Israel Pics and Update

By | November 10, 2011

I recently had the privilege of visiting Israel with a group from my church. If you’ve never been there, I highly recommend taking the trip. I’m already planning on going back next year.

Five months ago, I posted about some health issues that I’ve been battling this year. In the past month, I’ve finally seen some improvements through my recovery treatment, and I also experienced a breakthrough during the Israel trip. I had more energy and better sleep than I’ve had in many months. How cool is that to experience healing in the place where Jesus healed!? Thank you all for the prayers!

I’m continuing to improve and I hope to post some new lessons soon!

Here are some pics from the trip…

Sunrise over Tel Aviv

View from the top of Mt. Carmel

The Dead Sea

Soldiers in the old city of Jerusalem

My baby girl… 4 months old! I knew this one would make you smile 🙂

I’ve posted many more pictures from the trip on my Google+ account: view them here.

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments below.

Have a great day!

199 thoughts on “Israel Pics and Update

  1. Richard Kay

    My wife and I were in Israel last year. What a blessing. Great pics and great news about your healing.
    God Bless you and Yours,

  2. James Bash

    Did you mean to say you are a survivor ? I hope this is a typo because it says you are a savior.

  3. Steve Shaw

    Hi Eric,

    These pictures are stunning, especially all the ones on your Google+ page.
    Glad you’re feeling better, and God Bless!

  4. P.C.Ng

    Hi Eric,
    I’m more than happy to hear that you’re recovering from your health problem. I’ve seen the wonderful pictures of Israel and of course
    your wonderful and healthy little girl. Thank you
    for showing the pictures may God Bless You and
    your Family.

  5. Paul

    Really cool photos Erik. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Thousands are praying for you Eric. Consider yourself lucky.


  6. ART?

    Your photos of Gods work are magnificent especially as reflected on the face of your daughter! I have always known that my life was in the hands of GOD. He has always directed me in everything I do, so when I feel things are not going right I try to remember to ask him for his help. I always receive it even when it is simple like loosing track of something dropped on the floor. I was diagnosed with prostate Cancer in January 2006, the Urologist who did the biopsy instantly ordered an OR at the hospital and then informed me of the schedule before even asking me if I agreed. I refused his offer, waited and watched, 5 weeks ago started radiation treatments that are computer controlled by a program specifically made for me. the success of this is extremely good. It was not available in 2006. I know God told me to wait! Praise GOD! I also know he watches over you and yours. and I don’t care what church you go to and I believe that God only cares that you believe that you are his.
    beautiful SON as he knows you are! My God has watched over me for almost 77 years. I believe you can beat that! LOVE ART?

  7. Marty

    Hi Eric,
    So glad to hear that your health has improved. Our Lord truly works miracles if we let Him. Love the Israel photos.

  8. foley

    Hi Eric,

    Those are beautiful pictures you’ve got including your preCious daughter. Declare the word of God over your life or situation every day. You’ll come back with testimony. Buy books on healing would suggest these two namely (1) HIS HEALING POWER By Lilian B. Yeomans, M.D (2) How to Live and Not Died By Norvel Hayes. Check out (It is Supernatural) and watch Sid interview with Joan Hunter. Claim Psalm 34:4 & stand on it with your wife and prayer of agreement is a very powerful weapon you’ve got against any challenges or situation. As you and your wife seek the Lord, He will hear you, answer u and deliver u from all your fears in Jesus name. AMEN! The Lord is your healer n He is the strength of your life. He’ll arise with His healing wing in Jesus name. AMEN! By Jesus stripes you were healed. May the Lord keep u, Uphold u and May his face shine upon u and your family in Jesus name. AMEN!

  9. Bronson

    Hi Eric,

    Wish you all well, thanks for the pictures from Israel, the creation of God is so amazing that I can see through the image taken from your nice camera, I am sure you must have a fish eye lens otherwise the Soldiers picture with the flag can not be taken, they are all nice pictures, especially the picture of your daughter.
    God bless you and your family. In Jesus name. Amen.

  10. Joseph Medina

    Hi Eric, those pictures from Israel are absolutely beautiful, but I had to say that my favorite is your baby-girl, that picture should inspire you to get healthy sooner. Congratulations Eric! You’ve a wonderful family. Blessings from Tijuana!!!

  11. Louis

    Have followed you for well over two years and like your style.
    I, and my family, wish you well for a full recovery from your health problems.
    Our prayers go with you.

  12. Rachel

    Wow amazing photos, but i do agree best photo is of your baby girl she is a doll 🙂 Glad to hear that you feeling better, all Glory & Honor to our father Jesus Christ
    continually praying for you and your family

  13. Bill (LoneWolf) Nickerson

    So glad to hear that your health is improving. God is continuing the work he started in you, and he is faithful to complete it!

    Lovely pictures. My parents went to Israel years ago and they loved it there. It would be nice to take the family there someday soon.

  14. Kevin Horn

    So glad that you are feeling better! Praise God! The Israel pics are awesome. I love the one from Mt. Carmel. It is time for the Spirit of Elijah to rise over our land here in the USA and turn her back to God. My grandmother influenced me to love Israel and I have loved their people and land since I was a child.

  15. lloyd dixon

    Hi Eric,
    did not know you had an health issue glad to know that you are not too bad the pictures from israel are beautiful especially your baby girl,congratulation you’ve a wonderful family

  16. DennisFMaloney

    I know how health issues can be.Hope you get well soon,cute baby picture. I would love to go to Israel to walk where Jesus walked that would be fantastic.Get well soon

  17. Kevin Toqe

    I’ve been following you from a distance for a while and have been blessed to hear how God’s using you in the internet marketing arena as well as other areas of life (music, art, etc.).
    Thanks for sharing your trip on here (definitely hoping to go one day!), and I’m more excited than ever to use internet marketing as an avenue of blessing a lot of people. Thanks for helping trail blaze!

  18. John | Prostate Cancer

    Nice pics, Eric. The best one for me too is that of your beautiful innocent daughter. As someone once said – kids are God’s special way of saying the World Should go On, 🙂

  19. aldrin

    God bless this country an a person like you and family,, thanks for share this wounder moments

  20. Barb M.

    Yes I have to agree I love the picture of your daughter. I have also been to Isreal back in the 80’s. It was quite the experience.

  21. Kay

    Eric, thanks so much for sharing these. May God continue to bless you, your health and your family. I’m inspired by your commitment to business and service as you are a wonderful example of being a servant. You’ve given me the spirit to keep pressing forward.


  22. Ermine

    You were right that picture of such a precious
    smiling baby girl did make me smile. Thanks for sharing

  23. Peter M

    Bless you and your family, thanks for sharing your good news, pictures are outstanding!

    Peter M

  24. Marilyn

    I have always wanted to go to |Israel to Jerusalem
    and other places where Jesus walked…your pictures are lovely, and you have a lovely little Daddy’s girl, all the best to your health, I know what it is like to be ill,my husband is undergoing chemo! Let’s just pray for each other.

  25. Suzanne

    Your daughter is beautiful. Great to hear you are getting better. Praying for your continued healing.

  26. Pete Kici

    Eric it’s the healing power of Christ but more importantly your belief of that power. Christ made that clear in the bible.
    excellent pics glad to hear from you again

    Pete Kici

  27. Missy

    Hi Michael,
    I too have heard of The Healing Codes. They are doing wonderful things. Here is a website of a doctor who has had spectacular results with Pancreatic Cancer as well as other cancers. My best to you and may our Lord Jesus keep your family in the hollow of his hand. Let me know if the url doesn’t work or just google Dr Gonzales and pancreatic cancer. You will find it there. Blessings to you, Missy

  28. Marilyn Martin

    Hi Eric,

    The pictures of Israel are absolutely amazing! Thanks so much for sharing them with all of us. The picture of your daughter is so precious…I can not believe she is that big already! It seems it was just yesterday that you told us about her being born.

    I pray that you continue to get well each and every day. God is great and He will make you well! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    God Bless You & Your Family Eric!

  29. Jeanie Barber

    Eric, thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures. Take care and you are blessed and, a blessing.

  30. sonam

    hi eric,
    u have a loveliest kid.. 🙂 seems u had a great time in israel.feeling happy for you. but wat health issues u have?
    there’s a homeopathic doctor here in Bareilly,India.he has cured a lot number of incurable diseases,with homeopathic must ask him,..i am pretty much sure.he will cure u completely,of ur health issues.
    his facebook id!/profile.php?id=100001413475664
    take care eric 🙂

  31. David Vallieres

    Wow! God is good! We are praying for you every day in the Vallieres household.

    The pictures are great… it reminds me of my own trip to Isreal many years ago.

    Your daughter is a ray of sunshine!! Her picture put a huge smile on my face!! God bless her, you and your family Eric,


  32. Anonymous

    Hey Eric, great photos and you have a wonderful family. I hope you continue to feel better and all is well with you. Take care and thanks for all that you do…..

  33. Jim

    Hi Eric,

    Good to hear that your health is improving and thanks for sharing the pics, especially the one of your beautiful little daughter.

    (Sydney, Australia)


    Hi Eric, I’ve always liked your emails.
    I am a personal trainer and we have a lot of athletes that only drink water with an alkaline level of around 8-9. It has been shown to help cancer patients and people with anti-immune diseases too. Have you tried it? You can make your own or buy it. Email me if you need to!
    p.s. LOVE the ISRAEL pics

  35. Archna

    Hello Sir,
    Glad to hear about our recovery.I pray for you always.You have changed my future.I had never in my grand dream ever thought of owing a website.Yes Sir,I have made a website,stictly inder your guidance(lessons).Your every lesson was read more than 10 times and inspired me to do as you said.
    I know you are still in recovery phase.Sir,if you can,please take a look at the site and tell how to optimize and monetise it.
    Heartly thankful

  36. Anonymous

    Great snaps, Eric. Liked ’em all, especially the one of your daughter.
    Warm regards.

  37. Tammi

    God has not only healed you He is annointing you with gifts that only you can bring to so many of His lost children. Believe and receive what I have just told you. Nobody can love you like God and Jesus does. The gift of your precious daughter is proof of that.

    God bless you

  38. Ramesh

    Dear Eric,

    Your daughter is very cute. I wish to become successful internet marketer like u & go around the world

  39. Ron Williams

    Eric, I did not know all of this about you! I loved the pictures of Israel and am glad you and your family got to make this trip. GOD has you in HIS hands! No matter your future, HE is in control. I am on HIS side, and, my birth country (USA), had better sit up and take notice. ALL things are in HIS prophecy and WILL be carried out!

    Your daughter is beautiful (must be from your wife)! Joking!


    I love all the pictures you took from Isreal,most especially the one from mount carmel . I am also commending your lovely daughter too .


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