Israel Pics and Update

By | November 10, 2011

I recently had the privilege of visiting Israel with a group from my church. If you’ve never been there, I highly recommend taking the trip. I’m already planning on going back next year.

Five months ago, I posted about some health issues that I’ve been battling this year. In the past month, I’ve finally seen some improvements through my recovery treatment, and I also experienced a breakthrough during the Israel trip. I had more energy and better sleep than I’ve had in many months. How cool is that to experience healing in the place where Jesus healed!? Thank you all for the prayers!

I’m continuing to improve and I hope to post some new lessons soon!

Here are some pics from the trip…

Sunrise over Tel Aviv

View from the top of Mt. Carmel

The Dead Sea

Soldiers in the old city of Jerusalem

My baby girl… 4 months old! I knew this one would make you smile 🙂

I’ve posted many more pictures from the trip on my Google+ account: view them here.

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments below.

Have a great day!

199 thoughts on “Israel Pics and Update

  1. Nawio Api

    Hi Eric, your baby girl surely puts a smile on faces. She is soooooooo.. pretty. I pray for Israel (Psalm 122:6-7) and the photos will give me a clear picture of what Israel looks like. I dream of one day going there myself. God bless your sharing heart.
    Nawio Api

  2. Kevin

    Eris and family,
    What wonderful photos and such a precious little girl you and your fortunate wife have! Yes, prayers are answered for those who have faith! Im so happy your good health is returning and especially pleased to see the good works of our Lord that can be unseen all to often!
    I too recently had undergone a major emergency surgery with a chance of not surviving due to the severity of the situation which a very large absyss on my colon near my ruptured appendix that the surgeon stated may have ruptured possibly over a year ago! Well the absyys of all things ultimately possibly saved my life due to the enormous size and the proximity to my appendix, with the absyss right next to the appendix doctors believe that it had stopped all the infection from pouring into my organs from the appendix rupturing sometime in the past! Praise the LORD! Given instructions by my surgeon to get my affairs in order due to severity and the unknown of what was going on till he could evaluate once he began performing the surgery and finding out, without having to mention but i wil,l i was very scared like i never have been facing the possibility of dying from walking into the emergency room under my own 2 hours before to under the knife with a very good chance of not making it, all of a sudden after calling family members and getting on my knees in prayer all of a sudden a peacefulness and a tranquility came over me with acceptance and without fear a calmness began to take over! A I owe all this to our Father who art in Heaven hollowed be his name our almighty GOD! This surgery took place approx. 3 weeks ago and with 10 inches being removed of my colon and tested for cancer i stand here to testify in victory no cancer and i didnt even have to wear a bag for my waste! Im about 95% back to full recover which was estimated to be all of 2 months!
    I also briefly mention one more thing that its purpose is not to receive sympathy but to rejoice in our Lord and Savior! A year ago i lost my soon to be wife which at the time was an ex-wife once being together for over 14 years was tragically killed while jogging across an intersection hit by a car! The point i would like to make is after receiving an unimaginable loss and pain i would never be able to explain nor wish on anyone to ever have to go through, if i didnt have our Lord to call on for strength, courage and peace of my mind, i would not be here writing this comment due to my succeeding in taking my own life in order to be with my best friend, soulmate my everything to me in this living world! So again prayers are answered for those who believe and ask in faith!
    I would like to end and say thank you for all your valued lessons and tips and most of all ask
    that may GOD bless all the participants and their families with peace of mind and safety throughout the holidays and to your very special family Eric!
    GOD bless to all!


    Thank you for listening and if i can or did effect just one individual with the brief story then i will have been blessed!



  4. Abraham van der Linde

    Hi Eric.

    I’m glad to hear you are recovering. All praise to Jesus.

    I think it must have been a great experience to be in the same place that Jesus lived in.

    Great pics, You have a beautiful family.

    Regards to your family.


  5. Roy Aylmer

    Eric, Israel is such a beautiful country, it is a tragedy that there is so much hostility in the area.
    Let us hope that “The Arab Spring” injects a bit of sanity into the situation.
    You and your wife are great parents. Your daughter looks just like you Eric(but without the beard!)
    Great to hear your health is improving
    Stay on that road
    all the best; Roy

  6. Kris from Poland

    I am your subscriber for a long time and I know you’ve made so many good things in your life so you deserved for better life and I hope Jesus will help you in your recovery. By chance, I have the cancer problems also and I aimed to natural treatment with marvelous US made suplements, but I do not want to be recognised as spammer, so if you need more info, just let me know on priv.
    Your pictures are beautifull and of course your daughter in NUMBER1.
    May God bless you

  7. Chris

    Can say saviour, connaisseur, healer..we can think about a lot of things and connect multi languages.
    But Eric has hair lost and weight too …in the photos we can see this (2-4 years ago with Joel Comm was +/-double)
    Good health ERIC and if you need HELP just cry!

  8. Suzanne

    Oh my Lord! Thank you so much for the pictures. I clicked on the Google+ link and you have tons of them…. how very interesting. I’ve always wanted to go to Israel but for time and money. It must have been awe inspiring to walk where Jesus walked… God bless you and your family!!!

  9. Mady

    my mum been to the holy land couple of times, i never been though 🙁 hope i can go to the sea. u will b healed completely in Jesus’ name sir

  10. Herschel

    Great pics Eric. Would also love to visit the Holy Land one day and walk where Jesus used to walk.May God Bless You!

  11. David

    Great pictures Eric. Israel is one of those places that I really want to travel to. The sunrise over Tel Aviv is beautiful and the Pic of Mt. Carmel is great. Your daughter is adorable. Thanks for sharing

  12. steven guy

    Hi eric great mate glad to here it, the photos are realy nice, good here your improoving ill keep praying for you, ye bab looks happy too. ha ha.

  13. Nick Struan

    Hi Eric. So great to hear that your health is improving and what better place to be (as you said yourself) Absolutely fantastic photo’s and what a beautiful child. So happy to hear that you are enjoying yourself. Have Fun, cheers Nick

  14. Omar

    what Israel?


    you mean those people who are occupying part of our land and killing our people there.

    they are naming it Israel? because the original name for this land is Palestine.

  15. Rukhmin

    When you reach the end of light in your life and you find yourself standing before a dark abyss, faith is knowing that when you take the next step there will be something solid to walk on or you will be taught to fly.
    I suffered a spinal injury years ago leaving me with weakness to my right side. It taught me the real value of life… God Bless!
    It is not what happens to you in the path of life but rather how you handle it. Look for the lessons, for nothing happens by chance. Everything is meant to teach us something.

  16. chukwuka tom

    Eric that was great experience to be in city or native place of our lord Jesus Christ. I thank God for the safe shows in the life of your baby girl. thank God also for your health am praying for you.GOD BLESS YOU.

  17. Linda

    Eric your pictures are simply beautiful and your precious little girl is too adorable for words. I am so happy to hear your health is improving, and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your wonderful spirit and generosity of heart.


  18. Leslie Bartley

    Great pictures of the Holy Land. One day I may be able to go and fulfill a long standing dream. I’m so glad you were able to see first hand the places where Jesus walked and talked and lived. Scripture tell us that Jesus healed all who came to Him and that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He still heals and encourages. He will do it for you as well!!!

  19. Eric Ang

    Your little princess it so beautiful. Mine grew too fast before my eyes!

    Take good care of your health, it’s the best gift for our family, I understand cos mine isn’t that good too, but manageble!

  20. Denise

    Eric looks like you and your family are having a great time. Nice pictures. Be careful.

  21. K.M.Priyadarsanan

    Hi Eric, Your pictures are excellent.Especially the view from the top of Mount Carmel and the photo of your little one.Take charge of your way
    to health and keep it up. Wish you a speedy recovery.

  22. John Craig

    Hi Eric,

    So very happy to hear that your health is improving. The power of prayer and conviction can be enormous. I too have had a spell of bad health and am just now getting over it.
    Great to hear from you and my best wishes for the family.


  23. Leonard

    It’s great to hear you are doing better, Eric. Thanks for the update and pictures. Your little girl is beautiful!

  24. Dennis Ward

    What a cute baby girl you have. I’m glad you are feeling better and pray that you will be back to good health soon.

  25. Debbie

    I am an Israeli. Thank you for publishing these pictures and for helping us!

  26. Eduardo Alvarez

    Hi Eric, going to Israel is one of my things to do very soon, as a matter of fact, as soon as I can quit my job and work full time as an Affiliate Marketer, I will go to Israel, before our Lord comes back!
    Thank you,
    Eduardo Alvarez

  27. Ahmad

    Hi Eric,
    Nice photo and good view.
    I like your baby girl smile. So cute…. I wish i could have it!

  28. Wally henderson

    The sunrise over the city is as beautiful as the smile on your daughter’s face. Both show us the miracles and power of God’s grace.Bless you and your family and your health

  29. Abdou

    Usually Eric’s Tips are for us!!

    I see that this was good “Tips for Eric” to get more energy and better sleep!!

    Got it from whom?

  30. Richard Marino, MD

    Hey Eric, Loved the picture or your beautiful daughter. God Bless you and your family. Thanks for the education that you’ve posted in the past. I wish you a speedy recovery, and will keep you in my prayers.

    Rich Marino, MD

  31. Roger Anderson

    Wonderful photos. Beautiful Child. You are blessed. What a great trip to the land where Jesus stood on this earth and taught us all and now gives those who follow HIM, the opportunity for eternal life.

    I believe the Rapture could happen in the next 20 years because all of the prophecies of the Bible have been fulfilled. The signs of the times are now. We all had better get prepared very soon. The antichrist could be chosen by Satan already. You were blessed to have the opportunity to go to Israel before literally all hell breaks loose. I am glad I will not have to experience that hell.

    Although I in no way share your religion (I am an Evangelical Christian) you have been on my prayer list since you told us of your health issue. I see that you made it to Megiddo, it is interesting that the Israelis sell pictures with Armageddon right on the photo.

  32. Tammy


    Your pics are astounding! Of course I’m biased… I was born in Israel 🙂

    So glad to hear that you are healing – Take care of yourself. You have a beautiful 4 month reason to fight for!

  33. julie newton

    You are amazing, my husband and I just think so much about you and your family. Keep getting better and our prayers are with you.

    The Newtons

  34. Sylvain

    Hi Eric.
    I’m so sorry to hear about your health problems.

    It seems that your daughter’s delightful happy face has healing powers.

    My very best to you and your charming family.

  35. Anonymous

    Hello Eric,

    Thank you for the inspiring pictures of the land of our Savior.

    May Jehovah Rapha touch and heal your infirmity. May your precious family remain strong daily. May our Lord’s will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

    To Him be all Glory and Honor! Shalom.

  36. David Robichaux Sr.

    Hi Eric, good to hear you had a great trip. I am jealous I would like to go myself. Good to hear your health is improving also. A friend of mine lived in Ariel, Israel for seven years running a mini-golf course which he built. While living there he gave away thousands of drinks of water to the children that would come by. While there also he discovered a lost spring of water, Jacob’s Spring, of which the springs water is some of the best low mineral water you can get. He imports it to the USA now. Check it out it might help your health. It comes from about 4.5 miles from Jericho and is bottled for him by the Coca Cola plant there. May the bless you and continue to heal you as you trust him.
    David Robichaux Sr.

  37. Pat

    The pictures are inspiring. Thank you for sharing them, Eric.
    My prayer for you is that our Lord touch and heal your infirmity, that your precious family remain strong in trusting our Lord and that the Lord be glorified in your life.

  38. Nombulelo

    Thank you so much for the beautiful picture of your beautiful baby girl -Tirza did you say her name is? Pardon me if I got it wrong. She is so beautiful, she glows, she puts a smile on my face and brightens my day. Enjoy her, you know how fast they grow! The pictures of Israel are so precious, thank you for sharing them. Makes you feel that you share the experience of walking where Jesus walked through you and your family Eric until you can physically make it. Good inspiration to work hard at the lessons you so generously give so that one day soon you may be able to afford to go to Israel and have the experience. I’m so glad to hear that this trip made a big difference in your health. You give so much of yourself to others, showers of blessings will come to you. Your health will be restored in the name of Jesus! I continue to pray for your recovery and for your family, for your return to good health is a blessing for your wife and chidren too. Keep well and God bless you.



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