It’s a boy!

By | December 20, 2008

This morning at 1:52AM my wife delivered our fourth child!

He was 7lbs 4oz, healthy baby boy. Mother and child are both doing great. What a tremendous blessing. It is definitely one of the greatest highlights of my life.

We have named him Judah. Here is a picture taken moments after his birth:

Judah Holmlund

There is actually a bit of a funny story, as it relates to Eric’s Tips. Last night I was just finishing up the Bonus video for the review I posted yesterday. I had literally just finished stating my conclusion on the Camtasia recording. The screen capture was still running, and at that very moment my wife yelled down the stairs that she was in labor and we needed to go NOW!

So I ended the capture, and clicked “save” as fast as I could πŸ™‚

Needless to say, I got the recording done but haven’t had a chance to convert it to flash or upload it yet. But I will get it done as soon as we go home, and I’ll also be posting a preview of it on my blog.

Thanks for being a reader. I cherish your readership, and I’m glad I could share this joy with you.

Have a great day!

548 thoughts on “It’s a boy!

  1. Steve

    Congratulations Eric to you and your family.

    Babies are such a wonderful blessing!

  2. Michaela

    WOW! Congratulation, this is a Christmas week to remember for the entire family.
    And the combination of having 2 boys and 2 girls is great.

    I wish all the best for you and your family from the bottom of my hart.

    Have a Marry one! And be proud for all the blessings of having a beautiful family.


  3. Kevin

    Congratulations! Eric,

    What a Beautiful Gift you’ve been given! May you and your family continue to receive these wonderful blessings throughout this season and life. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  4. Michael D. Walker

    Hi Eric~
    Congratulations to you & your wife!
    Hope & trust both momma and the baby are doing great and you all get home soon.

    You’ve probably seen this poem “On Children” by Kahlil Gibran, but on the chance you haven’t, I thought you might enjoy this.

    “On Children”
    Kahlil Gibran

    Your children are not your children.
    They are the sons and daughters of Life’s
    longing for itself.
    They come through you but not from you,
    And though they are with you yet they
    belong not to you.

    You may give them your love but not your
    For they have their own thoughts.
    You may house their bodies but not their
    For their souls dwell in the house of
    which you cannot visit, not even in your
    You may strive to be like them,
    but seek not to make them like you.
    For life goes not backward nor tarries
    with yesterday.

    You are the bows from which your children
    as living arrows are sent forth.
    The archer sees the mark upon the path of
    the infinite,
    and He bends you with His might
    that His arrows may go swift and far.
    Let our bending in the archer’s hand be
    for gladness;
    For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
    so He loves also the bow that is stable.

    Best wishes to your family
    and for your new son an extraordinary life



    Michael D. Walker

  5. Glenna

    Hi Eric,
    That is truly a beautiful baby.Another Blessing from God.You will have to show us a picture of all of the family.Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with Love, Happiness and good Health to you and your family.
    God Bless each of you.

  6. Sudipa


    Wish you and all your family members enjoy a healthy and prosperous life ahead.

    God bless you!

  7. peteking


    Judah look cute. He is blessed and he shall be a blessing to many too.

    God Bless

  8. Gloria Oren

    Congratulations! Judah, what a great name. And right in time for Chanukah – Judah the Maccabee. May he be as strong as his namesake was. Enjoy him and the rest of the crew this holiday season.

  9. Dave

    Congratulations to both mother and father and the whole family.

    It is nice to have another one born on my birthday.

    Now you have to remember to separate the Birthday from Christmas.

    Blessings in truth,

  10. Ouida

    Hi Eric!

    He looks perfect and beautiful — such a blessing, Papa! Thanks for sharing with us.

    God bless each of you,

  11. Mel

    CONGRATZ Eric (& Mrs Eric of course)
    Health and happiness to all your family

  12. Healthologist

    Congratulations – He looks like a chip off the old block.
    Have you figured out what causes this? LOL
    Stop feeding your wife those watermelon seeds.

  13. Hank

    Awesome! Congratulations!!!

    Have a wonderful day and a Very Merry Christmas!!
    This is heaven on earth.

  14. Donovan

    Does this mean that Judah will get a birthday and a Christmas present every year? What a nice gift at Christmas, for mom, dad and the rest of the family. Blessings on you and your wife bro!
    “Blessed is the man whose quiver is full.” Psalm 127:5

  15. Mary

    Congratulations to you and your family for a beautiful addition. You have received one of the greatest Christmas gifts you could receive. Happy Holidays to you and your family and take some time to enjoy your new son.

  16. Anonymous

    Congrats Eric.

    May GOD shower bounties of happy and prosperous life on this child.


  17. Diep

    It’s great news!
    Wish best wishes for your family especially, your family’s new member! πŸ™‚

  18. Helmut Freydag

    Congratulations to you and your wife!
    Have a wonderful day and … Merry Christmas!!!!


    HEY ERIC” Congratulations ! !…to you and your wife on the addition of the little webmaster “FINE SON MAN”


  20. John Chatman

    Congratulations!!! May the LORD bless you and your family.


  21. Pete Bass

    Hey you two,

    Congratulations on your cute little guy. He looks great! So has he said anything yet? When is he going to start Judah’s Tips?

    I am very happy for you.

    God bless your whole family and tell your wife hello from me. Looking forward to seeing you two again.


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