It’s a Girl!

By | July 24, 2006

Special Edition – 07/24/2006

I’m proud to announce the arrival of our third child, Isabelle, a healthy 7 pound 15 ounce baby girl.

Mother and baby are both doing great.

In this picture she is less than an hour old.

It’s a tremendous blessing, and I hope you don’t mind me sharing my excitement with you.

In true fashion of the internet marketing opportunist that I am, I’ll be putting together a little sale to pay for this baby, which you can look forward to in the next couple days. In the mean time, I’ll be spending lots of time holding her and getting to know her 🙂

We’ll also revisit the HyperVRE topic in the next few days, or whenever Matt releases the update with the bug fixes.

As always, you can leave comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

247 thoughts on “It’s a Girl!

  1. Phon

    From a Dads’ perspective:

    You just got the BEST gift you can ever get today……



    And, thanks for sharing….


  2. Rose

    Eric, thanks for sharing this with us. There is no miracle greater than the birth of a child. She is certainly sweet and I love her name. Take your time and enjoy her.

    Rose Staggs,
    Grandmother of 2

  3. Nancy Fahey

    Congratulations to you and your family, Eric 🙂

    She is truly a precious bundle of joy – love her to bits – you’ll be sending her off to College before you know it!

  4. Lois

    Hi Daddy Eric,

    Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful daughter. She’s a gorgeous little bundle of love and I know you are ecstatic. Be well – all of you.

  5. S.S.Velumani

    Dear Eric

    Congratulations my friend for your new girl
    I wish you and your family all the best…


  6. Kenneth Washington

    That’s really kewl!

    She’s absolutely beautiful! Guess she inherited her looks from mom? 😀

    But all joking aside, congrats on your new arrival.

  7. Jesus

    Hi Eric:
    Maybe I’m the only latin doing some comment about the birth of your little lady. “Felicidades”, congratulations. You know, I’m a man with 5 grand sons, the older is 16, so you can see that I’m far from being a youngster. And I just wanted to tell you that creation of life is the most amazing phenomena in the whole universe. Very nice for you and your wife this expression of life by means of Isabelle. After all, we’re talking about the “Devine”.

  8. Tariq Moj

    Dear Eric
    Congrats on this great occasion. May your new baby bring more and more hapiness and success to your life.
    Tariq Moj

  9. June Craig

    What a beautiful baby. Enjoy her while you can, They grow up way to fast. We have our 18th great-grand baby
    now. Oh how time does fly!

    What a Blessing they are.

    Congratulations Mom & Dad

    June Craig

  10. Jo Barlow

    Congratulations to both of you!! I think it’s Super you are sharing the “JOY” with everyone. Good to hear Both, Mother and Baby are doing fine!!! (Sounds as if You are TOO!!). 🙂
    It’s always super to hear Good News… Keep it going.

  11. Ken Little

    What a blessing for you and your wife Eric.
    My wife Patricia and I celebrate your new
    addition with you.
    Ken Little

  12. flwong

    Hi Eric,

    Congratulations to all of you in the family!! Good to hear that Mum and baby is doing well.

    Is nice to hear good news everyday. :O)

    flwong (Malaysia)

  13. Lucky

    Congrts, to both. She is beautiful. Yet too early to predict from her looks. But she is going to be a ‘well balanced women’ and do proud to you both, some day. She has a good future. She will be a dads child. She will talk, walk, early. Will be dificult to compramise with her, because she will ‘win’ most of the time. Pl let me know the progress. Here in Sri Lanka (Asia), more than the ‘Family Planning Association’, the economy rules the family expansion programmes. Warm rgds

  14. Sukhesh Chander

    Dear Eric
    Congratulation on the arrival of a beautiful baby girl in your family.
    In India the birth of a baby girl is considered as the arrival of the goddess of Wealth
    ( Called as Goddess Laxmi). I wish, your new baby bring more and more wealth and happiness to you and your family.
    Sukhesh Chander

  15. greg segal

    Congratulations to mom ,dad and family. Mazel Tov !!
    May G-D continue to grant all of your prayers.

    Thanks for sharing your personal joys. It makes all of us feel like one large family, regardless of where we are in the world. Perhaps your little bundle of joy can herald a new beginning of peace on earth and goodwill to all.

    cheers – greg

  16. ranjit

    congratulations. may God bless both mom & the newcomer. we are eager to hear her first sound& enjoy with u & her mom

  17. prakash modi

    Congratulations to mom ,dad and family. i m indian & all indian say girls like a laksmi. laksmi is a type of money.

  18. Raju

    congrats to the proud dad and mom!
    May the Lord shower His choicest blessings on your family.

    With love & regards

  19. Josie Perneal

    Hi Eric

    She is very beautiful and will bring you many special happy moments. I wish you and your wife and kids all the very best!

    God Bless you all!

    Josie Perneal

  20. Kelvin Yuen

    Congratulations Eric!
    I remember the excitement of it all.. and yes, also in true internet opportunist fashion, I got her a piece of internet property, her own real estate (domain name), even before I got mine. Blogging her adventures now serve as an amazing and priceless gift to her in future.
    Cheers to you and your family!

  21. Ethel

    Eric, i know how happy you are now. May the Almighty God bless and guide your baby as she grow up and may He continue to bless you and your family in the years to come!!! You deserve it!

  22. Dipankar

    She is beautiful. GOD bless her and obviously you and your family.

  23. mas

    Congrats ….. you know it is important to have such a picture of your baby when they are born……i hope you have the video too!.Once again God bless you and your family and congratulations.

  24. Philip Meyer

    Hi Eric, congrats to you, your wife and the other young ‘uns! She’s a gift from God and I pray He gives you wisdom in raising her. Enjoy!!

  25. Petre Tudor

    Hi Eric,

    Congratulation on the arrival of a beautiful baby girl in your family.
    You are a thrice happy dad.I too have 3 big children and I know what happy dad have to be when you get a baby.
    I wish, your new baby bring more and more wealth and happiness to you and your family.


  26. Paul

    now that you have a new baby,
    you’ll have to adjust to all the crying,
    bottle drinking,
    and occasional temper tantrums!

    …just don’t do it
    in front of the baby.

  27. Diane

    Congratulations, Eric!
    Gorgeous Baby! Isn’t life grand? Many blessings to you and your wonderful family!

  28. Bill Young

    Congratulations, Eric to you & your family! God has certainly blessed you & Isabelle!

  29. Rajesh

    Hi Eric,

    Congratulations to both of You on having a healthy baby girl – Isabelle.

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful news.

    Best Wishes.


  30. Sergey Kuznetsov

    Добрый день Eric!

    Поздравляю с рождением дочери, желаю вам и вашей семье счастья, любви и здоровья.

    С уважением,
    Кузнецов Сергей

  31. Laura Childs

    Oh, Isabelle!
    A beauty that touched the hearts of many,
    within just hours of her birth!

    Grace and charm to blossom,
    Giggles to ring out and float on a summer’s breeze,
    and great joy to all who may know her!

    Isabelle, A variant of Elizabeth. My God is bountiful. A perfect name for #3!

  32. Dr Pradeep

    Hi Eric, Congratulations and enjoy the great feeling of being father of the lovelist baby in this world.That picture reminds me of the moment of birth of my daughter.I looked at her and had a satisfying feeling of having the most beautiful child in my hands.Enjoy the blessings of God , her feelings and touch and nothing in this world can be more satisfying. Pradeep.


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