HyperVRE Demo Video

By | August 22, 2006

UPDATE: This review is now outdated. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #78 – 8/22/2006

It’s been exactly a month since I posted my review of Matt Callen’s HyperVRE software. If you missed my review, you can read it here.

Since that time, Matt has made some nice improvements to the program and it is working well for me. In fact, I chatted with him today and he’s got even more improvements on the near horizon.

I had promised that I would make a video of HyperVRE in action, so I did and now it’s available for you to watch. I know a lot of my readers have been waiting to see a demo video before downloading the software.

Here it is…

HyperVRE Video

(Video no longer available)

You can download HyperVRE for free, but I do recommend upgrading to a Gold membership on the one time offer so that you can embed your own affiliate links for ClickBank, Amazon, and PayDotCom.

Download HyperVRE for Free Here

As always, you can leave your comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

56 thoughts on “HyperVRE Demo Video

  1. Chris M

    Hi Eric,

    To be honest, I had HyperVRE downloaded sometime ago. But I never got round to putting it to full use, setting it aside, thinking it may take quite sometime to get use to. Your demo video just showed me how straight forward it is! Many thanks.


  2. Ron Martin


    Just watched your video on HyperVRE software and as always it was great! I bought the Gold version awhile back and haven’t been able to find time to stop and figure it out. This is great, I don’t have to figure it out now! I also see that Matt has some videos now also…………

    Do you know how one can put in his own product, I have an e-book (PDF and audio) on fishing, so that was kinda fun to see one on fishing!

    I have to go………..on the run…………just wanted to say……..Great Job!

    Ron Martin

  3. Goldie

    Hi Eric

    I am already a Gold Member of HyperVRE

    It is a very good program and would fully support it’s use.

    Thanks for the Heads Up !

    David ‘Goldie’ Edwards

  4. said hassan


  5. Carolina

    Hello! Eric,

    Yes, I joined Hypervre also. I think it is a pretty cool site. I am a newbie in everything as I really don’t do much except be an affiliate for now.

    Thank you for the info and other info’s you give in the future. You are very knowledgeable I think in most things.


  6. Saundra


    I didn’t look at your videos. I was actually planning on posting to your blog about my experience with HyperVRE. I am really ‘pysched’ by this awesome software and I have used many. I am actually going to rework some of my other website with this awesome software. Yes I am a Gold member. I purchased at a time when money was tight. It is no longer tight. I am not sure if it is approriate to list some of my sites but, I must. My sites are making money. I will only list 2 of them http://stretch-marks.todays-topic.com and bed-and-breakfast.todays-topic.com. Yes, HyperVRE works well with subdomains. I have 10 more on the drawing board. I actually enjoy the software. Can’t wait until they add the “site growing” feature. Affiliate Marketing rocks!!!

    So Eric, all the negative heat that was given previously should be dying down. Keep with the great reviews and God Bless

  7. flwong

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks so much on the video created by you, it was a good instruction video. Salute.

    I have tried the earler version of the HyperVRE, it did have some bugs, but after Matt have done some improvement it is now a superb page generator. I should thank Matt for his effort in the improvement on it. He is a very nice in the support for any problem relating the software. He will answer all your problem in a very short time. Welldone Matt.

    Last but not least, Eric you are a best IM Marketer i have come across, few words to decript you 1) Honest 2) Helpful 3) Intelligent.

    Keep in touch.


  8. Eric Post author

    Thanks for the comments everyone 😉 Appreciate it!

    John- actually there are several videos for MMS… you can find them in the MMS forum.

  9. Petre Tudor

    Hi Eric,

    I already had HyperVRE downloaded sometime ago. But I never got round to putting it to full use, setting it aside, thinking it may take quite sometime to get use to.But I’m not got Golder member. Your demo video just showed me some ideas but I’m sorry because I haven’t it and I need to see your video over and over again becaus I not an English speakerman.It would be very well if you’ll have a .PDF file version for your audio file and send it me ASAP.I’m going to promote this HyperVre program.
    In the long run I got a long redirect link to croack my hoplinks.It shows as http://pettud.com/pettud-recommens/…..I saw you and Mike use this kind of redirect url.I got it using HTML space from ‘Text Link’ from Mike’s manuscript.I edited HTML code ,higlightedand copyed it into my Notepad editor.Then I pasted it into my HTML space of my domain .ws.I got a nice clickable redirect URL.I tested it and it works.Also it works into mu Yahoo email inbox.But surprise. I added this redirect url into my Browser Address bar and it don’t works.Why?I don’t known.I aready changed my hoplink with this redirect url from my AdWords ad and I got ‘The page cann’t be displayed’.AdWords already sent me a Disapproved Ad for ‘Destination URL don’t works.
    Can you give me a good advice?

    Best regards,
    Petre Tudor

  10. Scott

    Hi Eric,

    Are you aware that Matt’s HyperVRE affiliate payout is ONLY good if new people opt in to the OTO? If they opt in later at the full price, none of it goes to the affiliate that originally drove the traffic in? I think THAT is poor practice. I received that info from Matt himself. I was rather disappointed since I’ve driven some good traffic to his site and signed some people up.


  11. Shoji

    Did you ever think about who wrote the content in the RSS feeds? Aren’t you using the content for your own benefit and financial gain? It is interesting you have a copyscape logo on your own website.

  12. Mike


  13. Eric Post author

    Hey Scott- yes thats definitely a bit disappointing as I’m sure a lot of my readers upgraded after seeing the video.

    Shoji – I do think about it, and yeah that’s a topic worth discussing. I think there are two main reasons that people put RSS feeds (of their own content) on their sites…

    1) they want people to syndicate it (re-publish it)


    2) to provide the convenience for visitors to add it to their RSS readers

    Its sort of becoming a problem to distinguish between the two, especially since most webmasters probably aren’t even aware of the ramifications of an RSS feed.

    The reason I provide RSS feed of my blog is so that people can subscribe to it with their RSS readers.

    But a lot of sites say “syndicate this site” or “syndicate this content”. In those cases, they WANT people to re-publish their RSS feeds, because it creates publicity and brings traffic back to the main site.

    The problem comes in where many new tools will take those RSS feeds and re-publish them WITHOUT the proper links back to the author site. They simply strip the hyperlinks from the feed.

    I consider this to be a black hat tactic, and you should not do it. One of the things I like about HyperVRE (from what I’ve experienced so far) is that it publishes the RSS feeds properly with their respective links.

    So the authors of the content are benefiting by getting traffic from your site.

    Mike- to upgrade, just go ahead and signup again for free using a different email address at HyperVRE and then you can upgrade for the lower price on the OTO.

  14. Scott Lyons

    Hi Eric,
    Your video actually got me playing around with HVRE. Now I’m close to going gold. It’s tough to go for an OTO at $97 without trying out the software first. If I get it I’m going to email Matt and let him know you should get the aff commission.

    One question: On any of the HVRE sites you’ve made so far, have you actually made any clickbank sales?


  15. Eric Post author

    Thanks Scott – appreciate it! To answer your question; not yet. I’m still playing with the program and building some customized templates for it. I haven’t launched any “real” sites yet.

  16. Chonise

    I think HVRE is really a good product for a newbie like me. I wish you could create a software like HVRE, too. Matt and his brother are too busy promoting a new product, and I wonder if they find time to check on their HVRE.

    Thank God you are here to promote for them. But up until this time, I’m stil confused how to order a gold HVRE. How do I go for an OTO at $97, instead of paying $127?


  17. Eric Post author

    Chonise – I think Matt will still find time to take care of HyperVRE since its the biggest thing he’s done so far, and he has a ton of users.

    To get the OTO for $97, just go here and sign up again using a different email address and then you can get the OTO.

  18. Kenneth Washington

    Eric, you are really something. This video has me strongly considering upgrading to HyperVRE Gold. My only problem is as you so gently put it in the video (The sites created aren’t pretty). Will you consider creating some nice theme templates for the program?

    I purchased your Instant AdSense Templates and have sites up making me money from several affiliate programs right now:


    Google just deposited over $350 in my account for the month of July alone and August is turning out to be a winner as well.

    If you could create a nice set of theme oriented templates (Header, google graphics, color scheme) and maybe a feature to import your own PLR articles as content too, this HyperVRE program would be the ultimate site builder.

    Please let me know if you have anything like this in store for the HyperVRE script in the forseeable future?

    Thanks again for taking the time to create such an informative video.

    Best Wishes,
    Kenneth Washington

    P.S. Some of the gurus should hire you to create help videos for them. Most of the ones from other countries I can’t understand them at all, so it turns me off from purchasing the product.

  19. Eric Post author

    Kenneth – Thanks for the comments, and YES I will be creating what you need within the next couple months. That’s all I can say right now 😉

  20. Scott Lyons

    Hi Eric,
    Not sure what kind of relationship you have with Matt, but maybe you can peruade him to do a TTO- Two time offer. It just doesn’t make sense to go for an OTO without trying it first. One additional chance to go gold for $97.


  21. Eric Post author

    Hey Scott

    Matt’s a good guy, in fact I’m doing some collaboration with him on a project. But a OTO has to be one time only. But its easy to get around. Just go and signup again here using a different email address, and you’ll see the OTO again. Make sure you’re logged out of your HpyerVRE account first.


  22. Zoul

    Wow this forum is great. I’m a newbie and i’ve been searching all other the net for financial help.I’ve searched spent a lot of money to buy some useless information.Oh by the way i’m new to this i just temporarily stopped my adware campaign because i spent lots of money and i’ve made none in return. I’m still desperately broke however but i think i found the right place. So Eric,..everyone please introduce me to all basic steps to internet marketing starting from STEP: 1.
    Now about Hypervre I think it’s great, it’s sweet but uh do have to promote, publish or advertise the sites you create with this software or does google take care of that. I unfortunately will not be able to purchase the gold version any time soon. I have my tuition and books to take care of, so what are my odds of making money with the free version?

    Look forward to hearing from me again soon. I found this forum and i have no intentions on letting go lol
    This forum is sweet

  23. Webmaestro


    I think the concept of VRE is great and like a few others have mentioned here I downloaded it a while ago and didn’t get around to doing anything until your video which is great – I just wish more people would do these as part of their product install & help files. I have just upgraded to the latest (free) version to see if I can get some sites built quickly and my first reaction is ARRRRGGHHH! I have tried 9 different main keywords so far (in widely differing niche areas) and whilst I get as far as the “Save Project & Generate pages” button it comes back eventually with “No articles found for your main keyword” or equivalent message! The FAQ says to adjust the keyword density to less than 1% but this is only possible in the Gold version (the error message says this but the FAQ implies otherwise). Now I could understand this for weird niche keywords but I have deliberately chosen some that appear fairly high in the Wordtracker 500 report so that there should be a lot of content around.

    This is extremely frustrating – am I doing something horribly wrong? I don’t think so as I’ve managed to create ONE set of pages but the content within them does not seem that well related to the main keyword in some cases (or particularly well typed, punctuated or structured) .

    In addition I have had several occurences of crashes with “subscript out of range” and other Microsoft VB type errors whilst trying to get RSS feeds and content. I’m using version 1.03.001 – anyone else had such problems? Anyone have any suggestions as to what I might do differently? I can forward the project files for anyone to see if they wish and try to recreate my scenarios.

    This holds a lot of promise and I’d plump for the Gold version if I can but generate some realistic sample pages that I can then load up.

    Best regards, Bob L.

  24. Deb

    Hi Eric,

    Thank you so much for creating a HyperVRE video. All this technical jargon seems quite confusing for a newbie. I created a website while following your video. Everything worked out fine, then I got stuck when it came time to upload it to a server. I’ve never uploaded to a server before.
    What are the steps in uploading to a server? Might there an easy step by step reference guide available? Or maybe, hint hint, a video?

    Thanks again,

  25. Buzz

    Here is a Quote from Matt’s HyperVRE forum.

    “Hey gang,

    As you requested, I just made some instructional demo videos for HyperVRE.

    There are 4 videos that I have created and zipped into one folder. You can access those videos from your Members Area when you login at http://www.hypervre.com/login.php

    They are on the main page if you scroll down by the products.

    Video #1 – How to edit HyperVRE templates
    Video #2 – Steps 1 to 3
    Video #3 – Steps 4 to 8
    Video #4 – How to upload your files to your webserver.

    I hope you enjoy these videos! Once you download them, all you need to do is unzip the main folder and then run the .html file that’s within each ‘video’ folder.

    All the best,

  26. Bonda

    This page & comments started exactly 2 months ago. Have any REAL improvements been made? Did anybody get HyperVRE working well by now???

  27. Rita

    I have been watching this forum to see how the Hypervre is doing. Are there any new posts, problems, victories or anything more that can be said pro or con about Hypervre? I’m really interested in it, but I also know barely diddly-squat about the techno side of things. I’m gloriously glad that I’ve learned how to copy and paste (Yeah! Showing my age here a little, but, ah, who cares?) I have been checking and researching this Adsense thing for a while, and Hypervre seems like it could be just the ticket…… if it works. Sooooo….. Has anyone had any success with it yet? I know that I and apparently a few others are curious to know! So come on people, help us out! Give us the dirt, or the sand, or whatever. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly! Because I tell ya, we are rooting for The Beauty of it All. Thanks in advance, Rita

  28. Edem

    Hello Eric,

    I am new to the idea of affiliate marketing and I don’t even have a site yet.I have just downloaded the free copy of HperVRE software and was wondering where to go from then as I was not sure it is at the level of a beginner.
    Your video has thrown a lot more light on the subject and has simplified things for me.I am new and still learning do bear with me if I ask too many basic questions.



  29. TerryG

    Personally I do not like it. The sites generated look terrible and a turn off to a visitors experience.

    I use similar software that I purchased for $47. This is downloaded software and used to build sites right on my computer.

    The software I use has a better page appearance and far greater superior affiliate links than Hyper. I have built several sites and within a short time have dominated some keyword rich niches competing against 1 million other pages. Less indexed page I have my pages built with this software also dominating. I am talking top 5 if not 1-3.

    As yet I have not seen anyone else who can make these statements with Hyper.

  30. David Dyke


    I have been trying to purchase HyperVRE Gold through your link for over a week – but the “Click Here to Order” button does not work. The credit card logos are also shades of gray (ie no color) – this makes me think that there is something else wrong with the sales page as well.

    Are you able to help me to purchase the product?

  31. shabnam

    hi eric,
    i have downloaded hypervre software. i want to know regarding pasting the adsense codes.do i need to paste codes in all the snippets, like snippet1,2,3,4,5 etc.
    i pasted the adsense codes in all the snippets from 1to 5 in one of my sites but no ads were showing error was coming.
    plz help . do i need to paste the code in all the snippets or in few.

  32. James

    Eric- I was a free member to HyperVRE for two dasy and decided to download the gold version. Everything looks great so far but when I open my HyperVRE program there are still spots that are blocked out saying “for gold members only”. I know I am gold memeber…I paid and I have access to all the forms and downloads from the site. I can’t seem to get a response from the helpdesk at HyperVRE. I was wondering if you knew of a trick or something I need to do. Plus I am also setup with all affilates and have accounts with them as well.


  33. Alan

    What about hosting. Where to get cheap domains and realiable hosting these multiple domains. Are there other types of similar programms.

  34. Eric Post author

    James- it sounds like your gold license has not been activated. You need to let Matt know about it and he’ll take care of it.

    Alan- Yes please check out this Web Hosting Secret to see who I use … I host about 40 domains on one reseller account.

  35. percival

    hello eric

    Ive been tryin all day to sign up for hypervre. Everybody sends me to the same sales page which i then try to sign up. I fill in the details and email then press the submit button and nothin happens. no page loads, no email sent to me, nothing. Ive tried tons of different emails and still nothing. Please i just want to buy the gold straight away…..

  36. george martin

    i bought the gold version of hypervre and downloaded it.the major problem i have eric is that i don’t know how to put the files in the right order. i put tyhem in ‘ my documents and they don’t show where the templates are or anything i don’t know how
    to place the files in order!
    i would like to know if you can recommend to me someone who can put the software in the right order. i would be willing to pay someone to install the software for me and can you help me in getting someone? i am very frustrated right now and
    need help bad. hypervre is not helping me at all and you seem like you have the right contacts that can help ppeople like me.
    3-17-08 1125am PST George

  37. raych

    Hi, Eric,
    I have HyperVRE Gold and can’t find a way to get it to find articles or rss feeds, though I’ve tried all sorts of adjustments to the keyword density, and let it run numerous times to try to access different directories. Tried deactivating my firewall, adspy, virus utilities, still no luck. Have you come across anyone else that had similar experience? I contacted Matt’s support area, but their suggestions did not produce results either, so I’m stumped.
    Would appreciate any help.


  38. jess

    Go to scriptlance.com and hire someone. All you do is sign up and post your problem and someone will answer. Post a price that you are willing to pay. I would say that the problem that you are having could be about a $30 fix plus $5 that scriptlance charges. It is a site filled with top notch professionals from all over the world. You only pay once the job is completed. They use paypal along with escrow. I hope this helps. inshock@hotmail.com

  39. Jeff Fenske

    Eric, I was searching the web for a discount for hypervre gold and came across your site and excellent video explaining very clearly how to use it. I already signed up for the free version, but when I have the cash for the gold I’m going ot sign up under you using a different email address. Thanks, Jeff

  40. brian

    Hi Eric!

    Downloaded the software and installed it cause I think it has great potential but when I try to register I get this message “Run time error 9”, “Subscript out of range”. Now my question is…what the hell does that mean? 🙂 Really eager to try this program so its quite frustrating.


  41. Alvin

    Hi Eric,

    I bought the HyperVRE gold package. I have a question for you…It is better to upload the site to a “sub domain” or a directory within the domain..for ie


    Your reply will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

  42. Eric Post author

    Ideally I like to put sites directly on their own domain as much as possible. Between subdomains and subdirectories… I think it’s mainly a matter of personal preference.

  43. Eric Post author

    You could find your RSS feed manually. There are some good RSS search engines out there.

  44. Eric Post author

    I’m not sure about that one. I guess you’d need to get in touch with Matt’s support team.

  45. Dedy

    Dear Eric,
    I went to the HyperVRE website and try to sign-up…
    Problem is that I cannot sign-up at all so I cannot ever try the HyperVRE to start earning.
    Is there any problem with their website?
    If the HyperVRE website really has a problem, do you have other reccomendation?

    P.S.:Please reply quick to my e-mail

  46. Colin

    I am running Firefox and I have downloaded the website videos but cannot get them to open. (You might guess I am a newbie!) I have ddown loaded the Adobe Flash player and java scripts are enabled. but I cannot get the weebsites to open, help

  47. Janice Makely

    Hi Eric I am a gold member and I went through the process and uploaded my site I made with hypervre and everything is showing but my images won’t show. I don’t know how to go about it to fix it. Can you help me.

  48. Eric Post author

    I do not offer support for it, as its not my product. However, here’s what I would do…

    -make sure you’ve uploaded the images.
    -make sure the image file paths in the code match the actual location of the images.

    for example, if the file paths are looking for an inage at: http://example.com/images/image1.jpg

    then make sure you’ve uploaded that image within an ‘images’ directory.

  49. joshua

    Hey Guys, Has anyone tried to use File Manager on Their server to upload these files?



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