HyperVRE Website Builder from Matt Callen

By | July 22, 2006

UPDATE: This review is now outdated. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #68 7/22/2006

Yesterday Matt Callen launched a software program that I predict will spread like wildfire throughout the internet marketing world.

It’s called HyperVRE, and it’s a content-based website building application. In case Matt’s name seems familiar, it could be due to the fact that he’s had a couple other products, but more likely because he’s the brother of Brad Callen, creator of the ever-popular SEOElite software.

HyperVRE goes beyond the other content-site builders that I’ve seen to date. I can honestly say I was smitten with a bit of jealousy as I first checked out the program. I really wish I had beaten him to the punch by creating this program myself; he included almost everything that I’ve been looking for in a site builder.

Here are some of the things you can instantly integrate into a website with this program:

– articles (your choice of scraped free articles, or you can input them manually)
– keywords
– RSS feeds
– rotating definitions
– random descriptions
– AdSense or other PPC
– Amazon
– ClickBank
– PayDotCom

Plus he gives you a variety of options including keyword density, DHTML image or text layers on links, inserting the RSS feed INTO the article (I love it), and more. With the amount of options available, it almost ensures that you will not have a duplicate site as someone else using the software.

The system is template-driven, and Matt gives you 27 templates to get started with. His templates are pretty basic, but that’s OK because it leaves a lot of room for you to improve them and make them unique. Maybe I can even convince Matt to team up with Joel Comm and myself to make a special edition of high quality HyperVRE templates for Instant AdSense Templates. How cool would that be!?

Now I’ll tell you where Matt made a bold move that is going to put his name on the map of internet marketers permanently. Instead of selling this program for $167 like he easily could (I’d buy it), he’s giving it away for free. And not only is he giving it away, but he’s created a viral program in which YOU can give it away too.

Members have two main incentives for giving it away. First, you earn a commission if your referral upgrades to the Gold level. Second, each copy of the program that you give away is branded with your own affiliate links for Amazon, ClickBank, and PayDotCom.

It’s similar to the old Traffic Hurricane viral strategy (you could give away a site builder branded with your AdSense ID), but takes it to another level. Due to this impressive viral aspect, you’re going to be bombarded by promotions for this program over the next couple weeks as the gurus discover its existence.

I wanted to get my review out right away so you can know what to watch out for regarding this program.

The biggest thing to be aware of is the fact that if you don’t upgrade to the Gold level, your pages will be branded with the affiliate ID (Amazon, ClickBank, PayDotCom) of someone in your upline if you choose to display those links. As a Gold member, there is a place in your member profile to input your affiliate ID’s. Then whenever someone downloads the software through your link, it will be branded with your ID’s. If you leave it blank, I believe it will be branded with the ID of the person above you in your upline, so you might as well put your own ID’s in.

There are two reasons you need to be aware of this.

1) I don’t want you to unknowingly build sites with MY links in them. If you’re OK with that, then that’s great! You can make as much money for me as you want.

2) I think you should give the same courtesy to YOUR customers of letting them know about the links. Do NOT try to trick people into it. If they find out later, it could cause some serious backlash and damage to your reputation. I already know some people will make this mistake, thinking it’s an easy way to exploit the newbies.

The program currently has a couple of bugs, which I noticed reported on the Gold-level member’s forum. Due to the huge amount of customers Matt is currently getting, I can almost guarantee he’ll have those fixed pretty fast to keep everyone happy.

He’s also planning on updating the program, based on customer wish-list requests, so it’s bound to get even better. I recommend using your own articles rather than letting the program find free ones, so I’m hoping he will add a batch article text file upload function.

My only other complaint is a lack of support/contact info, but I’m guessing he’ll probably change that too. Once you upgrade to the Gold level, you have access to the helpdesk and forum, but if you don’t upgrade there is no contact info on the site. It is totally understandable that he can’t provide free support to the many thousands of people who will be downloading the program for free (I wouldn’t either), but what if someone has trouble upgrading? They need to know who to contact…

Overall I’ll give this program about one and a half thumbs up. The features are awesome. I will be using it for my own VRE sites. My biggest concern is the branded affiliate link aspect, which I feel potentially enables unscrupulous marketers to take advantage of newbies. But now that you understand it, you don’t have to worry about it πŸ˜‰

Get Your FREE Copy of HyperVRE Here

Like I said, I wish I had been the one to come out with this program. But in this case, there’s no fighting it. This will be such a viral program that everyone will hear about it eventually, so you might as well hear it from me first.

As always, you can post your comments here in the blog entry. I’d be happy to hear about your experience with this program.

Have a great day!

127 thoughts on “HyperVRE Website Builder from Matt Callen

  1. Shania

    Have you even tried HyperVRE????

    I have been trading email with Matt for 2 days… the FREE version doesn’t work… why would someone upgrade to the GOLD.

    You know… most of you guys are just pure snake oil marketers. You’ll figure out a way make ANYTHING thing sound good… even if it a twist on a negative review.

  2. Marian

    Hi Eric, nice review. My comments follow:

    I’m tired of those high-paying keyword lists – I don’t like this ‘bonus’:

    “Plus Access To Over 40,000 Highest Paying Keywords Worth Thousands Of Dollars” (most of the time they’re worth almost zero)

    There’s alwyas a way to contact the website owner through the whois database.

    You can upgrade anytime – if you remember the link for oto πŸ™‚

    I’m going to try this program myself – if time allows (btw, when you would program such software yourself – you don’t sleep, do you? πŸ˜‰

    Nice day to everyone.

  3. Graeme Miller

    No thank you. Makes you feel stupid to have downloaded this unusable program. Do you want to publish webpages that carry other people’s affiliate links? Once you use his free software to publish, you become an idiot pawn.

  4. Eric Post author

    Shania – Yes I’ve used it and yes I’m aware there are some bugs, which I mentioned in my review. I just contacted Matt’s helpdesk about one of them, and got a reply in under 10 minutes. I’d say that right there is a good reason to upgrade… you get support. I wouldn’t have recomended it if I didn’t have full confidence that he’ll get those bugs fixed. Matt’s got a good name, along with his brother Brad, and he’ll get it taken care of. If any of my subscribers upgrade to Gold, and if Matt doesn’t get it fixed, I will PERSONALLY make sure you get a refund. But again, I don’t think it will come to that because he’ll get it fixed.

    BTW- for everyone… I would suggest not becoming an internet marketer unless you have thick enough skin to get called a snake oil marketer even when you are trying to HELP people by giving them a free program… good grief

  5. Mary

    If someone for some reason can’t or won’t use Paypal is there another way to purchase the software and get the affiliate commissions without resorting to Paypal?

  6. Eric Post author

    Marian – Thanks. I sort of agree about keyword lists not being worth as much as people say they are, but for anyone who doesn’t already have a list it can be very helpful. I personally use my Keyword Explosion list all the time. Sure it’s not 100% accurate, but it gives me a good idea of which keywords and niches to go after.

    And you are right, you can upgrade to Gold at any time, BUT it will cost more πŸ˜‰

    Graeme – did you read my review? That’s why I mentioned the links, and the reason to upgrade…

  7. Eric Post author

    Mary- unfortunately that’s a question only Matt can answer. I know he’s setup on the Butterfly marketing script, and it looks like he’s only taking Paypal…

  8. Karin

    Thanks Eric,

    As always you’re sending us a nother winner.

  9. Richard

    I have tried to order the software but no luck using Discover. Well since I could not buy I decided to test first. Glad I did! I cannot get it to go far enough to generate a website. It says it cannot find any affiliate stuff and just gpf’s or something. I will wait for an updated version and pay the extra 30 dollars.

  10. Pippa


    Shania, well said. As promoters our reputations are at stake when it comes to recommending products. Software glitches should be sorted, before the product is released, in order for the promoter to test and back the product.

    As for big shot promoters, oh, I am truly sick of the hype.

    90% of the bonuses they throw in with an upgrade, I already own.
    I am sitting with a hard drive full of niche e-books , everything is
    supposedly ‘niche’, until you Google, and software, that I cannot even GIVE away. No one is interested. Am I surprised? No.

    I will now step down from my soap box….

  11. Mike

    It always amazes me!
    You can never please the masses, so why even try? Matt is trying to and I feel that’s where his unintentional mistake lies. For Pete’s sake, he’s giving it away! I PAID for Microsoft Office 2003 and it still has bugs! Geez Louis, it’s software, always under development! Would you feel better if he offered two versions one with ads(free) and one without ads(paid)?

    Well, he DID! Upgrade and stop the whining!

    As for the ads, is name calling really necessary? When are we going to grow up and accept that we get what we pay for, or in this case what we DID’T pay for? Besides Tiger Woods and a few other celebrities, can anyone tell me WHO ELSE is getting paid to wear Nike’s logo? How about free Nike stuff? Do you get any?
    Keep up the good work Eric.

  12. Eric Post author

    Thank you Mike…

    Pippa et al. – I would bet my life that Matt tested the software before releasing it. Likewise, I tested it before reviewing it.
    The problem is that most software performs differently under different situations, and its virtually impossible to find all the bugs until its released. Huge billion dollar companies might have fewer bugs in their software, because they can afford to spend millions on testing, but as Mike mentioned–even they have bugs too.

    And do I need to mention again that I noted in my review that there were bugs…

  13. Suzanna

    Hello Eric, Thank you very much for the nice review on HyperVRE. I recieved information on the software and thought what a Great Product. However I do not feel it is a Good thing to give the software to other people without them being aware of the Affiliate links enbedded if they do not upgrade. Yes, there are people out there that will exploite Newbies, unfortunately, my email is already flooded with people trying to do just that. As far as you being put in the catagory of snake oil marketers, shame on Shania. She of course is entitled to her opinion on any product, but lets leave the slander elsewhere. I stand behind my statement that if someone wants the low down on a new product, read your Reviews or Blogs, I suggest that right on my web site and I’m not even an Affiliate of your’s. Keep all the Great Information coming, you are very much appreciated Eric.
    Cheers and God Bless

  14. Steve


    Nope. Doesn’t work. Tried twice. Software that doesn’t work isn’t a “bug.”

    I don’t care for the way this whole thing was done. I’ve used the terms “snake oil peddlers” and “used car salesmen” myself to describe some marketers in the past. This is almost a “bait and switch,” advertising really great software for free, then hitting the prospect with “oh, but if you want one with tires and brakes, it’ll cost ya.”

    I’ve lost my taste for software that purports to “generate” websites or content, anyway. “Generate Unique…” is kind of an oxymoron, if you think about it.

    I do appreciate that you warned us about the viral links, though. I do believe you’re the only one who has, so far. It’s sad, though, that you HAD TO in the first place.

    Good luck otherwise πŸ™‚

  15. Eric Post author

    Steve- Actually a very simple bug (like a bad line of code, or even one missing tag) can cause a piece of software not to work. And I also think a lot of people are misunderstanding something: you don’t have to PAY to get the working version. He’s going to fix the free version. I can assure you that Matt doesn’t want 1000’s of people talking about how his free software doesn’t work… he’ll fix the critical bugs.

  16. Prashant

    hmmm… This software SUCKS … As mentioned by most of the people, it doesn’t work. How come all internet marketers praising it a lot? It’s not a BUG . It’s ERROR.

  17. Eric Post author

    Dude… yeah it’s an error…that’s what a bug IS. Everyone can keep dissing it as much as they want… I’m just here to report what I’m doing, and I’m going to use THIS program to build sites. So feel free to write it off as ‘another scam’, and I’ll just build my sites and make money in peace πŸ˜‰

  18. Steve

    Hi again, Eric…

    Thanks for the comments. I have no doubt that he’ll fix the bugs, and when I get word that they’re fixed, I’m not opposed to taking another look.

    I installed my copy, ran it, and it wouldn’t let me save my test result. So I uninstalled and re-installed on a different drive, and tried again. Still I couldn’t save the result. Now, if I’d been able to see what I’d created, I might have thought a little differently. But what is basically “trial software” that doesn’t let you see what it can do is no trial at all.

    Several key functions are disabled, and every other screen says “This feature available only in the Gold version.” It would seem that i DO have to upgrade, especially if I want my own links on the pages I create. If I were able to see my saved test page, I might have figured out how to edit the HTML and insert my own affiliate ID’s or something. But I can’t save.

    I know he doesn’t want people downgrading his creation, but the fact is that some already are. Don’t you think he should have done a little more testing before releasing it? He’s got some heavy-hitters jumping on his bandwagon before it even has all four wheels on and tightened.

    I’ve always trusted you, and see no reason not to continue doing so. But this is one of those rare instances when you might have stumbled coming out of the starting gate.

    It happens to the best of us πŸ™‚

  19. Kenneth Washington

    Ok. Here we go again with the launch of a product that’s going to forever change the way you make money on-line.

    That’s all well and good, but what about the hundreds of dollars you’ve invested on other similar products only a few weeks ago?

    Even if a product is being given away in the form of JV’s, special offers or bonuses for joining a newsletter, you must avoid picking them up.

    Is your goal to build a virtual library on your hard drive for every digital product that passes your way or to make money?

    Again, focus is the key to success. I purchased Eric’s and Joel’s Instant Adsense templates a few weeks back and I must stick to putting these sites on-line and promoting them via cheap PPC ad campaigns (Searchfeed.com, 7thSearch.com, Goclick.com and Miva.com) no matter what.

    Just finished putting up the following IAT Niche sites on WholeLotAbout.com today:


    Downloading the Hyperbre program will it sidetrack me from my ultimate goal? You bet it will.

    Can’t allow myself to get caught up in the hype. Stay focused, do what you set out to do. It’s working, so don’t break away from it under any circumstances. Expand on it, keep it going!

    Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll pass on this one Eric.

    Kenneth Washington

  20. Steve


    Serious question, if I may…

    Why don’t more Internet Marketers use the “shareware” concept, or at least full-working limited-time trial versions of software? It seems to work pretty well for the folks who distribute/sell their products through CNet, ZDnet, Major Geeks, Tucows, etc.

    Just wanted your opinion, if I’m not too OT. πŸ™‚

  21. Lyn

    Well I downloaded the software last night and I got it to work and build a site. Mind you I have the free one so I saw the link thing when I checked them…lol! I had no problem using the software at all. I did “save” it and not “run” it as it said…may not make a difference or not. I spent about 10 minutes playing with it, and then made a site. No I did not read the manual for it. I am really bad about that and just play until I figure it out. I am no techie by any means! Wish I had the bucks to buy it now!
    My 2 cents on it.

  22. Eric Post author

    Steve, whether I “stumbled coming out of the starting gate” I think remains to be seen. If Matt gets the program fixed, then no I don’t think I did. If that happens, I think I gave everyone a heads up a good program before most of the competition gets their hands on it… If he doesn’t ever get it fixed, then sure I’ll eat my words…

    As for the shareware concept, most shareware distributers that I’ve known aren’t making much money, which may be why most internet marketers aren’t using that route. But I think you bring up a good point… a big opportunity may exist, if a marketer could apply what we know about viral list building to the traditional shareware distribution channels they could probably build a huge list and make a killing…

  23. said hassan


  24. Steve

    Hi again Eric…

    I agree about the shareware folks… I think they’re more interested in development, and “playing around,” than in serious marketing and money making. They’re geeks LOL!

    Tell you what… I’ll clear my cache and delete my cookies, and wait for YOU to give me a heads-up and link to the fixed version, and try it again.

    How’s that? πŸ™‚

  25. Chris

    The feature list is huge (for the paid version), but similar has been done before although this is a slightly different initial marketing approach.

    Having sold a lot of my own software in the past, always with a trial beforehand, I well know that first impressions count and this definitely does look like rushed out code. I’ve tried half a dozen different input variations so far and it’s always crashed.

    So far this year just too many launches of cookie cutter products. To say we’re all feeling over sold would be an understatement. Rich Schefren’s real value beforehand approach has been the most refreshing, certainly amongst all the Armand Morin-style “Buy this now and just to make sure I’ll repeat it three times” emails.

  26. Mamadou Yabuku ll

    To The Web Community: It’s Funny How Humans Always Strive
    To Think Negative. What A Waste Of Humane Energy!

  27. Brad

    To Mamadou;

    Errr…umm, whatever.

    To those who had an actual point to make here, a question? Has anyone actually bought the software and had it work?

  28. Veronica

    Hi Eric,
    I downloaded Matt’s program Friday after receiving an email from Matt. I havent used it yet…I downloaded it to save for the future when an alternative site builder can always be useful. ( a bit like all the things I hoard around home…it might come in handy in the future! LOL) I was delighted to read your review and appreciate your comments and forthrightness regarding the affiliate links.
    I guess, with so many negative comments about the program being put up here, it’s fair to say that that it doesnt work right now. Not a lot of new software releases do work first up. (sometimes, second and third up!) In fact, some of the programs that get a lot of acclaim these days certainly didn’t cut the mustard when they were first released. I know, because I bought them and spent many wasted hours trying to get them going and losing a lot of confidence in the process thinking that it was my lack of knowledge and experience that was causing the problem. However, eventually the owners got things right and a couple of those programs I will use for the whole of my internet life.
    The Callens have a good reputation online, especially Matt’s brother, Brad who has been around for quite a while and who gives a lot of top information to his list for free. Therefore, I have no doubt at all that the software will be fixed up and will do everything that Matt, and you Eric, (and me too)expect it to do.
    I empathise with everyone who has posted here their concerns about the proliferation of emails from marketers promoting new product releases. (A negative impact of the JV phenomenon) It certainly has been a bit over the top and can be soul destroying if we let it, particularly when the originator uses the so called scare tactic headlines that makes us think we’ll never make a cent unless we have this new wonder tool. Ignore all this rubbish! The only way we will never make a cent is if we don’t take action and put something up on the web!
    Pick one or two ways to make money on the net and stick to those until you start making a decent income and then branch out to other things. Keep focused! For me it’s adsense sites and Clickbank marketing and I only buy things now that will help me with those 2 things. When I check my emails, if the subject line doesnt mention the words adsense or affiliate then it gets dumped without being opened. Exceptions are Eric’s tips, and 2 other marketer’s newsletters.
    Having said that, I’ll get off the soapbox for now, and just thank you again Eric for keeping us well informed.
    With respect and love to all,

  29. tammy

    Hey Eric,
    Wanted to thank you for the honest review of HyperVRE. This is the second time in just over a week that I have posted in your blog just to show appreciation for honesty. How anyone could call you a snake oil marketer is beyond me. You have been totally helpful and nothing but helpful since I joined your list.
    Oh yea, you were talking about the affiliate links and warning us about how some people may take advantage, that happened to me last night!! So I politely wrote the guy and told him I felt deceived and unsubscribed from his list.
    Anyway, again thanks and keep em coming. I am starting to look forward to your reviews.
    Take care dude.

  30. Brad

    Note to Veronica; Re: “Not a lot of new software releases do work first up”

    You are buying the wrong software. Would you put a website up that has links that don’t work or pictures that are missing? I think not. You would test and retest with Firefox, IE and check your links to be sure your visitors aren’t turned off.

    I’m a fan and while the Callen’s have released successful software in the past, we’ve obviously got one here that was rushed out the door. (Eric, I can only imagine the conversation you must have had with them given that you stuck your rep out for a package that seems to have failed for most of the people who’ve tried it.)

    I don’t want to simply join the pile on here but the software failed for me too. It crashed several times while I was going through the process of building sites and I never did get a finished site.

    The concept is good but other than a great sales page, there isn’t anything to impress me here. Yet. And hiding from feedback by not having a clear and direct communications path to the software maker isn’t encouraging either.

  31. Dustan


    If you really want to help people get started quickly and make a killing, do this one thing. Have someone develope a piece of software where you can drag and drop the pieces, (GUI driven) not have to mess with code in any way shape or form. Personally I want to be out promoting my sites, not having to figure out how to add my content to the LATEST and GREATEST piece of software. Don’t talk me until that can be done.

  32. Loren

    Hey Eric, I wanted to say that your review was helpful to me and I can’t help but think that the complaint posters did not fully read the full review. You clearly explain that the software is helpful but not perfectly stable and that there is a tradeoff for using a *free* version. If a person can’t even read a write up all the way through why even bother getting into internet marketing. I think I will see if I can adapt this software to my needs because I can see uses for it.

  33. Dan


    You said:

    “I just contacted MattÒ€ℒs helpdesk about one of them, and got a reply in under 10 minutes.”

    Good for you, they took 20 hours to get back to me, maybe because I do not write reviews :O)

    “a snake oil marketer even when you are trying to HELP people by giving them a free program”

    Well I paid for the Gold option (because I was not OK using a free version with my “sponsor” Affiliate ID for Clickbank/PaydotCom/Amazon. But I guess as a paid customer, I have the right to expect a working version FROM the beginning!

    Maybe it will be a good product (after all I bought it), but obviously I am very unsatisfied at this point bacause the product is not operational. It crash before producing the websites.

    It is clearly a pre mature launch, without sufficient beta testing. From “insider information” I got, this product was delayed because of the programmer. And most likely the “pressure” was on to launch it ASAP.

    If I pay, I am not expecting to be a beta tester ( or tell me before and I will decide if I am ok with this). If I do not pay and use the free version, then I don’t have much to say, fair.

    Of course, I understand the financial incentive for many to promote the “free version”…it’s nice to have hundreds of websites with your Aff. ID.

    Can I live to some minor bugs, yes, but this one is not minor for now. My time is to important to waste on dealing with tech support and describing an important problem. If the problem is only on my PC, maybe, but from various treads on diff. boards ( and some of them that were deleted at the HyperVRE forum), my problem is a not an isolated incident.

    Bottom line for me: PAID VERSION is not working at this point

    Do I think that Matt will try hard to solve this, yes.

  34. Suzanna

    A lot a very good comments from people that have tried to download HyperVRE. In defense of Matt rushing this software out the door, I think he’s like a kid in a candy shop, many online marketers are. They think of a great idea and just can’t wait to present it. Once the bugs are worked out of it, it will be an outstanding program. It is designed to be in accordance with google adsense in the way that the reviews, news and ads move each time the website is accessed. No duplicate content that way and keeps the publishers sites from being banned as just built for adsense. Eric, please let all of us know when the bugs are fixed, as this is one that I will be using in the future. As I have stated before, I do not jump on every new fad that comes along. Being an Honest person I will promote HyperVre, but the Upgrade Only, I don’t want to see Newbies exploited with this software. It is my hopes that people using and promoting the product will do the same, and keep their Good Reputations in tact by doing so. Thanks again Eric for one again proveing you are an Honest, Relieable person.
    Cheers and God Bless

  35. Eric Post author

    Dustan- I’m not sure of any true ‘drag and drop’ website builders, but there are plenty of GUI based editors where you don’t need to mess with code. Although I personally don’t mind doing the HTML coding, I’ve used XSitePro to build some sites/templates lately and it’s a very nice program. I recommend it for any newbie that doesn’t want to learn code. You can find other WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) by searching for them, although some are much better than others.

    Everyone- thank you for the continued comments. It seems the general consensus is that Matt rushed the program out prematurely… I can certainly appreciate that opionion, and I agree its very frustrating to download and/or pay for a program and then not be able to use it.

    Let’s give him a couple days (or maybe up to a week) to see what he comes up with. For those of you who paid for the Gold upgrade, please be patient in the matter, as I know he’s working on it. I am still very confident in this program, and I am planning on using it to build sites. for those of you who are still considering downloading/upgrading; my recommendation still stands.

    So let’s give it a few days and see… for those of you who have been around awhile, you know I’m not afraid to admit when I make mistakes, and if this program turns out to be a mistake I’ll be the first to let you know.

    Hopefully we’ll hear from Matt himself pretty soon, so we can have a more concrete idea of his plans instead of speculating…

  36. Brad

    Geesh, thank God you folks aren’t paying by the word to post here. A lot of chatter all saying essentially the same thing. 1. The software doesn’t work. 2. The producer has a ‘good rep’ and folks are left optimistic and hopeful (!?) that a working version is forthcoming. 3. The producer’s communication with his customer and potential customers leaves MUCH to be desired.

    I can only hope that like the Callens, I end up with a line up of people wanting my product regardless of how shoddy a job I do of the initial release and how non-communcicative I am about the OBVIOUS problems thereby leaving my promoters (Eric) with egg on their faces.

    My ‘faith’ has been shaken and I’ll avoid this package like the plague – even IF they finally deem the customer base worthy of communicating with. There are plenty of other tools out there that work and don’t leave you HOPING that the producer fixes it.

  37. Matt Callen

    Hello everyone,

    I just wanted to let you all know that ALL of the bugs that have been reported are being worked on as fast as possible. We’ve got things under control and when there is a new update available, you will be notified. And remember, ALL upgrades and updates are free of charge with the software.

    We are working as fast as possible. Thanks for your patience and understanding! πŸ™‚

    Matt Callen

  38. Sarah


    I haven’t tested the software yet and I don’t know if I ever will because my problem isn’t that I can’t build websites fast enough. It doesn’t matter if I could build 100 websites in 5 minutes. My problem is what to do when I have finished building them. What do I do then? Just because I build a bunch of websites it doesn’t mean I’m going to automatically start making a lot of money. When I read the sales letter for HyperVRE it sounds like you are going to make a lot of money if you just build enough sites in a short period of time. But that is not true. Or have I missed something? If I buy the Gold version of the software and build a lot of sites with it, will I automatically start making a lot of money as soon as I put them on the Internet? Or what do I really have to do to start making money? Is it really as simple as the sales letter want you to believe? I don’t think so but maybe I’m wrong.

  39. PaulB

    Eric you are doing a good job. Anyone who cannot risk $97 dollars on a tool has no business being in business. No small minded people make it in business, it’s as simple as that.

    Success is for intelligent, willing to learn and diligent people, who don’t like short cuts but are willing to work hard and can spot good value.

    Eric keep up the good work, and don’t let the handful of negative people put you off. On the issue of big marketers none of them has ever forced anyone to spend money on their products, if anyone does that person has done so either because they believe in the product or are too gulible to read between the lines.

    I make honest money on the internet and there is so much room to make good money but please for anyone who will make money you must stop seeing everyone as a cheat. You focus your mind on what will help people and deliver value to people and you’ll be fine.

    Sorry for my rant, I just dislike all the negativity that keeps floating around and affects people from taking advantage of the ecommerce boom.

    Bottom line if you create value, you create wealth, money always flows in the direction of value. Negativity never makes anyone any money, show me a negative rich man or woman.

    We will always create what we are, positve people always create positve equity and negative people always create negative equity (poverty), everyone needs to choose what they want to be.

    As for me and my household we remain positive, add value to people and keep making money both offline and online.

    Have a nice Eric and all the good people.

  40. Brian

    OTO s are turning me off. Why should anyone have to decide NOW? I have a busy schedule and sometimes I need to bookmark something and get to it later which is what I did here.

    I did not download the free version and I was considering buying the gold version but when I returned to the sales page this morning the sales page indicated that my session timed out and I cannot buy it. Quite frankly even if they cookie my computer or use some other technique to prevent access to the purchase of the GOLD option, I can just go to my other computer and get the OTO another time with a different email address. Why do these marketers think we owe them our allegiance to buy the first time?

    This OTO seperates disparagingly different versions of this software and I find it comtemptuous, something close to extortion! I agree with a previous comment, why didn’t they state upfront the differences in the versions of the software?

    I have the freedom to NOT buy, and that is my decision. Based on historical results, I find the software I have bought in OTOs, for the most part, are collecting dust on the hard drive!

    Ironically, I remember an interview some time ago with a not yet known IM marketer, who mentioned his top keys to online success and one of his top recommendations was to NEVER buy anything for at least 72 hours after you first see the offer. He now has OTO offers all the time, targeting beginners wanting to learn how to become successful online!

    My recommendation, just buy software from those who have quality products, great support and a fair price. If they want to cut you off from buying their software with an OTO, so be it…. Just Say No!. It is a rare occasion that one needs to rush to buy software! There will be a better software product available soon and for less!

  41. Eric Post author

    Matt- I’m glad to hear that everything is under control!

    Sarah – you are right in a way. The missing ingredient in any site builder is traffic. It’s similar with Instant AdSense Templates. We give the ability to instantly launch sites, but again you need traffic to make money. This doesn’t negate the value of these tools–after all they are huge time savers. It just means that there is additional work to be done to make sure your site gets traffic. For this reason we are considering including a traffic strategy guide in the next edition of IAT.

    Paul- thanks for chiming in. I agree for the most part. I would reiterate that there’s no need to buy ‘every’ new tool that hits the market, but the most successful internet marketers are likely the ones with the resources to invest and experiment. I’m not afriad to say that I’m having a very successful year (my best ever), and I personally spend many thousands of dollars on new tools (I wish I had time to review every single one of them). After initial testing, I end up never using most of those tools, but the ones I DO use make up for the bad ones. And I certainly don’t sit around and whine about the money I waste on bad tools. I simply move on and keep making money…

    Brian- I can understand your sentiment, and I think a lot of people are getting tired of OTO’s since their popularity has skyrocketed after the release of Butterfly Marketing. However, the fact remains that it’s a proven system that works, and it’s a matter of smart marketing. Unfortunately, there are a lot of crappy OTO’s out there, which contributes to some people’s sour attitude toward them. In the case of HyperVRE, Matt does give the option to upgrade from within your account if you skip the OTO; it just costs an extra $30.

  42. Brian

    I did not “skip the OTO”! I came back today to buy it and never closed the OTO page on my computer. They should change OTO to the 10 MINUTE OFFER!

  43. Eric Post author

    I see what you mean Brian. I would think they could make an exception for you, or you could use a different email address like you said. I’d say that’s a technicality really… I mean they have to have some way of regulating it if they’re going to call it an OTO, but no OTO system is foolproof…

  44. Oliver

    A couple of questions for anyone who has gotten it to work.

    1. How long did it take you to create a site?
    2. How would you rate the quality of the generated sites? Are they spam sites or something a user might actually bookmark?


  45. Brian

    Went direct for the Gold,..and didn’t pass “GO” . Mainly due to past good History with Mat and his info/products and the video promtion !!!. Unfortunately, this one now resides on the shelf of “Things that didn’t quite work as they should”!!!, and I don’t have time and patients to mess with it right now. I will however, keep a ‘weather eye’ open, and should they sort the problem out, well…. I’ll give it another try

  46. Norman Dungan

    As with any item I buy online, I always print out the sales letter etc and file it away.
    So, when I was re-reading the OTO to see how long the guarantee was for, I was just a little alarmed when I couldn’t find ANY guarantee!

    Maybe PAULB doesn’t miss the odd $97 but I could find a better use for it than give it away for a dud program. Mind you, I DO believe Matt will fix it and is probably very embarrassed about this general hu ha.

    What made me grin though was when I read this ‘unfortunate line from the P.S.:

    “…prepare yourself for new waves of income that will be crashing down on you after you use this viral tsunami.”

    I only hope Matt will be able to ride the waves which are crashing down around him just now!


  47. Brian B

    This is not the ‘Brian’ from the earlier posts.
    My concern was with the T&C so I didn’t even get as far as downloading the Free offer. Obviously, the person providing the software has to protect himself against the possibility of trojans or viruses being attached to the software but Matt’s protection clause was worded so that he practically warned you that he intends to attach trojans and viruses to his downloads. This may not have been his intention but that is certainly how it came across. Furthermore the clauses giving him the right to use anything you include in your website for his own purposes without reference or compensation to you was, in my view, totally unacceptable. This is why I won’t be using it, however attractive it may turn out to be.

  48. Brad

    If I can, let me play Devil’s Advocate to PaulB’s comments. I take issue with one in particular;

    “Anyone who cannot risk $97 dollars on a tool has no business being in business. No small minded people make it in business, itÒ€ℒs as simple as that.” Who here ever said that they weren’t willing to spend money for a quality (and functional) tool??

    For the benefit of Sarah and any others who maybe haven’t reached my own embarassing level of wasted spending on this or that tool or ebook – if you come across a stunning sales letter that has you drooling to send your money, stop, bookmark the page, then Google the topic for other tools. Assuming you REALLY need the tool, a little research of what else is out there will be surprisingly useful. Maybe someone else has added a little function you hadn’t considered. Try a search using the word ‘comments’ or ‘feedback’ to find real people who may have some opinions.

    Somewhere, sometime, it was decided that $97 is the magic amount people are willing to spend on tools like this. $100 bucks. A lot of money – spend it carefully.

    With all due respect Paul, I found most of your comments completely out of context with this thread. You seem to be saying that the negative comments posted here are a result of people not being willing to do what it takes to succeed! I you read the threads, the issue is with the software that people tried that does not work.

    Sure, it’s the Callens. Maybe you have a blind faith in their stuff but for the newbies, pay attention to the comments. The Callens have made successful and useful software but buy this now and ignore the fact that it likely won’t work for you?? That is foolish. Wait for confirmation that it works, test it, search around for similar tools and make sure this is the right one for you.

    Heck, in spite of my earlier rant that I’d avoid it like the plague, I must admit that I’m looking forward to trying it out.

  49. Brad

    By the way, Eric sent a great email out recently titled “Avoid the Hype”. Get a copy – it’s simple but sound advice.

  50. Tony

    Eric Hi,
    Unlike many of your other posts, I’m not using the free version of Hyper VRE but the purchased one. For one thing I wanted to check out all the features and see if it was going to speed up the process of creating a website.

    However, like other people have reported problems with the free version, I have also discovered a major drawback to the full paid version. Basically it doesn’t work as it should when trying to add articles using the manual feature.

    The problem is that when you give Hyper VRE a list of keyword phrases, which you have to do, and enter your list of articles, each related to a keyword phrase there is no way to link the two together.

    In other words VRE doesn’t know which keyword phrase in your list belongs to which article. Therefore it produces a webpage with the wrong keyword phrase associated with the wrong article.

    As a result it also produces a webpage URL name using a keyword phrase not associated with the article.

    I spent hours trying to find a way round the problem and within the options available within VRE at the moment there is no solution.

    If this does not get resolved in an update to the program, I either have to limit the way I can use the program and redit all the page names manually or not use the program.

    Since I want to use my own articles added manually this for me, is a major drawback to Hyper VRE. I have raised the issue with support and wait the outcome.

    I have also been testing SEO SmArticle and whilst that works, it too also has at least one major drawback and a few minor ones. There is no way to save the website project parameters you input to create a site.

    Once you have entered all the required fields in the program, created some pages for a site and close the program almost all site settings are lost.

    That means if you want to add a page or make a change later you have to re-input all the site parameters again and have stored them somewhere else so you know what they are.

    If anyone out there is thinking of releasing a new software product I would be glad to test it for them, that includes you Eric ;-). I’m a dab hand at finding bugs in software, it seems to be a natural gift or a curse, depending on how you view it.




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