It’s a boy!

By | December 20, 2008

This morning at 1:52AM my wife delivered our fourth child!

He was 7lbs 4oz, healthy baby boy. Mother and child are both doing great. What a tremendous blessing. It is definitely one of the greatest highlights of my life.

We have named him Judah. Here is a picture taken moments after his birth:

Judah Holmlund

There is actually a bit of a funny story, as it relates to Eric’s Tips. Last night I was just finishing up the Bonus video for the review I posted yesterday. I had literally just finished stating my conclusion on the Camtasia recording. The screen capture was still running, and at that very moment my wife yelled down the stairs that she was in labor and we needed to go NOW!

So I ended the capture, and clicked “save” as fast as I could πŸ™‚

Needless to say, I got the recording done but haven’t had a chance to convert it to flash or upload it yet. But I will get it done as soon as we go home, and I’ll also be posting a preview of it on my blog.

Thanks for being a reader. I cherish your readership, and I’m glad I could share this joy with you.

Have a great day!

548 thoughts on “It’s a boy!

  1. wilson

    Congratulations for your new baby boy!!Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  2. Debbie

    Congrats, Eric, wife and family! Welcome, Judah, another future internet marketer.

  3. Tim

    Congratulations on your new addition to the family. I’m glad you are filled with joy and I wish nothing but a happy,safe and prosperous future for you and your family and if you participate in Christmas, Merry Christmas!

  4. Robert Tutsky

    The Lord has blessed you greatly. Blessings to you and your family. You might want to postpone your India trip for a while. Looking forward to your next tip but take it easy for a while and tend to what is most important… your family.

  5. Anonymous

    Hi Eric,
    Let me congratulate you the way we do it Youba, south-west, Nigeria.
    E ku ewu omo. Oloun a woo, Olorun a daa si…

  6. Joe

    Congratulations on bringing another wonderful Gift into our World. Light, Love, Blessings,

  7. Chris kutzle

    Congratulations Eric! What a great Christmas present. Judah missed sharing my birthday by 1 hour and 52 min.

  8. Sujit Singhamahapatra

    Congratulation Eric, what a great Christmas gift, you have got from God, Judah is a beautiful boy, pl you keep his another name ADITYA, in India it is the holy name of sun , we every day pray to sun, give my massage to Judah that I am one uncle of him praying in India for having a good life of him

  9. Kristina Lim

    What a sweet and perfect treasure born into such a blessed family – God is good! Merry Christmas.

  10. Joy

    Congratulations, and thanks for sharing such a precious moment with us all.

    May God grant him the serenity to accept the things he cannot change, the courage to change the things he can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

  11. Mara

    What a wonderful news, Eric.
    What a blessing to be given such a beautiful boy.
    My congratulations to your wife and to you.
    Enjoy the holiday season with your great family and little Judah for at least a few days.
    We’ll be happy to hear from you in the new year again.
    Thanks for the sweet photograph.
    Take care!


  12. Norese

    Congratulation Eric! Another joyous treasure to add to your life.
    P.S. Hope you captured your wife telling you she was in labor on the recording.

  13. Marcelle

    What a healthy looking baby! What a beautiful Christmas present before Christmas. Congratulations to both you and your wife.

  14. Kamrul

    Hi Eric!
    Congrats! You must be thrilled. I wonder how I would feel when I would be in that same day as you are in to-day. Thanks for sharing the feelings with us.

  15. Kelly

    Congratulation’s for your “Newborn Born Baby Boy”!!! Hope this will be the most precious gift for your X’mas tat you ever have..

  16. Guy Horton

    Congratulation Eric, You and your wife have received the greatest blessing in life. Have a wonderful holiday. Merry Christmas.


  17. Bill

    My very best to you and the misses. This is what life is reaaly about and why we do the things we do.

  18. Maureen

    Congratulations Eric to you, your wife (she did all the hard work) and your other little ones, please take the rest of the Christmas season off with your family as we’ll all be here waiting with baited breath to catch your every word and I guess many of us will snatch some time off as well.

    Merry Christmas and fabulous New Year.

    Regards, maureen

  19. Andria

    Congrats!!! What a wonderful Xmas season gift.
    take care! Enjoy all of you your big family!

  20. Roy Cox

    WOW! DOUBLE WOW! Thats so beautiful! I almost feel as special as you Eric! Just being able to see him in this picture.Man just take that wonderful feeling with you everywhere you go and hold on to it because it will be one of the greatest feelings you will ever experience in this lifetime! UGOERIC!!!!!!!!!1

  21. Linda

    Congrats, Eric! What a wonderful little blessing from God! I’m just thrilled for you. We too have four “kids” (all adults now)! Love it!!!

  22. Kornkrit

    Congratulation Eric! Your Christmas holidays just can not get any better than this I believe… Wishing you and your family the happiest Christmas ever!


  23. Lisa Carlin


    Just sent you an e-mail. I am the proud new aunt of a sparkling, beautiful baby girl. She was born today too!! She was 6 lbs. 15 oz and her name is Gianna. CONGRATULATIONS to you and your fammily. We sure are grateful today as well. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Merry Christmas, and Best wishes for your incredible gift!!!!

  24. rg

    I hope you will keep the part where she yells down the stairs at you in your video and share it with everybody. What a way to remember the moments prior to your sweet baby’s birth.

  25. Jesucita

    Very many congratulations to you and your wife. Judah comes at the right moment..when our planet needs more blessings. God bless!

  26. Veronica O'Dea

    Well done to Melissa and yourself, Eric.
    Seems like only a breath since we were all welcoming the birth of Isabel. Your baby boy is
    just gorgeous.
    Love the connection between his name and the birth of the Christ Child.
    Love and Peace

  27. suresh

    congratulation eric and your wife.what a wonderful gift santa brought for can not ask better than this little boy.

  28. Anne Margaret

    Although a baby is the most incredible blessing and joy that you can ever receive (in my opinion), there is something especially magical about a “Christmas” baby.

    Look out, though, as they can be very sly!

    As a “Christmas” baby myself (my mother’s due date was December 25th), I have always said that I definitely knew what was going on because I came exactly one week early so that I could get double presents right off the bat (may be a girl thing?)!

    Many blessings to you and your family on this most wonderous gift and may the joy of the season, and that in your heart, be threefold and overflowing every time you look into his face.

    Merry Christmas!!!

  29. Ngahiwi

    Congtaulations! Eric to you and your wife. It certainly is a blessing! It’s a good start to the coming year.

    Have a safe and happy Xmas

  30. Anna

    Judah is BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations Eric and wife! God bless your family! May you have many more!


  31. Barbie Ann

    Wow! Eric…

    Judah is so adorable, beautiful and just precious. Give him plenty of hugs and kisses. Judah is absolutely the best gift that you could have ever received. Cherish him….luv, Barbie Ann

  32. JoEl

    Hello Eric, wife, and little Judah. I’m happy for you all.
    Please take note: any tape or bandage that they (hospital staff)put’s on Judah’s skin. Please take it off within 1 hour. Sometimes their is a lot of adhesive on the bandage or tape and it can take the skin off; if on a long period of time. Usually when after a blood test has been done (New Born Screening Test)or a Hep B shot, etc. has been given, that they put bandage on. Also have them warm the baby’s heel 1st before attempting to get any blood. This help increase the blood flow by 5 times. Which makes it easy for Judah and them. I do this at the hospital I work at. Just wanted to make you aware of this. Again, continue to be blessed, you and family.

  33. jackie

    Eric, I love your blog, and congrads on your new baby. I am just getting going into setting up my internet biz. I have a question for you or anyone on here that can help. I am wondering about a simple place to build my website, I don’t know all this fancy stuff, but the site needs to be able to work with aweber and would be nice if it worked with nichebuilder for the squeeze page too.
    I have tried to set up a web site at hostgator and found it to be horrible to work with. thanks


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