Joel Comm’s Monthly Templates

By | January 10, 2007

UPDATE: I am no longer affiliated with this product, and it is not for sale any longer anyway. I am leaving this article here for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #106 – 01/10/2007

What’s more stressful, a wedding or a product launch?

In case you missed me, there’s a reason I haven’t sent a newsletter in over a week.

It’s been crunch time getting ready for the launch of Monthly Templates.

At the same time, we’ve all been getting ready for my sister’s wedding this week. Along with that comes parties, rehearsals, and of course… lots of relatives in town (and in our house!).

Needless to say, it’s been pretty hectic around here, but its also been a joy. In between parties and planning, I’ve had my nose to the grindstone working to make sure today’s product launch is a success.

Joel wrote an excellent newsletter today explaining the significance of the launch from his perspective. I’ve got to get back to working/visiting/de-stressing, so I’ll leave you with a copy of what he wrote…

Take a look at your calendar. You probably have it marked up with important dates.
Many calendar manufacturers do us a favor by including holidays and other special days preprinted for convenience.

New Years Day
Valentine’s Day
President’s Day
Groundhog Day

Yes, they take time to remind us of the furry little rodent that somehow is able to predict the weather every February 2nd.


Now, I don’t suppose the calendar’s will ever come preprinted with this date on it, but I would like for you to take special note of today…

January 10th, 2007

For one thing, it’s my mother’s birthday!

You won’t ever see that preprinted on a calendar, but if you want to wish her a happy birthday, head over to her blog at and wish her well.

But today is another reason to celebrate.

Or at least it COULD be…

… but THAT is up to you!

January 10th, 2007 may be a day to remember, because it may be the day you decide to get serious about building your virtual real estate empire.

And that could change your life!

Here’s the deal…

I started building web sites many years ago.

In the early years, I wondered if what I was doing would pay off.

Of course, I had no direction. No one to tell me what to do and how to do it. No success stories to watch as rolemodels.

But I kept creating quality content for my sites hoping that one day I would be able to generate revenue.

Then came Google AdSense…

… and the rest is history!

Today, I enjoy over $25,000 each month in AdSense revenue… and it is all PASSIVE. That means now that I have built my Virtual Real Estate (VRE) Empire, I earn that kind of money whether I choose to work on my sites or not.

It’s true!

Over the past couple years, I have watched many other people understand the power of creating content-rich web sites and monetizing them, not just with AdSense, but with multiple revenue streams.

And they “get it”. They now know the secrets to building an online business that can generate passive income for a very long time.

But as I hear from those who want to tap into this online wealth, I notice that many of the same problems resurface again and again.

First, many people are confused as to how to get started.

Second, many people don’t have graphic design talent.

Third, many people don’t know anything about html and page layout.

Fourth, many people don’t know how to optimize their page for AdSense.

Fifth, many people don’t know other ways to generate revenue from their web site.

And the list actually goes on…

It’s OK! I understand!

Which is why January 10th, 2007, or whatever day you are reading this message, can become a BANNER DAY for you!

I have put together a program designed to overcome the greatest obstacles people have shared with me, and it is called…

*** Monthly Templates ***

Now available to the general public for the very first time is my membership site that puts the power and tools you need in your hands every month… direct to your mailbox!

Grab a pen…

Mark your calendar by circling today’s date…

And then visit this web site right away to find out how today can be the day that sets the tone for your entire Internet business.

(link removed – product no longer available)

I’m very excited about this program, and if initial reaction to this product is any indication, you will be thrilled as well.

Check it out now and I’ll look forward to hearing your success story!

To your online success,


As always you can post your comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

8 thoughts on “Joel Comm’s Monthly Templates

  1. Dawn


    The title of your last e-mail caught my attention because of an venture I’m about to begin. I wrote a wedding song for a friend of mine’s wedding this past summer. I received so many compliments on it until I decided I would go public with it. My producer and I are finalizing the recording mix right now. We’re going to release it to the public via (I chose them because they come up second in the natural search list in a Google search for “wedding songs”. The first site doesn’t sell music. I guess I’ve learned SOMETHING from you.)

    I will let you know when the song’s on WedAlert, so you can listen to it. It’s a shame I didn’t have it ready in time for your sister’s wedding. 🙁



  2. Patty Higuera

    Erics Tips;; you have been busy with a lot wow;; bet your Sister Wedding was big . & bet it was Beautiful with a lot of people . good job on every thing you did. Happy B-Day for Mom did you & your family give Mom a good B-Day party bet she enjoy that. what a good Son. & having a lot of meetings . busy;;

  3. Saundra Jackson

    Why I’m not buying I haven’t finish using the last purchase along with the Christmas giveaway. I am trying to focus and make some money instead of spending. There has been so much noise lately in Internet Marketing. I have to monitor the distractions until I get up to the level of Joel and Eric. I need me a partner, seems that the way to go.

    Did everyone get an email on EasyMemberPro. A great membership script, anyone can use. And the price is right. If you don’t have a membership site you should get one.

    I am sure that you will me your quota Eric, without me.

  4. David


    Wow this product seems to be a really great way to establish content websites quickly. Will you guys be allowing affiliate sales? Cant find it on Clickbank.

  5. recca

    The monthly templates look great but as soon as I saw the price, I had to groan: not another two hundred bucks! Seems like I’ve been buying programs online but not making money. First I bought Corey Rudl’s “Internet Marketing Course”, then, J. Palmer’s Affiliate book (and still many others in between). The truth? Am still lost – and now broke!

  6. Scott H.

    Hi Eric,

    I really had a good laugh when I read Joel’s JV email update and the saw the list of current winners. What a who’s-who list of Internet bigwigs. What’s even more funny is I’m on the mailing list to about 95% of the people on that list. I have learned to pay no attention to these “contests” you guys have because I don’t have a 5 or 6-digit mailing list yet. But maybe you and Joel should think about holding 2 contests…one for all your cronies and one for us struggling affiliates. I can’t imagine that $1000.- first prize is much for these guys on the current list, but it would help my advertising budget. I did sell a few in the last template release you had, but I took the earnings and gave it to two other people so they could buy your template product. They were elated!

    I enjoy your blog and like many others who comment here, appreciate your honestly and candid reflections and advice…both good and bad. So I thought maybe it was OK to ‘air’ my rant about these ‘contests’ and throw a suggestion about them your way.


  7. Veronica

    Hi Eric and Joel,
    Having purchased the previous two IAT programs, I was keen to get involved with this current launch but sadly, the monthly committment prevents that happening. I wish you both every success with the launch.


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