Happy Easter!

By | April 8, 2012

(Fair Warning: Blatant Christianity in this post)

I’ve been meaning to post a “personal” update for awhile, and I think this would be an appropriate time to share a little of what I’ve been up to lately.

It’s been about a year since I came down with some health issues, which I reported in a blog post last year. I’ve been largely focused on my recovery over the past year, and I’m happy to report that I’ve experienced much improvement.

Today we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, and I believe that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to us today! I am very thankful for that.

I had the priviledge of painting a couple of pictures for an Easter-themed presentation at my church. I was given some Bible verses, and painted the pictures based on those verses…

“What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” Pilate asked.
They all answered, “Crucify him!”
“Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.
But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”
When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”
All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”
Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified. (Matthew 27: 22-26)


As the soldiers led him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus. (Luke 23:26)


I’ve also had the opportunity to paint during some live worship services and healing services. It’s been a real blessing, and fun to see what God gives me (these are painted quickly and spontaneously). I hope you don’t mind me sharing a few of them, as they kind of fit in with the Easter theme too. Some of them have been more abstract, such as these…

Spiritual Warfare

spiritual warfare

Reborn Identity


New Life in Christ

new life

Fire and Water Falling

fire from heaven

We’ve had a lot of other stuff going on in our house lately too. As you can imagine, it’s always an adventure when you’ve got 5 kids. Still on the theme of NEW LIFE, one of our cats just had a batch of kittens…


We also got a dozen baby chickens, which we will raise for eggs…


Lastly, I know y’all always like pictures of smiling babies, like my little girl 😉


I suppose all of this explains why I haven’t been posting many lessons lately (Don’t worry I’ll post more soon!). In case you’re wondering, my Internet business is alive and well, and bringing in plenty of passive income every month. In fact, my income has not dropped, even though I’ve been working less. The things I teach in the lessons and in my coaching club DO work 🙂

So here’s today’s action step: As you build your business, remember your true priorities.

Have a blessed day!

227 thoughts on “Happy Easter!

  1. rob owens

    Thanks for sharing and being a role model that i would look up too. You have demonstrated to me that you can have good and do good also. You are a great representation of Christianity.

  2. Suzette

    Christ is Risen. Hi Eric, thx for the pics. Great paintings! The “New life in Christ” is my favorite. I think it’s very creative with the cross as the butterfly’s body.
    May you be blessed with good health and may this be a blessed Easter to you and yours.

  3. Brian Crossley

    Hi Eric,
    Yes,He is indeed Risen!
    You have a serious gift there(painting)and it is so good to see you are using it for His kingdom.
    I have been receiving your lessons and really appreciate it.To be honest,I have filed them all so far and will open them soon.I have just been so busy this year being part of the leadership in the Kairos Prison Ministry here in Durban,South Africa.
    I read Marks insert about the company starting that will assist churches and missionaries to raise funds for His works.I would appreciate some ideas as we need an ongoing finance supply to do our ministry-it is a continuous effort to get finances with the economy the way it is nowadays!We actually have a specific ‘Fundraising Portfolio’ on our Advisory Council ie,our organising committee.Do you perhaps have a contact email of Marks?
    However,I do look forward to reading all your lessons soon.
    God bless you and family.

  4. Ron

    Eric, I want to thank you for your consistent testimony. Thanks for the special message & sharing your inspired paintings. May the Lord continue to bless your family and provide you the necessary health to lead and love them. I will keep you all in my prayers.

  5. Michael K Horn


    I rejoice for your empowered witness for Christ. I really like your prophetic art! It speaks volumes in the Spirit! Praise God for all He is doing with you and your family.

  6. Eva

    Köszönöm, hogy láthattam a csodálatos képeket, a mi megváltónkról és csak gratulálni tudok hozzá.
    Örülök, hogy már a gyógyulás is sikerül és a kedves kis családodnak Áldott Ünnepet kívánok.

  7. Peggy

    It’s so great to hear from you, Eric!! I am so glad that you are beginning to feel better, and am very impressed with your artistic skills. (I also was very drawn to the Warfare piece…)

    Have a Wonderful and Blessed Easter!

  8. Laura

    Greetings in the Lord, Eric!
    We, too, celebrate our Lord’s death for us, and resurrection–am thrilled to share with a fellow believer! We also have 5 children, but ages ranging 20-35. (Thus the “lauraof7…”) And my honey, also, has been brought through “health issues”–cataract surgeries, pneumonia hospitalization, heart disease… He likewise is overcoming! That’s one reason I’ve been stashing your posts in a folder w/o taking action. I will look at them with new eyes, now! Thank you!

  9. Ron

    Thank you.
    I believe the LORD gave us internet marketing so that we may afford the time for the things that matter to us most. Your pictures speak loudly of family. It’s wonderful to know that our ABBA, Father has given us Easter as a reminder that we are HIS family.
    GOD Bless and Happy Easter.

  10. Janny

    Hi Eric
    They are lovely pictures and you have a beautiful family. Thanks for presenting Easter on your site.
    On a comedy note I saw an Easter picture on Friday of Jesus pointing saying ‘I’ll be back, don’t steal my Easter eggs’.

  11. Wilma

    Hi Eric,

    Happy Easter to you and your family. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today. He is alive.

  12. nick catricala

    Hey Eric,
    I was wondering how you where doing… I AM REALLY HAPPY to know you are doing much better then last year.

    YES… I celebrate Easter EVERYDAY thanks to GOD… THANKS for sharing your pictures and for sharing your faith.

    Mat God Be our witness in all we do, say and think.. always…

    Wishing you and your lovely family all the best in every way and always.

  13. June Burns

    Thank you for all the wonderful pictures Eric.
    Your paintings are awesome!

  14. Kevin(Zach)Harper

    Excellent…Straight forward …no Fluff witnesising…God Bless you and yours

  15. Steve Grim

    Happy Easter. I really enjoyed this post and your pictures.

    God bless you

  16. Larry

    hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter. You do not realise how many lives you touch and how many people you help…..just by being you.

  17. Bill

    Great pictures Eric. It is good that you give as much time as you do to the spiritual life as well as helping people with your excellent IM advice.

  18. Gene

    Thanks for sharing your paintings which reveal a great talent, but thanks even more for sharing your faith in Jesus Christ. It is good to know there are many, both young and old, who believe that Jesus the Christ died to pay the price for our sin because we have nothing to offer which does not already belong to God. What a wonderful plan by a loving, magnificient God. Alleluia, Christ Arose in victory over sin and death! I will pray and praise God for your healing. Please pray for me and for our country.


  19. Kris P.

    Thank you, Eric, and a blessed Easter and all the days after is wished upon you and your family. So good to hear you are doing better!!
    When prayers go up, blessings come down, and I’m so glad they do.

    Best regards,


  20. Bob G

    Eric and Family,

    Easter greetings! Today our study group discussed Luke 24:13-35. Like Cleopas and his companion, our own expectations for salvation can cover our eyes and hearts so that we too could miss the true Savior unless we share the Bread of Life regularly. Thank you for sharing your faith and gifts with us!

  21. Olga

    Hi Eric

    Thank you for sharing those pictures. Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter.

  22. Eduardo Alvarez

    Hi Eric,
    Thank you for sharing your paintings. I thank God that He put me in touch with you. Christ has risen…He is risen indeed!!
    God bless you and your faminly

  23. Charlie

    Eric, Thank you for sharing this with us. Never fear of being “blatantly Christian”. Will keep your health situation in my prayers. You have a definite artistic talent, don’t hesitate to share it.

  24. Tony G

    Hi Eric,

    Happy Easter to you and all your family!

    That’s a nice little mixed bag of paintings and photos you posted there. Looks like you’re also a talented artist as well…not too surprising though. My favorite painting would probably be ‘New Life in Christ’. It’s beautiful, original and sends a simple message. Your baby girl’s photo is also quite adorable.

    Best Regards,


  25. jim

    God Bless you and your family. Happy Easter. Many thanks for your Tips.
    My prayers for a continued and complete recovery.

  26. Fran

    He is Risen! Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family. Life abounds!!!
    Thanks for sharing.

  27. Bill Wagner

    I am a church planter just getting his hands wet. I’ve looked at online helps and keep being “creeped” out by them. But when I bought yours, I felt “safe.” Now I need some time to figure out all you teach and attempt to put it into action. Happy Ressurction Day!


    Great pictures, Eric, Happy Easter and get well soon….

  29. Jim

    Hi Eric,
    I hope you and your family have a nice Easter. Thank you for sharing. Nice art work and the kittens, chics and the beautiful baby pic brought a smile to my face.
    Best regards

  30. James Suggs

    Hi Eric,

    Just want to say I hope you had a great Easter Sunday. I had a great Easter Sunday. I had to get up early and go to church with some of the men and cook breakfast for the church to eat after the sunrise service. We had a great
    service today.
    Our Lord and Savior is alive and well. He is Risen! As you know Jesus had to be born in the flesh and He had to be in the flesh to die as a man and had to rise on the 3rd day so He could follow through God’s Plan. We have an awesome God who loved us so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for us and rise up on the 3rd day so we could have eternal life by believing in Him and following His teachings.

    Eric, your paintings are AWESOME, thanks for sharing them with us.
    It is very easy to see that you are a man of God and don’t mind sharing this with the world. I pray that God will continue to Bless and take care of you and your family needs. I also like reading your tips on your blog.

    God Bless,
    James Suggs

  31. Gioia

    I was blessed, when I viewed your beautiful paintings, Eric. Thank you for posting them, and thank you for your “lessons”. I pray for your continued recovery and for blessings upon you and your family. God is good!

  32. ANNE

    You have a great talent and courage to share these with other Christians. Continue painting(if u have the time). Would love to see more pictures depicting the life of Christ. Blatant Christianity is unpopular with the media (we know why), but to the man in the street he has now too many problems to ignore Christ. Easter Blessings to you and your family.

  33. Prue

    Hi Eric,

    Happy Easter to you and your family. You are truly gifted. Thanks for sharing your paintings and pictures. Yes, Christ is risen! Thank God. We have hope.

  34. John

    Good to hear all is well with you & yours.I do miss your family up dates with pic’s.Keep up the good fight.

  35. Torbjörn Hasselblom

    Thanks Eric for your fantastic paintings. God bless you and your family.

    Best regards/Torbjorn from Sweden

  36. Selvan.R

    Hi Eric
    Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures.
    Happy Easter.

  37. Anonymous

    Thanks for sharing. I like it a lot. Happy Easter to you and your Family.


  38. Gail

    Hi Eric and thank you so much for sharing your talents (blessings) and your adorable pictures (more blessings!). You certainly put a smile on my face!

    God bless you and your family!


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