It’s Another Girl!

By | September 12, 2013

This morning at about 1:00AM my wife delivered our sixth child!

She was 6lbs 13oz; a healthy baby girl. Mother and child are both doing great. We are experiencing severe rain and flooding in our area today, but we are high and dry in a great hospital.

Her name is RuthAnne Evangeline. Here is a picture taken moments after her birth:


The proud daddy…


And of course the true champion, my wife…


It’s amazing that this is actually the 4th time I’ve posted the birth of a child on this blog – I’m typing this one at the hospital :). My wife and I are very thankful for the support of Eric’s Tips subscribers over the years.

Thanks for being a reader, and I’m glad I could share this joy with you.

Have a great day!

300 thoughts on “It’s Another Girl!

  1. Helen in VA

    Wow! Congrats on your healthy little gift from God. Ruth looks like you Eric. Yet. your wife is still smiling. (Laughter is good for the soul. She is a beautiful child. I love the contented yawn picture!

  2. Jim Bekker

    I just got news of an angel going to make its presence felt in your life. Get ready for laughter, big noise and lots of hugs. May your precious new born baby bring a happiness to the world and special joy to you and may your world be filled with love.


    Congratulations to you on the arrival of your Bundle of Joy. RuthAnne – new Greatness has entered our World through you Eric & Wife. Well done Mr & Mrs Eric H
    This brings to you a New dimension of Blessings and Favor to you and yours.

  4. Abhaskar

    Congratulation to your whole family……………
    God bless Your new born child and make his promises and wishes full fill in her life.

  5. Godfrey Excel

    This is wonderful. You people are bless. Praise be to God for seeing your wife through. She is okay and the baby is also doing great. That’s enough good news. I hope you guys believe in God? Take care of her.

  6. Kit

    Congratulations on your beautiful daughter! Your pictures made me smile and brought tears to my eyes remembering the birth of my kids, both of whom graduated college last year. Blessings to all of you!

  7. Phil

    Congratulations to you and your family Eric! May God abundantly bless, protect and guide the little one to be a blessing to you, the proud parents, and to everyone she comes into contact with. May He endow her with perfect development, health, knowledge, wisdom and success in life, but most importantly may she come to know the Lord as her Friend and Savior, and live her life in the FOG (Favor of God). Enjoy her! πŸ™‚

  8. Liane

    Congratulation, and welcome to your new little bundle of joy to the world. Happy return Home with the rest of your family, nice to hear Mummy and Baby are doing well. L

  9. Mark Gardner

    Hey congratulations to you and Melissa Eric. The Lord just keeps surrounding you with beautiful ladies! You’re truly blessed my brother!

    Welcome RuthAnne and may God richly bless you all the days of your life little one. πŸ™‚

  10. peter mcgrath

    hi Eric Congrats to you and your wife glad to see there both healthy and well guess
    you will soon make up your own football team
    good luck
    peter mcgrath

  11. Doris

    Hello Eric
    It is wonderful to have another gift from God. Congratulations to you and your wife.

  12. Eli

    Sweet baby for lovely parents! Congratulations Eric! May God sprinkle showers of blessings upon you and your entire family! Hope to see similar post next year πŸ™‚ after all five is better than four. . .

  13. prem

    Congratulations Eric! Happy for you and your family πŸ™‚
    Your my only online guru…..
    Greetings from Malaysia

  14. Janny

    Thanks so much for sharing this day. What a gorgeous little bundle of joy. Your wife looks young enough to be holding her first baby. Congratulations.

  15. Deborah

    Mazel Tov! Eric. May your new little daughter grow up to be like Ruth and Anne. Many blessings to you, your wife and family.

  16. Mike (U.K.)

    Hi Eric & Family,
    Many “Congratulations” on the birth of your new arrival into a loving family who will be excited and happy. Having four daughters myself I feel your joy, like you and your wife I feel blessed.
    Eric, a footnote: your Internet Marketing Course is without doubt the most professional well thought out schooling for newcomers and veterans to the internet. It stands out as a beacon among some of the most disappointing aspects of internet marketing. You treat all with respect and do not patronise those of us who are new to this business, you are a credit to your industry and seriously deserve accreditation for your course from established Universities or Colleges. My sincere thanks to you and your staff.

    Best Wishes for the future for you and your family.
    Best Regards

  17. Suzette

    Congrats! May she bring you lots of happiness. On the first photo taken after her birth, she looks so upset and angry. Cold world, bright lights, struggled through narrow places to get out. And then, afterwards, she looks so peaceful in the arms of mommy and daddy, already experiencing the joy of being loved. I bet she decided the world is not such a bad place as she thought at first.
    May God bless you all with the beautiful treasures He gave you, the most precious of all…your children.
    Can we soon have a family photo, please?

  18. Wayne Evans


    Congratulations to you both, such a lovely feeling having a new baby!

    I stopped at 3 girls, you guys must be mad! πŸ™‚



  19. Nombulelo

    Beautiful baby! Congratulations to you and your wife. Beautiful family may you continue to be blessed.

  20. John Antaya

    Congratulations! Glad to hear that everyone is doing fine. Wishing all the best.


  21. Mike Marshall

    Congratulations to you, your wife and family on the birth of your daughter. I’ve enjoyed your “tips” and appreciate your willingness to share a part of your life with your readers. Thanks and God bless!

  22. Fred Ted

    My family and I rejoice with you and family as you thank the Almighty Awesome God, the giver of life for adding to humanity another special being, a girl, into your family. May nothing tamper with her destiny and the purpose of God for her life. Amen.
    CONGRATULATIONS. Dr Fred Ted. Nigeria.

  23. Wendy

    Congratulations on the birth of RuthAnne Evangeline

    Best wishes to you and your family

  24. Renee

    Congratulations to you Eric and your family Psalm 127:3-5. I soak baby RuthAnne Evangeline, Melissa and the rest of your family in the precious blood of Jesus Christ (Amen). Thanks for sharing your new bundle of joy with us.


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