Special Edition – 07/24/2006
I’m proud to announce the arrival of our third child, Isabelle, a healthy 7 pound 15 ounce baby girl.
Mother and baby are both doing great.
In this picture she is less than an hour old.
It’s a tremendous blessing, and I hope you don’t mind me sharing my excitement with you.
In true fashion of the internet marketing opportunist that I am, I’ll be putting together a little sale to pay for this baby, which you can look forward to in the next couple days. In the mean time, I’ll be spending lots of time holding her and getting to know her π
We’ll also revisit the HyperVRE topic in the next few days, or whenever Matt releases the update with the bug fixes.
As always, you can leave comments here in the blog.
Have a great day!
Wow,eric you really have a cute child there,i can imagine your joy.Congratulations.
To Eric and Mom,
You are Truly blessed with real Wealth,Love! I have not been blessed with children of my own but I know each one is special. So Congratulations! and my sympathy for the upcoming sleepless nights and the worry that comes with the Love.
Thank You,
John C Baumann
what a beautiful baby and a lovely gift from god stay bleased
Congratulations…beautify baby…God bless you and family. Sheryl
Congratulations!, what a beautiful and a lovely baby,may god bless her in this world !
She sleeps! You’ll have to keep that photo to remind yourself at 4AM :-)) Congrats. Mike
Congratulation to u and your family!
Well done to you and your wife Eric, she looks lovely.
I will not show my wife the photo though otherwise she will start getting broody again!
Thanks for being so up front and honest about hyperVRE, I have had numerous emails from people trying to get me on board but I think that you have been the most honest with your statement about how it works!
Cheers Eric and all the best!
The Sticklands from England
Congratulations and many many happy returns Eric. Isabelle means Consecrated to God. What an appropriate name and she does looks so peaceful and already so beautiful.
Everybody look out!
Here comes the next generation of Internet Marketers!!!!!!!!!!!!
This post is filed under “Just For Fun”??? LOL
Ask your wife if the labor part was “Just For Fun”
I’m not a big baby fan – but I LOVE the angellic face!
Congratulations on what you’ll always remember as your most important accomplishment
Best wishes for the child.
It seems like yesterday my son was that big. Now he’s 10 and a blessing every day! Be a good stewart my friend!
Give her the free software on my site as my gift to her!
All the Best
Congratulations Daddy and Mummy of Isabelle.
You said…It’s a baby girl…And I said she’s a blessing…she is a joy !!!
Welcome to The World, young and beautiful Isabelle !!!
Hello Eric,
What a happy time and the joy it’s given when a good time like this came. It’s a lovely time for family to have and share the happiness from God. It’s the colourful image of becoming a full family. I hope the entire family of yours,will highly and amply be in good mood. It’s really a great time of giving thanks to God Almighty.
I am wonderfully conveying all my warmth wishes to all members of your household for a lovely time like this.
I cherish the beautiful Isabelle picture.
May she ever be blessed.
And God Almighty make all provisons to both you and your wife on growing Young Isabelle to a brightful future….Amen !
Ever-joyful mood!
Great time ahead!
Marcs Prosper.
( Lagos,NIGERIA.).
very cute baby congrates….
Hey Eric,
Allan Angkham
it a wonderful thing i will say welcom to the world baby and enjoy the good natural things that god has created
Hey Eric!
Wow! She’s absolutely gorgeous. Makes me want to go hit my husband up for another one. *lol* Okay, you’ve got to get two more to keep up with me, and it’s much easier to have them close together, so let us know as soon as she’s prego again. π Just kidding, and don’t let her read this comment for a few months. She’d be ready to kill me I am sure!
Anyway, just wanted to say congrats. Hope it’s as wonderful the 3rd time as it was the 1st.
Talk soon!
Liz Tomey
Congrats on your beautiful new daughter! Is this the first girl? If so, prepare to be a VERY protective daddy! LOL!
Girls are really a LOT of fun, and it’s wonderful to see each stage of their womanhood unfold before you!
I’m so glad she was born healthy, and I wish you, your wife and your entire family the best!
Hey Eric –
You may not remember me but we met at Yanik’s seminar earlier this year… We were seated at the same table during the “murder mystery” dinner.
Anyways – just wanted to extend my muchas
C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S !!!
Dang – you’ve got some friends out there!!! Take Care – All the Best –
Congradulations to the entire Holmlund family! May you be blessed with many years of laughter and love.
Train up a child in the way (s)he should go;
and when (s)he is old, (s)he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 KJV
Oh, another beautiful Holmlund. I hope that one day that I can also uphold the beautiful Holmlund tradition…. I can’t wait to hold her in person….in a few weeks! (Aug 11 – 16). Hug M, J, E, and I for me! I am continuing to pray for you all.
– Lisa.
Its ur god gift …..Precious then all ………..
My heartly wishes to your family
Take care .
congrats eric, like hearing good news. It keeps me happy and proves that God is great. extend profound greetings to ur family
Congrats Eric,
One more and you will catch me up π
Best regards to you and all your family…
Eric, She is beautiful, congratulations and may you always realize how lucky you are and the responsibility you have to her and the rest of your family. Oh ya and to humanity in general. Warm regards Bill
Congratulations Eric! she’s beautiful. Her picture reminded me of when my “Little Princess” was born (she’s now 27). She’s the youngest of my 6 children. I also now have 10 Grandchildren. Enjoy her, they grow up fast.
My best to Dad & Mom
To you & your wife… she is beautiful..!
Greg S.
WONDERFULL!! wish you and your family all the best
Soooooooooo Sweet!
Soooooooooo Cute!
Congrats to Mom and Dad.
Reminds me of the day when my daughter was born.
Great Feeling and moments – to cherish and treasure.
Just want to say the Baby is very Beautiful wanting to wish You and Mom plus the other 2 kids a Great Future Wishing You all Health Wealth and Happiness Jer&Sooz
Conratulations! And all the best for you and your family! π
Congratulations! Shes a very beautiful baby. I wish for you and your family the very best.
To your Health, Wealth, and Happiness!
She is the most adorable little darling. And I should know, I have 16 grandchildren and two more on the way. Congratulations and God Bless.
Thank you all so much for your many kind words of congratulations and encouragement. Isabelle is indeed a special blessing from God, and we are very grateful for all of your support and prayers. To have readers who actually care is more than I could ask for, and I consider you all as friends.
Sincerely, Eric
Congratulations on the beautiful babby girl. All children are blessings and you have been blessed three fold always remember those blessing they grow up and go away much to fast. Jan
Congratulations cute baby
it’s a wonderful child.
hope u have a wonderful time!!
Absolutely beautiful ! Nothing like a little piece of Heaven being dropped into your lives. Enjoy and love her and your lives will be perfect. Priorities first and all else will follow. God bless you all.
Hi Eric,
Congratulations! The baby is just great and very cute. May it brings lots of good things to your life
Congratulations from one of your former customers. well done !
Dear Eric,
I just visited your site after reading your reply to me and I feel very happy and my best congratualtions to you for becoming a father for the third time, and I wish all your family especially your little Isabelle all the best.
Good job Eric,
A great looking kid – I started early @ 21 & I’m mostly done… (except for advice and money), 3 boys, 20, 22 & 24yrs. It is so special rasing children, I wish you and your wife all the best!!! Enjoy em while there young & take lots of vids and pics – I wish i had more of mine in their younger yrs…
-scott π
hey – “E” keep it in your sneaker eh…. ; – o
hai eric,
congrats for ur achivement.ur baby is so cute.take care of child and ur family.
Merry Christmas and Bays first Christmas is speacial for all of your family best wishes And a HAPPY NEW YEAR! From Marilyn Gilliam
no website yet and still not ready. i am hook on synergy some awesome natural products.
it reverse heart disease,stroke,diabetes, and many more….
Congrat on your new born. she is pretty…
My girl is now 2 years.