I just returned from a mission trip to Belize, and I’m happy to report that it went well.
First I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who contributed toward the trip either through donations, or by supporting my recent product launch. In addition to paying for this trip, we have now given over $42,700 to missionaries as a result of these online fundraisers.
It was my third trip to work with LOL Ministry in Belize. You can read about the 1st trip and 2nd trip on my blog if you’re interested.
Here’s some of what the trip entailed…
We had the privilege of removing 1600 tree “braces” and concrete forms which were used while constructing the 2nd floor of the orphanage building. (Below is my brother-in-law Micah, whom you may know from Push Button Marketer, or from my helpdesk)
Here’s me pouring sand into a mixer as we made concrete for a flight of stairs. Doing this in the sweltering heat and humidity pretty much kicked my butt and I was sick with heat exhaustion for awhile that night.
It takes a long time to build something like this in the jungle. The building is coming along nicely…
Two of the first orphans taken in by the ministry. We’re doing this for them!
We also hiked into one of the most remote villages in southern Belize. There is no road to it, and it is a long muddy hike to get there. We brought 20 fishing rod/reel combos with us, and gave them to the men of the village, along with putting on a fishing clinic.
Most of them had not seen modern fishing gear before. They really appreciated it, and there was much smiling and laughter as they learned how to fish. It was a great thing to see in a village that has often been marked by hopelessness.
It was a good opportunity to interact with the villagers. It was my 2nd trip to this village, and the fishing clinic proved to be a successful relationship building tool for the ministry we were working with.
Only a couple people caught fish during the clinic, but this guy caught 11 of them! Some people are just born fishermen, like me ๐
My favorite picture: the fisherman’s son holding the afternoon’s catch…
I got to catch a few fish too!
A soccer game with the villagers. A little taller grass than we were accustomed to playing on, but it was a blast.
We ate our meals in the chairman of the village’s house…
The chairman’s wife and one of his daughters…
Our group along with the chairman’s family in front of his house…
Again, thanks to all who helped make this happen!
I will be in the mountains this weekend with my wife, celebrating our 11th anniversary. But please feel free to leave comments, and I will read them when I return.
Have a great day!
Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Congratulations on your anniversary.
Take care,
Donna ๐
You are a good guy. A modern day Apostle for the good works.
I have paid attention to you once in a while, definitely not enough though.
Thank you and keep up doing your good deeds I know the people you help do appreciate what you do.
Take Care
Edward J Naylor
Hey Eric,
this is sterling work you are doing, I mentioned in an email to you that I was out there with the UK Forces sept 87 – Mar 88, we did a lot of work around the border areas giving medical assistance to people as well as carrying out operations with the BDF, keep us updated on your progress with this worthwhile cause, people dont appreciate what poverty is until you see it with your own eye’s, keep up the good work
Hi Eric
I hope you had a great time and it’s good to see people helping others less fortunate. Great pictures of your trip, job well done.
Thanks for showing us those pictures. . very inspiring. If I ever earn from the internet I shall join you (or you join me, in my country) doing the same thing. How can I get allllllll
your lessons????
What terrific pictures, and a great story. These are the kind of experiences very few people will ever know. I enjoyed your fishing clinic. My better half and I had a similar experience when we got stuck in a remote area of baja mexico. He is an avid fisherman so teaching people, children how to fish while we waited a month to get an axle fixed was his dream come true. We left with 10 poles and came home with one.
Nice! God will reward you.
God bless you Eric, wonderful work you are doing,
Love from fellow Christian in South Africa.
Hey Eric,
I have been following your lessons for a quite while now. But doing such a great deed gets really touching…
You are doing a great job. Keep it up..
God Bless you…
I was a missionary for ten years. And you’re right – it can be really hard work with or without a hot sun. But the rewards and memories are a millionfold. Hold onto those photos and guard them with your life. ๐ I am so glad there are people like you in the world. You may never know what you have really done for the good of that village. Brightest Blessings!!
Hi Eric,
I have been fallowing you from very long time and i really want to say thanks from bottom of my heart for doing great job for every one like me. I am not making any money at the moment but as soon i start doing well, i will be contribute to your group. keep helping people and god bless you.
Hi Rob,
Great to be helping somebody especially here in ZA.
As to the previously disadvantaged having lived with them for the past 71 years,may one assure you that they were far better off then than they are now even with an internet connection. Are you aware that their life expectancy has come down from 61 in 1999 to an official 41 in 2009 but the truth of the matter is that it is 33 Today kept under wraps, not made public.
Understand my statement better now they where much better off, if you consider LIFE as the most precious condition there is.
Should you wish to do something worthwhile mail me and Maybe we could work something out. ctz.puri@yahoo.com
You and your group are an inspiration to us all. The world would be a better place if more people where like you.
Thanks for all that you do and God Bless
I’m very impressed with you & Micah being able to travel to other countries to contribute your time & energy for helping those less fortunate than we are her in the USA. Keep up the work & I’ll support you when you need the funds for your next visit to Belize.
God bless you, Eric & Micah
Hey Eric,
Great to see you giving back so much and in a much needed way. I’m making a goal to donate some time and funds soon as possible by year end.
Nice work, it is very health helping other people to jump and many more give your time and love.
Congratulations brother.!
Wow God bless Eric Great and wonderful things you are doing!!
personal wealth is just the first platform we all aim to… from there you give a great example of other possible platforms human nature drives us towards..
thanks for the inspiration and the great example of what being a man really means
Thanks for sharing the pictures, you’re doing a wonderful work… God bless!
Eric, I’m truly touch by all those that reach out to help those with less, have hope. But despite their situation, they have sometime many “civilized” people don’t. They respect their environment and are humble, which I’m sure you can attest to. This is why I listen to you in the first place, because you have based your business on the same moral standards I live by. Somethings are more important, than things or money. We work to accomplish or fulfill our real purposes. I’m touched by your genousity.
Thanks for sharing the pics and sharing in the bigger picture Eric. Keep up the good work. The villagers do appreciate the work that is being done… their faces show that.
You really inspired me. I consider you to be one of the best internet marketers. Unlike the others, you are involve in the ministry which I admire the most.
May God continuously bless you!!!
Great work Eric! It’s a bless to have someone like you!
Jesus said that as you have done this to the least of these my brethren you have done it unto me. Matthew 25:34-40
That was my fave pic too – the little boy holding a fish – so symbolic. It is really great what you are doing. This is the stuff that is most important in life. I really think we are here on Earth to help other people. Thanks for all you do, Eric. And Happy Anniversary to you and your wife. Blessings to you…
Hi Eric; God Bless you for your missioary work, truly wonderful that you can and do participate. You are truly following God’s teaching requirements. Congratulations to you and your wife. Thank you. Ray
No doubt you put in a lot of time, hard work and effort to get the results here, so it’s good to see you, your team and the locals having some fun too. Well done and congrats
Hi Eric,
I admire you for what you are doing in the mission trip and sharing your time and skill (if not your money) to the others. That is why God bless you and your works. You are a rare type of person in the Internet Marketing world, someone that I can trust.
I should listen to you more …
Congratulations on your Anniversary!
God Bless You,
Dear Friend-Eric!
I just saw all the Pictures on your blog, & was very impressed once again. There are very Few people, who can think & Act like You. Keep it up the Great Work doing! May you be Rewarded for the Big, Marvelous Task. Take Care!
Cool Eric,
By contributing back, you will receive more! What comes around goes around!
Ming Jong
Nice Pictures! Looks like some great work is taking place. Keep it up…may you be blessed always!
I’d like to make such humanitary work as you. Just after I reach my goals I think I will be able to do it. Keep up good work!
Eric, By the looks of the size of the fishโฆ. it looks like they caught all the big ones before your ministry arrived! (just kidding!) It is truly inspirational to see you and your group helping the people of Belize build for their future and show them that compassion for fellow human beings is alive and well. I wish there were more successful internet gurus who spent time helping fellow human beings in foreign countries instead of sponsoring โcruisesโ for the already wealthy successful entrepreneurs that have purchased products from the sponsors. I like your style, not too flashy but enough to get our attention in whatever you do. I can see why you have such a beautiful family! It all comes from the heart. Thanks for what you do.
Hi! Eric,
I browse all the pictures, it is really great to see you and Micah helping people with such dedication.
PS. Do you start with traffic videos now? let me know.M.
Eric, a great work that you are doing. It’s been said that you can tell the character of a man by how he treats those who can offer him nothing in return. You are truly an inspiration and, unfortunately, a rarity these days.
Just don’t forget to share the Good News of Jesus Christ while you’re out there in the mission field, because it is the only lasting hope. Helping those less fortunate with their physical needs is commendable, but is only a temporary solution to man’s need. This world and us with it will one day perish, but the gift of eternal life is, well, eternal.
I hope when my newsletter takes off, I too can sponcer a mission project to help others too. Especially the children. They are very dear to my heart as they are Yeshua/Jesus. Thank you for stepping up to the calling and leading others by example. Thanks for being willing to be HIS servent.
Shalom Brother
Eric, Last October-November, I flew to Belize and took local busses & taxi to Panama, flew to Bueanas Aires, Argentina, crossed the Plate river (3 hours at 35 MPH), ALONE. I AM 79 YEARS OLD. No problems, met many caring people. Many happy memories of 3 weeks.
That was realy fasinates me. I like to read humanitrian story from you. Great job to your group and family . Last but not least…Happy Anniversary. Wishing every best in your life, carear and future undertaking.
Eric I read a lot of your material that comes my way (newsletters) etc. I find your style and commitment extraordinarily refreshing and subliminally relaxing almost like listening to a guru while meditating. In your case a guru of another kind. ๐
Anyway, I see a point in everything I see or come across in life and this is one point which touched me(actually jumped into my face) while I landing on your home page this very moment in time.
Here’s my point and perhaps a mirror that I would like to share.
(Referring to the people in the photos.)
How fortunate these people are yet they realize not the fortune they inherit from their forefathers.
Imagine you wake up everyday to answer for nothing but the needs of the very basic necessities of life – mainly food.
No rent to pay, no taxes, no bills for heating or cooling, no transportation, no need to worry about hairdoo or fashion clothing. No competing for university of any kind.
And the biggest of all the benefits that faces these people are that they don’t have to think about any “MAKE MONEY FROM HOME” schemes or Internet Marketing “CRAP”.
Yeh, I know that there are tonne of people who enjoy MAKING MONEY FROM HOME like people who are established. However, most people if they had the option they would opt-out any day from the race. I would if I had to be reborn to a normal villagers life of a Belizian living in the bush.
It just shows, how far away our western life has come away from living in joy and happiness. Walking today as a westerner has given me the chance to see the dark side of life from a survival perspective even though there are no wild animals to content life with.
A western life is self-deteriorating at an alarming high level. If you stop working (unlike these people that are displayed in your photos) you end up being an statistic that is waiting to be added to the millions of people who are crowding the back streets of any major city.
There is a big message here and one that needs addressing. Every mirror has a different face looking into it and as such it will display what the viewer sees.
In this mirror I see a life of joy and happiness and one where life is less challenging and more relaxing.
Can you see the mirror of life that these picture paint for you (the reader)?
Cheers and blessings!
ps: I did not read your writing – my previous response is based on the images you’ve provided.
Eric, many thanks for this opportunity!
Your the man Eric.You always do things worthwhile. I praise you for your efforts.
Great to see the results of my involvement. When you can’t go you can always give. You have experienced what is worth more than money; sharing the love of the living God with others. I look forward to see what next years plans are.
Wow, that sounds like an adventure!!
congratulations for your humanistic deeds . I appreciate in you the kindness of heart and the fact of bringing relief to the needy and the helpless .
Eric! The pictures are truly beautiful! God Bless- I’m glad it went well!!
Wow, what a great way to spend your time, talents, energy and money to serve others and build something that will possibly outlive your own life! Thanks for sharing the pics and story..
God bless and happy 11th anniversary!
Dear Eric,
i am really proud of you. you are doing great jobs to mankind such as offering free information stuffs to the online enterprenurs,
Helping poors. keep it up & God belss you.
nice work Eric. wish i could have helped also.
Hi Eric,
You are a good example for all others to follow
Thank ‘God’ for you!
You manage to find time for humanitarian work and risk your health.All I can say The Good Lord will take care of you and will bless you.
Many thanks for the lovely photo’s of you and the team.You are so kind to share them with us
Kindest regards
Wonderful work, Eric !
It is a heart-touching news, you are always trying to give your share to the welfare of the less-lucky people. May God bless you, Eric and family !
from fellow Christian in Indonesia :
Santy Chr./ I have been learning about internet marketing from you, which is free of charge. with deep gratitude.