Internet Marketing For Dummies

By | May 19, 2006

UPDATE: This review is now outdated. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #52 – 5/19/2006

Are you a newbie? Or perhaps you’ve been online for awhile, but some of my tips still fly right over your head?

If so, then you need to get a grasp of the basics of internet marketing. Are you fully confident in answering these questions…

How do I choose a niche?

What’s the difference between resale rights, master resale rights, and private label rights?

What’s a squeeze page?

What’s “viral” marketing?

How do I pre-sell, upsell, and backend-sell?

I see those kind of questions, and the answers are so clear to me that it’s easy to forget there was a time I didn’t know about this stuff.

These are the type of things that form the backbone of my business, and I wouldn’t be making a living online today if I didn’t know them.

If you’re a newbie (or an oldie who just hasn’t figured it all out yet), you need to learn the fundamentals of internet marketing.

Seth Chong has created the resource you need. Instead of buying ebook after ebook trying to learn all the important topics, you can consolidate your learning (and your spending) into this great new resource: The Dummies’ Secrets To Internet Marketing.

If you get it during this introductory special, you’ll get some great bonuses, PLUS RESALE RIGHTS!

Check it out now at…

(Link removed – product no longer available)

Internet marketing newbie

Don’t worry–I really don’t think you’re a dummy! But if you sometimes feel like one, this ebook will catch you up to speed.

As always, you can leave comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

PS–Want to hear something neat? I’m sending this to you from a hotel on the Iowa/Illinois border…850 miles from home. That’s one of the cool things about this business–you can take it with you wherever you go! I’ll be sending some more “tips from the road” soon…

8 thoughts on “Internet Marketing For Dummies

  1. Daniel Ritter

    Isn’t $127 a bit steep for something that is downloaded from the internet?
    Amazon, Barnes & Noble etc wouldn’t sell a printed copy of a 130 page book for $127!!! Forget all the hype. It seems to me that the real secret to internet marketing can be learned simply by reading the sales page for the book….create an ebook and sell it online for an outrageously high price!

  2. Christi

    You know, I have a real problem with “dummies” and “idiots” titles. They just empower people to not take responsibility for their training, in my opinion. “I’m just a dummy, so I can’t learn that.” Bah! How about Training for the Untrained or something more in line with that?

    Well, anyway, I know the titles are popular and I’m one of the few that think they’re ignorant titles. I own one Dummies book and wouldn’t have that, except it was the only copy available at the store on what I needed at the time. That’s the ONLY reason I have it.

    Anyway, I knew the answers to the questions, just not necessarily how to implement them for myself. Getting there. Enjoy your trip. Chris

  3. Eric Post author

    Daniel – I wouldn’t say it’s too expensive due to the virtual format. I’ve purchased several $1000+ digitally delivered products. It’s an information product, and you should judge it’s value by what ROI it will bring to your business. After promoting a $997 product for the past couple weeks (JV Formula) I figured a $127 product would be a nice change because it’s in a range that more people can afford.

    As for the “real secret”… there really aren’t any “real secrets”. Selling ebooks is one good way to make money, but it’s only one little piece of the puzzle, and anyone who thinks they can get rich by whipping together an info product and selling it for $100 is likely mistaken. There are many facets to this business, and that’s why the biggest point of this edition is to “learn the basics”. You don’t have to buy Seth’s book to learn the basics…it’s just one possible tool you could use.

  4. Eric Post author

    Hey Christi

    Thanks for the comments… I agree. I hate when people call themselves or other people dummies or idiots. My personal reasoning is that I feel it devalues the precious creation and uniqueness that everyone possesses.

    However I do happen to own two “dummies” books, and they’re not really written just for dummies. For example I own Selling for Dummies, which was written by one of the all-time best sales trainers Tom Hopkins. It’s basically a good, well-laid out training manual written by an expert.

    Bottom line though…it’s all about marketing. The Dummies and Idiots guides have done an incredible job at branding themselves, to the point they can now write a best selling book on virtually any subject. They appeal to a certain group of people, which apparently is a very large segment of our population. I agree it’s too bad that so many people would choose to identify themselves in that manner…

  5. John

    While I could benefit from such a book (the Dummies Secret to Internet Marketing), as I am very much a newbie, the price is really too steep for me. I would have been happy with just the ebook which I assume would have brought the price down. I think I will start slow, possibly using Adsense as at the moment I am only interested in paying for my online presence (webhosting costs). I have enjoyed your articles and very much enjoy your writing – without all the hype. BTW, I am planning on retiring in Colorado in a couple of years.

    Aloha, John

  6. Barbara King

    I wouldn’t touch it, just because of the title. Why would you want to call folks dummies? Seems like they need a few lessons.

  7. Eric Post author

    Barbara, As I mentioned in my above comment I’m not a proponent of calling people dummies either. However I don’t think Seth is meaning to insult anyone. Keep in mind the “for Dummies” and “Idiot’s guide” series have sold 10’s of millions of copies worldwide, and his title dovetails off of their success…it’s a marketing thing.


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