in regard to poverty etc, but our fauna is at opposite ends. have you any photos of their wild animals? i heard they have the worlds biggest cats. we have the worlds biggest rats that grow up to 1 meter in length, lizards that stand on their hindlegs, and frogs that grunt like hogs.

    PPS. My wife has founded a womens group to help their members from allieviatin abstract poverty and also help other women and orphans in our country. we are trying to sell e’books, and photos of out fauna/flora to raise funds instead of just asking for donations. can you help us with some ideas?

  11. Eric Post author

    Hello Andreas, it is nice to hear from you. If you are serious about going to India I could probably connect you with my missionary friends there. Of course you would need to finance your own travel. I would also like to visit Papua New Guinea some day.

    As far as making money from the ebooks, my best advice is to follow all of my lessons starting from lesson #1. I think it’s great that you are trying to use the internet to help people in your country.

  12. Eric Post author

    Sounds cool… I will keep it in mind as they are planning on having a farm on the orphanage property eventually.

  13. Ernest 'Al' Whaeyl

    ERIC… glad tyo be a part of the Belize trip- My daughter spent years in New Guinea – I’ve got some catchup to do – startinmg in lesson #40. but I will catch up. Bden working on marketing strategy -creating copy, but not yet started building web site. Thanks for letting me join the ‘group.’ Al whaley

  14. Mark Nolan

    Way to go Eric. You are doing some great projects and it is an inspiration to see how you help so many people. Keep up the good work.

    Mark Nolan

  15. Don Montgomery

    Hi Eric,

    I think it is Great that you go on mission trips to help people around the world. It’s my prayer that I will get an internet business going so I will be free to go on mission trips myself and also be able to finance trips for others.

    You are the first internet entrepreneur with these values. You make a Great role model.


    Don Montgomery

  16. Doug Wright

    Thanks Eric re N0v.19/09 message. It is great to hear from a sincere Christian,and of course
    your family. We have become familiar with Colorado,i.e. on TV (Dr.Quinn). My area is Toronto,Ontario,Canada – with trout fishing
    not far away in the Muskokas.
    *I am an ardent follower of your lessons.& messages. However I still have not found time to setup a website,(due to a financial circumstance). i am impressed by your success.
    There should be no excuses from myself,since computer,& internet experience dates back to Windows 3. I am taking your advice to start as an affiliate,then progress to selling my own info products via Adsense,(hopefully). Are you really serious about quitting the work you have built over time? Regards, Doug

  17. Kenn

    Hi Eric,

    I’m astounded, why? Well because I’m getting a sense that our paths have crossed for a reason. Now let me explain. I recently purchased Trading Pro System because I felt comfortable with your style so that was 2 things in common… our style and the fact we are both interested in trading. Now I discover that another common point of interest is Belize. I haven’t been yet but one of the reasons for getting involved in IM is to eventually settle there, my wife is finally convinced. The goal is to make it happen by my 60th birthday which is about 5.5 years away. I’d be interested in hearing more about your Belize charitable functions. And btw I’m really struggling with Trading Pro System, maybe you can help me directly before I’m forced to request a refund 🙁

    Thanks for reading,

  18. PAULA

    a group of us from colorado are about to leave on a medicl mission to belize, but some hope to help with the things you have been working with while we medical folks will be taking care of the patients. I think it’s great meshing of tallents when groups with different interests and tallents can mesh with one common goal. We love what you do. We are from the Colorado Adventist Group out of Denver. We arrive the end of Feb. We recently visited Rwanda again and had a stellar trip there.
    Blessings to you all!

  19. Eric Post author

    That awesome Kenn!

    Regarding the TPS, please submit a ticket at the helpdesk with your questions and we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction 🙂

  20. Pingback: Belize Mission Trip Update | Eric's Tips

  21. michelle

    i am working on an educational project for independent living near san ignacio, belize and we need to dig a well. can you offer any suggestions, guidelines or stay away from tips?
    Thanks and you have excellent pictures of a fantastic job.

  22. Eric Post author

    If you are able to get a truck in there and do a bore hole, like we did, that will be the easiest. Otherwise you’ll be looking at finding some portable well-driling equipment.

    There are only a handful of well drillers in the country, and their prices actually varied quite a bit. I think it kind of depends on how busy they are. I don’t know the name of the well drillers we used, but you could probably find them just by asking around who owns the white drilling truck in the picture above. It’s such a small country, anyone in that field of work would probably recognize it.

    It also rains a lot there, so depending on your needs, a temporary solution may be as simple as a water catchment system with a cistern and a filtration system.

  23. Mali Lewis

    Hi Mr. Eric,
    My name is Mali and my family and I have been to Belize several times on mission trips. I recognized some of the things in your photos and was wondering what village you went to? Most of the time we are in the Toledo District and I was wondering where you guys were working? Thanks for your time, and keep up the good work!!!
    God Bless,

  24. Micah

    Hello Mali,

    Yes, the orphanage is the Toledo District in southern Belize.

    Many of the photos are from Machakilha, a remote village accessible only by foot.

    You can learn more about the orphanage and village at the following link:

  25. annie

    I was just perusing online for information about water projects going on in Belize and found your blog. I am heading to Belize over the holiday with family. I am hoping to be able to work on some community projects, especially with water, while I’m there.

    I will be in the Belize City and Abergris Cay regions over a ten day period. Do you know of any projects to get involved in the local community in those regions? Or are most development projects based in the Toledo region?

    Any info would be great. I am open to helping out in any way, but have field experience in water sanitation. Thanks!

  26. Eric Post author

    Good question, unfortunately I don’t know. I do know that Belize City and Ambergris Cay are probably the two most developed and sanitized areas in Belize. (Not saying they are up to par though!)

  27. Wayne Thompson

    Good day,,Im a water well driller in NC,,and im thinking about doing some work in Belize..May I ask how mush the drilling co charged you for your well? Thanks Wayne Thompson Ground Water Well an Pump Co. 252 678 2665

  28. Eric Post author

    I don’t remember the specifics, but I think the drilling was around $3-4k.

  29. greg

    Hi Eric

    Happy to see you too like it in Belize. I spent a few months there last year and have some property in Cayo and on San Pedro. I plan on going back in the near future, perhaps we can hook up.



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