Pictures from my France trip

By | May 19, 2009

I need to apologize for taking so long getting the next lesson done. I thought it would be done by now, but I’ve been experiencing the effects of jet lag more than usual and haven’t been working a lot since I got back from vacation.

LOL, I guess I needed a vacation from my vacation 🙂 But seriously, I had a great time with my family, plus two sisters-in-law. We spent a week in Paris, then explored the Mediterranean coast of France from Spain all the way to Italy.

We’re a homeschool family, so it also served as a very educational field trip!

It’s a beautiful country. We were continually amazed by the graciousness of the people we encountered everywhere we went. The stereotype of French people being rude to Americans is totally obsolete.

Anyway, I’m now working on the next lesson. And in the mean time, here are some photos from our trip…





France France
















You can see some more pics on my flickr account.

Have a great day!

142 thoughts on “Pictures from my France trip

  1. Sandy

    The bike photo is cool, nice composition and colour. (I was a pro-photographer for many years in Mallorca). A couple of the photos of the med remind me of Mallorca.

    Keep the great content coming, very helpful.


  2. Colin

    Hi Eric.
    I must say you do have a very beautiful family and it shows you all had a great time. I loved the pictures; my favourite one though was the one with your youngest: what a beautiful little boy he is. Once again it is a privilege to see and enjoy your really beautiful photos.
    Can I also use this opportunity to thank you for the effort and time you put in to help would be Internet Marketers. God bless you and your family.

  3. amithakiron

    I felt happy to see the collection of your photos
    thank you for your kind gesture.

  4. John-paul

    Eric,i thank you for the e-books you provided for it’s the due time i will start making my own money.

  5. Heela

    Your ability to see and capture forms and colors is amazing, Eric. Each picture is a piece of art. This is a quality to aspire for. Not to mention the memories it brings back…:-)


  6. didier bertrand

    Hi Eric!

    Great pics !
    Didier from France (I am French)
    Ps : Next time go to brittany (bretagne).

  7. Rajen Makharia

    Great pictures. I visited Paris several years ago. Brings back several memories. You have captured the essence of whole of France. Great job.

  8. James

    So I’ve realized you must have grown your hair so fast like Samson.

  9. Priyadarsanan

    The photo of the water canal with people walking on the sidewalk and a street above it was really great – reminds me of my hometown Alleppey in the tropical Indian State of Kerala. Was it a scene from Paris?

  10. Graham in U.K.

    Hi Eric
    Is it true Blondes Have More Fun?
    (aka Rod Stewart)
    I guess it is – the girls look great!
    You’re a lucky guy
    (but I’m sure you deserve it LOL)
    I think the pics looked really professional
    especialy the landscapes – The Arc etc
    I hope you and your family enjoyed your break
    you certainly look as though you did!
    Graham in U.K.
    P.S. your son eating a sardine -UGH!

  11. Luis

    Great trip, the best part is that you are sharing that moment with your family. Your deserve it. CHEERS…

  12. Steve

    Wow Eric I have never been to France before, but after seeing your Beautiful photos, I now have desire to go there !
    They Are Phenominal !!!

  13. Michele Witter

    These are some AMAZING photographs! You are also a very talented photographer. This part of the world is truly beautiful. What a wonderful experience for your children. Also, thank you for all these great lessons. 🙂

  14. Charles

    Incredible pictures, incredible family!

    I was in France 3 years ago. I found it to be absolutely beautiful. Loved Paris, Cannes, Nice, and Grasse.

    Thanks for sharing!

  15. mohd ariff

    Yes! that’s great, not everyone of us can dream of your holidays that you had gone thru, yet there is something more in life that we are looking for.
    We can have everything & try anything in this Universe,yet nothing can give us satisfaction, people must listen to George Bush as every American must learn Arabic, as they might be able to read Quran,why?
    There is something we need to know about life as they are all there.

    You may find this website interesting & you genious might known them all.

    Yours great holiday is really fascinating to all of us & thanks for your pics friendship sharing.

    Best Regards

  16. mohd ariff

    Hi Eric,
    Great holidays & everyone need have a break as to see this wonder universe that has been created for all of us.
    And there will no be satisfaction for us as long as we live in this World.There is more things that we need to see & to know.
    World people need to listen to George Bush as to learn Arabic as to make them read the Quran & we will find the satisfaction in life as it’s always there.

    Best Regards

  17. Milton

    Hi Eric,

    Welcome back! You and your family rock! I have never been to France and and it felt like I was there already. I look forward to the day when I can take my wife and daughter there when I have a successful business going.

    Thanks for making this world a beautiful and better place! You are at the epiphany of where I wanted to go.


  18. Bette

    Thanks Eric, I have never seen such beautiful, targeted pictures of France and your family is delightful. I hope I make enough money to travel more. God bless.

  19. bushwick jennifer

    Hay eric, I’ve missed so much of you teaching and miss it very much, My host is not working out well and has erased my work. I haven’t received any E-Mail so I’m now using aol until I get re-ajusted. I hope you see this and change jennifer@allofmy history to bushwickjennifer@aol. Lost but not forgotten! I’ve purchase wysssiwyg to see if I can get control of my site from this host/designer who does what he wants at will. Pray that I’m a good student and retrieve all my hard work and continue to do His will.

  20. Brahim El Mouaddin

    I hope you did enjoy the trip to the last . France has empirial history no doubt you found it fantastic the the architecture of buildings , Effel Tower everything is exotic about France .
    congrats !

  21. pat

    Hi Eric and family
    Finally back on the internet after a major power outage blew twenty appliances including the satellite connection and the computer. It certainly pays to have that seperate harddrive back up of everything and do it regular like! I got the harddrive after the Black Saturday fires here in Australia. With the fires two km from the house they were scarey but the fact that if I lost the computer with everything on it would be even more devastating, especially all my photos. This computer I am working on is a loaner until the insurance comes to the party.
    It looks like you had a pretty neat time in France. Love those photos. Thankyou for sharing your trip with the landlocked. Certainly inspiration for me to get back into the swing of learning your lessons so that I too can visit with my lover…. sometime sooner than later.

  22. Anonymous

    You are really enjoying your life, while some of us are roasting in the present economic hot oven

    I am a struggliing writer, hope to raise my head above water and one day undertook such a holiday like you.

    God bless

    Paul Molokwu

  23. pat

    Great picture’s Eric,you have many talents. Do you like poetry.

    Light-hearted I walked into a church yard
    In a time of light clothing.
    Till beauty like a scented cloth.
    Cast over me,stifled me.I was bound.
    Motionless and faint of breath
    By loveliness that is only KAITLYN.(:

  24. Fred

    Well Eric I am very impressed so far with all of the videos. My wife and I 34 years ago spent our honeymoon in Rome and I did get to see alot as a former vet in the Army. Great pictures. My wife and I will be celebrating 35 years in June.

  25. Eric Post author

    Hi Jennifer, you can change your subscription email address by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of ANY email that your received from me. But then don’t unsubscribe… instead select the option to change your information.

  26. nitza

    the view was awesome. i enjoyed looking at them. very interesting

  27. Tim Purcell

    Hi Eric,
    thanks for sharing these pictures with us. Including the human element gives us a better picture for who you are, and is greatly appreciated.
    BTW, of all the lovely places you visited is there one that stands out above the rest?

  28. Eric Post author

    Different places stood out for different reasons. Cassis, France was a beautiful little town surrounded by amazing natural beauty of the Mediterranean coast.

  29. Dan

    In a new project I’d like to insert this old bike photo and looked for it in microstock agencies to buy it. All I found was:
    So you are a member there since January 2006 with just a snake and a bird? Not worth the effort, to much competition, “null bock” (that’s German, no idea in english), or what? Where can I buy this old bike photo, or do you allow me to just copy it?

  30. Eric Post author

    I’ve been a BUYER since 2006, but I just recently decided to add some of my own stuff. So I added those 2 files, but I just haven’t had time to add anymore.

    No it’s not worth the effort compared to how much I make for the same amount of time spent on internet marketing. But it’s a fun way to monetize my hobby.

    Yes you can use the bike photo, just consider it as a gift to you as an Erics Tips subscriber 🙂

  31. Dan

    Thanks Eric, very generous, appreciate it, and all of your work anyway!

    Why aren’t there more guys like you on this lousy planet?

    Though I turned my back on Dollarland biz and fully concentrate on the emerging Euroland market now, I always come back here to read and learn.

    Thanks for all and everything,
    Dan from Germany

  32. Donna

    Hi Eric,Thank you for the emails. Being cautious about opening emails I did not recognize I did not open them until now. It is late so I cannot try the lesson but I wanted to thank you for sharing the pictures of your France trip. They are beautiful. I trust that you had a good time.
    Thanks again, Donna


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