It’s Another Girl!

By | September 12, 2013

This morning at about 1:00AM my wife delivered our sixth child!

She was 6lbs 13oz; a healthy baby girl. Mother and child are both doing great. We are experiencing severe rain and flooding in our area today, but we are high and dry in a great hospital.

Her name is RuthAnne Evangeline. Here is a picture taken moments after her birth:


The proud daddy…


And of course the true champion, my wife…


It’s amazing that this is actually the 4th time I’ve posted the birth of a child on this blog – I’m typing this one at the hospital :). My wife and I are very thankful for the support of Eric’s Tips subscribers over the years.

Thanks for being a reader, and I’m glad I could share this joy with you.

Have a great day!

300 thoughts on “It’s Another Girl!

  1. Sean McDermott

    Wow! 6 babies! Good for both of you. You look like a nice couple who raises nice children.

    Continued good success and thanks for posting these pics.


  2. Kyle

    Congrats! This looks like it could be your most successful product launch to date! πŸ˜‰ Bless you all.

  3. Mark

    Congrats! Awesome!

    We wish you and your family all the best!

    Mark Roth
    Market Mastery Enterprises

  4. RJ Ross

    I’ve been following your business for a few years. I’ve bought some of your products as well. Good value Eric!

    Thanks for sharing your good news by email. Love the pictures on your blog. May God bless you and your family even more.

    ~RJ Ross

  5. Todd

    God bless you both, well all 3 of you! What a great gift you have been given.
    Thx for sharing.

  6. Gus

    The baby looks great and comes with a full head of hair..
    Eric looks worn out but the new mother looks terrific. What’s up with that?
    Best wishes,

  7. Juan Mckenzie

    Congrats to you guys!! She has arrived on my birthday that’s awesome!! May God keep blessing your family Eric and the arrival of the newest member, she’s adorable!!!

  8. Carlos Bishop

    Congratulations! Girls are a Special Gift from God!
    God Bless You and All Your Family!


  9. Rose

    Congratulations. Thank you for sharing your family news with us, and what a beautiful little girl! May God bless you all.
    Sincerely, Rose

  10. Mark

    Congrats, Eric and family. Hey , Eric, you trying have your own little nation? ha, ha, ha. God bless!


  11. Wayne

    Congratulations to the both of you. Three more and you’ll have your own baseball team! Call them the Holmlund Hitters.

  12. Sue


    Congratulations to you and your wife on the birth of RuthAnne! She is absolutely beautiful.
    What a pretty name too.

  13. Kwame

    Congrats to both of you. God give you long life and good health to enjoy it. God bless and strengthen the new born.

  14. Donald Thomas

    Wow – That is awesome! You guys are surely taking the command to be fruitful and multiply to heart.
    Congratulations on having your baby – She looks beautiful and healthy!


  15. Zhanna

    Hello, Eric!
    Congratulations on the birth of his daughter.
    I wish you health and happiness.
    I admire you, you have a large family.
    In our time – it is a rarity.

  16. Debora

    Congrats to both of you. She is so beautiful and I love the name you two chose. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. Thanks for sharing with us. πŸ™‚

  17. Ellie

    BEAUTIFUL! Welcome RuthAnne! Congrats to all of you…. how great to share in your joy! Best to you, Eric, and tell your wife she looks AWEsome!

  18. Kris P.

    Congratulations to both of you for your most recent launch πŸ˜€ She looks like a real sweetie!!

  19. Judith J.Gebora

    Congratulations to both of you!!! She is a Sweetie and she did get your hair! This was a beautyful project! I wish healt and prosperity to the whole family!


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