HyperVRE Website Builder from Matt Callen

By | July 22, 2006

UPDATE: This review is now outdated. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #68 7/22/2006

Yesterday Matt Callen launched a software program that I predict will spread like wildfire throughout the internet marketing world.

It’s called HyperVRE, and it’s a content-based website building application. In case Matt’s name seems familiar, it could be due to the fact that he’s had a couple other products, but more likely because he’s the brother of Brad Callen, creator of the ever-popular SEOElite software.

HyperVRE goes beyond the other content-site builders that I’ve seen to date. I can honestly say I was smitten with a bit of jealousy as I first checked out the program. I really wish I had beaten him to the punch by creating this program myself; he included almost everything that I’ve been looking for in a site builder.

Here are some of the things you can instantly integrate into a website with this program:

– articles (your choice of scraped free articles, or you can input them manually)
– keywords
– RSS feeds
– rotating definitions
– random descriptions
– AdSense or other PPC
– Amazon
– ClickBank
– PayDotCom

Plus he gives you a variety of options including keyword density, DHTML image or text layers on links, inserting the RSS feed INTO the article (I love it), and more. With the amount of options available, it almost ensures that you will not have a duplicate site as someone else using the software.

The system is template-driven, and Matt gives you 27 templates to get started with. His templates are pretty basic, but that’s OK because it leaves a lot of room for you to improve them and make them unique. Maybe I can even convince Matt to team up with Joel Comm and myself to make a special edition of high quality HyperVRE templates for Instant AdSense Templates. How cool would that be!?

Now I’ll tell you where Matt made a bold move that is going to put his name on the map of internet marketers permanently. Instead of selling this program for $167 like he easily could (I’d buy it), he’s giving it away for free. And not only is he giving it away, but he’s created a viral program in which YOU can give it away too.

Members have two main incentives for giving it away. First, you earn a commission if your referral upgrades to the Gold level. Second, each copy of the program that you give away is branded with your own affiliate links for Amazon, ClickBank, and PayDotCom.

It’s similar to the old Traffic Hurricane viral strategy (you could give away a site builder branded with your AdSense ID), but takes it to another level. Due to this impressive viral aspect, you’re going to be bombarded by promotions for this program over the next couple weeks as the gurus discover its existence.

I wanted to get my review out right away so you can know what to watch out for regarding this program.

The biggest thing to be aware of is the fact that if you don’t upgrade to the Gold level, your pages will be branded with the affiliate ID (Amazon, ClickBank, PayDotCom) of someone in your upline if you choose to display those links. As a Gold member, there is a place in your member profile to input your affiliate ID’s. Then whenever someone downloads the software through your link, it will be branded with your ID’s. If you leave it blank, I believe it will be branded with the ID of the person above you in your upline, so you might as well put your own ID’s in.

There are two reasons you need to be aware of this.

1) I don’t want you to unknowingly build sites with MY links in them. If you’re OK with that, then that’s great! You can make as much money for me as you want.

2) I think you should give the same courtesy to YOUR customers of letting them know about the links. Do NOT try to trick people into it. If they find out later, it could cause some serious backlash and damage to your reputation. I already know some people will make this mistake, thinking it’s an easy way to exploit the newbies.

The program currently has a couple of bugs, which I noticed reported on the Gold-level member’s forum. Due to the huge amount of customers Matt is currently getting, I can almost guarantee he’ll have those fixed pretty fast to keep everyone happy.

He’s also planning on updating the program, based on customer wish-list requests, so it’s bound to get even better. I recommend using your own articles rather than letting the program find free ones, so I’m hoping he will add a batch article text file upload function.

My only other complaint is a lack of support/contact info, but I’m guessing he’ll probably change that too. Once you upgrade to the Gold level, you have access to the helpdesk and forum, but if you don’t upgrade there is no contact info on the site. It is totally understandable that he can’t provide free support to the many thousands of people who will be downloading the program for free (I wouldn’t either), but what if someone has trouble upgrading? They need to know who to contact…

Overall I’ll give this program about one and a half thumbs up. The features are awesome. I will be using it for my own VRE sites. My biggest concern is the branded affiliate link aspect, which I feel potentially enables unscrupulous marketers to take advantage of newbies. But now that you understand it, you don’t have to worry about it 😉

Get Your FREE Copy of HyperVRE Here

Like I said, I wish I had been the one to come out with this program. But in this case, there’s no fighting it. This will be such a viral program that everyone will hear about it eventually, so you might as well hear it from me first.

As always, you can post your comments here in the blog entry. I’d be happy to hear about your experience with this program.

Have a great day!

127 thoughts on “HyperVRE Website Builder from Matt Callen

  1. Brian


    Thanks for the report on the paid version. Keep us updated!

    I watched the video and I do admit there are features of this software that integrate several of the processes of making sites that typically in the past were done by separate pieces of software. I give credit to Matt for integrating these aspects into his software. I trust he will work through the bugs, but something like the wrong articles being placed on keyword pages that don’t match is a serious flaw.

    Eric, why don’t you take a poll for all the features needed for a fast, integrated, site building software tool that is designed for PPC, affiilate sales, etc. and create the best tool yet? There are many software tools out there and each one seems to have its strengths or weaknesses? I would like to see you take the best aspects of the other software, include new ideas and get a development team to create it. Then let us sell it as affiliates!

  2. Alan


    Your review is great.

    The software is generally a good one. The integration of content, affiliates link and PPC modules will help VRE developer to cut down a lot of man hours. Really hope Matt can solve the bugs soon.

  3. Tony

    By way of a further update on my progress with the Gold paid for version of hyper VRE, I have spents the past few days doing nothing else but getting to grips with this software.

    However that was not my intention since I wanted to see if I could put up a website more quickly than the hand crafted way I do it now.

    Regretably since this software is somewhat quirky I have spent probably just as long and still haven’t published a single page.

    A bug I reported yesterday got fixed in a new release today, so full marks for speed.

    However I agree with many other comments here that whilst as a concept this program is a good idea, sadly the implementation lets it down.

    It produces a directory structure and pages which are neither SE friendly of visitor friendly and there is no way at present to change that unless you want to go in and change the pages by hand.

    Whilst I’m an experienced web designer used to hand-coding, and SEO, having to go in and tweak pages manually somewhat defeats the purpose of why someone would buy this software.

    Most newbies don’t know HTML or SEO, so they wouldn’t know how to correct the short comings of Hyper VRE created pages.

    I think given maybe 6 – 12 months and people reporting bugs and recommending changes ( why do we always end up being unpaid beta testers and software developers ) the program may well be worth buying.

    It reminds me somewhat of how SEO Elite developed, whilst after 2 years that has become a good program I would recommend, it didn’t start out that way and even today it still has a major unfixed bug.

    I for one can’t afford to spend any more time sorting out issues I have with Hyper VRE, so have decided not to use it further and would not at this time recommend it to anyone else, despite the affiliate commissions.


    Making Your Website Work for You

  4. Saundra


    Thanks for the review. I brought the Gold version because I wanted to test it with my affiliate links. Yes, it is very buggy but so is my Microsoft products. I still use them. I have not been able to create a website as of yet. VRE was supposed to let me create websites faster. So far it has not.

    I have been using a similar software, DSG, and it allows me to create a site within 15 minutes and it is free. It has a viral aspect so please read how it effects you. Take a look a look at one of my sites – http://www.myspace.make-a-living-oninternet.com/index.html Google loves it.

    Eric, I still have confidence in you. We are all here to make money and you are no different. I find your honesty refreshing. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Remember we all have free will and freedom of choice to buy or not.

  5. Tony S

    Hi Saundra,

    Have you looked at your website with Firefox? I get a very mangled display!!

    (A different Tony!)

  6. Deb


    Thanks for the review. I am quite new to internet marketing, but, I love it. I would like to start my first VRE site. I must confess, I have bought quite a few more products than I am able to manage at present. I purchased the HyperVRE gold version (sounds good), and also have XSitePro, and Joel Comm’s instant adsense templates. Any suggestions where to begin?

  7. Dawn

    I have been working with this free version of the HyperVRE for a few days now. I think I need a little help, as I am not quite as experienced with how all of this works. I have created my site and now I have uploaded to my FTP (Core FTP LE, free version) but it will not transfer the files as it does not recognize HyperVRE as a host. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

  8. Alan

    Anyone have any updates on hypervre? Had the major bug been reslove; meaning the software can finally create website. many thanks.

  9. Dawn

    Well, I have all the files loaded to FTP but I cannot transfer them becauce it does not recognize HyperVRE as a host. If I knew what was wrong I might have a site. Anyone have any ideas?

  10. Steve

    Just to add my 2 cents to the bug issue: The free version of HyperVRE does not work for me. It errors out and fails to create any web pages at all. I’ve been in touch with Matt Callen several times, and provided him with complete copies of all the HyperVRE project data files. The most recent time I did this was nearly a week ago. Matt said that it should have been fixed with the latest release, but it wasn’t fixed at that time.

    However, I just downloaded the latest update, and it now does run to completion and generate some pages. I’ve yet to see whether or not they’re fully functional. But it’s a big improvement nevertheless.

    Be aware that the installation program for the latest version has the same name as the previous one, but it’s a slightly different size.

  11. Alan

    Matt informed me that there will be a new release in these few days. Anyone have tried out the new release?

  12. Alan

    Think I will give this hypervre a miss or at least I will not buy it for the next 1~2 months. Tried out the new free version. There have been some improvement but it just not worth the money at the moment.

    Issues (html ouput)
    1) Heading does not match content
    2) No pictures for content (just have a big blank on most pages)
    3) Images folder is not program into the right path, have to put images folder manually into each indiviual sub folders to get the layout right
    4) Did not display my logo

    Hope you guys have better luck.

  13. Galadri

    I’ve downloaded the new free version and was able to make some pages on it.
    I think that HyperVRE should include a function to enable the user to directly upload the webpages, much like what you can do with XSitePro and also an easier way to review the pages before you upload them, like perhaps having a ‘review website’ button?
    At least for the paid version …
    Just my two cents.

  14. Cris

    Hi All,

    Eric… This is a wonderful review. I am very thanksful for it because I am planning to upgrade soon to Gold.

    Everyone…. 4 things

    1.) Matt gave it for free. An automatic website builder, complete with articles, rss feeds, keyword expanders, and YOUR VERY OWN ADSENSE CODE. What more could you ask for if you can make money instantly with this free software?!

    2.) Hiding some information about it is not cheating… it’s a marketing strategy… we must be thankful newbies have something they can use FOR FREE to profit with adsense….

    3.) Matt offers support for free users. I stumbled on it when i was doing my due diligence on matt’s hypervre. I asked question about other payment options and a member of technical staff responded after 24 hours.

    4.) There is a way to get back to OTO to avail the special discount…. tried it couple of times already 😀

    No other payment option except paypal. my country is not listed 🙁


    The Best free software to use if your starting on adsense! 4 stars out of 5

  15. Flyfisher


    I did upgrade to the Gold version. But got a refund after I could not view the instructional videos because the latest version of the flash player would not intall on my computer. When someone makes videos, they should offer a windows media player alternative version. Windows Media Player is a standard install with windows operating systems and will play mpeg, wmv or avi files just fine.

    I don’t think much of the new Camtasia studio swf maker either.

  16. Bob

    I just wanted to say to all the whiners out there that Eric’s review if you read it by detail is actually quite good. He isn’t telling you to buy buy buy, he’s give you an honest review of the software. Whether you like it or not software will always have bugs. Microsoft, the biggest software company still has bugs. Plus I’ve seen enough people that whine and they aren’t making great income because what they are looking for is something perfect and they can’t deal with failure. So stop whining and stop nagging Eric about a software that he didn’t even create. If you want to succeed in this business, you better start finding some good in what you are doing else you will get nowhere.

  17. flwong

    Hi Guys,

    Hi Bob, I am totally agreed with you, I honestly trusted Eric, as you said Eric didn’t ask us to buy, buy, he just give us his honest review, I think he has done a good job. Even the few thousand bucks software do have bugs too. Let Matt figure out the bugs and get it fix. Be patience.

  18. Dan

    Hello everyone, I am French then my English is probably not very good then be indulgeant.

    I tried to use the free version of the software but it don’t function, I have an error “9” and the software stop.

    It is difficult for me to go to the version gold under these conditions. I did not find of address to receive help with the free version.

    Could somebody indicate that to me?

  19. Abby21

    Hey Eric, I like your Site on HyperVRE and your review on it. Well im a hyperVRE owner too. Actually to tell you the truth, only someone who really knows his stuff will feel that its such a powerful tool. Yeah i was also once not impressed. But along the way i find it very useful. 🙂 Anyway can you drop by my site. I really need some guide to improve it. Thanks

  20. Jackson

    Couldn’t you just pull the free version up in, say, Dreamweaver and remove the affiliate links and insert your own?

  21. Leanne

    I have but one wish at this moment…. that somehow, some way, I’d Google’d two days ago for reviews on HyperVRE Gold. And found this thread. I have spent two days, non-stop, no sleep, to complete a site that is… working from Allaire Homesite as my preferred editor… gorgeous. Every detail intact. And the mess HVgold vomited up? This thing does not work. From the VERY bad templates that took a good portion of Day 1 to clean up, to the VERY ‘gee what else is missing’ help file… not to mention that once you click through the steps there is NO navigation to go to step 3 from step 7, for instance, and what a hassle THAT is. I am disgusted. I now will somehow retrieve these templates and take them over to XSitePro, or even back to Allaire, and get this site up.

    And Happy Thanksgiving to all of you 🙂 … I will be staying here at home, to meet the deadline. Mac and cheese time.

    I have gotten BURNED bad in the last three purchases (big names, ya’ll). That is IT. No more. I have 10 years of Ed and almost the doctorate in these technologies. I have Sprint, Lucent and the State of CO, not to mention my own online works of almost a decade, shadowed only by Amazon I do think. Jobs were landed because of my ability to pop up windows ETC…. back in 1999 and earlier…. learned the hard way by LEARNING the languages, and not some funky little script. And I am hoping that ‘three is a charm,’ and the next purchase will WORK.


  22. Liza

    I straightaway purchased the Gold Version even without downloading the free one. Can’t seem to work for me. How can I get a refund?

  23. annette simmons

    Dear Eric
    So glad I found you I am desperate to contact matt I am a gold member but I dont seem to be receiving any mail from im and my password isnt working what should I do You hit the nail on the head when you said that he needs to provide support this i a huge drwback if I cant get into my account I cant start making money nofair there should at tleast be some way that gold members can get support and it should be ncluded in he download itself Ive tried everything I figure the only way theyll sit up and take ntice is if i cancel which i dont want to do but I dont even know how i would do that
    annette simmons

  24. Kristin

    Good grief! HyperVRE appears to SUCK! I paid the $97 one time only for the Gold Version, and what I got was the FREE version! $97 and a login for the FREE version! Can you believe it? I have opened a PayPal dispute to get my money back.
    How can they do this? Charge you $97 and then deliver the free version? I purchased the Gold version without even downloading the free version. I can’t figure out what happened and NO response from HyperVRE.

  25. Eric Post author

    Kristin- Contact my helpdesk via ericsupport.com, and I’ll give you Matt’s email since you’re a Gold member. It must have been a glitch in upgrading your account, and I’m sure he’ll take care of it.

  26. Fakhri Khamis

    I got the same problem with Kristin.. however i recently download the free one and today i bought the OTO price $97 using my other email… download the gold Hypervre and installed it but it automatically sign me up with the free member account…??? i’ve sent a support ticket about this and still waiting any reply… Eric, i’ve read somewhere around your blog that we can still purchase the OTO price using different email but somehow i still end up with the free member account… is there any way HYpervre can be reset??

  27. Patrick F

    Hi Eric,

    I had the same problem of not getting the gold version after payment and came across yr site.

    Is there anyway that you can help? Appreciate yr advise.

  28. Patrick F

    Hi Eric, Hyper VRE had reply and reset the Gold version. No problem now. They are quite fast.

    Thanks for this site and thank you for your sharing thru’ here and wish you success ahead.

    May God bless you.



  29. Gold Member

    Hey Eric, I like your Site on HyperVRE and your review on it. Well im a hyperVRE owner too. Actually to tell you the truth, only someone who really knows his stuff will feel that its such a powerful tool. Yeah i was also once not impressed. But along the way i find it very useful. Anyway can you drop by my site. I really need some guide to improve it. Thanks

  30. Sam

    Hi Eric

    I’ve tried the free version to make 1 website. Its work. Yerterday I uninstall it and download the newest version 1.6.06. I tried it, and it always failed to get keywords from google when I clicked Suggest Keywords. Its a new bug or what?? Any other users got the same experience? Old version just works fine for me.

  31. noiseputty

    Bottom line, this software sucks, and I’ve read that it also contains spyware, ooops, excuse me a “connection to our database server everytime it is run in order to recognize ONLY if the user is a registered Gold or Free member.” (the words of Matt Callen, the programmer).

    Sorry, for what is does, and for the amount of bugs that it has, I’ll pass, and just buy a crappy copy of Adsense Cash Machine off of eBay for a few bucks. Pretty much the same thing.

  32. Eric Post author

    I disagree, I think its one of the best free page generators out there. And its definitely not Spyware… verifying the registration is quite common among downloadable software.

  33. John Morgan

    Hi Eric,

    Sorry, I’ve looked all over the web for a support outlet for Hypervre. I would like to purchase the Gold, but the free one does not work. On the last step, it always says, “You have lost your Internet connection. Please re-establish your connection…etc.”

    I’ve installed it on three different computers and none of them have lost their connections. It’s happened every time I’ve tried using the product, over ten times.

    How can I gain support about this problem?


  34. Britton

    Hi Eric,

    I enjoyed reading your review of HyperVRE, it was nice that you added the fact that the FREE version has embedded affiliate information. I actually bought the Gold version a few days ago and overall it’s a nice piece of Software. I bought it direct and paid $129 but it seems like other’s are getting it for $97 which either way I feel it’s worth it. Im not sure if the free version has Forum access on HyperVRE’s website but if any of you decide to upgrade at least there is a discussion forum to help with problems or questions. There is a work around with the Free version to change the embedded affiliate information but honestly having the other features unlocked makes the software worth paying for. The way Matt marketed the Software is very smart with the Registration Verification.

  35. Tim

    Hi Folks,

    I’m a British Marketeer and have recently got around to investigating HyperVRE’s software. Yes, I found that the free version did not work either but having said that, I have to agree with Eric’s comments in general that all software has bugs.

    Allow me to put another slant on it and being somewhat older than I imagine most commenting on this site are along with the experience – inspite of all the training that soldiers get for combat and all the R&D that goes into testing – ‘Gun’s still Jam in wartime’. A little bit more serious a problem than free software that does not work.

    The point I am making is that nothing of such complexity will work all the time, first time. Microsoft are absolute past masters of getting the paying public to test and report for errors and bugs – you know – that is one fantastic concept in making money. Mind, I did like the point that Steve made way back in July 06 – why not promote the product using the shareware vehicle and timebomb it for those who do not upgrade.

    One final point. For those who are finding it difficult trading on the net, you’re lucky to be in the USA, the United Kingdom is not very good and has a very limited market for ‘local’ trading.

  36. Terry

    Hello guys,

    I only have one question? Is anyone who is actually using this software making more adsense money? Does it do what it says it will do?


  37. Shamsul

    Hello Eric,
    I’m a registered member, been trying to launch the HyperVRE software but to no success. So, whats the deal here. The error reported, “Runtime error 53” and below it “File not found”. Action taken, I’ve tried the setting in firewall to let HyperVRE go through, it didn’t work! Uninstall and reinstall, it didn’t work. Try restarting the computer, the same error occurred. Please help, I’m drowning here.

    p/s: Mine is a FREE version.

  38. batagolek

    Hi Eric,

    I’m fascinated with how HVRE could do to arbitrage mission…i’m learning the curve but still i can’t find the instructional videos of how to use HVRE the right way… can i have the exact link plz…

  39. Bryan

    One Time Only. That is high pressure marketing and it is aimed at people who have to budget what money they do have. Lets see what the going advice on the net says about not being taken advantage of:
    1. Dont give in to high pressure sales that insist you have to buy now to get a deal.
    2. Make sure the website is responsible by checking for contact information. An address and contact information should be readily available.
    3. Take that contact information and check the BBB rateing of that company. Take what the BBB says with a grain of salt. If the company is a member of the BBB then the BBB fights for them if not then the BBB doesnt care. More likely to get honest results with companies that are not members. Also remember that complaints roll off after 36 months.
    Number three is my own the first two are from other experts. I really appreciate Erics honesty about his reviews. He is part of the Big Guru circle and thus must step carefuly amid the pillows of tactfulness to remain honest. I agree that while not perfect that this software could be quite useful. However I just wish the opening page pre-hype would say something along the lines of, “Are you the type of person that needs pages of hype to make a buying decision? Or are you the type of person that doesn’t like to be insulted by pages of hype?” Just the facts sir. Just the facts, in detail if possible. Now thats mostly a personality thing im sure but still you should be able to market to different types of people.

  40. Steve

    Hi there –

    Fell over your page while searching for info regarding HyperVRE.

    I’m a newbie – totally – and I bought the Gold version of Matt’s program also. However, it is way over my head, and I do not understand ½ of what is going on.

    Yes, I follow the videos, and read the help …. but, it seems like all I will acheive is a refund. (Which is a pity, as I really wanted this too work!)

    Eric – maybe you can make a “real newbie” how to do it?

    Ah well……. good luck to those who can.

  41. Sumanyu

    Hi Eric,

    I purchased from your affiliate link.Same problem here also.
    I purchased the gold version but i am getting access to free version.

    Moreover even i cant mail matt in the mail given in the paypal reciept.
    Dont know what to do now, i never had such a hopeless situation in my online purchases.

    Hope Eric, you can do something.

  42. Rodger

    So here we are in 2007. I decided to try HyperVRE and it did dowload an updated version.
    Spent ages getting through to the Create Pages bit just to see it hanging there doing nothing.
    With no way to get support unless you pay and upgrade this thing just seems like a total waste of time.

    Ever tried using Matts Linkmetro to get a link with him? Never replies.

    No more need be said other than hopefully having read this other “newbies” will not waste any time on Matt Callen.

  43. Golf Clubs

    Why on earth did you purchase this product if you purchased through Eric’s affiliate link? How can you come back to Eric to ask him to help solve your problem? Didn’t you read these comments before you purchased? Well of course you did?

    I could be completely wrong, but are you just trying to buy it and then figure out how to get a refund and keep the product?

    After reading all of these comments, I would not have purchased this until Eric came back with a 100percent, this is IT notice which he has not.

    And for everyone else who purchased it after reading these comments, I have only one thing to say, YOU ARE AN ADULT and act like it. Eric is not responsible.

    Even for $97, I purchased it and although it is a little buggy, I am still able to do more with it than without it.


  44. Josh

    My free version (latest update) works until the part where it says finding articles. One site hits 140 articles and then some sites hit 0 articles. But in the end, HyperVRE said no articles found and I have to search again. Strange… Help here would be appreciated. Thanks.


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