Israel Pics and Update

By | November 10, 2011

I recently had the privilege of visiting Israel with a group from my church. If you’ve never been there, I highly recommend taking the trip. I’m already planning on going back next year.

Five months ago, I posted about some health issues that I’ve been battling this year. In the past month, I’ve finally seen some improvements through my recovery treatment, and I also experienced a breakthrough during the Israel trip. I had more energy and better sleep than I’ve had in many months. How cool is that to experience healing in the place where Jesus healed!? Thank you all for the prayers!

I’m continuing to improve and I hope to post some new lessons soon!

Here are some pics from the trip…

Sunrise over Tel Aviv

View from the top of Mt. Carmel

The Dead Sea

Soldiers in the old city of Jerusalem

My baby girl… 4 months old! I knew this one would make you smile 🙂

I’ve posted many more pictures from the trip on my Google+ account: view them here.

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments below.

Have a great day!

199 thoughts on “Israel Pics and Update

  1. JOAO

    Your pictures are beautiful. The baby is also adorable. Congratulations, on a beautiful trip, and pictures, and family. Hope you are feeling better, my prayers are with you.

  2. Bram Hester

    Hi Eric and your beautiful wife an family,

    Thank you for sharing these magnificent pictures of Israel. The Lord’s timing coinciding with your standing there is a great praise point!
    I pray for your full restoration to good health, keep claiming “ His stripes I am healed” and “I am the Lord that healeth thee” and just believe. Healing will come in His time.
    God bless you dear brother. Bram

  3. Jerry

    There’s nothing like a smiling baby to make one smile in reply.

    Your trip looks amazing. It’s wonderful to be able make the journeys you do.

    I wish you and your family continued success and happiness!

  4. Edna

    Eric, I loved to see the photos of Isreal and your family,and yes your daughter is cute. I hope you got some new energy from the experience. Your new website looks great also. Take care. Edna

  5. Justina

    Wow your daughter is beautiful and her smile perfect. I pray that you will be totally healed by GODS grace.

  6. Jonty

    Brilliant to hear your on the mend, and visiting the holy land has made you improve even more so.
    As always I wish you all the best and hope your road to total recovery is not much longer.

  7. Leandro

    Hello Eric.

    I’ll be praying for your complete recovery!
    God bless you and your family!

  8. Drew H.

    Wow Eric Some Beautiful Pictures its a Shame So Much Beauty ,But With So Such Strife,Thanks For Sharing The Pictures Drew H.

  9. Joni

    Hi Eric,

    Those pictures are absolutely beautiful! I would love to be able to go and visit where Jesus walked and preached. There is nothing like it I’m sure. One thing I noticed the most was the way the sky looked in all your pictures…something very spiritual about it…

    Hope you’re feeling better and if you are too get well, Israel is the place to get that done.

    Take care and God Bless you and your family.


  10. Livingstone

    Hello Eric,
    I just wanna thank God for you and your family. I love the pictures, especially that of your litle girl. I hope your health is improving too.
    Thank you so much for the helpful tips from you. God bless.


  11. Chuck Hodgson

    Eric and family,
    I was sorry to hear that you weren’t well, but glad to hear that you’re doing better. The pics are great, I have some from ’90. Not the one of your precious little girl :o), both of mine are boys. Israel was a game changer for me, I’ll share my story with you sometime if you like.

  12. Mike Wong

    Hi Eric,
    Thank you very much for sharing your experience
    & the beautiful pictures of Israel with us.
    May God bless you & fly with the best of health
    Mike Wong

  13. Edith E

    Hi Eric and family,

    I am very glad you are getting better and
    hoping your health improve completely.
    Beautiful pictures and beautiful daughter

  14. Janine CESAIRE

    Wonderful pictures
    Your baby girl is really a little doll

    God bless you Eric

  15. Anthony

    Those Israel pictures are certainly great.Above all, I liked the picture of your child.

  16. Raghava R

    Hi Eric,

    Picture were really aweasome, hope you are recovering now.
    Good Luck.

    Raghava R

  17. Carroll Alexander

    Eric, your life and photos show the beauty created by light in contrast to darkness.
    Thank you,

  18. Jack Fernandes

    Hi Eric,
    Was glad to know about your recent trip to the Holy Land. I hope you found solace by your visit. I did the same thing, but that was waay back in 1961. Things were a lot different then. Sorry to learn about your health issues.
    May God give you good health and a long life to enjoy with your family. I will always pray for you.

    With kindest regards,


  19. Nick

    I am glad your feeling better, but you are really making me jealous, those pic’s were great I only wish I had just returned from Israel.

  20. Estelle

    Hi Eric,

    Thanx for sharing your special memories with us…
    Time together is always so precious!
    May God bless you and your family.

    Warm regards from South Africa.

  21. nzela

    Hi Eric
    amazing photos. Israel is one place I will like to visit God willing. Looking at those photos it connects me with my bible. God bless.

  22. Dave

    Jesus is truly our healer!. . . I pray God’s abundant, overflowing blessings for you and your lovely family! Great photo of you sweet daughter!

  23. Carolina

    Always great to get your emails and see the pics of your family…Prayers for you continue and your teachings are a blessing…Let us all pray for Israel(Gods tribe)since our pres.obama is fed up with their problems and has announced it publicly…God bless us all…

  24. Stella

    I am so happy that you are feeling better!That’s really great, we were concerned about you.My youngest son also said some prayers.
    Thank you for the eye-opening lessons.

  25. Shon

    Wow, what an honor it would be to go to Israel. These are some amazing pictures. I hope to go someday, but probably never will have the money to take such a trip.

  26. Adrian Fine

    Hi Eric,
    It looks like you enjoyed Isreal. Were you able to go to the Red Sea and the Sinai desert while in Isreal. Sites not to be missed

  27. Doug

    My Pastor is there right now!! “Parsley- From Ohio”.

    I came SO close to going with the group this year… I never knew this about you Eric, you definitely just moved to the top of my “opening marketing emails list”!! 🙂


  28. Harry Bramble

    Keven God bless you and your family i have good health and when I read something like your letter it made me to stop and praise the Lord for his goodness. also while I am praising I also are praying, praying for you. take care and see you in heaven when we go there. I am not saying today or tomorrow. Harry

  29. Jeanne Kolenda

    First of all, I’d like to share Romans 8:11 with you. I know you know it, but sometimes it’s special when someone brings it to your mind again. I spent several weeks in Israel and had the most amazing time. It’s been many years ago, but some of the memories are very fresh. Thanks for everything, and God Bless You!

  30. Ken Kelly

    I never knew you had such a keen eye for photography, a family with many talents.
    I did the trip some years back, stayed in New Jerusalem with a Jewish family. Stayed one evening with an Arabic family in old Jerusalem on their rooftop, wow the memories. Learned to eat olives, burned my feet on the mud at the Dead Sea, marvelled at Masada and enjoyed the best shawarma and Falafel ever. Every blessing to you all.

  31. Eduardo Alvarez

    Hi Eric, thank you so much for all of your lessons and for these pictures. Going to Israel is definetely in my “to do” list.
    Thank you,

  32. Richard Darnell

    Great family photos all down to the end. You were blessed.

    I want to thank you for your tips newsletters. They are full of helpful information. I am not yet making money…but, have not lost hope either.

    We are currently running hosted 10 sites on Bill McRea’s Money Matrix Machine (Above the Matrix) system. I have a few (3 or so) working on domains that I have purchased and am hosting on my re-seller hosting with hostgator. The ones getting the most traffic, comments etc are and and

    My question is what is wrong? Why is there traffic and activity but no sales? Where do I turn to get some cash flow to confirm that my venture into Internet Marketing is not a bust (like my wife thinks it is). You may be too busy to answer such a question. If so, I still like what you have done. Thank you,

    God bless you, R
    Richard Darnell

  33. terrym

    Eric thanks for the pics and glad your doing better. Maybe the good Lord can heal my Internet business or should I say lack of it. Be well. Terrym

  34. Yogev Lifchin

    Hey Eric, I read your blog (and use some of information) for the past years.
    I actually am from Israel so 1st I hope you had a good time. 2nd if you were around the last week ,and i’d knew about it, I would have invited you to affiliate-marketers meet up that was held in Tel Aviv last Thursday with the local community 🙂

  35. Eric Post author

    There are a lot of things that affect conversions. Getting traffic is essential, but as you’ve discovered if it doesn’t convert the traffic doesn’t matter. Copywriting is critical, and an offer that connects with your market. I also talk about split testing in a couple of lessons. To really dig into this, I recommend my coaching club. We can analyze your sites on a coaching call and give suggestions to increase conversions.

  36. Vernial

    I am glad to hear that your health challenges have improved. I will be praying to our Lord for your complete recovery. Jesus is a healer to all who believe and call on his name. He is with you through your trial and reserves for you great benefit and reward for your faithful service in sharing his word,truth and love in all you do. Congratulations, such a beautiful baby girl!!

  37. Yvette

    Enjoyed very much the pics. Lovely daughter. Wishing you and family health and prosperity in your endeavours and special “thank you” to you for being so generous with your IM knowledge.

  38. Fashion Books

    My boyfriend’s parents just got back from Israel too and I loved looking at their pics. I am stunned by your pics. Can’t wait to show them.

  39. BillC

    Hello Eric,
    May the Lord bless you and Keep you covered with his blood. Nothing can snatch you from his hands.
    Please,please, HAVE a THYROID test. Doctors do not do this test on less it is asked for.
    With much love

  40. PT Leshoure

    These pictures are beautiful,and breath taking! I didnt fully understand the term breath taking until I visited Switzerland with my uncle, and while walking and paying attention to the stores in the community was touched on my shoulders and told to turn around and look up. When I turned to look up the Swiss Alps were facing me! I had never seen anything that beautiful before, and was speechless for some moments. Since then Ive lost my job, and am at the beginning of creating an online affiliate business, and one of the things I will do, is continue traveling the world–Israel is definitely on my list of places to visit.This business is so foreign to me, I was fortunate to stumble across some of your tips yesterday. I hope that you wont mind answering some questions for me every now and then? Previously I worked in the Social Service/Educational arena, and my husband does not understand why I am no longer looking in those areas for employment. I am determined to be a success in this field, but am in need of some direction.


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