How To Grow Your List By Giving Away Ebooks

By | April 20, 2006

Edition #42 – 4/20/2006

Yesterday I gave you a great example of a giveaway bonanza, so you could see how it all works.

Then I explained why many marketers are so eager to jump in and participate in this type of event.

The biggest reason is to build our lists. List-building should be a fundamental aspect of your online business.

As promised, today I’m going tell you how to get involved in the giveaway game, and then I’m going to give you some specific sites that are currently accepting contributions.

First you need to start your list.

If you’re already building a list, great. If not, then it’s time you start. I recommend using Aweber- that’s who I use. I could give you at least 10 reasons why I think they’re the best… deliverability, reliability, functionality just to name a few.

Look, I don’t say this a lot but just give them a try and you’ll see what I mean…

Try Aweber or get more info here

Use their tutorials (they have a ton of them) to get started by adding some opt-in forms to your sites.

Next you need a product to give away.

It doesn’t have to be big. For example, you could write a three page report and turn it into a PDF file, and make a cover graphic.

Private label rights products are also perfect for this kind of thing. Just take a PLR ebook or report, and turn it into your own product.

It shouldn’t be too hard to find something to give away. Seriously,if you can’t find anything then just contact me at my helpdesk and let me know what you’re interested in and I’ll sell you a related product that you can give away.

Finally, here are some sites to promote your gift.

Once you’ve got something to give away, find some big giveaways to participate in. Below you will find some sites that are currently accepting contributions…

(Some links removed – no longer available)

1) Ebooks Giveaway (huge ebook giveaway)

2) Resale Rights Giveaway (must be resale/giveaway rights)

3) Software Giveaway (currently in pre-launch!)

4) Turbo Collection (not too big yet, good time to get in)

Additionally here are 21 ebook directories where you can submit ebook listings. I personally took the time to find all these links, and the majority of them allow you to link to your own download page which means you can do a name-squeeze page.

Build Ebooks –

Clay Tablet Publishing –

E-book Directory – ($10.00)

Ebook Broadcast –

Ebook Directory –

Ebook2U Directory –

Ebook Impressions –

Ebook Jungle –

Ebook Palace –

Ebook88 –

Ebooks Library –

eBooks N’ Bytes –

Fizzi Ebooks – –

Jogena –

Mind Like Water –

Mr. Greenhorn’s How-To Library – (free for ClickBank ebooks) –

The Ebook King –

VYOM Ebooks –

Wisdom Ebooks –

Just make sure you send the visitors to your opt-in page, not directly to the download file. After the visitor opts-in, you can redirect them to the real download page, or you could have your autoresponder send them the link automatically.

As always you can leave comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

9 thoughts on “How To Grow Your List By Giving Away Ebooks

  1. flwong

    Hi Eric,

    Ley me introduce myself, i am flwong from Malaysia, I am totally a newbie in the world IM.

    Thanks for all the info you have sent to me all this while. Is been a very good and tutorial tips of what is IM all about. And after i have finished reading the Writing Cash Program, is really a superb tips in the world of how to generate income in the affiliate programme. 🙂

    And all the info you send to me is superb too. Hope you could guide me in this in future.


  2. Judy

    Well, yes — those are just a FEW of the many, many, many ebook sites out there.

    And more seem to be coming out, every day…

    Keep rockin’, Erick — you’re doin’ an awesome job!


  3. Gabriella Roth


    What a super idea! You put a lot of work into this! I will certainly look into all the sites you posted. Although I have been online for a little over a year now, I am now regrouping and looking at all the information I downloaded. Your tips are among the best of the best.

    I have to tell you I did my first JV giveaway this month and I quadrupled my list! I was so excited! And impressed that giveaways work so well in list building. I am concentrating on growing that list even more and with all the giveaway info you gave us, I can make a killing! : )

    I wish all the best in your endeavors, and I look forward to receiving more of your great tips!

    Warm regards,

    Gabriella Roth

  4. John

    Eric, you give some great suggestions on how to ‘grow’ a list, but what about getting started ‘from scratch’? I’ve seen a LOT of information on the internet from ‘experts’ on how to ‘grow’ a list, but they all seem to assume the same thing – that the person wanting to ‘grow’ their list already has a list started with which to work with. Do you have any suggestions or sources of information for those of us who don’t have any list at all?

    I tried to find a specific entry in your blog relating to ‘list building’, but I this is the closest ‘category’ that I could find. Maybe you need to come up with a new ebook on this subject? 🙂


  5. John

    Oh, here’s another suggestion regarding ‘list building’…

    There are numerous sites that all claim that they will almost instantly help a person to build a list from ‘nothing’ to ‘thousands’. I’ve signed up with several of these sites. They’re all the same. They all seem to assume that the person joining already has a list started with which to start with.

    How about if you gave us your opinions as to which ‘list building sites’ are really good and which ones are not?


  6. Eric Post author

    Hi John

    I would be skeptical about any site that claims to help you build an instant list. Yes there are ways of doing it, but most of the time those type of subscibers are lacking in quality, so its not the kind of list you want to build for the long term.

    As for growing a list from scratch. Here’s one way…

    1) Sign up with Aweber: Aweber Signup Here

    2) Watch Aweber’s tutorials to learn how to use their system

    3) Create an opt-in page with an Aweber form to capture leads. Make sure your opt-in page is compelling (I talk about this in the Motivated Marketing Guide).

    4) Drive targeted traffic to the opt-in page. You can drive traffic from giveaways as explained in the above entry, from PPC, pop-ups, buying solo email ads from other marketers, buying ads in ezines, and any number of sources. The most important subscribers to capture are your CUSTOMERS. If you’re selling anything, you want to make sure those people get onto your list, because they will buy from you again.

  7. John

    Thanks for the tips Eric. That’s why I keep watching for your emails! 🙂

    Actually, I have the ListFX package. I need to get into it now.

    Motivated Marketing Guide? I missed that somewhere along the way. Where can I find info on that?

    I’ll take a look at Dave Valliere’s course as well. I was hoping that you’d suggest some additional material for us. Thanks!

  8. ImmogmaLiaini


    As newly registered user i just want to say hi to everyone else who uses this bbs 😉

  9. innobbick

    Hey, just i just wanted to remind, tha global I4oTuFskPCc4 is near.


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