ClickBank Affiliate Confessions by Codrut Turcanu and Heather Vale

By | April 10, 2006

UPDATE: This product is now outdated. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations (including my best tips about ClickBank), please join my free newsletter.

Edition #35 – 04/10/2006

I recently had the pleasure of participating in a project called ClickBank Affiliate Confessions. If you’re still trying to figure out how people like me are making big paychecks with ClickBank, keep reading and I’ll explain what it’s all about…

CB Confessions

Codrut Turcano and Heather Vale invited me to be a part of the project, after learning how well I was doing with ClickBank. They wanted to create a new resource that would truly give an inside look at the exact methods and secrets that successful CB marketers are using in the real world.

The deal was, I had to reveal some of my top “secret” methods, some of which I have never shared before. At first I wasn’t too excited about giving away my personal inside information, but after seeing the quality of the project and caliber of the other participants, I enthusiastically signed up.

The result is a resource that really blows away anything else I’ve seen, in terms of ClickBank “real world” techniques and tips. Along with myself, there were four other ClickBank super affiliates who participated. It’s an honor to be a part of this roster…

Eric Holmlund
Graeme Eastman
Liz Tomey
Rick Davies
Rosalind Gardner

If you haven’t heard of these marketers, you’ve probably at least visited their sites. Each participant is making a substantial monthly income (enough to live off of) from ClickBank, and some like Rosalind are getting downright filthy rich, LOL.

Each participant reveals their secrets in a full audio interview conducted by Heather (she’s a professional TV and radio personality). I personally have over an hour of audio included, which contains hot information about what I’m selling and exactly how I do it.

The other audio interviews are awesome too, and even I learned a lot just by listening to them.

You’ll receive all 5 interviews on audio, plus the transcripts, plus a wealth of other information from Codrut and Heather.

(Link removed – product no longer available)

As always, I’d love to hear your comments about the program.

4 thoughts on “ClickBank Affiliate Confessions by Codrut Turcanu and Heather Vale

  1. Arthur Marshall

    I want to order Clickbank Affiliate Confessions but the website for that says it is closed down. What do I do about that?

    Art Marshall


  2. Eric Post author

    Hi Art- The link should be fixed.. please try now here

    Update- It’s no longer available

  3. Murri

    Hi Eric
    I wish to see the video on how to join as an affiliates on steps by steps in buying and selling in as I still unsure about it.



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