It’s a boy!

By | December 20, 2008

This morning at 1:52AM my wife delivered our fourth child!

He was 7lbs 4oz, healthy baby boy. Mother and child are both doing great. What a tremendous blessing. It is definitely one of the greatest highlights of my life.

We have named him Judah. Here is a picture taken moments after his birth:

Judah Holmlund

There is actually a bit of a funny story, as it relates to Eric’s Tips. Last night I was just finishing up the Bonus video for the review I posted yesterday. I had literally just finished stating my conclusion on the Camtasia recording. The screen capture was still running, and at that very moment my wife yelled down the stairs that she was in labor and we needed to go NOW!

So I ended the capture, and clicked “save” as fast as I could πŸ™‚

Needless to say, I got the recording done but haven’t had a chance to convert it to flash or upload it yet. But I will get it done as soon as we go home, and I’ll also be posting a preview of it on my blog.

Thanks for being a reader. I cherish your readership, and I’m glad I could share this joy with you.

Have a great day!

548 thoughts on “It’s a boy!

  1. Sue

    Way to go Eric! Congrats…he is a real cutie-pie!! Merry Christmas to all! πŸ™‚

  2. Rowena

    Congratulations on your new son! What a great early Christmas present! (and tax write off) I really enjoy your tips. Thanks for all that you do for your readers. Happy Holidays!

  3. Asunta

    Hey man! Congratulations! It is a very qute kid, I wish for you all the best, and I am very grateful to you for all the great tips you give us, which really help me clarify all this crazy world of internet and web sites. Warmest regards.

  4. Audrey G.

    I wish you and your family a healthy, happy, prosperous life. Happy Holidays!

  5. David G

    Congratulations Eric,
    I know this will keep you on your toes and a bounce in your step.

    Merry Christmas

  6. Hermann Hoerter

    Congratulations Eric!
    It is the best Christmas present your wife
    could give you. Enjoy your family!
    Merry Christmas!

  7. Ed

    Congratulation Papa. Long and happy and healthy life for Judah. GOD bless you all.

  8. Cindy in Tokyo

    Congratulations and blessings to the whole family as you welcome your new addition. Judah is already living up to the meaning of his name–“the praised one!”

  9. Nick

    Wow Eric,

    He looks just like you, especially the hair.

    What a wonderful time for you and your family! Enjoy every moment, I wish you all love, health and happiness.

    Tell Judah St. Nick says Ho! Ho! Ho!

  10. Barbara

    What a precious Christmas gift. Best wishes to you and your family.

  11. Brian

    Congratulations Eric to you and your wife. What a wonderful way to start the upcoming new year.
    Best Wishes to you both (plus 1)

  12. Sid

    He looks like a blogger to me! One of life’s blessings and joys… congratulations :>)

  13. Kevin Harper

    The birth of a child is certainly such a great blessing from God and an emotion that only those that have been bleessed can hope to try and explain…welcome to the club and God bless you and your family

  14. Linda Davenport

    Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! How wonderfully blessed you and your family truly are.

  15. Samy

    Big Congrats Eric and Mom! May God bless this child for his own glory. I am rejoicing with you.

  16. Caryl

    Congratulations on a beautiful baby boy. You have wonderful times to look forward to.

  17. Simone

    Congratulations Eric. What a wonderful early Christmas gift for you and your family. He is soooo adorable!! Best wishes for the New Year!

  18. Eileen

    Hello Eric,

    Congratulations to you and your wife on this joyous and blessed event. What a wonderful time of year to receive this gift of a new life. I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and all good wishes for the best of health, abundance and prosperity in the coming year. May you remain blessed.

  19. Tim

    Looks like your family is truly blessed and has received the best gift possible. Congratulations and Merry Christmas!

  20. Ken.

    Llongyfarchiadau i ti a’r teulu Eric, mab bach newydd.

    That’s Welsh by the way.

    (congratulations to you and your family Eric, lovely little boy).



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