Once again, I have to apologize for the delay in getting the lessons done. I’ve been very busy lately outside of my Internet marketing life, which is why I haven’t had a chance to post any new lessons in the past week.
I don’t feel the need to share everything I’ve got going on, but just to give you a taste…
I’m executive producing a CD and have been spending quite a bit of time in the recording studio. Also been busy with family stuff. A couple nights ago during the middle of our oldest daughter’s birthday party, our son fell and broke his arm. Those of you who are parents know how it hurts to see your kids get hurt.
Earlier this summer he broke his other arm, so now that he’s broken both of them I trust that he can live the rest of his life without needing to break any more!
So again sorry for the delay of the lessons, but rest assured I have NOT given up on the project. I will be finishing the series and posting each lesson as they are completed… I’ve just come to the realization that it will have to be at my own pace.
OK, so today I need to let you know about something cool.
Next month (October 10th-12th) the first ever Christian Internet Marketing seminar is going to happen!
(I know I have readers of many different faiths, so if this doesn’t apply to you, don’t get offended and just don’t worry about it.)
I think this is very exciting, because it’s something that the industry has needed for a long time. I’ve gone to several Internet marketing seminars over the past few years, and it seems like at every one of them someone says… “hey they should do something like this specifically for Christian marketers…”
But up until now it had been all talk, and nobody had taken the initiative to make it happen.
Now a young man by the name of Alejandro Reyes is making it happen. If you’re not familiar with Alejandro, he’s an up and coming marketing star who is becoming well known in the affiliate world, and made over $100k in his first year online.
He’s put together a fantastic lineup of teachers for the seminar, and it’s going to be a great event. The list of speakers includes Joel Comm, Jermaine Griggs, Jeff Mills, Paul Counts, Gary Zelesky, John Di Lemme, Ruddy Ortiz, Wade Tonkin, Jason Marshall, Sanyika Calloway, Monikah Ogando, and Eric Farewell… plus plenty of VIP’s in attendence.
PLUS… I’ll be there š
I want to support this event, and I think there will be some great networking opportunities, so I’m planning of being there along with my wife.
When it comes to doing business, it’s great to be able to network and do joint ventures with “like minded” people.
Now don’t get the wrong idea…
Just because this is a “Christian” event, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a church service or something. It’s going to be packed full of REAL money making strategies to improve your business and your life.
Alejandro and the other teachers are truly passionate about helping you find success, and I think this is going to be a wonderful environment for you to learn in.
So it’s going to be a great event, but here’s where it gets even better…
I don’t think you will find a more affordable Internet marketing seminar of this caliber anywhere on the planet. So if you’ve been wanting to go to a seminar, but finances were holding you back, this could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.
Just to give you some comparison…
One seminar that I’ve attended in the past a couple times is the Underground Seminar. I typically pay about $2,000 for my ticket to that seminar PLUS Yanik always picks hotels that are in the $200-$350/per night range.
The price of the Illuminate Christian Marketing Conference is a crazy $197 (price goes up at the end of the month), and the hotel rooms are only $129.
I’m telling you, that’s as cheap as it gets.
I encourage you to take a closer look and reserve your spot at:
Click Here for Illuminate Christian Marketing Conference
After this, I will not be going to any more seminars this year, so this would be a great chance for us to meet and you can ask me any questions that you may have about Internet marketing.
I would love to see you there.
Have a great day!
Know what, Jackie? I’m a Christian and have served the Lord on a full time basis for years. I think what you are “assuming” about Eric is UGLY! How could you possibly know what is in his heart or on his mind? I believe that ALL that we do should have a Christian bent. From you blog, I think you have serious problems. You may want to consider a relationship with Jesus Christ. He heals! And He helps us to understand that we are not to stand in judgment of others. JUDGE NOT, LEST YE BE JUDGED!!
Are you serious? Did you read his email? It’s not even close to the scriptures you’re referring to. If you’re a Christian, every thing you do should be an outcome of your relationship with Christ, spoken or not, which I think Eric manages to do well.
I’m with you Craig. It’s truly unfortunate that people are offended by this Christian marketing event! It’s just a group of people gathering for an event – it doesn’t negatively affect my life, so why should I mind? I’m not religious, I’m not invited to the Christian Marketing event, AND I’m not offended by that! People need to mind their own business and not get so upset about what others are doing… it’s harmless… it’s not worth getting yourself stressed out about it… let it go.
I love you Eric for the hope your giving us.
I am not a practising Christian although I was given Baptism as a baby.
You are free to offer advise to whichever group you like. If you were a War Vetran and invited me to a V.A. Marketing Seminar I would thank you but decline for my own reasons.
I say carry on doing what your doing give oportunities to the people who share your faith give opportunities to others who want to succeed.
And most of all be tolerent of others who find all of our differences abhorent.
Great Work Regards
great job on the tips and on all the stuff you do.
I’m not an avid follower of any particular religion, just a guy who believes in doing the right thing, and just can’t understand the mindset of those people who were offended by your email. It’s unfortunate that we live in a world where people are now so thin-skinned that they look for any reason at all to be offended.
Anyone who was offended by that can’t be very confident in their own beliefs if that email threatened them.
Keep doing what you’re doing.
I think it is wonderful that you are talking about a christian marketing conference. As you said, it does not mean that you will be going to a church service, but it is good to hear that someone is thinking in good terms of business. Keep it up.
Hi Eric I sorry I have not wrote before but I broke my arm and have not been able to write. I like your blogs
I think having a Christian Marketing Conference is wonderful. We have become too tolerant and secular. Wish I could be there.
Many Blessings,
Good on you for deleating yourself, we won’t have to worry about such comments anymore.If you get offended at this type of thing I’m glad I won’t be asking you for a refund, your attitude tells me what will happen. Get over it and see what is posted for what it is. WOuld be nice to attend a conference where there is no bad language or misleading systems missing vital info that requires more money.
So you only go to big cost conferences then why worry, you got heaps of money. (Really don’t know why I am bothering here). Ooooooooh, now I get it, the bigger the cost the better the information —- not right Jackie, I have been bitten and now VERY alert to what is really worth what.
To anyone who attends please tell us what you find.
Glad to hear about your conference for Christians. I think that peopelwho have a problem with this do not understand what Christianity is really all about. Unfortunately they have received misinformation about Christianity. So to set the record strait. Christianity is about loving one’s neighbor as one loves theirself and loving God above all else. Yes many have given Christianity a bad name by doing something that violates this and then trying to justifies their actions under the guise. One of the tenets of Christianity is to conduct oneself with integrity. This is not to say a non Christian does not have a high degree of integrity either. However if one chooses to mention Christian then this free country which I fought for should have the freedom to mention it, pray where they want, and conduct
Man I just rolled on the floor at this one, who ever you are I love ya. That’s the best I have ever seen on respect, I always try to show respect to every one but admit I loose it every so often. Seriously I agree with you, that’s why Oz is in such a state today along with many other countries, minds of straw, softened with garbage TV programs. Keep the bar high mate.
You have shared who you are on this list from the beginning and it is evident that your strong Christian faith is the keynote in your life. Marketing (among other things) is what you do. How exciting that you have the opportunity to share what you do with people who also resonate with who you are.
I have been invited to join conferences of women in business, work from home moms, artists and writers, etc. Each of these are built primarily around the commonality of all the participants. I certainly do not not find a Christian conference offensive, not any gathering of folks of like minded ideas.
I sincerely appreciate that you have taken the time to layout this business building blueprint and made it available to all of us, regardless of race, creed, gender, age, religion, etc.
What a loss it will be to all of us if you come to feel that you must censor what you share with us for fear of offending some.
Please keep on as you have been, sharing meaningful events in your life as you continue to teach us.
Karen Elizabeth
a meeting as such, no apologies needed. I don’t believe Eric meant to be exclusive and if anyone has followed him for any length of time would be able to determine that. So folks, please wisely consider more than just the words you read before you rise up to object. Heck, the news media does more to promote false statements and positions than others. Please check the facts. Of course you are loved. No one is forcing you to be a CHristian.
I agree with Mike and others here. I remember there was one opportunity that I checked into, some of you will probably know which one, anyway it is advertised as Christian company. When I talked to them about the cost and how the program worked I felt like that it wasn’t worth the investment. When I decided that I wasn’t going to get into the program another man came on the phone. He started out by telling me that he was a minister and that God wanted me to do this and I would be going against an opportunity that God meant for me to take. If it was for a church to make money for them it would be different. It was for his benefit only.
I don’t think I would think about going to a seminar that was listed as being Christian because of that experience. I am sure it is a good program or you wouldn’t be going to it. I think because the way I was treated by the other ocmpany that business and religion should be kept separate.
What’s wrong with promoting the christian conference or any other conference for that matter?
To all the negatives. Imagine any one of these scenes.
You are in a plane which is about to crash. You are on a ship which is about to sink.
A loved one is in a coma and the experts tell you there is nothing they can do.
The father or mother of a child is at a school where a gunman randomly started shooting students.
Now ask yourself, would you pray? If so, who would you be praying to?
No, you dont have to be a christian to believe in God, but I BET you’ve used the word Jesus in your lifetime, even if it was in an appropriate manner and if you havent, I’m going to go out on a limb and say you will before your last breath is taken.
Finall a seminar cost within the reach of real people, go for it, but I want the CD/DVDs afterwards.
If people think that Christianity and Marketing are an odd pair then why has it been around for over 2000 years. And the bible never said you had to be poor to be a christian. If fact God wants people of all faiths to be well off.
Hi Eric,
Hope you son is better.
I had no doubt that you were a Christian when I signed up for your training.
It was a real blessing when I saw your email concerning the conference. I had been looking at a conference that is occurring in
Atlanta a week before and the cost is prohibitive.
So now I am receiving a “Double Blessing”. I will be able to attend the live event and again see my Granddaughter who was born on August 18. 2008, and lives in Hayward, CA.
Promoting Christianity or a Christian conference is going to push some buttons Eric. You have to consider that for centuries as a “religion” it has promoted an us/them mentality and has been responsible for killing millions of people during the Crusades and beyond.
Aside from the obvious, there is also an intuitive knowing within all human beings that teachings which separate us are wrong. So people react.. and often with anger. This is not to say that within Christianity one cannot develop an inner relationship with God.. but it is fact that the political structures have done tremendous damage over the centuries.
I spent over five years living as what I call a “Lay Monk” in the forests of the southwest and have experienced four Spiritual Awakenings. One of the many things that have come out of these experiences is the realization that we are all One in God.
I also discovered that what Jesus said about the kingdom of heaven being within and “in the midst of you” is the truth. (As a sidenote.. the teachings of Buddha are nearly identical to those of Jesus and came over 500 years earlier).
And both are correct. Heaven IS within and without. It’s also here NOW.. and there is profound love, peace, and Oneness in that state of Being. Few realize we’re living in it though because we don’t see it or feel it.
The reason we don’t see it is because our eyes are not tuned to the frequencies necessary to perceive the energy field, so we think it’s all “solid” when it’s not.
And we don’t feel it because we are divorced from our hearts and live mostly from our heads. We have to live from love to be attuned to our own Divinity within.. but we are not.
But back to the main point. Out of the many thousands of people who read your posts.. there might be Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, those who simply go directly to God as I have done.. or even those who think there is no God. And you will raise some ire for reasons stated earlier, regardless of how well you try to communicate.
Thanks so much for your videos. I look forward to viewing them and have learned a great deal.
This is a viable market niche, just as many others. I had wanted to start a large portal at KneeMail.com and just never had the knowledge….I set up a free email service at the domain. Alot of searching goes on in the Christian World and much money to be made !
Thank you for the FREE lessons!
Hi Eric,
I have never wrote on a blog before but this one got my attention. I am also a Christian and I am proud to say it. If there is a Christian meeting of any kind I think that’s great. Be proud of being a christian and disregard all the trash that comes in otherwise. This is an awsome way to spread the word as we are supposed to do. I know you were not trying to offend anyone and you stated that clearly! Don’t tip toe around anyone. You have been blessed with a lot of good in your life and you know why and by whom right? Keep doing what you’re doing and don’t stop. I’m right behind you. I hope some day we could do business together.
Rita B.
No, Eric, you don’t understand. Firstly I never said anything about your email being “condescending to other faiths”. That’s your interpretation. I also don’t recall saying it offended me, so I’m mystified as to why half the posters who (unsurprisingly) disagreed with me got that one from.
“You said āI also understand Christians take every opportunity to talk about and promote their faithāā¦ but thatās not really true” Isn’t it? Well, of my over 15 years plus in the Evangelical church, my experience has been rather different.
But perhaps you assumed I wasn’t a Christian because I didn’t agree with you or with everyone else. Anyhow.
This isn’t about whether your blog is a Christian blog. I’ve known you are a Christian from the minute I started reading your news letter and this has never been an issue. That is not the point here so please don’t attempt try and turn this into this being a personal prohibition on you being “who you are” or people trying to “stop you being yourself”.
I’d rather you addressed my central point which is that:
If I am on your news letter for a reason (i.e. your IM teaching) then I don’t expect to receive promos for a christian marketing conference. It’s about setting expectations and in business that’s key. Suddenly receiving a long promo about a Christian marketing conference in a series that’s for something entirely different isn’t an expectation. If it should be, then say so.
I didn’t just happen upon your blog. I signed up for your enewsletter and from there came to your blog. Your newsletter, offering your IM courses is and was the driver. Of course I don’t expect your blog or your letter to be devoid of your personality. If I happened across your blog and this promo appeared it would be an entirely different thing. I would know exactly what to expect. There is a big difference. I have mailing lists too. My being a Christian doesn’t give me the right to promote religious stuff to them… unless I’ve told them in advance and they’ve given me permission to do so.
I am not the kind of guy to usually feel a strong urge to express my opinions. In this case however, I think the criticism pointed at this Christian event promo is straight unfair. I am not a religious person myself. But what is unethical or inappropriate about Christians gathering at an internet marketing seminar? Dont they have the right to network with like minded people and build their own business?
Eric, thanks for all the valuable information youre delivering. This is the best and most comprehensive free online course about internet marketing I have ever seen, and I think the vast majority of the readers can handle some promos (they should or leave). Especially when its nothing but quality recommendations š
I hope everything is well with your son!
Best wishes from Norway
May I offer a short prayer of blessing?
I ask God to bless, encourage, empower and direct every activity of this upcoming Christian Internet Marketing seminar. Give Alejandro, Joel, Jermaine, Jeff, Paul, Gary, John, Ruddy, Wade, Jason, Sanyika, Monikah, and Eric special wisdon as they prepare, promote and present their material. Make it helpful to all who attend. Help eveything to be presented in loving and caring way. Help each person to present with the highest level of integrity, as unto God. Bless the attendees who find some of this material to be a little “over their head.” Give them help where it is needed.
Bless their times of fellowship. Prosper every new relationship. Unite them in purpose, , , first, to bring glory to God and second, learn more how to market online.
Bless all who travel. Keep them safe and lessen their stress.
Specially, anoint Alejandro in his roll of leadership. Give him the assurance that he has “done the right thing.” Give him help where it is needed. Bless all who work behind the scenes.
In Christ’s name, I offer this simple blessing!
Wayne Kronz
P.S. Eric Holmlund, Thank You for bringing this event to our attention.
Isn’t it great we live in a country that allows us to have such a discussion? Freedom of Speech!
That means, one can express a point of view, his religious beliefs or anything else… especially on his own blog.
Don’t like it? .. move on… and it looks like a few have done just that. They have the freedom to do that too. See ya!
Sometimes this so called “politically correct” junk makes me gag.
As for me… I’m staying aboard. Too much good information to let a silly thing keep me from staying aboard… even if I didn’t agree. Some choose to cut their nose off to spite there face.
Hi Eric –
Just wanted to say… I’m NOT a Christian, and I was absolutely NOT offended in any way by your posting about the Christian Marketing Conference. If it works for you to get together with other believers and discuss marketing and how to be more successful — more power to you! These “holier-than-thou” people who posted all the unfriendly comments above need to shut up, stop judging, and get a flippin’ life! Geez!
Eric, I am not a christian, nor anything else, as far as religious affiliation goes,[I believe in God, just not religion] But I support and encourage your right to religious fervor, and your ABSOLUTE right to mention it in your newsletter! Christianity, like most religions is a marvelous lifestyle for anyone if practiced sanely, and the conference you mentioned is an expression of solidarity that more groups should consider. God knows the internet marketing community could use more ethics, be they christian or whatever.
I see it’s all about values and being ethical in doing business. At that price I don’t see Alejandro is out trying to make the bucks. I see it as his way of sharing his success “secrets”. Any religious values in doing business are nothing but good, no matter what faith. I pray those attendees who fit the criteria success in their business.
(I am a Muslim and definitely not offended)
Hey Man You’re doing Alright by a lot of people.
The people with negative comments are tripping, Big Tyme
Man go on & do your thing, don’t even give acknowledgement to those haters.
I’ve purchased 6 products from you,and I don’t have any complaints.
You’ve brought much value to my online education & success.
I suspect the negative folks are tyre kickers, & freebie seekers.
I hope they move on, too make room for more positive people.
Keep Up The Good Work, Because You’re Super Cool With Me
Thank John Washington
How amazing that so many proved my point, and yet missed my central point… lol.
There’s nothing quite like “christian” judgement when it comes to hearing anything that doesn’t sit well with their world view. And why stop at being personal? Christ’s words of “judge not… that ye not be judged” apparently don’t apply here. Talk about hypocrisy.
I post a comment about MY opinion of something I happened to disagree with, something that I thought was allowed, since we were encouraged to “not to hesitate to post comments on the blog”. Perhaps that meant only comments that agreed. Out come the yells of outrage – and of course the predictable assumptions that I wasn’t a Christian, can’t read, can’t think, took offense, have a diesease of the mind, want to “stop people being who they are,” etc, etc… and needed to get to know Christ pretty quick. Since I’ve been a practising Christian for nearly two decades, it was interesting to read some of the (very uninformed and quite offensive)”christian” comments and assumptions.
I like to think Jesus would have responded differently.
Until now, these posts have been businesslike, fun, and informative. What a shame that people having a different opinion is all it takes to change that. But then, that’s religion for you.
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your fabulous teaching and I can’t wait for the San Francisco conference.
This has all become so complicated. That is the part I don’t understand. It is merely a gathering of people to study IM. They just happen to say they are conducting the seminar itself in a Christian-like atmosphere.
I would not be offended if someone sent me a notice telling me about a seminar for young adults, or for men from UK. It just identifies the group of people who will be there so I have the option as to whether I would be comfortable.
Get a grip. Take things at face value instead of reading some much into things.
Someone sent me an email with an ariticle in the AZ Central entitled, “Imagine no Religion:” http://www.azcentral.com/php-bin/clicktrack/email.php/8286523
Although it’s predominantly talking about politics, it’s clearly a strong trend that a growing number of people today would rather opt for no religion at all Christian or otherwise. I do think most people appreciate the concept of doing onto others as you would have them do onto you, Just don’t remind them Jesus said it.
As a Christian, everything I do involves Jesus. Jesus is the only way. I say it is refreshing to hear someone talk of their faith in Christ openly. It sure gives me more trust in a person that does.
One thing I will clarify so there’s no mistake about it…
Your comments ARE welcome here, and I welcome opposing viewpoints.
And just so you know… While I will admit to stirring up the hornet’s nest a bit on this issue, I’m certainly not trying to wage a personal counter attack against you or anything like that.
Controversy is a quality that can make a blog interesting, so for that I should be thanking you š
And you know what? Even though I made an example of your quote…
“Religion has a way of being divisive…”
I would have to agree! “Religion” does have a way of dividing people, because our “religion” was not God’s invention… in fact Christ had some major issues with the religious people of his time…
To your own self be true! Don’t ever apologize for having integrity and values. What I’ve always liked best about you, that makes you different from all the other Internet Marketers out there, is that you wear your heart on your sleeve and you are transparent. It takes a lot more guts to stand up for what you believe then to try to please everyone by compromising who you are. At least you can go to sleep at night in peace. =)
Hi Eric:
Keep up the good works. I don’t know of any other area (Network/Internet Marketing) that needs more of the Christian attitude! If more Marketers tried to emulate the Golden Rule we would all be better off. Thanks and God Bless!
Christianity will always be devisive. I would have been surprised if some hadn’t reacted as they have. Christ himself told us this would be the case.
Eric, I know you will continue to teach everyone seeking a better understanding of internet marketing…Christian or not. Of course you will. But now you see that on those occassions when your faith and your business mix, some will be unhappy. You will lose some subscribers and some will call you a fake, fraud and phony.
Step away from the blog, the conference and all of the comments and emails. Regardless of what is said here, whether in support of or opposed to your promotion of a marketing conference with a Christain message…there is only one thing that matters. In the future, when faced with another choice to stradle the line between business and faith, will you look back on this and choose Christ or choose not to upset some of your subscribers?
I pray you will always put Him first.
Thank you for everything, Eric. God bless.
Eric, you will always find people who put down religious references, etc and who would like us to forget that the U.S.A. was founded by Christians who rejected such religious bias, not unlike some of the negative postings here. These naysayers should visit countries where there is little religious freedom (ex, Iran, etal) — they usually also do not have freedom to speak, work, or raise a family – according to their choice.
There they would see what effects that the lack of religious beliefs have on the general population.
If a subscriber prefers not to attend a Christian conference – fine! but to criticize you for mentioning one, demonstrates small-minded prejudice and also a lack of tolerance of others.
Kudos to you for being forthright!
In my opinion you did exactly what a businessman who happens to be Christian should do. As I read scripture, the entire context is that scriptural priciples should permeate everything we do… even our business.
Simply put, we’ve created such a culture of political correctness that anything that tends to make someone else “uneasy” is not allowed. And that seems to be expecially true if the offending thing rises from a Christian perspective.
I’d recommend an older book, “The Christian Mind” by Harry Blamires to you. It summarizes the whole issue of maintaining the Christia voice in the public square quite nicely.
Regarding the conference, my wife and I would love to go, but since we just lost our jobs a couple of months ago, the dollars are more than a bit tight.
Thanks for all the inspirational and practical (hmmmm… that’s almost redundant, isn’t it.) advice you’ve been giving us.
Keep up the good work and keep the faith!
Dear Eric,
I was impressed that you cited two Old Testament passages which turned you on to ethical dealings in the marketing field, and ultimately led you to endorse the forthcoming Christian marketing conference.
Am I offended? Absolutely not! Just sort of felt left out! However i immediatley recognized your perogative to link your Christianity and your business objectives. I certainly do so in my own sphere.
So obviously what’s called for is a second round of the same conference and speakers for the rest of us who love God and try not to depart from God’s biblical Word as interpreted (in my heritage) by two thousand years of rabbis like myself, until this very day.
Thanks so much for the fabulous insights you shared with your videos. You are a clear thinker with a good heart and religous beliefs that help you light the way. -Rabbi Ed
Hey Eric,
Don’t let a few negative comments about the Christian Marketing conference sway you. You’re doing a great work, and we have to remember that the Gospel is an offense to those that don’t believe (Rom 9:33). The (unsaved) world wants everyone to be a secular humanist (a religion in its own right) and is only ‘offended’ by the Gospel because it brings to mind their own sin. God bless you, bro.
I am a born-again, spirit-filled Christian leadership coach, and 1-yr. internet marketer.
I have never attended a live IM conference yet, and I was so excited about the Christian IM conference when I got your e-mail, until I saw the dates. I already am attending a national leadership conference that weekend.
The founders are Christians and we have an optional non-denominational worship service on Sunday morning, and almost everyone attends.
I have never heard people complain about it. If they don’t like it they can sleep in or go sightseeing, however most people come to the service out of respect for the leadership.
You and Joel Comm are my internet heroes because you share your faith, and God is definitely blessing you both. I know I will never get scammed by either of you, and I always try to buy new launches thru you because I appreciate all you do and what you stand for.
I will buy the dvds when they are made available, and I look forward to the announcement of the next Christian IM conference. If it doesn’t conflict with the leadership conference, I will be there!
May God pour out his blessing and favor on the speakers and all who attend.
I) I am not offended. Religion is personal and has to stay like this. I was born in Europe, I am a Christian, but I respect everybody fait.
II) I was reluctant to sign in with Stomping the Search Enginesā¦ knowing that nothing is really FREE with small exceptions and knowing how tight is my budget. Now I did, because of your recommendation and this is the summary:
1. Is FREE but I have to pay $9.99 shipping, hey this is media it really cost $2.80
2. Is FREE on month, after that it is a monthly membership $19.99 per month. When I fill in the form with info, the total after one month was actually $39.99 because it is 2 memberships, not one
3. Five courses on DVD was offered for $97.00
4. DVD Home Study was offered for $247
5. Internet Business Brain Transplant for $147 (very stupid title, sorry)
6. The U-Ha-Ha about the FREE bonuses was a tricky proposition, three of the āFREEā¦ā was memberships which after one month will request monthly FEES, and one is from M.F. I try to get out of one of his memberships for 2 month without any success, everybody disappear, after they promised that we can get out of itā¦ That was a membership I didnāt requested, it was automatically attached with a report of zero value and $26 shipping, and now I cannot get out.
Of course in this FREE madness, I stopped after point 2, and probably Iāll get almost nothing out of it and after one month Iāll try to get out from memberships.
Why I am telling you this: because this is exactly THE REASON WHY THE PEOPLE DO NOT TRUST MARKETERS ANYMORE. I know that they want to make some money, but why it called it FREE, absolutely FREE, only for youā¦ and they send email to millions of peopleā¦
III) There is other point I want to make, the beginners are left out and is harder then never to get in the ābig guru clubā, I mean just to start to make good money, not really to be like them. First a beginner doesnāt have so many FREE staff to offer, doesnāt have so many JV friends to donate FREE staff, and doesnāt know how to trick people with a FREE title and 6 ways to request money.
Please, can you explain to me what is left for little people which just try to enter in Internet Marketing, what they have to do to compete with all those big marketers and their friends, and there guru techniques? I am asking you because you have the history of being HONEST; asking one of them is a waist of time.
I hope your son is better now, say hello from me!
I think there is no reason in the world to get up in arms because Eric posted an invite to a conference targeted at Christians. It’s his list, he can promote whatever he wants to it.
If it had been a Zen Marketing Conference, would you get upset because he was pushing buddhism at you?
If it had been an article marketing conference and you think PPC is the only way to go, would you be offended?
Live and let live.
Hi Eric. I do not feel offended in any way. I am actually glad that there are people making a niche conference like this. I hope to be there in San Fran in October. God Bless.
Hi Eric
Firstly let me say, it is your blog you pay the hosting fees, you are entitled to say whatever you want on it. Secondly you have given so much back into the IM community and anyone who gets offended, are the ones who only want to take without giving something back, and I am not talking money here either, I am talking about friendship, moral support. Taking the time to say I really appreceiate what you are doing.
All I have to say is the event is going to be AWESOME! Not only will there be top notch marketing being taught but there will be incredible fellowship on many levels.
I am one of the speakers and will be talking about integrity in marketing. We cannot serve two masters!
I will close with this… the event was not organized to make money. As a matter of fact, at the price it is, it may even cost money to put on. It’s about the HEART of the event.
So join us! Heck, even if you’re not a Christian come anyway and take advantage of the great deal.
Hi Eric,
You have my vote!!! That is one of the many things I like about you. Sharing your Christian faith helps me to believe I am not being taken or led down another empty road for the price of another ebook.
In reading what others are saying, it looks as though you have a big following of Christians.
Keep up the good work!!!