Hype or No Hype?

By | October 10, 2007

Yesterday I sent out a newsletter announcing a bonus for purchasing a product through my affiliate link.

Apparently my intentional use of hype offended some people. One guy said he quit my newsletter just because of it. Other people were turned off by it and decided not to participate in the bonus, even though they wanted the products!

So if I offended you, I’m sorry.

I’m not making any apologies for the bonus itself though, because I think Joel and I have put together a bonus that has good value for you as an internet marketer.

I got a door-hanger on my front door this morning that reminded me why hype is not always the best way to market something. It was printed all in black text on white paper. One font. No exclamation points. It was made to look like a notice from the city or something.

It basically said this: “We have received complaints from your neighborhood about the high cost of cable. Therefore we will be in your area doing free installations for satellite TV until October 15th… call this number to schedule your installation.”

How many times have I received colorful junk mail and door hangers for satellite TV? Dozens, maybe hundreds. And every one of those ads has ended up in the trash without a second glance. But the no-hype way of marketing got my attention and I read it in detail to make sure I wasn’t missing something.

You could argue that the no-hype way of marketing is more deceptive than hype marketing, because at least when there’s hype you know you’re being sold something. Either way, it’s something to think about.

So I took another look at my bonus page, and decided that perhaps it IS too “hypey” for the average person. And I made a new bonus page, with zero hype, so you can see exactly what we’re offering without feeling like you’re being hyped into anything.

Please check it out at:

(Link removed- this offer is no longer available)

Then let me know what you think of the approach by posting your comments here on my blog.

Have a great day!

69 thoughts on “Hype or No Hype?

  1. James Allen

    Oh Eric.. You really did go to town on the hypey page

    Defo prefer the non-hyped version.. Your point about the door hanger ad was a great one.. Simple non-hypey advertising, delivered via tradionally hyped up advertising methods *immediately* stands out. It’s the age old concept of looking at what everyone else is doing and doing the very opposite. I like that… Certainly food for thought.. and testing. 🙂

  2. Bret Griswold

    Eric – I can’t believe that you got complaints about the “Hype” of your bonus page. Especially from a Internet Marking list! There is no more hype on that page than on any other pages that people in our segment are viewing on a daily basis. I would be interested in knowing what the conversion rate is on the “Hype” page versus the “No-Hype” page. Keep up the good work. ~Bret

  3. Catherine

    No you did not offend me by using hype,l would rather people would tell things like they really are instead of sugar coating .Here’s what l strongly dislike, for some one to send me a e-mail saying you can have this either for free or a charge and on in the e-mail here it’s TOTALLY different.l get these saying such and such is like 39.00 later when l sign on for whatever find it’s like 197.00.There’s to much ___ ___ on here to suit me .no that did not bother me .

  4. Rick Lomas

    Hi Eric, I wasn’t offended by your offer, but as offers went it shadowed a bit because of Howie Schwartz’s offers too.
    Don’t get me wrong I love the idea of getting a bunch of people together, showing them how to do stuff and then showing them how to do again what you did to them to someone else (with a gain for yourself)..this is what my whole new http://www.biggitup.com thing is all about.
    Anyway, Howie’s offer takes priority (but I can’t afford it) and I have spent all my pocket money!

    Regards, Rick Lomas (a true ‘Joel Changed My Life Fan’)

  5. Eric Post author

    James- good point ,and yes worth testing

    Bret, Catherine and Ambrose- thanks for your comments! Glad to hear you were not offended.

    Keem ’em coming… I hope to hear from some people who were really offended by the hype too 🙂

  6. Sharon

    I am soo tired of the hype— apparently every single e-book, video, deal is going to make you rich in a few months — and after they have have hyped up the current resource they are back hyping up another resource– what does that say about the original resource??not that good after all- still need a few thouand more resources??????????


  7. David Mumme

    Hey Eric,
    I tend to agree with Bret’s comment, if you are in the internet marketing niche, you should be used to hype, if not then perhaps this isn’t for you.

    Personally, I really don’t care for the overuse of hype, you can overdo anything. The hype page was not that bad, but your unhyped page was just plain blah! So, if you toned down the first, just a bit or hyped up the second page, just a bit, they would probably do better.

    I review hundreds of letters a day, and it’s easy for me to hit the delete button if one rubs me the wrong way. An email that captures my attention will get read, it doesn’t matter if it has alot of hype or none at all, it’s the message that counts.

    Have a great day!!

  8. Michelle Bartels

    Hi Eric, yeah a bit over the top, I liked the whale!!!!!!!!!! Do you realize how much Hype us guys do receive. yep I know you receive a lot to. Hope it goes well for you. Cheers from Down Under

  9. Martin Kizlink

    Hi Eric,

    I did not mind either copy except that I have already signed up month ago (as have been on Joels
    list over a year) and got RB 12mm download upon release as have also been on his list. You guys should
    cross check your lists when you JV! But yes I did notice a change in style compared to your previous mails.
    I did prefer the “old” Eric. Please dont change. I really enjoyed your “integrity” compared to all the others out
    there so paid attention to your valued comments.


  10. Lagaz

    Seems a dance of extremes to get the word our twice. Nothing wrong in that, each page acts as another sales opp. I do hope that your are working for you. It is a great big rock that we walk on, and ther eare many other perspectives to the paths we take. Some work for, others against, yet we decide where they start, and come from. (Smile) But your the KZahuna here so here be a grain o salt both do what is needed, and inform others to what is offered. Personal preference is more the meddle of the two.

  11. Eric Post author

    Good comments everyone, thank you.

    Lagaz- insightful.. I was hoping someone would say that. Honestly I wasn’t planning any 2nd page when I made the first one, but today when I realized I could make a case study out of it, of course that was a secondary benefit in my mind. So you are half right 😉

    Keep ’em coming.

  12. Steve

    Hi Eric…

    Well, I won’t say I was “offended” per se, and I’m not going to unsubscribe from Eric’s Tips over it. There’s just too much value in your newsletter. Normally.

    But when it comes to excusing “hype,” I don’t. The Internet Marketing industry is just way too full of it, and I’ve been taken for too many rides because IM’s don’t have any respect for the concept, “Everything In Moderation.”

    The word “hype” is a slang abbreviation for “hyperbole,” which is defined as “extravagant exaggeration.” See Merriam-Webster definition below. It’s interesting that it says “see more at “devil.”

    Others are entitled to their opinion(s), but to me, hype is near-synonymous with “lie.” I guess in today’s IM world, we all have to sell our souls. To what extent is a matter of conscience.

    Or integrity.


    Main Entry: hy·per·bo·le
    Pronunciation: \hī-ˈpər-bə-(ˌ)lē\
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Latin, from Greek hyperbolē excess, hyperbole, hyperbola, from hyperballein to exceed, from hyper- + ballein to throw — more at devil
    Date: 15th century
    : extravagant exaggeration (as “mile-high ice-cream cones”)

    Have a good one!

  13. humbledave

    Hey Eric,

    First of all Thanks…..for all the damn good information and reviews you have given me and saved me money rather than cost me money. You actually cut thru the hype on many, many products.

    As far as the non-hyped page…..please dont remind of those off-line mail order copy promising to make money stuffing envelopes!

    Please people if you dont like hype you need to leave the planet. I would say move to the country but then I would be hyping the countryside. Get the point? Hype is everywhere. The News, Politicians, your resume’.

    If money is involved, you better believe hype comes along for the ride.

  14. Patricia Hagaman

    If someone can be offended, they ‘will be’ offended but in Matthew 11:6 it says “And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me”.
    I am really working hard at understanding all of this and I like the way you write, that is why I signed up for your newsletter. I am overwhelmed with the free info.
    There are well meaning folks wanting to share information and make a killing at the same time. When you plant a garden you don’t expect super growth overnight.
    I trust you because you have really stood the test of time. I do like the simple one only because I dial-up, I have no other option so I am thankful for what I have been able to do so far. I like clear direct, honest and respectful critiques.
    By the way if anyone has found a way to filter thru and organize the free gifts and bundles I would be forever grateful.

  15. Eric Post author

    Steve- excellent opinion. I never thought about the origin of “hype”. I think your opinion is shared by many others:

    Others are entitled to their opinion(s), but to me, hype is near-synonymous with “lie.” I guess in today’s IM world, we all have to sell our souls. To what extent is a matter of conscience.

    I think its a grey area, and I obviously don’t think all hype is synonymous with lying, otherwise I would steer clear of it altogether. But its a fine line, and as I’ve admitted at times in the past, its often difficult to know where that line is in this business.

    humbledave- haha, thanks 🙂

    Patricia- thank you for your honest opinion, I appreciate it

  16. Michael

    Hi Eric,

    No, I wasn’t offended from the first one. When you came out with this new update though on
    “What would it look like in a non-hyped up version” and even ask for an opinion. 🙂 Good
    deal! But now, like some, I would keep both, check the conversion after a certain set time.
    Whether this was already in your arsenal of marketing or not, I think it has now became
    a great idea. I feel the non-hyped version will attract the ones who like it “real” to the point.
    I feel the hyped up one will attract the ones who are pulled in easier, or already know whats
    going on and enjoy the read and a look at the ad layout. I have wanted to know what two ads,
    with the same message, (that will attract two different kind of individuals) who your best clients
    would be for future business.

  17. Jodi Hansen

    Eric my friend,

    No you didn’t offend me – cos I didn’t read your newsletter…

    However, now that you’ve raised this sensitive issue, you’ve opened up a very interesting can of worms: I can’t say that I’ve been offended per se – whith any of the material you’ve sent me – but I can indeed see why some would find your emails, material annoying and or offensive. At the end of the day (and don’t take this the wrong way), I do find your tone a little on the over-the-top, hyped-up side of things. And that is a REAL turn off for a lot of people ( myself included). So perhaps you might consider toning the hype down a notch or two….it’s up to you.

    I’m novice copywriter/marketer myself (I’m in the throes of learning the trade/ropes, etc). I’ve been in the game for only a little under a year, and one of the fundamental principles I have gleaned thus far is that people i.e. potential propects and customers alike don’t like to be coerced, pushed or mollycoddled into buying products/services – particularly if done in an aggressive or hyped up fashion; they instead, like to be helped, guided, educated and gently persuaded – with a no-hype, no strings attached approach (before any selling as such comes into question). I’m sure you know all of this already; it’s a delicate issue (I’m still mastering it myself). People are funny creatures…..

    THose are just my thoughts anyway.


  18. ChrisA.

    I’m not offended …but OUTSIDE….there are a lot of offers/bonuses for the Russell Brunson’s product “12 Month Internet Millionaire”. (3-4 very good bonuses , just like yours !!!)
    That’s the Competition….buy from my link and you get this….we are all in the same place…Clearly…???.Agresivity..??? Persuasion ???…c’est ca la clef du Marketing ???
    I prefer the “No Hype” Bonus Page…
    webmaster-at productselected-com

  19. Sabrina O'Malone

    Hey Eric,

    I don’t quite know what to say. I’ll start with the basic facts of why I didn’t initially leave a comment or make a purchase…

    The product and bonuses seemed like a time-consuming project -one that I might not even be able to figure out how to implement or utilize. I’m sure you realize that everbody is busy, but for someone like me, raising five kids, keeping up my home, and squeezing a few minutes here and there for my websites – the thought of spending hours on the phone listening to strangers talk about how to “potentially” make more money just didn’t motivate me.

    The pitch translated in my brain to this: “Get something for nothing IF you post this, click that, download this, then copy and paste the receipt to listen to the nuvo-riche tell me things that might not work for me.” I had questions as to whether I’d agree with their tactics, and realistically, I felt like I might not have time or skill to implement them even if I wanted to. Perhaps I’m thinking too small, but I’ve already got more than enough projects I could do if I wanted to seriously increase my online income.

    But people like me are probably not in your target market for most IM products.

    Now about the hyped up version…it didn’t sound like you. And the regular you is the one I know and trust. I’m sorry you got negative feedback about it, but if it helps you become a better marketer, then I suppose it is worth it. Eric, you know whom you serve and how your work reflects upon Him. It’s a lesson I also have to keep in mind everytime I write an article for my own business/ministry website.

    In parting, ask yourself if your lasting goals are evident in everything you write. Would your readers come closer to God, their family or other people as a result of reading your tips? Or would they just wak away thinking about how someone will be getting rich? You’ve got a bigger purpose than that, and I know you know it well.

    In His Service,

  20. The Grumpy Old Chef

    Hi Eric,

    I don’t think that I’ve ever seen a sales page that didn’t consist of 90% hype.

    At least yours didn’t make outrageous claims of 100 million in 23 months selling a $60 product.

    Only someone with no brain cells at all would believe that and flush $37 down the toilet.

    Don’t worry about offending people. As you get older, it’s your only FUN. hahahahahaha

    The Grumpy Old Chef.

  21. john seymour

    Hi it is a trap that im,s get into.You lose your values or mindset and you get offered a good deal for you and you think your readers etc should act as sheep and buy it.But most people Want Value for money, From something they can use,learn from or resell.
    The Secret to long term sucess is making your list trust and value your offers.
    Not the flyby night marketeer mindset. ie invest a buck charge 3 bucks everybody is happy.

  22. Terri Shearer

    Eric, the un-hyped version is much easier to read and easier on the eyes. The hyped version is something I’m used to muddling through because I’m an Internet Marketer. And when the big guys write sales letters, I’m always analyzing them to learn more.

    But…to be honest, your bonuses weren’t all that great – nothing really any better than the others. Here’s a statement for your testing: the #1 reason I bought from you rather than someone else was because I was looking for a new web host. See, you just never know why someone is going to buy! It was between yours and the new one announced at Big Seminar but that one only included one domain. So I bought yours and then found out Armand’s now includes unlimited domains! Now I have to decide…..similar price….best technology….Another tidbit – whenever there are massive product launches, I tend to purchase from the person who contacts me first. I know if I wait I might get better offers, but I have a ‘group’ of people whose emails I read and generally delete the rest. So the group I read is a group I trust almost equally. So…all things being equal, the first person to get to my inbox gets my sale.

    As an ‘oldie’ who got my MA in Marketing 20 years ago, I love to see why people are buying or not buying – not if they got offended or not offended – because the stuff in the 12M product is really nothing new! I use all that knowledge in my non-IM niche. Kudos to you – I do enjoy your perspectives and education. And as a person who was one of the first people in the US to do e-learning, all of you could learn something about teaching…..

  23. Peter Solty

    Hi Eric, my first entry here. I think hype is hype, no matter how it is presented, but i was not offended too much, cause in the IM hype just is common. I never did IM before, i am a semi pro musician, just started to check out IM recently.
    About to start a business, including introducion of a new wireless system, which will generate much $ in the long run. I will send further information on request only.
    regards from Germany,

  24. Jessalynn Coolbaugh

    Hi Eric!

    First off – love the newsletter, keep ’em coming!

    Now, as far as the page wars go – personally, I prefer the ‘look’ of the un-hyped page. But, that may be due to the fact that I’m an “Ogilvy Age” copywriter myself, and don’t really care for a lot of graphics and colors on a web page.

    But…I LOVE the COPY on the hyped page! That’s what it takes to sell, and obvoiusly you’ve got a writer who understands that fact. My suggestion would be to keep the copy of the first page, and tone down the use of graphics and colors. Try a strictly B&W page, with a few crimson highlights mixed in. =)

    Just like the door-hanger that finally got your attention – sometimes “old school” really IS the best way to go!

    Keep up the good work!
    Jessalynn Coolbaugh

  25. Art Telles

    Hi Eric,

    The “hype” version is way more interesting…

    And, yes, “hype” is great… but ONLY if it is truthful!


  26. Stephen Salamone

    Keep up the good work.
    You and I know there is some people you just can not please. But the Fish Has Got to GO.
    A million dollar boat photo or a fir place mantle with 3 socking’s 2 are regular size and one from the jolly green giant
    The Fish-GO as for the over all look I wish I could put up a page like that ! Well dun right to the point .

  27. John in Australia

    Hi Eric.

    I wasn’t offended by your email. If anyone was and they unsubscribed, I say, ‘good riddance’ to them.

    Why do people over-react on the Internet. If they put the same efforts into making the world a better
    place, then they would have done something useful.

    Anyway, tell me who won The Next Internet Millionaire and I will forgive all your sins! =:o)

    John in Australia

  28. tcraft@columbus.rr.com

    After reading through both, I prefer the no hype email. It just read better. I don’t understand why someone got so mad when they received your hyped email. It wasn’t offensive or anything like that; I just prefer the no hype email.
    Tobey Craft

  29. Joe

    (chuckle, chuckle)! Very clever, Eric.
    Sorry, I had to laugh at your two examples at both ends of the spectrum. I find it hard to imagine that anybody would be offended but your list is fairly discerning and admires your “tell it like it is style”. I guess the hyped up page would turn them off but If a product is good why not promote it. Personally, I would ignore both sales pages. Surely, there’s a happy medium where you can use colour and a bit of personality but without the “BS”.

  30. Gene

    I’m reminded of the saying– “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”. We live in a land of over-hyped sales pages, and non-hyped one stands out like a breath of fresh air. Let’s hope you start a new trend with this!

    Another suggestion: whenever someone gives a “free month” to something as a “bonus”, it seems like a sneaky way to get someone into a forced continuity program. PLEASE don’t include bonuses with strings attached. We see right through that stuff here!

  31. Eric Post author

    Thanks for the continued comments everyone. Sabrina you are a good friend. Gene – thanks for the comment about the bonus itself. I wonder if other people feel the same way about my 1-cent trials?

    Keep ’em coming…

  32. Lori

    Eric — I am new to all of this. I must say I am really turned off by all of the “hypes” — I was just speaking with a friend today about the on-line marketing methods and how they make me feel. Duped somehow. When I learned that there is a page used called the “squeeze page” I thought – I don’t want to squeeze people, and I certainly don’t want to be sqeezed . I agree with Patricia about your trust-factor. One of the reasons I read your newsletters. Today, on the Internet Millionaire (that you produce with Joel Comm) Charles Trippy said something that struck a chord with me, he said that he thought there must be a better way to communicate with people, that the whole circle of buying, upselling, buying again, feels sneaky. I agree. Yes, we are adults making adult decisions — I guess once you know or feel that you are being hyped or squeezed you turn it off, decide not to buy (and ignore that pop-up that says WAIT YOU DON’T know what your Missing) and then you as the individual giving Information have to believe in what you are doing and selling and feel right with that. Lori

  33. Steve McKay


    Hype, and selling anything in an honest fashion is a balancing act. For example:
    Hi! Im average Steve! (exclude the exclamation point, as that’s “hype”).
    I make an average living working long, most of the time boring hours, just to do this on line business, but since I have always wanted my own business, it is worth the sacrafice.
    I hardly see my family, because I’m just learning, I’m overwhelmed with “Info Products”, frustrated by “plug ins” “templates”, and “HTML” and it will take me at least a year to sort through everything, make sense of it, and put it to use, and when I do, I will probably only see enough money coming in to make me DREAM even more about the day that I to can join the ranks of those who email me everyday to tell me what I MUST do, in order to make it on line.
    Finally, after all that I have given up, I’m beginning to see the rewards, but they are nothing like I excpected! They are mediocre at best! But that’s GREAT for me, and everyone who wants to be like me!
    You too can enjoy my lifestyle!
    I’m not only offering you a path to a simple, small, suplimental income, I’m offering you these very important bonuses! Yes! That’s right! FREE stuff, like “how to live on Dark Meat Tuna (in oil, not water). “How not to pay the electric, and gas company because I gave all to my hero, an internet marketer”! How to sell the same crap to others, so I wont be all alone out here!, And much, much more!
    Yes, you get all this, and a suprise bonus, if you simply send me, – not 97, not 67, but only $47.00 now!
    Of course, because everyone will want to jump on the band wagon, and be “like me”, I can’t let that happen, so my price is going up. I’m not sure when, but it will, and you will be out of luck, because I won’t go back on my word, to my loyal first buyers.

    Eric, Most of this is in jest, however, if one reads, studies, and wants to market online, they can do so without all the “product launches”, and “hype” that you and the CB marketters employ. I know people who have never bought anything from you guys, and have very profitable wesites.

    Hype is part of what you do, so don’t apologize for it, Just temper it a bit, so that it’s not so obvious.


  34. george hutchinson

    I didn’t think that your hype was as over the top as Russell’s . That stuff is a little hard to buy into by itself. Apparently you think so as well or you wouldn’t feel obligated to offer so much bonus for a $37 product.
    All in all a clever promotion though. From where I sit, it seems you will do better on the hosting than on commission from the original product. Nice work.
    As far as the hype, I think a more middle of the road approach may be more effective overall but it would take some testing to tell for sure

  35. chuck

    Eric, No offense taken. The first one had more color so easier to read(skim) as bullets easier to pick out.
    What really ticks me off is when a product says 77 dollars, I get ready to buy it and on the order page it says 2 months of 77 plus a monthly fee. I didn’t buy it and the guru probably lost a customer–forever!!! chuck

  36. Linda

    I don’t mind the hyped up page didn’t annoy me. I signed up for you course on web hosting and found it very informative.
    I had already decided on a the other hosting company Globat.com which is in your e book . bought a few domain names from them . Was saving up the 150.00 to sign up as a reseller with them and choose a name my company name is lnsconsultants was worried it was too long for a hosting company . They set me up for a regular hosting service by accident charged me for all the websites. Wrote to them and explained what I was planning on doing and they promptly refunded my money.
    I liked that kind of service.

    So I could not take up your offer, I am working with you and spam-free site. In about another week I will have the money .

    Thanks for your help

  37. Michael Walker

    Hi Eric,

    I didn’t mind the “hyped” page one bit. You explained what you were giving away and why and used a good, eye catching set of graphics to complement the text. I don’t get why anyone would be offended by it.

    It is interesting to see the no hype version, which might work for some materials but really doesn’t seem all that effective when you compare the two.

    Are you going to update us some time down the road and let us know which page pulled more buyers? I’d love tos ee those results.

    Keep up the good work~


    P.S. You’re doing great with “The Next Internet Millionaire”!!!

  38. Bobby

    Eric…..The Hype was great..No offense was found. Keep knocking them outta the ballpark. MY skin is not that thin LOL!
    Good Work Guys!

  39. Lynn

    No…I thought the first one with the fish was a little silly. But it was nice not to see all they hype. Easier to follow also.

    Tell you the truth, real tired of the hype.

    By the way, how do we receive the bonuses?



  40. Eric Post author

    Wow guys, we’re getting some great feedback here that I think everyone can benefit from. Thanks!!!

    Lynn- to get your bonuses, post your clickbank receipt at my helpdesk.

    Keep it coming 🙂

  41. Le Minh Sang

    Your Website and any information from you very good for my

    Please help me any problem !

    I receive some mail from you. But I don’t know the way make money with my web. I joint CJ.COM linkshare, SFI, but I can’t make IT.

  42. Dave Palumbo


    Some good thoughts already expressed, and some are worth stating again:

    1) Hype is a part and parcel with the Internet Marketing niche. If people are offended by hype, really they are at the wrong site/on the wrong list.

    2) With the above said, it’s obvious many are getting sick and tired of the hype. In fact, I have no doubt that a purposely non-hyped salesletter (that is not shy about telling the reader that) would probably do a good job in connecting with a certain target market…namely, those that are getting sick and tired of the hype (which usually translates to people who have been around the IM niche for some time but still haven’t been able to put it all together).

    3) I think the ONLY reason you received ANY flack at all was because:

    A) You’ve stated previously that you don’t like hype and bonus wars and *you mentioned* that you’ve stated that in the previous blog entry.

    …and to a lesser extent…

    B) What we’re mostly used to observing in terms of your previous product reviews and promotions have mostly backed up your verbal statements that you dislike hype (i.e., your actions usually match your words…integrity!).

    …which reminds me…there are some awesome product reviews on this blog where you really call out the crap…I love that. I’ll never forget how you blasted the APX salesletter (or was it DJK?). And Buck and Brock or whatever those guys names were… hehe, I’ll have to re-read those for a good laugh.

    Thanks Eric.

    Also serving Him,

    – Dave

  43. Sejuti Banerjea

    The new page is better coz it saves time…no point reading pages and pages of huge coloured words that seem to go on forever

  44. Veronica

    No Eric, not offended but a bit disappointed. I think there has been far too many launches of products this year, and we are all getting tired of sales letters and bonuses. Every marketer tries to better the sales letter that Joe Blow used for his launch. Therefore more inflated “facts” are sprinkled all over the sales page and yes, even fibs.(we call them porkies, here in Aus.) Then come the bonuses! Oh dear! So many bonuses to bribe prospects to buy into the porkies. I could count on one knuckle of one finger how many times a product has lived up to the rantings on the sales letter. In many cases the bonuses were better than the product sold. Maybe this is why affiliates offer the bonuses. Perhaps they know the product doesn’t match the hype, therefore they redeem themselves by offering excellent bonuses. Hmmm!
    Another nasty that seems to be almost compulsory these days is the one time offer. A pox on the inventor of that one!
    I wonder if the profusion of new launches + desperate affiliates offering major bonuses is a sign that most internet marketers have burned out their mailing lists by overmarketing to them, and are now not making the money they were accustomed to earning.
    Some months ago I wrote here on this blog, that a certain well known “guru” would, in the future, have a lot to answer for because of starting the Give-away offers. There were Easter giveaways…Christmas giveaways…Cleaning stuff of my computer giveaways…you name it! All of a sudden, everyone had access to the giveaway script and too many people used it. What was wrong with this? Well everyone who joined the giveaway had to giveaway their name and email which then went onto the list of every marketer who had contributed to the giveaway. Now we were receiving “newletters” from dozens of marketers, all who put aside the advice that they should only market to their list every couple of newsletters. Some of these people sent out emails every darn day of the week, either selling something, or telling one to watch out for the whiz bang product in their next newsletter. Didn’t take long before unsubscribes went into overdrive. No wonder that selling via email has lost it’s punch. A pity really…another case of the masses being punished for the greed of one.
    So, Eric, this is why I was disappointed. You appeared to have joined the very club that you set out to isolate yourself from when you commenced Eric’s Tips. What you do next will define you in the eyes of your readers. Tread carefully Eric….little steps is all it takes to cross a line.
    With caring concern

  45. Anton Burnette


    If you are going to use hype, go all out.

    Pictures of piles of cash.

    Maybe a video of you and Joel with Hundred dollar bills falling from the sky.

    Or maybe screen shots of payment processors of millions, we can drool over.


  46. Joselito Mendoza

    Dear Sir,
    As a student, as an Instructor and as a newbie in the field of Internet technology, one need not to be “onion skin.” I always adhere to an old saying that “Every man I meet is my master in one way or the other.” If I need to learn things, I need to listen very well and follow to. I did not sign up for free newsletter/e-book accidentally. In the Philippines, books are very expensive and although piracy is quite rampant in my country, I always wanted to have my own books or materials which I used in teaching. I’ve been teaching in a vocational school for sometime and I don’t have college diploma. To be able to gain the interest and attention of your student, one must be properly equipped with a knowledge in the area he has chosen to lived with. I appreciate all the books and material that I got from your web site and others too. i hope you will continue sharing your experience and ideas for the common people like me. More power to you and may God bless us all.

  47. Frank

    Eric I was not particularly offended, any more than I am offended at the dozens of other hyped up offers I receive.
    I have a philosphy I follow. If I want to buy something, I buy it from the first person who tells me about it. I then get sick to death being spammed (I use the word lightly) from every other Tom Dick and Harry who has “squeeze paged” my address or collected it because I bought something from them, who wants me to buy the same thing through them because of the five thousand dollars of “bonuses” they will give me that I can’t get anywhere else,
    Give us a break. I have been unsubscribing by the dozens daily but some have collected my name three or four times so I still get their guff.
    My big bugbear about this is:- If I am already on someones list, and they write to me about some wierd and wonderful gizmo they are an affiliate for, WHY OH WHY do they still insist on asking again for my name and address and adding me to their list again.
    Now! If I come to a squeeze page from someone whose list I’m on, I log out without even looking at their offer. If I keep getting emails about the same “flavour of the day”, I delete them and, If I get an email for the flavour of the day which has been rewritten to hide what it is, when I find out that it is something I’ve already had 15 emails about, I unsubscribe from that person.
    All I am interested in is a) what is the product? b) what does it do? c) is it of any value for my purposes? and d) is it fairly priced? I will then decide to but it or not. I am not interested in a pile of useless bonuses, only used to bump up the supposed value and to justify the overpricing of the product.
    This is the same as if I am going to spend $50,000 on a car. I will buy a car that is WORTH $50000 not a car worth $30000 with a supposed pile of extras costed at an extra $20000.

  48. Alex Goad

    Hey Eric,

    After checking out both pages, I find the supposedly “hypey” page much clearer and easier on the eyes. It does a good job of concisely stating your offer.

    As most of us realize, you can’t please everyone with a single format of ANYTHING, and there’s really no point trying.

    In fact if you get some people Ticked Off with your marketing, great, it means it’s probably working.

    You make it a point to review products honestly and only support those which you think are good. Often you take the time to write up products you are recommending people NOT buy. Therefore it’s purely to help people situate themselves and doesn’t make you a red cent.

    So when, once in a blue moon, you get excited about a product and make a killer bonus package for it, you’re not allowed to let that excitement shine through? I say bollocks.

    Follow your instincts and personality, there are thousands who appreciate it just like it is.

  49. kalaya

    Dear Eric,
    You did not make me offend but your process is too complicate to read and difficult to get in to the point. I have to take long time to read your mail and so many text before I meet the important things that I want to know, I had to see other messages so many pages before the page that I want.
    I have to take half day , all day to read your everything that you sent so I have to stop to read your text to do other things/jobs. You know we have many things to do in 1 days if you can send shortly message and easily to understand without introduction too many pages it will be better.
    I feel that you induce me to read other and other and other before getting the main point.

    I do still interest in your tips but if you can do that I said it will be better.
    Best Regards,


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