It’s Another Girl!

By | September 12, 2013

This morning at about 1:00AM my wife delivered our sixth child!

She was 6lbs 13oz; a healthy baby girl. Mother and child are both doing great. We are experiencing severe rain and flooding in our area today, but we are high and dry in a great hospital.

Her name is RuthAnne Evangeline. Here is a picture taken moments after her birth:


The proud daddy…


And of course the true champion, my wife…


It’s amazing that this is actually the 4th time I’ve posted the birth of a child on this blog – I’m typing this one at the hospital :). My wife and I are very thankful for the support of Eric’s Tips subscribers over the years.

Thanks for being a reader, and I’m glad I could share this joy with you.

Have a great day!

300 thoughts on “It’s Another Girl!

  1. Florentino Detres

    Congratulations are in order for both of you. She’s simply beautiful, appears for now that she has more of daddy’s looks. May God continue to bless the eight of you with this newest member of the family.

  2. Frank L

    Wow!!! Congrats Eric on another natural blonde baby (#s 3,3,.9,6)! Figures that she would be #6. You’re a very lucky guy and and even greater father, marketer, teacher, and businessman. Many blessings to you and your wifey. πŸ™‚

  3. Carlos

    Congratulations Eric!!!

    Glad to hear from you from such happy occasion and glad to hear both mama and your daughter are doing great.

    I’ll drink one for ya πŸ˜‰


  4. Hannah

    What a BEAUTIFUL BLESSING! Congratulations to all of YOU!

    Keep the little Bundle of Joys coming:)!



  5. steve apicella

    Congrats to you and your family. With every child there is a new Blessing from GOD.

  6. Paul

    She is beautiful Eric congrats to both of you. You guys are blessed! I’ve 2 wonderful daughters and one son. Both grownups now. I love it when marketers email me something other than just something for me to buy.

  7. Laura

    Great news Eric. Wow what a head of hair πŸ™‚ on her πŸ™‚ Such a beautiful baby and great looking couple. Congrats to you and your wife and whole family. May God bless you and your family for many more years to come!

  8. Mary

    Congratulations. The baby looks great (as all new babies do)! Your wife also look great (as few mothers of six do!)! God bless you and your family.

  9. Gail Goodman

    from the first picture she seems to have your hair! Now tell us with six how many boys and girls? ps your wife looks radiant. Congrats to the whole family. We had 8 in my family.

  10. Gail Goodman

    From the first picture it looks like she has your hair. So tell us of the 6 children how many boys and girls.It can’t be all girls! Your wife looks radiant. Congrats to the whole family!

  11. Judy Haines

    Welcome to the world RuthAnn!
    I’m sure you will bring great joy to your family.

  12. Esther

    Congratulations to both mom and dad! She is adorable; I pray God’s continued blessings upon you and your family!!!

  13. Yolanda Williamson

    Thanks for sharing Eric, congratulations to both you and your wife. Welcome to this world little RAE.

  14. Bram Hester

    Congratulations Eric,

    Blessed is the man who has his quiver full. A verse I’m sure you are familiar with.
    I marvel at your beautiful wife, who always looks young and fresh, whether with the family or with her dance group.
    The Lord is truly blessing you all. Love it!
    Bram from Australia

  15. Bruce Judd

    Congratulations on the birth of little RuthAnne Evangeline, may she grow up to be a mighty women of God
    Blessings form Bruce Judd in New Zealand

  16. William

    Congratulation! A beautiful princess is born. You should be in Singapore and conducting classes on how to have more children in the family. Our Singapore government will welcome you with open arms as most families here have only 2 children on average and we need more to sustain the aging population. Good work Eric. God Bless.

  17. Mario Hernandez

    Congratulations to all of you. I know that the Lord God Father will bless you all very abundantly. There’s things in life that money can’t buy that’s where our Father God comes in. I pray that You both and family be always very blessed. You guys look awesome. Absolutely very beautiful baby. Thank you for sharing your pics. Mario.

  18. kenenth

    The smile on your face says it all.
    Well done to all three of you.

    May your business continue to expand with the care and love you extend to your immediate family.

    All the best!

  19. edwin pineda

    Congratulations Eric! I’m so glad she’s a healthy baby girl. A new little cute angel is part of your family.

    Kind regards;

  20. Tony Ejem

    Hi Eric,

    Beautiful pictures, amazing family, big congratulations to all of you.
    Thanks for being who you are, sharing your knowledge, helping
    to change people’s lives, your honesty, integrity….
    we appreciate you!

    Good luck, health and happiness,

    All the best,

    Tony Ejem

  21. Ken

    Congratulations on your latest arrival. May you and your wife continue to enjoy God’s
    blessings. The 3rd picture is so perfect that it could be used for a promotional product of some sort, i.e, – Mother and Child. Think it’s really beautiful

  22. Cynthia Silas

    Eric, congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter. May God continue to shine upon you and your family.

  23. Michaela

    Six! Gee! you are a proud Dad, she is so small and sweet. Congrats for your wife and you!
    I was thinking today at you and Joel (you are the single people I know in Colorado), what we see on TV is frightening.
    I hope you and yours are out of any danger up there.
    I am living in NJ, we have our share with Sandy… so I know exactly how it is! Drive carefully and keep the family together.

  24. Olivia

    RuthAnne looks so cute and very healthy.
    God Bless you and your family!


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