Belize Mission Trip Update

By | June 25, 2010

I just returned from a mission trip to Belize, and I’m happy to report that it went well.

First I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who contributed toward the trip either through donations, or by supporting my recent product launch. In addition to paying for this trip, we have now given over $42,700 to missionaries as a result of these online fundraisers.

It was my third trip to work with LOL Ministry in Belize. You can read about the 1st trip and 2nd trip on my blog if you’re interested.

Here’s some of what the trip entailed…

We had the privilege of removing 1600 tree “braces” and concrete forms which were used while constructing the 2nd floor of the orphanage building. (Below is my brother-in-law Micah, whom you may know from Push Button Marketer, or from my helpdesk)


Here’s me pouring sand into a mixer as we made concrete for a flight of stairs. Doing this in the sweltering heat and humidity pretty much kicked my butt and I was sick with heat exhaustion for awhile that night.


It takes a long time to build something like this in the jungle. The building is coming along nicely…


Two of the first orphans taken in by the ministry. We’re doing this for them!


We also hiked into one of the most remote villages in southern Belize. There is no road to it, and it is a long muddy hike to get there. We brought 20 fishing rod/reel combos with us, and gave them to the men of the village, along with putting on a fishing clinic.


Most of them had not seen modern fishing gear before. They really appreciated it, and there was much smiling and laughter as they learned how to fish. It was a great thing to see in a village that has often been marked by hopelessness.


It was a good opportunity to interact with the villagers. It was my 2nd trip to this village, and the fishing clinic proved to be a successful relationship building tool for the ministry we were working with.


Only a couple people caught fish during the clinic, but this guy caught 11 of them! Some people are just born fishermen, like me 😉


My favorite picture: the fisherman’s son holding the afternoon’s catch…


I got to catch a few fish too!


A soccer game with the villagers. A little taller grass than we were accustomed to playing on, but it was a blast.


We ate our meals in the chairman of the village’s house…


The chairman’s wife and one of his daughters…


Our group along with the chairman’s family in front of his house…


Again, thanks to all who helped make this happen!

I will be in the mountains this weekend with my wife, celebrating our 11th anniversary. But please feel free to leave comments, and I will read them when I return.

Have a great day!

126 thoughts on “Belize Mission Trip Update

  1. Michaela

    Eric I have been impress with your missionary work, you really know how to contribute and where.
    Keep your supper humanitarian work
    As usual

  2. Ed

    Hello Eric,
    A well worthy cause, and a nice donation to the poeple of this village. This is great humanity work you put togeather you and your team. The smiles in the picture’s tell all.

    Again Great work Eric,

    Libertyed 🙂

  3. Tony

    wow~~ a good one, you seem quite enjoy your trip. I hope I can earn more extra money on internet, then I can get more money and time for charity in the future.

  4. charles pinheiro

    Cant imagine you going there for the sake of those poor people. let me know your ministry name, i may join in. thanks
    warm rgds

  5. Mohd Ariff

    Hi Eric,
    Really touching the way u live, helping people on earth is a great jobs for all of us.

    There are many ways we could help others & yours could be much appreciated of your time, money & could be even taking the risk of your life for others.

    Good, intelligence people should live by example as u too sharing your knowledge of wealth.

    Regards, Mdarf

  6. Gail Fay

    Hi Eric,
    This is absolutely heartwarming stuff. You restore my faith in human nature. You are one of the few true heroes of the marketing world, and we all love you! It is truly delightful to all see those happy faces. Congratulations on a wonderful effort.

  7. Brian

    Hi Eric – amazing photos and great to read about the work being done there! Keep it up!


  8. Wayne Cooper

    Hi Eric

    Looks and sounds like you had a fantastic time in Belize… and I am sure a very rewarding experience.

    Belize is a place I have wanted to visit for sometime now. Maybe even move there!


  9. Rob

    Nice to see that you are doing caring stuff.
    The best part is you get to combine a few of my favorite activities all at the same time.. hiking etc.
    Makes staying on your list worth it for two reasons now!
    I have very recently started up a “internet school” for previously disadvantages South Africans and am hoping for great things from it.
    Hopefully one day my efforts will get close to matching yours.
    Take care

  10. Vanessa Reece

    Eric, thanks for sharing the pictures. This kind of work is so important. One of my goals is do something similar. This is very inspiring. Happy Anniversary!!! Have a wonderful time. Best, V

  11. Laurynas L.

    Hi Eric.
    These pictures touched my hard. I respect you and what you are doing. I wish every marketer could do something like this.
    All the best for you and your team !

    Regards, Laurynas L.

  12. Shane Hale


    Awesome stuff man! It is a blessing to see the donations and money through Internet Marketing making the difference in so many peoples lives!

    Keep up the awesome work!
    Shane Hale

  13. Dr. Sanjiv

    Happy anniversary Eric!
    Impressed by your charitable gesture. Didn’t know you were into it.As it is said,” Life is a policy of Give And Take, BUT Nobler is the one who gives rather than forever takes. You’re a good man Eric.

  14. Michael Chalke

    Well done Eric, great that there are still people in this world like you. I am sure their appreciation is a nice reward for you.
    I also appreciate the content you write for us newbies, or those that get stuck against a brick wall, just trying to emulate you.
    I shall keep following you, and one day I may even make some money! Guess who I will donate some of it too?
    Best wishes,

  15. Walter Minton

    What a great way to spend a vacation helping people. The Fishing Gear and hopefuly Church, must help everyone in the village with that aful word, Hopelessness, Thank God.

  16. ewrec

    Just wonderful, it is really a delight to see the wonder of humanity being shared amongst everyone reading this. I really enjoyed the pictures and it brings forth a good feeling of the value of life outside of the daily routine. Thanks Eric for sharing.

  17. Mah

    Wow !! Great work you are doing there Eric and I must say that the house is coming on nicely. Really cute children there. You people take good care of them ! God Bless You All.. 🙂

  18. Linnea Yates

    God Bless you for what you are doing for these people. I am sure you are an Angel in their eyes. Have a safe trip back.

  19. delores

    Wow powerful ministry.praise God!and thank you eric for allowing God to use you in this special way.I need to be more dedicated to making my business work so that I can make money to get out of debt and help others in the missionary field! Dp

  20. Colin

    That trip looks awesome! Glad you had a great time and did some good! Congratulations on your anniversary!

  21. Lawrence

    This is to me the true meaning of Wealth, reaching the unreached peoples group. Which is my passion.

  22. Bob Cummings

    HI Eric,

    Great pictures and you were at the time and still are such an inspiration to those kids and all the people involved. Thanks for sharing Eric.

    Bob Cummings

  23. karen leung


    Thanks for sharing with us your mission trip in Belize. I could see our donations were being well used as part of the plan building the Kingdom of God.

    Praise Him for He did great things!

    God bless, Karen

  24. nerissa mcleod

    what a treat looking your photos, they’re so cool. You guys are great.

  25. Sean

    Wow great pictures Eric! The orphanage is coming along nicely. How long before it is completed?

  26. Ralph Rizzo

    Very nice pictures. I’m very impressed with your efforts. It looks like the people were very appreciative of your visit.
    On another note, I have been in construction my whole life. It looks like you had to overcome some construction challanges as well. I have never seen trees being used as post shores before. I would have put some horizontal bracing to strengthen the supports. That made me nervous just looking at it. It looks like it worked for you. You and Micah did a very nice thing in supporting their efforts.

  27. Karen

    Just wondering if this is what my money went for when I bought the 20 and 30 web sites

  28. Christine

    Enjoyed the pics…Thanks for sharing them. They gave me a new mindset toward Belize.


  29. DANIEL

    great pics. love it down in that region. thats for the tips they are helping me out alot. income will grow more an more as time goes on. ERIC thanks again

  30. Glenn T. Cressy

    I am glad to see that there is someone out there that believes in doing good in the world. I am an Expat living in Cuenca, Ecuador and I try to follow this principal also. You might want to look at my website. I have 30,000 people here dying from cancer in the Amazon Rainforest because of corporate greed and I am trying to do my part to help out. I would like to stay in touch with you so that we can compare notes. BTW, I will be having a product launch in a month or two on a new computer program. Some of the money from that will go to building the water treatment plants that are necessary to save these people.


    I must say that you are a helping hand to the needy and also to me by sending me your helping tip on online income.
    I know that you are dedicated to help those in need and may God bless you for that.
    Nzediegwu Kingsley

  32. Fran

    Hey Eric,
    Thanks for sharing this and the work that you do. It is so nice to see the positive aspects in this world!

  33. David Stewart

    Nice post. I love the pictures and the idea of a fishing clinic. My church just sent a team to Peru for the second year in a row. Its my hope that when my IM business is established I can participate on some.

    Congratulations on a successful trip!

  34. Janet Whisnant

    These pics are beautiful. Im am so happy to see how you are able to help these wonderful people and how they are able to enrich your life as well. Thank you for all you do.

  35. Ron

    Congrats to you and your wife on your anniversary Eric, and thanks to the missionary work you’ve done.

    The good Lord already has, and will continue to bless you for doing the work he has called
    you to do. Giving of yourself and making sacrifices to make a difference in other peoples lives,giving them a glimmer of hope,
    knowing that there are people who care.

    I highly admire and respect you for that Eric,and also helping people out in business
    like myself.Thanks for the priceless value you
    create for others,online an off.

    Thanks again,
    Ron Brantley

  36. Franklin

    Eric, its very encouraging to see a person like yourself going on small but big missions like these. It means alot to me to know that you are a marketer and still humble yourself to do these type of things. Your blessed, Frank


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