It’s a boy!

By | December 20, 2008

This morning at 1:52AM my wife delivered our fourth child!

He was 7lbs 4oz, healthy baby boy. Mother and child are both doing great. What a tremendous blessing. It is definitely one of the greatest highlights of my life.

We have named him Judah. Here is a picture taken moments after his birth:

Judah Holmlund

There is actually a bit of a funny story, as it relates to Eric’s Tips. Last night I was just finishing up the Bonus video for the review I posted yesterday. I had literally just finished stating my conclusion on the Camtasia recording. The screen capture was still running, and at that very moment my wife yelled down the stairs that she was in labor and we needed to go NOW!

So I ended the capture, and clicked “save” as fast as I could πŸ™‚

Needless to say, I got the recording done but haven’t had a chance to convert it to flash or upload it yet. But I will get it done as soon as we go home, and I’ll also be posting a preview of it on my blog.

Thanks for being a reader. I cherish your readership, and I’m glad I could share this joy with you.

Have a great day!

548 thoughts on “It’s a boy!

  1. Janelle

    Congratulations to you and your wife Eric…what a wonderful early Christmas gift!


  2. Rabbi Ed Weinsberg

    Mazel Tov to you, the baby’s siblings, and most of all your wife.

    Her labor is done,
    but has just begun!

    A healthy, happy new year to all, with continued blessings.

    -Rabbi Ed Weinsberg

  3. Bob

    Congratulations to you, your wife, and your family.
    What a gorgeous little man.

  4. Carol

    Congrats on the beautiful little son. What a wonderful Christmas present for you and you family. Happy Holidays to you all. Give that cutie a kiss for me.

  5. Pat

    Congratulations to you, your wife and family!! He looks like a chip off the ol’ block.
    Love and joy for your holidays.

  6. Dora Kok

    Congratulations and what a great blessing from God! Judah looks so cute and healthy in the picture. I’m sure God wlll bestow more blessings on you and your family in the New Year.

    Blessed Christmas!

  7. Adesegun Akitoye

    I was born in December and also one of my Kids was born in December. I really know the joy and happiness of the Season.

    Judah is blessed. Let praise God for that. Thank God for giving you a beautiful Baby Boy this Season.

    Merry Xmas and Happy New Year in advance.

    Thank you all for your wonderful contributions to this historic Birth of a Child and of Christ Jesus.

    Have a blessed Season.

  8. Shawn

    Hi Eric,

    Congratulations! You’ve got your hands full with 4 kids! Where do you find the time for all your business projects.

    Merry Christmas!

    Shawn Dempsey
    Castle Rock, CO

  9. Eric Looi


    May Judah praising the Lord in all his life!

    God bless! πŸ™‚

  10. Joe Faia

    Hey Eric,

    Great news! I’m filled with joy for you and your wife. Fatherhood is one of the greatest joys a man can experience. I’ve experienced it 3 times and thank God every day for it! But, as with many things, joy can soon translate into sleepless nights! But, I can see that by now you’re an old pro at it.


  11. William

    Merry Christmas Eric and Family

    The Lord is shining his face upon you this season with the priceless gift you have just received. I cannot think of a better time for a baby to be born than when we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

    My prayer for Judah is that he would be doubly filled with the Holy Spirit and set apart for the Lord’s service.

    God Bless your family at this special time.
    Merry Christmas

  12. Jeanette Fitzgerald

    Congratulations Eric, to you and your wife.
    Judah (which means praise)what a beutiful name.
    I praise the Lord for you and your generosity,
    you are a gift from God.
    Thank you,

  13. Jayenn - The part time Cabdriver -

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S – E R I C

    That’s one of the greatest Christmasgifts you can get. I wish you and your whole Family a merry Xmas and a happy new year.
    And thks a lot for all your tips.

    (Juergen Nuhn)

    Jayenn – The part time Cabdriver –

  14. Julius


    Kush Raho!! ( “Be Happy” in Hindi)

    May God shower his blessing upon you.

    Merry Christmas,

    Julius Po

  15. scott

    hay he looks like you ,popas little boy right on ! hay and get on that next vid dude LOL no really have a merry xmass ,and a happy new year ,

  16. Clarence

    What a beautiful baby! The Lord has blessed you with a special gift this Christmas. Congratulations and warm wishes for the season.


    Clarence from Malaysia

  17. Jim

    Great – Congratulations – And look at all that hair – he’s got more than I do. lol And just in time for a tax deduction too! That just goes to prove that planning ahead can be profitable – Just a joke – He looks great. I wish you the best of times for the holidays and the year ahead too.


  18. Mike Wong

    Hi Eric,

    WOW! What a wonderful Christmas present.
    My best wishes to Judah and your family.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

    Mike Wong

  19. Karen

    Congratulations to you and your wife. What a beautiful baby boy named Judah. I will bet that this has made your Christmas absolutely complete!

  20. Sze

    An Irish Blessing for Christmas and the New Year

    May God send you good fortune, contentment and peace, and may all your blessings forever increase.

    The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you Numbers 6:24-25

  21. Heela

    And scanning down through the blessings – you are a rich man, Eric; Rich with friends.
    Enjoy every bit of your creations.

  22. Anita M

    Congratulations – As a mum of 4 – 1 of those a boy born on the 20th December – I wish you much joy. Take great care of each other…Kia Kaha (wishing you courage and strength from New Zealand). Anita

  23. Barry

    Congratulations! He certainly is a mini-you!

    Enjoy! Have a great Christmas (it seems your present has arrived early!)

  24. john bathgate

    Congratulations, Eric.
    On the anniversary of the death of my father, it is cheering to hear about the birth of such a fine boy.

  25. mick

    Welcome to the world little Judah, we all love you and look forward to a magic ROI for a Mum and Dad that have achieved the greatest presentation ever!

  26. Gautam

    Hi lovely little one ! Welcome home. Any new internet tips for papa ?
    Best wishes to the family

  27. Lucky

    Congratulations! What a wonderful gift as we are about to crossover. May joy never cease.

  28. mel

    ug. Egads, he looks like a Holmlund!
    My sympathies to the mother! 8-P

    And I hope U have 10 more just like YOU!
    (old time Mothers Curse!)

    My brothers kid is uglier then you kid!
    so don’t feel too bad! All babies come out soo ugly ! Unless your the parent ! 8)

  29. Agus Setia Yunan

    Congratulations Eric! What a wonderful Christmas present! Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous new year.
    Agus from Indonesia

  30. Mike

    Congratulations Eric! You displayed incredible presence of mind in saving the presentation too πŸ™‚

  31. MicheleWitter

    Wishing many blessings, health, peace and happiness to Judah and your family. God had another plan for the Camtasia video… to capture those sweet words you have been waiting to hear. It’s time to go NOW. πŸ™‚ Judah would love to hear that one day.
    In Friendship – Michele Witter


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