Ewen Chia’s Super Affiliate Cloning Program

By | August 21, 2006

UPDATE: This review is now outdated, and I have removed the links from this article. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #77 – 8/21/2006

Tomorrow Ewen Chia is launching his much anticipated Super Affiliate Cloning Program.

If you don’t know who Ewen is, he’s one of the most successful affiliate marketers in the business. He’s made a fortune promoting products and selling some of his own. I’ve promoted a couple of his things in the past, and he also did a promo for me one time. He’s a very respectable marketer, and I’m looking forward to meeting him at an event later this year.

OK so that’s Ewen… but in order to understand this product, you also need to know what a “super affiliate” is.

You’ve probably heard of the 80/20 rule. Well when it comes to affiliate marketing I’m guessing it’s something more like a 95/5 rule, wherein 5% of the affiliates make 95% of the sales.

Those are the super affiliates. They are the ones who make a lot of money as an affiliate, and they blow the other affiliates away in sales volume. Super affiliates are able to make a full-time income without a product of their own, and they are often able to develop multiple streams of passive income through their promotions.

They are highly sought-after as JV partners because product sellers want them to promote their products. Being a super affiliate gives you leverage in the internet marketing community, because you are able to use your status to build relationships with high-level marketers, and receive access to additional opportunities that aren’t available to the general public.

I happen to know these things because I am a super affiliate.

For awhile I was somewhat of an “underground” super affiliate, just silently driving traffic to various offers, many of which were outside the internet marketing (IM) niche. When you’re outside the IM niche, you can use your super affiliate status to build relationships with companies, and even negotiate higher commission rates.

Inside the IM niche, you can do the same things, but as an added bonus you’ll also get more publicity and recognition due to the nature of the business.

I’ve participated in several affiliate sales contests this year and placed in the top 10 of most of them. Just last week I was in the top 3 for two different contests. Those results alone have brought me more JV offers than I can handle. So the rewards are at least three-fold; the income generated from your efforts, the income received as prizes and bonuses, and the strategic relationships gained.

The reason I tell you this is not to brag at all, but simply to demonstrate WHY you should want to be a super affiliate. Basically if you are already involved as an affiliate marketer, then your goal SHOULD be to become a super affiliate.

Ewen Chia is just the man to show you how it’s done. As I mentioned, he’s one of the most successful and most well-established affiliate marketers in the entire industry.

Now he’s helping others become super affiliates through his Super Affiliate Cloning Program. This is not another ebook or “holy grail” software program. The program consists of coaching from Ewen, proprietary software programs, videos, ebooks, and more.

This is probably the most comprehensive super affiliate training program that I’ve seen. I’ve heard rumors that Ewen is going into semi-retirement after this program is completed, and I believe this is why he’s willing to teach the exact techniques that he has used and is currently using.

Essentially, he is revealing everything that he knows about affiliate marketing. He’s even requiring members to sign a non-disclosure agreement so that they do not share this information with others outside of their own organizations!

I recommend this program for anyone who is serious about becoming a super affiliate.

The only real downfall in my opinion is Ewen’s heavy accent. I know I’ll get some flack for this, but it’s a bit of a concern for me. His English is good, and his accent is actually more comprehendible than some of the other Asian marketers I’ve listened to, but nevertheless it can be somewhat difficult for the average American like me.

This is in NO way meant to be a criticism of Ewen. As I said, his English is good… I just have to focus very hard to understand every word.

The only reason I even mention this issue is because this is a fairly high dollar program, and since the coaching element is such a big component of it, I think you should be aware of this before investing your money.

Fortunately, he’s also including the recorded MP3 and written transcript of every coaching session, so if you miss something you can go back and listen to it again or simply read it.

Ewen Chia Supper Affiliate Program

As always, you can leave your comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

37 thoughts on “Ewen Chia’s Super Affiliate Cloning Program

  1. Eric Post author

    Hi Donna- we’re not supposed to say the price until the launch at 12:00 Noon. I will tell you it is a high dollar program, but I do feel the price is justified considering what he is offering.

  2. Gordon

    Hi Eric,

    What? No bonuses to entice us to buy from your link? 🙂

  3. Eric Post author

    Gordon – I just don’t feel that this program needs any extra bonuses (a.k.a. hype). But if you’re going to buy through someone else’s link just because of a bonus, get in touch with me via my helpdesk and let me know what their bonus is. I can probably beat their bonus, whatever it is 😉

    By the way, that goes for ANYthing that any of you are buying online. If you’re planning on buying anything thru someone else’s link… contact me first and see what I can do for you.


  4. Goldie

    Hi Eric

    This happening on the same day as Marketing Millions; with a very similar ideal.

    As I have stated before I have respect for your methods; so in true British style; which one and why?

    Both are promising ‘cloning’, and I bet when the window goes up that the offers will be marketed at a similar price.

    Is there some kind of JV ‘war’ going on? … or is it just a very clever marketing ploy?

    We all await your comments 🙂

  5. Cliff Hammock

    Eric – I never saw where Ewen announced the two Free slots in the SACP. I know my chances are pretty slim, but I was hoping to get one of the Free slots. He said that he would do that on Monday, so not doing it is causing some credibility issues for me. I am not yet fully engaged in the affiliate marketing world, but feel that the SACP may be an opportunity too good to pass up. I hate it when I feel so compelled to get involved but I still have those voices in the back of my mind saying, this is all just hype…don’t buy into it. I have the ability to earn over $100K/year in my job and doing some web development and hosting on the side (see my site at http://www.theforerunnernetwork.com). But I am very unhappy in working for an hourly wage when I know that there are so many opportunities for wealth creation; especially on the Internet. I am a former business owner, so I know what it is like to have a big day financially and I have a lot of business skills and technical skills, as an engineer managing web projects.

    I saw that Ewen is going to have a payment plan. Do you anticipate that with his coaching and tools that his limited number of clones will be able to generate the cash flow necessary to cover the costs of the SACP as the payments come due?

    I have all the skills and desire to be successful with some great coaching from Ewen, but I really cannot afford another disappointment either financially or psychologically.

    Thanks for any advice you can offer. I am trying to be transparent in this post so that you can offer some sincere advice.

  6. Eric Post author

    Goldie- I haven’t heard about Marketing Millions… who is it by, and what is the URL? I will check it out and let you know…

    Cliff- I haven’t seen Ewen’s payment plan yet so I’ll check it out and let you know if I think it’s realistic to cover your payments with the profits you make from the program starting from the ground up. Unfortunately, the page still isn’t live because his server crashed instantly at launch time… I’ll let you know when I get a chance to see it…

  7. Petre Tudor

    Hi Eric,

    I already read at a glance your challenge as to Ewen Chia’s program which will be launced tomorrow.I liked your short presentation about Ewen’s Super Affiliate program.I have it but at this time I’m not an 95/5 affiliate at least.I’d like to becomeasap.Ewen’s program is awersome and I’d like to have him as my trainer,coach,or online friend at least.I’ll read and re-read his program but I’m sorry because I still can’t buy his product for the time being.Another there are my problems now.For exemple I hard worked to create my first own website.I used Site Studio 1.7 from my hostgatorsite.
    I still haven’t published it on the net but I will asap.
    You are a ‘guru’ for me and I already know you aren’t enough time because you are occupied of your businesses to promote them.But I ask you to help me to finish my first own website.If you agree me I’ll come back to you with a short description of the my website or better I can send you my Hostgator site and SiteStudio login info to see my own website in construction before to publish it and you refine it or make me your professional recommendations.Then I’ll finish it and publish it asap.If you won’t agree me you can tell me where I’ll find out a testimonial as to your Writing Cash program at least to include it in my review page.

    Petre Tudor

  8. Eric Post author

    Petre- I currently do not have time to help with any websites personally, but I will soon be launching a new service which provides affordable options to have websites launched for you. I’ll announce it on Eric’s Tips when it’s rerady…

  9. Eric Post author

    Cliff- The site is live now and I’ve seen the payment plan so I can answer your question… The payment plan is 3 months at $533. Based on this, I’d say it’s fairly reasonable to try to cover that payment with new earnings from your affiliate marketing.

    Of course there is no way for me to know how much money you can make, so I can only base it on my own experience, and the potential of online affiliate marketing.

    When I started affiliate marketing I was promoting mostly ClickBank stuff. Here’s a screenshot of my first Clickbank paychecks when I started…

    Clickbank paycheck

    As you can see, I didn’t make enough during the first month to cover a $533 payment, but I more than made up for it during the 2nd and 3rd month.

    I realize that my situation is not necessarily typical, and most affiliate marketers don’t make any money when they start out. However, most affiliate marketers don’t have the type of training that Ewen is offering.

    Therefore, if Ewen’s training was able to make you even 25% as successful as I was during my first 3 months as an affiliate marketer, then you’d have no problem making the payments. But again, everyone’s situation is unique and marketers may find success at various paces… so that’s why I’d say it’s a reasonable plan, but I wouldn’t risk the world for it.

  10. Eric Post author

    Goldie- I think I just figured out that you are talking about Membership Millions. It’s totally different from Ewen’s SAC. I do think Membership Millions is a likely pretty good program. Shawn Casey, who is one of the guys running it, is a good guy. He showed it to me, and it’s a cool deal. Unfortunately, there’s just too much going on right now so I didn’t have a chance to do a full review of it. So I am not able to speak in depth about it, other than to say it’s definitely not a scam. On the other hand, I can speak in regards to the content of Ewen’s program, it’s top notch.

  11. Reica


    My concern about Ewen’s program is not a single of his testimonials or “qualifications” is from any third party affiliate network i.e. CJ, Clickbank. Would it also work if I decide to promote physical products instead of ebooks, etc?

    I read somewhere a feature on Jeremy Palmer, including his “superaffiliate status” with CJ & his being certified by Google. And his ebook costs under $100. …

    Now, I’m torn. Ewen’s is definitely expensive for a start-up affiliate….

  12. Eric Post author

    Reica – that’s a good idea, Ewen should have gotten some tetimonials from 3rd party affiliate program providers. I don’t know if he does a lot with CJ, but he’s shown screenshots of his Clickbank so I know he does a lot with them.

    Here’s something to keep in mind. Most of the affiliate marketers in our little Internet Marketing niche do not step outside the niche to promote other products and services (like most of the stuff on CJ). What that means is that you can take the principles and secrets you learn from the IM industry, and apply them to other niches.

    In other words, if a technique works to promote an internet marketing ebook, you may be able to use that same technique to promote a physical product on CJ and you’ll eat up the competition because nobody else is doing it that way.

    I know this is true, because I have done it with certain non-IM products and services and those vendors have told me I am among their top affiliates. In some cases, it will require creativity and thinking “outside the box” to use certain techniques, but it can definitely be done.

    As for Jeremy’s ebook, I haven’t reviewed it, but I do know he’s for real. If you are able to glean some good techniques from a $100 ebook then its well worth it, but most people need more than one ebook to learn the ropes and become successful.

    I will also take this opportunity to point out Ewen’s refund policy…

    Your Hassle-Free,” No Joke” 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee . I can’t wait to see the amazing results I am going to get when I put this into action.

    • If the Super Affiliate Cloning Program doesn’t give me the iron clad confidence of a pro, I get my money back.

    • If the Super Affiliate Cloning Program doesn’t easily and effortlessly start me on the road to monster paydays, I get my money back.

    • If the Super Affiliate Cloning Program doesn’t give me the facts and force me into action, I get my money back.

    • If the Super Affiliate Cloning Program doesn’t make me a cash-generating force to be reckoned with, I get my money back.

    • If my marketing doesn’t go to the next level, I get my money back.

    • If my buddies don’t start asking me what my secret is, I get my money back.

    If for any reason at all I decide that the the Super Affiliate Cloning Program does not exceed my expectations by the end of the 2nd coaching session, I will get a prompt and courteous refund!

    These are VERY ambitious claims, and you know what? I say try it out and if the program doesn’t meet your expectation for each of those bullet points, go ahead and get your money back!

    Ewen is putting a lot on the line with those claims, so I say go ahead and take advantage of it if you’ve got the money to invest, and the desire to make it happen.

  13. Cliff Hammock

    Eric, I was able to make the leap on the SACP. I used your link, so hopefully that will help you out in some way. I had some issues with the downloads on a couple of hist introductory products and I emailed Ewen directly, thinking that he might get back in a day or two. In less than five minutes, I had a personal response from Ewen and the problem was solved quickly. I am pretty excited about this opportunity. Even though I am a total affiliate marketing newbie, I do have a lot of good skills and the drive to succeed…and I am not afraid of taking bold action. I have started My Super Affiliate Journey website at http://www.mysuperaffiliatejourney.com to track what happens. Check it out if you can.

    PS I have just started to get some traffic and clicks on my very first AdSense site at http://www.onlinetradingsecretsrevealed.com. I am pretty excited about that as well. I cannot wait for the multiple streams of income to start flowing.

  14. Tyler

    Hey Eric,

    The reason I am here on your blog is that I was searching for any and all info on Ewen’s program. And, the reason I am looking for info, is I just placed my order today to be one of the lucky few (IF this offer really is a “limited” thing… I guess I’ll find out.)

    However, I am confused and am trying to find other that are already in the program. When I joined and paid the FULL amount, I was sent a normal looking “Thank You for Your Order” email, that showed my order ID and said I would receive an email shortly on how to get the info.

    It’s been several hours now, and no luck. I have called the number given, and sent several emails, w/ no return to any of them. Now, I’m not trying to give Ewen a bad name here in the slightest bit, but I am growing a bit concerned, so I thought I would find blogs like this and see if there might be an answer.

    Have you joined Eric, and if so what should I be expecting? Etc….

    -Tyler (Blazed)

  15. Jack Hadley

    Hi Eric,
    You are 100% right about understanding Ewen. No offense to him but I also find it very difficult to understand him. I know he will sell out and if I had the money I would purchase his program. To bad no one else has the balls to say anything. That’s what I like about you. You say what you want to say. That’s the way it should be. Thank’s
    Jack Hadley

  16. Eric Post author

    Cliff- Congrats, and thanks 😉 I think your Super Affiliate Journey website is a great idea. It seemed to not be online yet. I would suggest doing a WordPress blog for it. It will be a good way for others to see your progress

    Tyler- sounds like the welcome email got stuck in cyberspace somewhere. You should have gotten an email directing you to the member area. If you still aren’t getting any email reply, then I would suggest opening a ticket at http://www.midastouchmarketing.com/support/ … don’t tell Jo Han I told you to do it, but hey, him and Ewen are buddies so I don’t think he’ll mind.

  17. Cliff Hammock

    Tyler, I got several emails from the SACP as they were having some issues with the Welcome email. Anyway I was directed to a website with a login that has a lot of downloads that have already helped me to better understand the business. I also had an issue with a download, but when I sent in a support request Ewen emailed me directly with the solution. So he seems to be very responsive…at least from my perspective.

    Eric, my site is up and hopefuly you should have no problem accessing it at http://www.mysuperaffiliatejourney.com . I have already started building a list from it. I was amazed how quickly people signed up to follow my journey.

  18. Eric Larson

    Hello Eric. Just wanted to ask a few questions about the Ewen Chia’s Super affiliate Cloning Program. $1500 is lot’s of cash, for anybody. Why? Because it takes confidence that you’ll really make money from his mentorship. I think there’s no doubt that Ewen is an expert in his field. If he were retireing, then makes sense he would reveal “all’.

    Just some thoughts-He is very very young, seems silly to retire. Maybe that’s why he says “semi-retire”. I guess that means he can still work as much as he likes, and only cut back by 10% and he is technically semi-retired. Who woul give up all that easy money, especially if you can make it with “a click of a button”. He says that in order to make tremendous amounts of money you have to think “outside the box”, don’t do what everyone else does. And yet, we will be doing what he’s doing, not thinking outside the box. Anytime mass cloning occurs, generally it doesn’t work. Maybe he knows somthing we don’t know. Like when search engines catch on and don’t allow us to optimize one page websites to promote our affiliate business. As Ewen says they now want real websites, real content, real help websites, not promotional websites. Maybe Ewen has seen the end of the road in some of his strtegies, and he is ready to turn the corner and invent new strategies to market and sell his affiliate websites. Maybe it is time for him to cash out of his current strategies so he “can Think outside the box again”, and move foward as the time changes. He is in control here. After all if he accepts just 1000 clones, he will make 1.5 million from his cloning efforts, not a bad hit for 2 months. Why else would he really retire, logically anyway? Also the multiplying effect of many people using his strategies would tip the scale in the search engines favors, to changee rules, strategies, and make our marketing more difficult, Yes Ewen will give our money back, however only after two weeks. I have no doubt the info will be good, and new to our ears. However it is after implementation of his ideas is when the effectiveness can be tested. Not after 2 lessons. Real money back guarantee would be after the product is tested right? After all were all going to make money, so what’s the big deal?

    Some food for thought: The benifit of joining now is because you get the “live” calls. Now when the course is over, and the transcripts are availabe, tell me he isn’t going to sell the entire package at a reduced rate, say $595.)) because the “live calls weren’t included”. Not the same package. He would be a fool not to sell this package at a reduced rate later, because there may be another million in sales for Ewen. You won’t get the live calls, or the Money Back Guarantee, however his sales letters will be flodded by testimonials to sell his discounted product then. Maybe a 3 million total hit. No wonder Ewen May go into semi-retirement, for at least 2 months maybe.

    Eric Larson

  19. Eric Larson

    Hello Eric,

    I have a few questions. The three payment plan won’t be paid in full until after the program is over Will Ewen let us start the program with only $533 out of pocket? Also what bonuses are you offering to join through your link? I have received an e-mail from Michael Cheney that a friend of his, Sterling Valentine I beleive, will have group help sessions, and a meeting in Las Vegas, and will also guarantee your money back if the program does not work out…What can you offer, and can you do better than that? Also when does the program begin?


    Eric Larson

  20. Larry


    Here are answers to 2 of the 3 questions you asked:

    I too have purchased the program under the installment option. The first payment will be $583 (includes $50 for shipping the entire program after the 7 weeks) and $533 the remaining 2 months. You’ll still be able to participate since your credit card will be automatically build over the remaining months (provided you opt to stay in after the second week).

    The first conference call will be on 9/5/2006 which is the official day the program kicks off! Ewen will send the call-in details within the next 10 days or so.

    Hope this helps.


  21. Tyler

    Eric Larson- You made some comments about Ewen’s program that I had to reply to.

    You first said, “Who would give up all that easy money, especially if you can make it with “a click of a button.”
    –Well, quite frankly, I am pretty sure that the campaigns and ventures that Ewen has spent the last several years setting up and perfecting can be run pratically on auto-pilot. He probably is saying “semi-retire” because he will still need to maintain some of his work, so that it doesn’t just fall off and stop earning him money.

    Second you say, “He says that in order to make tremendous amounts of money you have to think “outside the box”, don’t do what everyone else does. And yet, we will be doing what he’s doing, not thinking outside the box.”
    –Well, to this, I have to say that anything that is beyond your own present way of thinking (your mindset) is
    thinking outside the box.’ So, although, yes, we will be copying Ewen’s tried and tested methods to gain succes, to SOME (maybe even quite a few), that information WILL be “outside the box!” And, from what I gather, Ewen’s methods are different THAN all the rest out there. So to him, they are outside the normal box that most top affiliates are in. Thinking “outside the box” is completely different for every single person; it’s all a matter of perception.

    You then go on to say, “Anytime mass cloning occurs, generally it doesn’t work.”
    –I’d really like to know what OTHER “mass clonings” you are talking about here that didn’t work?

    You also say, “Maybe he knows somthing we don’t know. Like when search engines catch on and don’t allow us to optimize one page websites to promote our affiliate business. As Ewen says they now want real websites, real content, real help websites, not promotional websites. Maybe Ewen has seen the end of the road in some of his strtegies, and he is ready to turn the corner and invent new strategies to market and sell his affiliate websites. Maybe it is time for him to cash out of his current strategies so he “can Think outside the box again”, and move foward as the time changes.”
    –I want to ask you this… Are you currently a WEALTHY Affiliate Marketer? As You’re making this comment, I am going to guess the answer to that is no, otherwise you wouldn’t be posting here. So to me, it sounds like you are just skeptical because someone else wants MONEY to teach you what they know. Is there anything wrong with being skeptical? No. But, if you are NOT already a very WEALTHY affiliate, then don’t you think that the training Ewen will give you is MUCH MORE extensive than what you already have under your belt? And then WITH THAT training, don’t you think YOU then could think further outside the box on your own, and invent your own NEW strategies and Ewen might also be doing???

    Next you say, “After all if he accepts just 1000 clones, he will make 1.5 million from his cloning efforts, not a bad hit for 2 months. Why else would he really retire, logically anyway?”
    –So, because he has the potential to make a lot of money with this, you’re assuming its not all it’s cracked up to be? I mean think about it this way, if he gives you ALL of his training, don’t you think you could turn right back around and do the exact same as him and make yourself that 1.5million in 2months? And as far as him retiring, who wuldn’t want to retire at such a young age and not have to work again? Spend all your time with your family and friends, travel the world more, etc etc etc.

    You go on to say, “Also the multiplying effect of many people using his strategies would tip the scale in the search engines favors, to changee rules, strategies, and make our marketing more difficult,”
    –And this IS a possibility, but just as I said earlier, don’t you think that if you have ALL this new training that Ewen is going to give, you could take that and be able to conquer any new changes? Or would you be planning on getting Ewen’s knowledge and then using THAT for the rest of your life unchanged and hope you’ll be succesfull forever? This world is constantly changing, and I am sure that I would like to have Ewen’s MASS WEALTH of knowledge so that I am MUCH better prepared for any NEW changes that come along, so that I can be on top at all times.

    You say, “Yes Ewen will give our money back, however only after two weeks. I have no doubt the info will be good, and new to our ears. However it is after implementation of his ideas is when the effectiveness can be tested. Not after 2 lessons.”
    — Sure, maybe two lessons isn’t enough for a TRUE iron-clad Money Back Guarantee. But you know what, it’s better than NO moneyback gurantee! And, maybe he will give so much in within those 2 lessons that you COULD be making money with it already!

    And finally lastly, you talk about him selling the product later, for cheaper (w/o the live calls.)
    –Frankly, who cares! By that time, you should have the wealth of knowledge from Ewen, and you can take that and do with it as you please. And, more than likely you’ll be making great money then as well, so who cares if he does that or not.

    These are just my thoughts.

  22. Eric Post author

    Eric Larsen- Thanks for the questions and some healthy skepticism…

    Larry and Tyler- thanks for answering Eric’s questions 🙂

    To reinforce some of those answers, I’ll just add this…

    you mentioned “Maybe he knows somthing we don’t know.”…

    Yes Ewen definitely knows some things that most of us don’t know.

    And why would he retire?

    My answer would be, why not? Not everyone who becomes wealthy is obligated to get greedy and spend the rest of their life in pursuit of wealth. When Ewen says he is going to semi-retire, I would be willing to bet he’s talking about spending the majority of his time doing things that are most important to him.

    Like Tyler said, the reality is probably that he’ll simply have other people running his business for him on autopilot. But even if he were to drop it all, I’d say its perfectly reasonable if he’s doing it so he can focus his time on more important things.

  23. Eric Larson

    Hello Eric,

    Thanks for your reply and thanks to Larry and Tyler also. That was great info from Larry, and may tip the scales for me in trying the cloning. $533 out of pocket to try the program is much better than $1495, and seems reaonable and fair

    Actually I wrote the letter partially to see the cons to my comments, to help sell me on the program, because I actually want to do this. Tyler did a great job there.

    However to clarify, these were just some thoughts that occored to me, not due to skeptisism. I beleive the content will be good. Cloning sites do not work, and was probably what I was thinking. However cloning a technique may be more abstract, therefore viable. Seo will never work with cloned sites, because there isn’t any unique content.

    I know from a recent e-mail from Ewen, he discussed the new rules at Google, that will penalize sales letter websites, and not effectively rank them or Index them for that matter. Ewen I’m sure does 95% of his new sales from his incredible opt in list, and from his affiliates, like Eric. Michael Cheney, Sterling Valentine, Mike Filsaime, on and on, so not necessary to get good rankins for his sales pages. I’m sure we will also have an incredible opt in list over time, after all we have to start somewhere.

    Eric Larson

  24. Eric Larson

    Hello Eric,

    Just a side note. My thoughts about Ewen selling his product later was based on saving money. If you miss out on this program now, or you can’t afford it, don’t worry-because you can more than likely get it at a substantial savings later. Maybe 1/3 the cost.

    Eric Larson

  25. Erminia

    Hi, I bought into the SACP also on August 24th. Unfortunately, not from your site. Short of a Thank you for your order email I have not received any further information. I was and am excited about this program, but a little peeved about not hearing back from anybody. I know Ewen is a busy man, but can anyone tell me how I can contact him via email? I have learned a little more about what the program is about from your blog, but thought I would receive additional information after spending some hard earned dough.

    Thanks you, in advance, for any information you can give me.

  26. Erminia

    I just read more of the posts up on your blog and am facing the same frustrations as Tylor, that is to say that I got the initial very very ordinary Thank you for your order email. After several phone calls to the number indicated on the email and as many emails to the contact on the email – I am getting absolutely nowhere.

    I started surfing last night in an effort to see whether others were having the same issues that I am. Although it is comforting to know that I am not alone and that this program is true, it is no comfort knowing that I am at this point in time one of the lucky few allowed into this circle but no one will let me in! 🙁

    I am confused and frustrated as Tyler is. I bought into this program because it sounds like such a great place to start being a newbie in the affiliate world but as dinosaur in the computer industry!

    So, Eric, I also followed up on your suggestion to Tyler and contacted Midas Touch Marketing. We will see if I can get some information from someone. Hopefully Tyler and I will be allowed into Ewen’s inner circle!

  27. Tyler


    If you haven’t received the emails about getting into your program, don’t worry. And don’t be peeved. I felt the same way, but I found out that it was actually MY server that wasn’t receiving the emails. (So that MIGHT be a problem on your side as well, make sure you check on that).

    However, Lee Raito got a hold of me by phone when he noticed I kept sending him email after email telling him I still had no access. If you are still having issues, you can email me at TylerReed (at) the1step2success (dot) com.

    I’ll be glad to get you in contact with the SACP team.


  28. Margret

    Hi Eric,
    I’m one of those frustrated people not having got any mail from SACP yet – I’ve been billed, got a blank subject e-mail with receipt but not a word so far and the program is supposed to have started! What can I do? I’ve e-mailed here and there and no response. No access. I’m beginning to think the whole thing is a scam.
    Can you help?

  29. Larry


    I emailed some information you should find very helpful at the Facts about Iceland website.


  30. Erminia

    Hi Tyler,

    I responded to your note last week, somehow it didn’t get retained on the blog. So here I go again – For starters thanx for your encouragement and offer of help. Last week after I posted here on the blog I got help from none other than Ewen himself. After my initial surprise of having direct contact with Ewen – I was even more surprised that he took the time to make sure that I was receiving the emails that were destined to reach me. Turns out the source of my problem was the same as you, basically my email provider was filtering my emails. So all is resolved and I am a SACP student now.

    I received loads of information before the conference so I am busy sifting through the mountain of information and rolling up my sleeves in order to get my work done, before next week’s conference.

    A note to Margret, should you still have problems getting through to Ewen or Lee I will be more than glad to help you. I understand your concerns, as the same thoughts went through my mind when I was in your shoes. Based on my experience so far, this program is not a scam.

  31. Margret

    Many thanks both to Larry and Erminia. I have now mailed both Ewen and Sam in the hope that I will get through to somebody. Let’s see if they answer – if not, I might just take you up on your offer of help, Erminia.

    Lots of thanks again, and enjoy the program!

  32. Erminia

    No problem Margret – Please let me know if you do not get through my offer still stands. I have no doubt, however, that either Ewen or Sam or both will get in touch with you. At the beginning of the conference on Tuesday Ewen and Sam spoke about the server crash they experienced during the enrollment period. They have been busy responding to all the students who experienced similar problems and the are committed to responding to all. So do not despair you are not alone and I am sure they will resolve the issue.

    Good luck to you Margret. I will keep checking the blog, so if you need my help do not hesitate to give me a shout!


  33. Hypervre Virtual real estate pro

    My salutations Man,You’re a shining star.. Do you think my site wld be as accomplished as yours. I know you are the right person for the job. You have my considerable support.

  34. Nicholas Mancini

    Hi Eric,

    I just did a search on Google for “Supper Affiliate Cloning Program” and your site is ranking high. Now September 2nd, 2007.

    I recognized some of the people posting here bought the SACP from Ewen the former “Supper Affiliate” now Ewen Chia the crook. I also bought the program.
    What can I say… a BIG FRAUD. Besides the general info packed in a 3 lb. 3 ring binder, a DVD containing some proprietary software which did not work (cheap programming), the 7 day/one hour Webminar (thank God we had the transcripts on that), and a lot of fluff… we had literarily NO Support. Left out in the cold. We were supposed to be “his family to take care of” “he was to semi retire” a whole lot of BS. We bought his name.

    Lucky for you you made your commission and I know you are one of the few honest out there left and had no way of knowing that one of the best will jeopardize his reputation for 1.5 million Dollars. (that is what he brags he made in 24 or 48 hours on the suckers who bought SACP.

    Life moves on and suckers have learned a lesson. Expensive lesson that will stick ;-( DO NOT TRUST THE “GURUS” There were people who borrowed the money to be able to afford to buy or went hungry there after. All Ewen cared was / is how fast he can get the cash and run. I bought this e-Book for $19 (now the updated version is $37) from Holly Mann prior to buying Ewen’s Chia SACP and I can honestly say I make more money because of reading her e-Book then Ewen’s $1,500 scam.

  35. Kham Lee Tran


    My guess is that Ewen no longer monitors or promotes the program you bought and you must have found his site via viral marketing. Once it spreads it can’t be stopped.

    Before investing money in any program, I highly recommend you research the activity level of that program. ie the launch date and just to see if it is still current.

    Kham Lee Tran


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