There are scammy and spammy products launched into the “make money online” niche all the time. I’ve given warnings and done various product reviews over the years, but there’s so much junk out there that I couldn’t cover it all if I wanted to.
I’m also not primarily in the business of being an Internet watchdog. It’s not really all that fun. So I tend to ignore most of the scams that land in my inbox, and try to stay focused on delivering value through my own business, and making money in ethical ways online.
Once in awhile something will really catch my attention or make me mad, and that’s the situation today.
The Prelaunch Hype
Over the past week or two, I received several “JV invitations” for a product launch called Free Commissions. I get those kind of invitations all the time, and it basically just means that someone wants me to promote their product as an affiliate. Some of those invitations came from Clicksure (the payment processor), from a JV broker, and from a 2nd-tier affiliate.
According to one of the invitations, the launch is being conducted by Tim Atkinson and Zak Meftah. The JV invite page contained a video of Tim Atkinson, and was signed at the bottom by “Tim Alexander”.
I’d give you a link to the page, but frankly it’s an embarrassment to the Internet marketing community (although it is sadly typical). There is no mention of the product itself or the value that will be provided to customers. It’s only about how much money they made on their last launch (over a million), and how they’re going to make more this time. There are affiliate prizes including a BMW.
Before I continue, I’ll give the first of a few disclaimers that I’ll offer throughout this review (to add perspective, and hopefully avoid being called a hypocrite). I’m not against product launches. They are a big part of my own business model, and I also teach how to do them. I’m also a fan of affiliate contests. I’ve participated in many of them, and held plenty of my own. |
What I’m NOT a fan of is when marketers utterly disregard their customers, and that’s the feeling I got from this launch before it even started.
The Emails
In spite of the above hype, I really didn’t give this launch a second thought. After all, I’ve seen it all before.
Then the emails started hitting my inbox. Again nothing new, but what caught me by surprise was two things…
– The number of people promoting it, including some that I’ve associated with in the past.
– The outrageous lies contained in the emails.
OK, time for my next disclaimer. I’m an email marketer too, and I’ve pushed the envelope with my marketing at times. But I ALWAYS make sure I can substantiate the things that I write.
Unlike many of the emails I saw for Free Commissions… |
“I just saw this sick video on YouTube and it’s received already 1,539,922 views in the last 5 days.”
Really? That’s funny since it’s not on Youtube, and the sales page just went up today.
“This video was shared 189,294 times on Facebook.”
Really… the moment it was launched?
“Good news! Your application has been accepted! Please review the details of the position here:”
What application, and which position was that? LOL
“Your Payment has been approved. Set Up Your Payment Information Here”
Uh huh. I could go an and on with the variations of fake payment notifications, and I’m not even going to bother getting into all the ridiculous income claims.
The Sales Page
After receiving this barrage of emails, of course I clicked one of them to check it out for myself. (NOT an affiliate link)
Here we have a typical scammy sales video complete with the so-called zillionaire, the cars, the yacht, the girls, the clearly fake testimonial videos, the bank account screen shots.
But here’s what really made my blood boil. The guy, Tim Alexander, goes on and on about all the fakes and scammers. He even goes so far as to say that he’s NOT an actor!
Of course the fine print at the bottom of the page says “In some cases actors have been used.” So I guess that makes it OK for the actor to say he’s not an actor!
The worst part was the ridiculous income claims. Folks, I’m not even going to waste my time, or yours, by quoting the outrageous claims made in the sales video. I’d be typing them up for the rest of the day. The gist of it is this…
You will make hundreds of thousands of dollars per month, with ZERO work.
This is the message that is given over and over and over again throughout the video.
Yet another disclaimer. I’ve got nothing against sales videos. In fact, I’ve been known to write very persuasive sales copy and create very persuasive sales videos. But there’s a huge difference between persuasive copy, and outright lies. These guys didn’t even use qualifiers in their script, such as “you could” (make money), or this has the “potential” (to make you rich).
They just flat out said you will make tons of money with zero work. |
The price was $49…
But when I clicked to leave the page, I was given an exit splash page with a $20 discount. As I continued to attempt to leave the site, I encountered no less than FIVE exit pages.
The final one took me directly to the shopping cart, with an offer to buy Free Commissions for only $9. At that price, I figured it was worth it just for the entertainment of seeing what was behind the curtain…
The Payment
The payment was processed by ClickSure. From what I understand, their business was birthed as a result of the scammiest of products/vendors that got kicked out of ClickBank, who needed a new way to sell.
According to ClickSure’s website, they are based in China and Mauritius. Because of this, it seems to me that they are not afraid of the FTC, or anyone else who might come against them for making false claims.
Last time I purchased something through ClickSure, my credit card company’s fraud department called me within minutes to verify the transaction. That didn’t happen this time (yet), but I was certainly surprised to see this statement on the thank-you page AFTER I paid:
“ is an International Company and therefore due to fluctuated Currency Exchanged Rate, the actual amount that appears on your credit card statement will be slightly different from your order amount.”
Well that’s nice to know.
The Upsells
These guys truly redefined “upsell hell”.
Here’s my final disclaimer. I’m not against upsells. I do them and I teach them. I usually do an upsell and a downsell. On a couple of occasions I’ve used multiple upsells and downsells in a sales funnel, but I’ve always treated my customers with respect, and there’s always been an easy way out. |
After making the initial purchase, I was presented with SEVEN additional offers prior to reaching the members area.
The first One Time Offer, which purported itself to be “streaming live” was $297. There was no way to bypass the video! I had to watch it until the price button appeared until I could decline. Worse than that, it was totally insulting. It included phrases like…
“Hit the “no” link and go back to your pathetic life of struggle”
“You’d be a complete moron to not take this offer right now”
Upon declining I was taken to the 2nd offer, which was the same thing for $197 (but called it a 50% discount). More ridiculous claims, such as….
“$110k a month. All you have to do is copy and paste a link. Literally all the work is done for you.”
From there I was taken to another $197 offer in which Tim Alexander (along with his very busty model friend) said,
“I want to give you my exact website that makes $238,793.14”.
And no, he doesn’t say it’s a copy or a replica of the site. It’s THE site, and he even says he is going to “transfer the site to you.” Again I had to watch this video before I could decline the offer.
From there, I was taken to another video, in which the busty model friend offered to give me the same website for only $97!
From there, I was taken to yet another offer which I was forced to endure before I could decline. This one was $175, and offered…
“Free commissions for life, without ever doing any work, without even lifting a finger.”
Yes that’s a quote, as are these:
“The only thing you have to figure out is how to spend the money. This is no hype, no gimmick.”
“All you need to know is that when you wake up in the morning you’ll see commissions like this, for life, for free. The money never turns off.” (While showing a screenshot of $68k/day commissions)
When I declined that offer, I was offered the same thing for $75. As we were obviously getting toward the end of this funnel, the insults continued to get worse:
“If you’re going to say no to this, do us both a favor and just quit. Go back to your pathetic life. You don’t have what it takes. Are you the loser that most people think you are?”
Apparently I don’t have what it takes, because I said no… and was taken to yet another offer! This one was for a $1 trial. I’m not sure of the total price, as I didn’t stick around to watch the full video.
The Product
The membership area is laid out in an organized fashion. Unfortunately, it seems to be organized in such a way that its primary objective is to get more money out of you.
Here’s a screen shot:
Step #1 is to register for the member’s only webinar (Better hurry, there’s only 10 seats left). Nothing wrong with webinars, or selling via webinars for that matter, but most likely the objective in this case is to sell you something expensive. I made the mistake once of allowing someone to conduct such a webinar with my customers. I will not make that mistake again.
Step #2 is to schedule your strategy session via telephone. Hmmm, interesting that the signup form asks you how much money you have available to invest in your business training! A classic tactic, and a sure sign that they’re going to be selling you some expensive coaching. (The more credit you have available on your card, the more it’ll cost).
Step #3 is to claim your “free website”, which is actually just a video that leads to a web hosting affiliate link. The strategy itself is not a bad one. I’ve got no problem with offering incentives for web hosting referrals. But I wouldn’t exactly consider this to be something worth paying for. If it were my member’s area, I’d call it an “unadvertised bonus”, as I often do with such offers.
Beyond those three steps, most of the members area consists of advertisements. So where’s the product?
There is a web-based squeeze page builder, and a couple of plugins and videos. Those tools and information are OK, but certainly do not even begin to fulfill the claims made in the sales video.
I didn’t find ANYTHING that required zero work. For example, the squeeze page builder has templates, but you still have to write your own copy. Even if it DID do all the work for you, I don’t see any possibility of making the volume of “hands free” income that the sales video promises.
They do deliver something. I would even go so far as to say it’s “possible” to make money with these tools. Squeeze pages are a great component of a permission-based marketing model. I use them all the time, and I make money with them. But that doesn’t even BEGIN to justify the marketing.
I call this a scam. I’m very sensitive about using that word, because it is often not justified by those who use it. I’ve been called a scammer simply for being in the business of teaching others how to make money, and it never feels good.
Often what we’ll see in this industry are hyped up sales pages and products that do not meet all the expectations of those who buy them. That does not necessarily make something a scam.
In this case, the blatant lies, combined with utter disregard for the customer’s experience leads me to label it as an actual scam.
The Bottom Line
Watch out for this one, and others like it. I’ve been warning about these kind of scammy products for years, and we’ll be seeing them for years to come. They will always find another payment processor, etc.
I was really disappointed to see so many well-known marketers promoting this scam. Most of them are not scammers themselves, but in this case are guilty of blindly promoting something without checking it out first.
I thought about publishing their names here (there’s over 30 of them listed on the JV page alone), but I don’t want to muddy the waters and turn this into a hate-fest. Some of them have promoted my products in the past, and/or I’ve promoted theirs. These are guys with huge influence… the combined power to contact millions of people almost instantly. That’s partly why I felt it was important to call out this scam; since I know many of my readers are on those lists.
I do expect some flak from this review, and there will obviously be some fallout from former JV partners when it comes time for me to launch my next product (which is soon).
If you were someone who promoted Free Commissions, I’m asking you to do something brave. Send an email out to your list and retract your endorsement. I’ve avoided naming names (you know who you are), so just do the honorable thing and renounce this scam.
Like I said at the beginning of this review, these kind of things are not fun to write. I do not intend to make a habit of it. But I just couldn’t stay silent on this one today.
As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below 🙂
Have a great day!
Eric H.
As I a long-term reader of Eric’s Tips and buyer of your products, I have always relied on your proudly Christian and family-friendly approach to sales and teaching your subscribers.
I was raised with the old-fashioned concept of conducting business with an always present mentality of “Ethics, morals, family-friendly, customer first, and the 10 Commandments”.
With business now done on the internet with often impenetrable shield of invisibility that it provides, it seems the new mantra is “There’s a sucker born every minute” a phrase credited to P. T. Barnum (1810–1891). There is just so much spam and scams out there online that many have wised up and enter into Speed pages and OTOs with the approach of “Caveat emptor” – {Let the buyer beware.}
I applaud you for the bravery to be a “Snitch” and make us suckers aware of this scam at the potential cost of your own potential future JV financial profits! I speak for many when I say that we’re glad that you’ve got our back!
Even some of those that would applaud your latest, communicate in the seemingly now common and to too often acceptable potty-mouth vulgarities and slang.
May I echo Artis Starks comment “I respect & appreciate your honesty Eric, when it comes to reviews… May God continue to bless your businesses for doing the right thing, ”Helping Other People” Keep it coming!
Thanks much and May God Bless!
Thank you Eric.
Reviews like this lifts your level up and it’s a good thing. I like what you are doing and what Real marketers should be doing too.
To make money online takes a lot of your time and some money.
Scams like this works for newbies, who believes in BS like this.
Few years ago I was one of them and most of us go through the path of recognizing what offer is good and which one is not.
I just wish everyone be more careful.
If anyone purchases a program 0n the Internet they have 60 days to try it out and if it doesnt work for them they can request a refund from either Clickbank or Clicksure. I know this is true because I’ve gotten programs that are pure trash and have gotten my money back when I requested a refund. The fact that most of these Companies don’t have a phone number to call should make you aware of the program being a scam. It’s not just the Internet that has scams but the mail also has a lot of trash that’s being sold. I once got involved in a mailorder program that promised 10,00.00 a month if you mailed out 500 letters a week. I sent in my money and I received the kit which had name lists and envelopes to mail out. I had to buy the stamps and mail them out but I never received any orders. Another scam. No phone number to call and when you send them a letter they never respond. I couldn’t get my money back because it paid for the envelopes and name lists. I did get my money back from my Internet purchases. I could mention a lot of programs but like Eric I wouldn’t want to cause problems for the owners. I’ll let God give them the justice they deserve.
God bless,
Thanks for the heads-up. It is appreciated. Sometimes, the internet marketing industry is just so, so embarrassing and shameful. You don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I have been fleeced many times over the last few years and probably will be again. I just try to limit the number of them.
Thank you for contacting ClickSure Billing Support.
I am sorry to hear that you believe that ClickSure is a scam, and that you require a refund.
I can confirm that ClickSure is definitely not a scam. The program that you have purchased Free Commissions is 100% genuine.
For every product that uses ClickSure to process their payments, they have to pass our approvals process first. The product that you have purchased has actually passed very strict compliance rules and regulations to ensure that your purchase is safe, and the product is legitimate.
We also ensure that every product has its own customer support team. This enables you as a customer, to contact customer support for any questions that you have regarding your product.
The tickets that are answered by customer support teams are also monitored by ClickSure to ensure that your questions are being answered and your enquiries are being resolved.
Another strict rule for any product processed through ClickSure, is that the product owners have to commit to our 60 DAYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. However, we do ask that all of our customers first give the product an honest try and use the methods demonstrated.
If you experience difficulties using the product please contact your products customer support team. They will then assist further with anything you are struggling with.
If you still require a refund after this, then contact ourselves at billing support and we can assist you with your refund request.
I hope that this information about ClickSure has been helpful. If you would like to get help and information about the product that you have purchased please contact your dedicated customer support team or we can forward an email to them on your behalf should you wish.
If you have any other questions regarding ClickSure, please feel free to contact us. We will then assist you, to ensure that your ClickSure experience has been helpful and remembered for the right reasons.
Kindest regards,
Dustin Cooper
ClickSure Billing Support
Thank You Eric, you have saved a lot of us from spending hard money on another piece of garbage.
Thank you for contacting ClickSure Billing Customer Support.
I am sorry to hear you wish to receive a refund for the Free Commissions program.
Instead of obtaining the refund, I can offer you FREE access to the other upgrades in the program.
The upgrades are as follows;
Website Plus Instant Cash Sites Software = $197.00
Free Commissions For Life = $175.
Please remember that you also have a full 60 days to use this program before you can request a refund.
Therefore, please feel free to ask any questions you may have and I will happily assist you in any way I can.
Also, if you are having any issues with the program, please advise what they are and I will happily assist you further.
If you have any additional questions please feel free to ask.
Kindest regards,
Dustin Cooper
ClickSure Billing Support
BRAVO! – Sick of scams and of people taking advantage of our vulnerabilities (who doesn’t want to make money online, ditch the job, bla bla bla) and blatantly shoving it in our faces (You’re too dumb to know otherwise). Burn these people on the IM stakes!
Since the first time I watch Eric’s Tips that
you are one of the good ones
Fantastic review Eric thank you very much, I had made my own mind up about this on seeing the sales page and thought what a load of cods wallop but it is great to see that someone of your standing has done an honest review despite the fact that some will be put out by this. It is shocking to see the other very well known marketers, whom I will now not ever have anything to do with, promoting this garbage. Thank you again Eric for your honesty and integrity you are a blessing.
I noticed that too, as he actually says Twin Peak system in the tutorial video for the FC Money Vault section.
Thanks for the link, I have been through the list of so called heavy hitters. I don’t subscribe to any of them so I must have found them out before. I will always un-subscribe from any one who sends me to a crap product, I think we can all spot them.
I think some of these so called “smart affiliates” must realise that they lose potential customers by promoting shit.
I always read anything that Eric sends and trust him, but have never bought from him. This makes me more inclined to buy from him in the future if he promotes a genuine offer.
But would have no hesitation of coming off his list if I found the product to be crap.
Hope some of you “so called super affiliates” are reading some of these posts and taking notes.
wow…..just saw the JV page, talk about scamm get together…
Jani G
Aaron Darko
Anthony Morrison
Rob benwell
Ricky Mataka
Anik Singal
these guys are serial marketers, making money by selling and promoting make money online products. also known for scammy products. AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE
Well hello Eric, great review.
As you point out in the images, even from the less savory marketers there are still techniques we can use ethically despite all else that is wrong with their marketing and mindset.
Have just sent out to my list a link to this page to hopefully prevent them from being sucked in by this product and its launch.
Eric H. you are certainly one of God’s children. Keep it brother.
Thank you
Well I wasn’t going to name any names, but this just really ticks me off. Here’s a partial screenshot from Tim Atkinson’s latest JV update:

Sorry Melford, but that quote pretty much puts you on the same level as the scammers. There are similar quotes on the page from other affiliates, but that one is just over the top for me.
Eric, thank you very much for this. I have passed it on via Facebook etc. … And thanks to Eddy for the link with the names of the promoters. I see a few I need to bar from my inbox!
I purchased Commission Crusher a few weeks ago. There were two upsell pages with a comment ‘limited number – this may no longer be available’. So when I wasn’t taken to a payment page I assumed it was no longer available. I later found they had charged for both upsells. When I decided the product was not what I wanted I raised a ticket (High Priority) asking for a refund under their 60 day full refund guarantee. It is now 3 weeks since I raised that ticket and nobody on their Help Desk has even read the ticket yet! Also their contact address has changed from Toronto to a box no in Luxembourg. Scam! Scam! Scam!
Eric, I agree with you 100%. I unsubscribe immediately from any one sending me a link to offers like this one. You are doing a great service to your readers posting this example of video “hysteria”…way to loud! Sad to think that there are still people out there who will pay for this type of “eye candy” marketing.
I commented earlier(The first time i’ve ever felt compelled to)I would like to add.These people have a lot of talent.They are very skilled marketers…What a pity they waste it! Like the ‘Yuppies’ of the ’80s they’re on a road to oblivion.Push Self Destruct.The Government wants to regulate the Web…This is partly why! Well put them in prison for fraud with the lovely bleached white teeth & flowing hair.They’ll soon have a whole new following.They spoil it for everybody.It’s hard enough starting without the stigma…Let us get on with business whilst they get what they’ve tried to do to us…Just a thought.
Going to pay North Korean hackers 5 cents to nuke their site (:<
Thanks Eric – much appreciated. Keep them coming please! Wish more Gurus would do this!
This scam is childs play………..I got screwed to the sum of $7400.00 by the master himself….Jeff Paul and his short cut to internet millions program…….It was a short cut alright….for him
Don’t give them any ideas 😉 This blog was already taken out by a DDOS attack for awhile earlier today. But it was not North Korean, it was an IP from Florida. First time that’s happened to me in many years. Coincidence?
I purchased the program and I asked for a refund yesterday. I was offered in my posts for free upgrades but I got this sent to me earlier:
Hello ________,
Thank you for contacting ClickSure support with your enquiry.
I can advise that I have located your order within our system, it appears that you have requested a refund for the purchase of Free Commissions (___________ and _________) within 7 business days, this means that the payment will be voided rather than refunded.
ClickSure will not charge you for the program until after the first 7 days, this means that the funds will be captured from your account whilst we are processing the payment but we won’t actually charge you this amount until the 7 days are past.
Therefore, your payment has been voided and will be released back to your account within 3-7 business days. I would urge you to contact your bank or card issued to clarify this.
I hope that this information has been helpful.
If you do have any further questions please feel free to ask.
Kind regards,
Hopefully he is telling the truth 🙂
Thanks for the review.
I’m so glad I read this I was just going to buy ‘FreeCommison and Anthony Morrison. I had Anthonys before with his free website and for a whole year he charged me for consultant $48.00 without my knowledge. I had a hard time getting some of my money back. Who can you trust? I would like to work on line but I don’t know who is legitimate or not. Can you advise me of some and how do I get traffic for my website without going broke
Thanks for the headsup Eric, yeah I watched the video yesterday and all I kept saying was “yeah right” which is why I have yet to get a business started because I dont know who to trust anymore.
Great review Eric and a breath of fresh air in a world full of scammers.
Your first clue that it’s a scam:
Caveat emptor!
The “who’s on-board” list is a classic wall of shame.
Despicable marketing.
There’s no such thing as integrity in Marketing anymore. The end justifies the means. Who cares if it’s crap, as long as you can sucker as many people as you can to have the rich lifestyle. So many Guru’s create false trust by pointing out the hypocrisy and corruption of everyone else. Check them out. You shall know a tree by its’ fruit.
Eric, you’re not perfect, but you are the best in my opinion.
Thanks Eric, But you were to late for me. I already fell for the $1 deal. How can I get out out of it. I just my first bill for $49 a month. I can’t believe I fell for this after that SOB insulted me and everybody in the sales video.
I did it against my better judgement because I don’t believe people can be so blantant in their pitches.
I will attempt to refund and cancel through ClickSure.
Thanks Omar for shouting out on Facebook about it – I just tweeted out too:
If like Omar, Eric & many others here you are angry about this product & are wanting to throw in the towel – here’s a simple tip I always do to help me decide if a given product is really worth it (though in this case, it was pretty obvious that it was a pile of manure):
on the end of the domain – or even better, scroll right to the bottom of the page & look for a hyperlink which says Affiliates or something similar.
Next, look at the contents of the JV page, and even sign up as a JV just to see what the JV manager is emailing out.
Look for info about the product – is it being talked about at all on the JV page, is there a link to the product for you to be able to review if it’s a “Just in Time” or a “Just in Case” purchase.
If there is no substantial info about the product, and it’s ALL about the JV prizes, AVOID IT.
But don’t throw in the towel because there are some great training products to be found. Subscribe to Eric’s Tips (& Omar’s list whilst you’re at it).
SET YOURSELF A STRICT BUDGET for learning how to market online and STICK TO IT.
Lastly – if you look through Eric’s Tips, you can get a SUPERB online education WITHOUT spending a DIME.
Dez (who didn’t follow his own advice above and is still paying off his “online education” years later – be warned!)
Thank’s Eric, for good information!
Without a doubt this kind of marketing makes me sick!! It seriously gives me a feeling that I really do not like I get a lump in my throat and I wanna puke!! These guys are the ones that give the rest of us a hard time to bring good products to the table. Shame Shame SHAME!!!
hi eric,
thank you so much for this honest review, actually any newbie can fall for this scam, professionals know it from the first 10 seconds, but newbies will definitely buy it.
when i started watching i really coudlnt keep on to the end ! its really disgusting
sorry if my english is not very good
If you have studied as long as I have you will begin to see a pattern in all marketing campaigns. The cupcakes are all the same, just different icing and sprinkles.
My advise, you by now fully understand what the basic concept is in Internet Marketing, stop buying products. sit down and start mapping your knowledge. I have an info graphic on the IM tab on my website. It depicts a simple funnel mouth and the process.
John why are you still buying programs? You probably have all the tools you need. Stop being marketed to and start marketing!
I disagree, commission crusher has some very valuable tools and tips that will cut research time in half. People do move you know. The AD Assault Pro link is still active.
Stop buying products thinking your going to get rich quick. Building a Web Enterprise takes time, lots of time! Your being sold on hype for basic tools that are available minimal cost or free.
Hi Eric:
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for taking your precious time to complete this excellent review including, in particular, your own disclaimers!!!
You’ve provided a tremendous service to many as evidenced by 300+ comments.
I have admired Eric for a while now. I have learned a whole lot from his tips, and respect him for always being helpful without ecen ging a red cent for the information. My inbox is full everyday, but I always open eric’s email. Thanks Eric and keep up the great work. Many people like and respect how you do business.
I have been considering to build my own online business, for 2 years. I’m just glad I don’t have a computer. Would have been sucked in deep with what would have been just pocket change left.
Let’s just say I’ve come across a couple of emails saying if I am not going to start my own business, just unsubscribe down below. Of course it gave me the impression, that they have better things to do rather than sending me their emails, unsubscribe them.
There are systems out there, that makes it harder for me to figure out who are legitimate and who aren’t. Things like DNS, web hosting, autoresponder, leads, squeeze page, etc, etc. I’m learning some of the things that are necessary in building a website and what could or might work to building a landing page or a squeeze page. As the saying goes, “Why build a website, when you can build a business”. Then there is the thing about having or finding the right tools to format the look of the website.
I believe a person needs to understand how to use a computer before he/she can comprehend the logic of building graphics and comprehensive writings. Not many are very talented, but there is no shortage of learning the experiences to gaining the knowledge. Knowledge sells, that’s the bottom line and it should not include bad business quotes. Business is about helping people find their comfort zones, a relationship between the company and their clients/customers, success.
Eric, thanks for the review and I know you would wish to cover the lot of them, you only can do so much. There are others out there that does reviews in both the positive and/or negative light. Just have to find them, googling site reviews on the site(s) you want info from.
One day, I’ll have the chance to get a computer and work my way into internet marketing. For now I have no knowledge for a niche, idea or a business.
It’s nice to have some good people out there, at the same time it’s sad there is alot of dishonest people, too. Take care and enjoy, life’s too short not to. 🙂
– Nathan –
I got my refund approved and I will receive it within 7 days.
Clicksure does have a phone number to call and they are very responsive. I was impressed.
Problem with some of these scam artists like: – a program I decided to try because it had a 60 day no questions asked money back guarantee. Well my first request for my money back was within a few weeks of implementing it. The answer back from their help desk: We can’t refund until the 60 days is up. I wrote back immediately and told them I couldn’t find that stipulation anywhere in their policies. They wrote back and repeated their stance: No refund forthcoming until the 60 days is over. Now – after the 60 day period is done I get zero response to my requests for a refund. So Eric – who do I go to now to help me fight these criminals?
On a more personal note: I am dying of heart failure. While I look forward to receiving my gift of eternal life in Heaven due to the blood that was shed for me by my Savior Jesus Christ – my family – especially my wife Penny needs prayers to help her through this difficult time. You may recall me telling you in the past that my mom had a heart condition like mine (a dying heart muscle) when she was 26 years old and how Jesus healed her – after she went through the “death experience” and that she is still living and well into her 70’s today.
I know Jesus has the power to heal me instantly as well and I can request in prayer that He does. Ultimately though it is His decision and I leave that decision in His hands and accept fully what He has in store for me.
I’ve played and sang at my wedding and quite a few of our anniversary celebrations. I’ve played and sang for many a funeral of my loved ones including my dad’s. One of my bucket list requests is to be able to sing at my own funeral and we have carved out some time in April to record some of my songs. So- if you want to support this project in prayer feel free to pray to God that this goal is reached.
Sorry for making this post so long.
Thanks for heads up Eric!
BTW I’ve shared your review with my own subscribers 🙂
Please do not waste your time with EPN. Three tier with big up sells to gain the ability to sell the next stage. Monthly costs that are redic. The sales pages are enough to make you sick as well as the drips that run through your auto-responder.
Eric, there’s no need to ever apologize for telling the truth and standing up for what’s right.
I discovered over a year ago that Tim is the lowest of the low on the totem pole of spamming scamming scumbags and that Clicksure (which I’d be surprised if he wasn’t somehow behind) is willing to rape credit cards at will for their ‘clients’.
I’m expecting to see Tim jailed before too long for his obvious scamming. It never fails to happen.
He’s surely already in the cross hairs of the FTC, where he most certainly belongs.
The Internet marketing world needs to take out the trash, and Tim is the biggest hunk of it around right now. Good riddance once he’s gone for good.
Keep up the good fight and good work.
~Michael Millman
He´s mastering the art of selling the dreams.
You should put a pointer on “anthony Morrison” and his ripoff? When he flies to three men who have never made a penny they forget to show the prepwork needed to make money? Interesting?
Thanks Eric. When the hell will people realise that there is NO push button, no work software. All the guys who promote this crap for him are as bad as he is, simply greedy bas****s who dont give a damn about their customers and have no ethics whatsoever. What a complete smarmbag matey is, I felt like I wanted to smack him right across the face. Even the actors are bad