Once again, I have to apologize for the delay in getting the lessons done. I’ve been very busy lately outside of my Internet marketing life, which is why I haven’t had a chance to post any new lessons in the past week.
I don’t feel the need to share everything I’ve got going on, but just to give you a taste…
I’m executive producing a CD and have been spending quite a bit of time in the recording studio. Also been busy with family stuff. A couple nights ago during the middle of our oldest daughter’s birthday party, our son fell and broke his arm. Those of you who are parents know how it hurts to see your kids get hurt.
Earlier this summer he broke his other arm, so now that he’s broken both of them I trust that he can live the rest of his life without needing to break any more!
So again sorry for the delay of the lessons, but rest assured I have NOT given up on the project. I will be finishing the series and posting each lesson as they are completed… I’ve just come to the realization that it will have to be at my own pace.
OK, so today I need to let you know about something cool.
Next month (October 10th-12th) the first ever Christian Internet Marketing seminar is going to happen!
(I know I have readers of many different faiths, so if this doesn’t apply to you, don’t get offended and just don’t worry about it.)
I think this is very exciting, because it’s something that the industry has needed for a long time. I’ve gone to several Internet marketing seminars over the past few years, and it seems like at every one of them someone says… “hey they should do something like this specifically for Christian marketers…”
But up until now it had been all talk, and nobody had taken the initiative to make it happen.
Now a young man by the name of Alejandro Reyes is making it happen. If you’re not familiar with Alejandro, he’s an up and coming marketing star who is becoming well known in the affiliate world, and made over $100k in his first year online.
He’s put together a fantastic lineup of teachers for the seminar, and it’s going to be a great event. The list of speakers includes Joel Comm, Jermaine Griggs, Jeff Mills, Paul Counts, Gary Zelesky, John Di Lemme, Ruddy Ortiz, Wade Tonkin, Jason Marshall, Sanyika Calloway, Monikah Ogando, and Eric Farewell… plus plenty of VIP’s in attendence.
PLUS… I’ll be there π
I want to support this event, and I think there will be some great networking opportunities, so I’m planning of being there along with my wife.
When it comes to doing business, it’s great to be able to network and do joint ventures with “like minded” people.
Now don’t get the wrong idea…
Just because this is a “Christian” event, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a church service or something. It’s going to be packed full of REAL money making strategies to improve your business and your life.
Alejandro and the other teachers are truly passionate about helping you find success, and I think this is going to be a wonderful environment for you to learn in.
So it’s going to be a great event, but here’s where it gets even better…
I don’t think you will find a more affordable Internet marketing seminar of this caliber anywhere on the planet. So if you’ve been wanting to go to a seminar, but finances were holding you back, this could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.
Just to give you some comparison…
One seminar that I’ve attended in the past a couple times is the Underground Seminar. I typically pay about $2,000 for my ticket to that seminar PLUS Yanik always picks hotels that are in the $200-$350/per night range.
The price of the Illuminate Christian Marketing Conference is a crazy $197 (price goes up at the end of the month), and the hotel rooms are only $129.
I’m telling you, that’s as cheap as it gets.
I encourage you to take a closer look and reserve your spot at:
Click Here for Illuminate Christian Marketing Conference
After this, I will not be going to any more seminars this year, so this would be a great chance for us to meet and you can ask me any questions that you may have about Internet marketing.
I would love to see you there.
Have a great day!
Hi Eric, I know how you feel about not liking to see your kids get hurt. My daughter a while back managed to have something fall from a bench and split her head open.
You just feel helpless. She was so brave, despite a big gash on her forehead she was just worried about the damage to our bench.
The conference sounds good, just a long way to fly from Australia so not likely to attend.
Hey Eric,
Good to hear from you. Going to release your CD soon?
Anyway, sorry to hear about your son, Pray that he gets well soon.
Take care.
Best regards,
Hi Eric!
Just wanted to say a big THANKS!! to you for all of your hard work & the integrity with which you operate your business. It’s a true blessing. Also, I really sense that the Lord has a plan that involves the two of us..?!? Not sure what that might be at the moment… It’s great to have a brother in this business & see the way that you wholeheartedly integrate your faith & love for Jesus into what you do. Continue to be strong & courageous for Him Eric…!
In His strength,
aha! No wonder you got good karma dude! Marketing without turning to the dark side!
1. About your son–have you ever had him checked for osteoporosis? We have been raising our special-needs grandson ever since he was 4 1/2 years old and in 2002 he broke his hip (he is now 15) and that is how we found out he has SEVERE osteoporosis. He has compression fractures in his back and has just recently broken his other hip. This makes 4 actual fractures since 2002 plus the compression fractures in his back. It would be wise to check with a kids ortho Dr. here in Denver at Children’s hospital. We use Dr. Ernest Sink at Children’s. (We’re in Arvada)
I hope everything turns out OK with your son.
2. I wish the Christian Marketing Conference was here in Colorado because then I could go- but not to SanFrancisco.
Thanks Robert… yes it would be a long way from AUS
Actually it’s not my CD, but I’ll let you know when it’s released. Probably in a few months…
Thank Pete, I appreciate it π
Hi Eric,
My name is Melissa and I have been following your lessons now for a few weeks. For a newbie like me, I think that they are absolutely fantastic!
This conference sounds great. I am with Robert though – too far from Australia.
I hope that your son recovers quickly, and thankyou again for the valuable information that you give.
Hi, Eric!!! I’m excited. Let me know if there is some way for me to promote this. Wish I could attend. There is nothing so wonderful as to be in the presence of our Christian brothers and sisters, especially when we are trying to deal with income we so desperately need. I am a caregiver for a mentally challenged young adult and I can’t get away. I do everything here on the internet, trying to make enough to support the two of us. You have been such a help in training me. I agree with Pete in that somehow the Lord has put us together for HIS own reasons. I will pray for this wonderful opportunity and I will support it in any way I can. Let me know, okay?
It’s a battle, but I do try to stay away from the dark side as much as possible π
Thanks for the tip. No his bones are fine… just an active kid. I’ll be sure to let everyone know if there’s ever a seminar like that in our area π
Sure thing. You can get in touch with alejandro through his website: http://successfool.com/contact/
Thanks Melissa, looks like the Aussies are posting the early comments on this one because I posted in the middle of the night here in the US π G’day mate!
Hi Eric,
Sorry to hear about your son. Did you not think to pre-record your course before the launch? That way you could have done it at your own pace and not had to delay when problems arose.
Hi Eric,
No problems with the lesson delay here Eric… it actually gives me a little more time to catch up and further focus on what I need to do. Sorry to hear about your son’s accident – I’m sure he’ll be ok, but I do understand your concerns and I sincerley hope he recovers quickly.
Keep well mate… regards, Graeme
Well there was never really a “launch”… these are just free lessons I’m providing. I did consider recording them all first, but then it would have been a few more months until I launched the first one and I knew there were a lot of people who wanted to get started…
If this was a paid product from myself or if anyone out there is doing something similar, absolutely I would recommend completing it before launching it…
This sounds great Eric as I am a very committed Christian but it is a long way from the UK also.
What about selling the DVDs at an equally reasonable rate to those of us that can’t make it but would love to be there?
Nice to know another Aussie is into IM. Love to share some ideas with you. I am in Sydney
Hi Eric,
i have been blessed to date that none of my 3 children have had a fall. I’m in Australia up on the Sunshine Coast and would love to attend, but alas too far away.
Have fun and thanks so much for sharing as you do.
Hi Eric. It’s good to know there are some real honest marketers out there.
Your lessons are free and very much appreciated. Don’t fret about delays, it’ll happen ‘as’ it happens, and it’s great not to have to worry too much about ‘rushing’ to get things done.
I’ve got Eight kids (well, not kids anymore) so know how you feel when one comes a cropper.
hey there mary – send me a msg through the contact form above.
appreciate the interest in getting the word out!
Eric – i’m so pumped that you’re going to be here in San Francisco with us to make history partner!
I appreciate your heart & all that you do with this blog giving folks some of the best “tips” online.
Two broken arms that’s two too many Eric,he will have to learn to slow down hope he is feeling better.
Well how about that you are a Chrisitan Eric!It does account for the vibe it is unmistakable really.Now that I know!Funny that I spent some time in prayer this avo,walked up to the Church needed it, looked at the computer when I got back and deleted a couple of hundred emails in a fit of chagrin.Except two and one was yours.*smile*
Hope this means I am going to learn how to make a fortune through your advice Eric.
Hi Eric,
Sorry to read about your son’s accident. At the same time I’m glad that your family is your priority. Not wishing the same on anyone, but these little incidents sure help put work/life balance in perspective.
Your lessons continue to rock, but it’s nice to have a chance to absorb the detail – so I’d rather have ’em slow and steady than fast and furious. We don’t want you having a heart attack!
The Illuminate conference looks great. A bit far to travel from the UK but I’ll be there in spirit.
Gods love to you,
Mind you the higher the price the lower the quantity would be demanded.
mmmmm not really sure what to say! Christian marketing?
Is it any different to any other?
Find or make a market.
Solve the problem for the seeker.
Sell the product or information.
Get a list to re-sell offers.
Mazel tov – (Hebrew: ??? ????) literally means “good fortune” – all are happy…
I maybe being a bit cynical here, but this is like trying to reinvent the wheel IMHO.
Anyway good luck with the “new twist”…
I will say a prayer for your son when next at the Synagogue.
All the best
Would so LOVE to attend the seminar, but live in South Africa. DVDs of the event would be well appreciated or even audio MP3s.
Any chance of your visiting South Africa to run a Christian seminar along the same lines? Contact me if you ever consider it
Hi Eric,
Sorry about your sonβs accident – heβll be ok. Happy birthday for your daughter.
Regars, Sinela
Hey Eric,
I’ll talk to Big Dan about this. As you know, I don’t typically attend marketing meetings or conventions. Mainly because I didn’t think any marketing tips were worth having to:
1. Filter everything presented through my Christian white hat vs. worldly black hat filter.
2. Somehow graciously decline all personally extended carousing and schmoozing invitations…(at this stage in my life, if I don’t have to be subjected to stuff I can’t stand – I won’t.)
3. Childcare for the Fab 5.
However a Christian Marketing Seminar…well, THIS has piqued my interest. And the fact that it’s scheduled during our 14 year wedding anniversary weekend makes it even more of a good idea for us. (Of course we’d have to scrap our plans to see Jeremy Camp in concert, but a weekend getaway to Frisco might be a decent consolation prize.)
So I’ll just pray that we can get my folks to babysit the Fab 5 and we’re there!
But more importantly, another broken arm has got to be especially taxing on Melissa’s emotions right now. (How many months is she?) I’ll be praying for your son and family.
In His Service,
Great idea Karen!
Maybe we should pass the idea on to Alejandro.
Hi Eric,
So sorry to hear about your son’s broken arm. I pray for his speedy recovery.
I also wish your coming Christian Internet Marketing success.
God bless to all team-members,
Mike Wong
Eric, I am always excited when you’re newest lesson comes. BUT I was amazed when I saw the blog about the Christian Conference. I can’t understand why it’s a Christian conference. The Price is excellent and the team looks great . I am an independent thinker , voter and I am religious but I would not attend based upon it being of a religious orientation no matter what religion it is. Best of luck to you and I hope your son will feel a lot better soon. I hope others who feel the same way will speak up.
Hi Eric:
Yes, I co-sign what Karen wrote. Hopefully Alejandro Reyes will be able to market a DVD of the sessions.
Additionally, the Illuminate Christian Internet Marketing Conference in San Francisco should be a great event in that it is much needed. Everyday “Christian Internet Marketers” have to make decisions about maintaining a balance between profit and principles, between deceptive tactics and honest salespersonship. We probably all watch established Christian Internet Marketers like you (Eric), Joel Comm, Holly Mann and others – to see how you carry yourselves on-line, the tactics you use and the products you support.
The balance between being “shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16 NIV) is important for people of integrity. Hopefully the Illuminate Christian Internet Marketing Conference will go a long way to help aspiring Christian Internet Marketers establish themselves on-line in profitable businesses.
I am especially encouraged by the three purposes that Alejandro Reyes listed for the Illuminate Conference:
1. Learn Internet Marketing strategies without the Fluff.
2. JV’s, Networking, & Fellowship
3. Purpose & People Driven
Christian Internet Marketers should learn a lot from the impressive list of speakers and their individual success stories. Undoubtedly this conference will help Christian Internet Marketers spread the βGood Newsβ by launching and advancing (1) Bible-based products on-line and (2) non-Bible-based businesses on-line.
Thanks for promoting this event. Hope your son heals well.
Akili Kumasi
I’m really disappointed in you, Eric. A Christian Marketing Conference? I wasn’t aware that marketing had a religious affiliation. I am offended.
Hi Eric,
Sorry to hear about your son…the great thing about being a kid though is you bounce back and recover a lot quicker than if were an adult.Hopefully hes doing better now(poor little guy).
I’m no stranger to broken bones myself. I was the most hyperactive little kid you ever saw. Always in trouble and getting hurt.Even feel off a horse when I was a youngster and had compound fractures in my arm where the bones were coming out…ouch!
Don’t worry about the pace of the lessons. Little breaks are diffently good for everyone…including teachers and students.
I’d really like to catch you at the seminar but as of now I don’t think I’ll be able to attend this time around..looks great though.If plans change I’ll keep it in mind if plans change.
PS: I saw your name mentioned in Joels new book.I’m enjoying it very much. Wow…there sure are a lot of marketers!
Take Care,
Wow this is soooo awesome, i agree with Karen selling the DVD’s. for those of us that can’t make it. I would totally buy them. I’m really excited about this conference you will be attending. As for the delayed lessons, no big deal on my part, they are free and very valuable lessons. You know that old saying “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you ” π
Hi Eric,
Sorry to hear about your son. Both of ours are now fully grown (one works with me) but you never stop being concerned. I too am in the UK which makes San Francisco a bit of a trek. Also, I am due to go to Africa at the end of October, Lord Willing, so another trip would be difficult. Would you and some others like to work with me on getting a similar conference set up in the UK? While not new to marketing I am fairly new to IM, so not too many contacts yet. Hope to hear from you. God Bless.
Sorry to hear about your son’s broken arm. I remember when my son broke his arm. At the time I think I was in more pain for him than he probably was in himself.
The conference sounds great…but the timing just doesn’t work out for me. I’m attending another event that weekend.
Thanks for sharing this and more so our prayers go for the young lad. We also thank God that he’s doing fine. I have 5 so I know what it is, and in the same token we take our solace from His promises – “My Grace is sufficient for you”, and I believe that Grace has indeed been sufficient for you in such times too. Regarding the Illuminate Christian Marketing Conference, I can’t over emphasize how grateful I am to God for that. Great news unfolding finally and I’ll see to it without fail, God willing and allowing.
Thanks Bro. and you all take care.
Remember “He that watches over you and the entire family never sleeps nor slumber” and it is well with you all.
Love, Strength, & Honor in Him.
Alexander O. Asante
Montgomery Village, MD
We all understand the frustrations of setting a schedule and having life step in. I’m sure I speak for all of your readers when I say how sorry we were to learn about your son’s accident. Hopefully, he can be still and avoid risky activity during the healing process.
Eric, for me the big benefit of your lessons is the quality of them. I don’t want to jeopardize the quality rushing you in any way. Even I am behind my schedule with my milestones, I prefer the quality to stay the same. Iβll try to be ahead working constantly and adjust after your lessens if I am doing something wrong but the lessons must be on your pace to secure the quality and to make you comfortable to continue.
Be careful with the little one, see if his body keeps Calcium from milk, and compensate with other forms of calcium, you definitely must be in touch with a good doctor about this. I wish you well, and I hope he will be well soon. He is in school now, other reason to be worry about, but use your fait to get through this problem.
Iβll pray for your family, how is Melissa?
As usual your work outside IM is fantastic and inspiring, and the seminar will actually be an IM event as well. If I have the resources, I’ll come, but unfortunately I cannot, I’ll by the CD when will be published.
All the best
I think that pre recording such a long series would have made it much less current and less alive. I feel we get todays advice today and not what worked two months back. Keep up the good work Eric, you and yours are in my prayers.
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Hi Eric,
Remember, no one in this World will live happily for satisfaction in their life until then we see the “CREATOR” with our naked eyes .
Infact this is a test that we are given as something happening within our environmental daily life. If everyone understand the CREATOR “AL-MIGHT” every second of his doing then our fated is written very clearly as it will happen to us, then happening will happen as no one is able to stop them.
Eric, your smiling is great & acceptance happening from GOD ia a must. In fact, we have not reaally been tested the worst scenario & prayers is best as not to stop them all but getting the least of the worst is whats we have to “THANKS GOD”
Anyway, take good care of your son & don’t forget for ownself too.
We are unable to meet you for this invitation but it’s only time will make it possible.
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Thanks & Best Regards
Mohd Singapore
Hi Eric,
I feel sorry for your son, but you need not worry too much as kids get well very fast and I am sure you do have this experience. I broke my left foot when I was young.
If possible do not let his broken arm get wet before it is totally cured.
Best Regards.
Hi Eric loving the lessons.
I am so sorry to hear about your son, it is really tough when they go through things like this because boys have so many activities that are affected by injuries.
The good thing is that kids heal well and there will not likely be any long term affects.
I wish I could attend the conference but timing and location not practicle…I am sure it will be a success.
All the best to him and we certainly understand if lessons are a little delayed.
Dear Eric,
I pray per the speedy recovery of your dear son’s arm. I appreciate so much your valued effort and time in order to give us support with the video IM lessons thanks a lot per your work. I live 220 miles per road at the South o Cancun and receive a low connection signal to Internet with a PCMI card into my Lap Top and had a high interruptions frequency, that disappoint because some times takes near 15 hours see a 30 minutes video. I pry to have a local phone service in order to contract a high speed Internet signal in order to have a good advance on take your lessons.
I like the idea to be there into the next IM Christian conference and travel from the Yucatan Peninsula but I will be there in spirit. Receive warm regards, with blessings. Gabriel
At the risk of sounding negative, while it’s fine to say don’t be offended if you’re of a different faith, and don’t worry about it, once you introduce a religious promotion into a list that was for your internet marketing business (how to get one up and running) I feel it does bring in an element of “Us/Them” slant. Religion has a way of being divisive, intentional or not. I know this is your letter/blog and you can do what you like with it, and I also understand Christians take every opportunity to talk about and promote their faith. But as one of your readers I was disappointed to read what amounted to a promo for a Christian Internet marketers conference.
I read your letter for your marketing course and insights and because I enjoy it generally. I am so busy that every email I read these days is a time commitment. I’m amazed I just didn’t hit delete and even more amazed that I’m writing this… but there it goes – I read your emails.
I would feel the same if the promo referred to any other religious faith too. Business is Business and, regardless of religious affiliation, honesty and integrity should be the absolute bedrock of anyone who wants to build trust and be successful.
I could not get through to the stompernet thingy and their shopping
didn’t work so I was annoyed about that – now whassis?
Christian martketing – AW C’mon
who’s on who’s back here?
there is a time and place man – and the razzmatazz hooking
everything up to the Christian thing is verging on distasteful…. and crass – is this not the tail wagging the dog for money?
I am a devout follower of Christian teaching and one of the things Christ said emphatically was…. don’t go blasting out your own personal time devoted to the practice of religion or prayer just to impress everyone like the scribes and pharisees etc….
I know the church especially the Vatican loves to get it’self into everything but this is worse still – like an American Footballer – but it;s time we people (who actually LISTEN to what Christ said) spoke up.
BIG MISTAKE!! You are so right DIRT CHEAP!!
and to show you what I mean me and several others will be de-subscribing – count me out of shameful vulgarity…. NOTHING to do with Christianity – what is the Pope thinking!!!!
Good for you Joan!! I just have to turn away from the “wear-the-teashirt” approach. Christ had to take a whip to the moneylenders in the temple to stop just this kind of thing! I was SO relieved to see your straight-up response. Bless you π