It’s a Girl!

By | July 24, 2006

Special Edition – 07/24/2006

I’m proud to announce the arrival of our third child, Isabelle, a healthy 7 pound 15 ounce baby girl.

Mother and baby are both doing great.

In this picture she is less than an hour old.

It’s a tremendous blessing, and I hope you don’t mind me sharing my excitement with you.

In true fashion of the internet marketing opportunist that I am, I’ll be putting together a little sale to pay for this baby, which you can look forward to in the next couple days. In the mean time, I’ll be spending lots of time holding her and getting to know her 🙂

We’ll also revisit the HyperVRE topic in the next few days, or whenever Matt releases the update with the bug fixes.

As always, you can leave comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

247 thoughts on “It’s a Girl!

  1. Mark

    Nice one … expectant father myself – so heartfelt congrats on your beautiful baby girl!

  2. Ron McBain & Sharon Buckwald

    Hi Eric and Mrs. Eric,
    Quite the contrary – we would be upset if you didn’t share this glorious news with us.
    We congratulate you all especially beautiful little Isabelle.
    Blessings to all of you.
    The internet community as party to this wonderful event is responsible to support you in every way.

  3. Lisa Tilson

    Congratulations, she is adorable. Makes me clucky again! Thanks for sharing. Lisa

  4. Mario

    Felicitaciones,Congratulations and Parabéns to mom and dad for beautiful baby girl!!!

    from Chile and Brazil


  5. Judy

    She’s beautiful, Eric!
    My congratulations to you and your wife. May you have a lifetime of joy with her.

  6. Larry

    Congratulations! God has blessed you once again! May He continue to do so!

  7. Marie

    Hi Eric
    Congratulations and very best wishes to you an Mrs. Holmlund on the birth of your beautiful baby daughter! She is just so gorgeous and I wish you all long life, health and happiness. God Bless you and your family. Thanks for sharing. Marie

  8. Suzanna

    Congrats Eric! What a wonderful day for you and your entire family. Although mine are all grown now, I still remember them at that size, they grow too fast.
    Cheers and God Bless!

  9. Louise

    Eric – Isabelle is absolutely beautiful! A true baby doll. Congratualtions to you and your wife and best wishes for Isabelle’s happiness and health throughout her life.

  10. Jinger Jarrett


    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you. She is a real doll. What a wonderful blessing. I’m sure she will bring you and your wife a lot of joy. God Bless You.

    Jinger Jarrett

  11. Justin

    Wow!!! Isn’t she a beaut? I see the hospital did their usual thing. Junk in the eyes, braclets and no doubt the usual buffetting when she arrived in the world. She looks good inspite of the hospital and not because of it. Love her dearly.

  12. Henry G.

    Children are a blessing from the Lord Eric. It looks like He has been smiling on your family for awhile now. We have 5 children ages 29 to 12 and our first grandbaby a little girl was born to our son and daughter-in-law last September in Germany. My wife and one daughter are off to visit them in 4 days. Wish I could see her this time too. Blessings to you and your family.

  13. Ron Martin


    Congratulations! “It’s A Girl” I’m so happy for you. Being a father is great. I’m in my 50’s now……and have had serveral child in and out of my home …….and Just remember, “All Relationships Take Comunication.”
    I agree whole heartedly……………”Love Her Dearly”

    She is absolutely beautiful!

  14. Anne

    Congratulations to the both of you – how lucky you are – another safe arrival – God is Good!

  15. Tim

    Hi Eric,

    Congratulations to you and your wife! She is gorgeous – a bundle of love for the whole family. Enjoy this time!

    – Tim

  16. Alex

    She is very pretty girl. Ow, she is a angel, I would say. Blessings,

  17. Maurice

    Congratulations to you and your wife, Eric.
    She is a lovely bundle of precious joy. She won’t be that size for long.
    My wife and I had 5 children, have 15 Grand-Children, and just saw our 18th
    Great-Grand-Child ( a boy ) yesterday. He was born last Monday.
    In a few years you will look back on this time, and will be amased at how your family has grown.
    Take great care of that precious gift from God.
    God Bless all 3 of You.

  18. RAY

    Eric; my wife & I have 2girls & 2 boys, now all grown with familys and some with grand kids. They are all our blessings. Thus when I say, God bless you and your wife and all the wee ones. They will continually Bless you. Take good care of them,especially your wife. Go with God. Ray

  19. Raj

    Eric, She is absolutely fabulous! Congrats to the parents and love to Isabelle…

  20. rento

    Congratulations! She’s gorgeous 😀
    The best moment of your life ‘eh 😉

    Best Wishes


  21. bev

    Eric congratulations she is beautiful. Make sure you spoil mum as well as Isabelle. Keep us updated of all the stages she is going through and just think in 20 years time you could be having a sale for her wedding 🙂

  22. Bob

    Hi Eric,

    You and your wife do great work. What a beautiful download! May your family enjoy only good things while growing your family! My sincere best wishes for your prosperity and Isabelle’s good health for a long time to come.


  23. Bob Marconi

    Boy, going through the diaper stage three times!!

    I wouldn’t trade my daughter for the world but Ohh those diapers!

    Congratulations to everyone and enjoy to your hearts content!

  24. Fred Rosenstiel

    Congratulations !!
    She looks very beautiful! All the best to
    You and your wife, but especially to little Isabelle!
    God Bless!

  25. nayab

    the baby’s really cute and adorable! CONGRATS!

  26. Adrian Ling

    Congrats Eric!

    She’s beautiful! Nothing like a new born baby to remind us of what’s really important in life!
    Best wishes to your wife!


  27. Donna Kay

    She is beautiful. Congrats to you both and the whole family. Notice everything she does every day because she will be grown before you know it. My oldest one, Pam, will be 21 this Friday. Where did the time go?

  28. Arnulfo

    Hi Eric, Congrats for your new born baby girl!
    You have 3 kids already and you’re still very young.
    May the Lord bless you always!

  29. Chong

    Congratulations, what a beautiful baby!
    Really appreciate your sharing this joyous moment and may God continue to bless you and your family.

  30. Veronica

    Hullo Isabelle,
    Welcome to this big, big world. I hope your journey here wasn’t too bumpy. Mummy tried very hard to make it easy for you and Daddy was there waiting to hold you in his arms. You are a much loved little girl and you always will be. There will be times when you need to remember and cling to that love. Love your Mummy and Daddy and your sisters with all your heart and you will be a happy child.
    You already have lots of friends from all over the world, so I hope Daddy puts up lots more photos of you so that we can all watch you growing up. Just one more thing…keep the burps coming…it will make life a lot easier.
    Lots of love from your friend on the other side of the world,


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