Welcome to Eric’s Tips!
If you want to start an online business, or if you want to make your current online business more profitable, you’ve come to the right place.
Please watch the following video:
Video Player
Main points:
Action steps:
1) White list this email address: tips@ericstips.com (put me on your “safe list” to make sure you receive the lessons). For detailed instructions, please see:
Whitelist instructions
2) Make a folder to save all the emails you receive from me.
3) Commit to following each lesson.
As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.
Have a great day!
Looks like it is not actually your site…
Yes you can promote it on your website. You can also earn commissions when your referrals buy something from me if you use this: Affiliate Program
Hello Eric,
I’m not exactly a “newbie” but i”m still struggling to get people to my site.I already have a product,but getting traffic is very difficult.I hope i’m not jumping the gun here,but i”m very frustrated.This is my squeeze page…http://www.chrisstephen.com
Hello Eric, thank you for your internet tips, I have built 5 websites and have no clue as to how to promote them? Can you please tell me what product that may be the most beneficial to create a list or how I can get my site seen? I would appreciate any information you could give me, in gratitude, Melody
Hi, Eric,
I stumbled onto your site while researching the credentials of yet another “guru.” I am hoping yours is the Godsend I’ve been looking for.
Like you, I am deeply committed to helping others. So, now I am on the hook for more than $20K for a “public service” site that was supposed to pay its own way. Trouble is, I’m 68 and on a limited income. Tried going back to work to pay off the debt, but no luck in this economy.
I designed and commissioned http://www.MyEmergencyMedicalFile.com to help save lives, based on my own harrowing experience. To help as many people as possible, I was committed to making it free. The site builders all but promised it would pay for itself with affiliate advertising. They failed to mention just one item; it takes huge volume for that to work.
To my shock and disappointment, it appears now that people are staying away precisely because the site is free. After all, if you are offering to store someone’s most private medical information at no charge, there has to be a nefarious motive. Right? No matter that the site uses 128-bit military level encryption. No matter that their data is encrypted PRIOR to storage; so that even if a hacker got into it, all they could retrieve is garble.
I won’t tell you how small my base of users is, but suffice it to say Amazon and Google have pulled their ad links. Among my small successes have been becoming the go-to site for a specialty hospital whose accreditation requires patients be discharged with some form of portable medical record. That, and 100 missionaries from a local church carried my emergency wallet cards on a recent mission to Haiti.
I’ve been like a deer in the headlights the last couple years, stunned that my gift to the world has become an albatross. I can’t afford to go back and have it changed to a paid site, and I don’t know how to make changes myself. My hope, now, is to learn enough from you to pay off the debt and fund a makeover and relaunch of what I still believe is a vitally important site.
sounds like agood way to (re)start what was becoming a tangled mess of a business. Too much info from too many directions and all of it leaving out vital information.Result:Frozen in the headlights. Great idea about saving the emails.I’m starting with this one!
I think this is so great you do this for people!
thank you so much!
I enjoyed the video and it is true all I have are broken peices of a puzzle!
Thank you ERIC!
It does sound like a good idea!
I will be covering these things in depth throughout the lessons. List building in lessons #59-70, and web traffic from lesson #72-85. I recommend going through the lessons in order.
I’ll be covering traffic in depth in the lessons…
Hi Eric, thank you for introducing yourself in this lesson 1. I only just stumbled onto your blog and newsletter looking for FLV producer lite of all things. Your process of delivering these lessons is the golden lesson in and of itself, and could be used in any niche.
Hey Brother, I’m impressed so far so I’m gonna give you a chance. I’m just getting started in this biz and look forward to learning and growing in this field!
Dear Eric,
I found your site this morning while searching the internet for instructions on how to build a membership web site. But very frankly… I’m Lost and I’m embarrassed to say this but putting all the pieces together to build an online business is daunting / overwhelming. Your description / point about suffering from information overload or more specifically analysis / paralysis describes my current state to a “T”. I listened to your first video and your approach sounds sincere and genuine, (I really like that and respect you for the many giving qualities you appear to have, Thank You.) So, I’m going to give it a go and make the commitment / investment in time to hear what you have to say and to complete the action items / tasks you layout. I hope to see you on the other side of all these sessions/videos with a viable… working… online presence that has all the necessary features to build my online business. Thank you in advance. I just created my email folder –Check– and added you to my email white-list –Check– Now I’m moving on to video number two.
You must be different from the others. First, you have not asked me to make a $49.95 monthly fee. Second, it looks like you are going to teach me your 100 lessons for free. And third – after three years of listening to the internet gurus and wizards – you impress me as a tither. In short, you are AUTHENTIC. I am already 59 years old trying to look at the wealth inside the Internet! I hope I can follow you – even if very slowly.
Hi Eric,
Where the hell have you been in this last year of me trying to get to grips with this internet thing! I have bought and studied ’till I’m blue in the face and very frustrated.
You come accross as a really genuine guy and I look forward to the journey of learning correctly, with your help.
Take care,
Keep up the good mission work you are doing. It was nice to see the pictures from your India mission trip. Say “Hi” to everyone in your family.
I have gotten a great deal of great information from you which I really appreciate. However, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for letting me know about Paul Smithson’s course – The Complete Guide to Traffic. It is EXCELLENT, and I can’t thank you enough for directing me to it. Anyone who wants to truly understand how to market themselves on the internet and really comprehend what they should be doing owes it to him or herself to look into this course.
Cool, glad to hear it!
Hi Eric
Just like to thank you for the clear and concise information you are providing without all the “hype”.
Now that that my internet access has changed somewhat, I finally got to watch Lesson-1 earlier today.
Not only did I think that lesson was very good, it was very well worth the wait. Am also looking forward to getting to the rest of the lessons as well.
Eric, I thank you for what you are doing to help people like me who are new to this arena.
May God bless you and your family.
Good points; I have been in the information overload status for quite some time… I promised myself I wasn’t going to purchase any more products ever! But I found myself at Eric’s Christmas Fire-sale that was at the right price! “I Bought”…I was then linked to this “FREE” training “What a Deal”
Thanks Eric
Eric this has been some great content most of the time it is hard to find without all the sales pitches. For the new person it can get overwhelming to learn anything without sticking to one system and not buying everything out there.
Dear Eric,
I have gone through your first lesson.I have not given my real name here because I am so much depressed that I am thinking of eliminating myself. I have three gorgeous little daughters. By all standards in Pakistan,I am a well educated man as I did my MA English and worked very hard to make use of my knowledge. I got many opportunities but I hurled them away as I thought I was going to have a bigger opportunity. Due to my wrong decisions I am under heavy loan presently. What I am going to ask you is not alms or financial aid but I would request you to save my life by providing me an online job ASAP. Thanks for being a ray of hope for this dying soul! (Its no melodrama or cock & bull story)
I pray for you and your family,
You can verify my case by individual contact only. If you want I will mail my CV,Snaps and other details.
I need business/job ASAP,please!
I am waiting for your reply on the given email address or on the other one,ie., bhurbanpp@hotmail.com
Wishing all the colors and flowers just for you. Amir(Not real name)
Hi Eric! Your no BS approach is totally refreshing. I look forward to the lessons. I lived in Arvada for 6 years! You and your family have a very Merry Christmas!
I have just started this I am new to this online business and I am excited to start learning more therefore i would like to know how often i will recieve a lesson?
Hello Eric,
I appreciate your candid approach and humility.
Guess finally someone capable and willing to teach. thank you.
I maxed out my credit cards attempting to learn IM on my own. I am PROFOUNDLY GRATEFUL that I had the money, the same day I discovered CIBC (Canadian chartered bank) had a Visa Debit card tied to their chequing account. I opened an account and bought the $40 Firesale Eric and Jeff offered and then Alex Goodall’s IMI Organizer Mind Map. I won’t be sleeping much for the next 3 months.
Hi Eric, I repeated a previous question, because I accidentally gave you the wrong email address, ignore the email from previous message, the correct one is on this message, my apology. I like your instruction layout, I only got the first lesson about white-listing email addresses. However, after I created a filter, and named it Eric’s Tips in Yahoo Mail Classic, I put your tips@ericstips.com address in the first column that says “sender” “contains” than I added your email address in the column, and at the end of first column is a check box titled “sender match case” that I put a check mark in. I hope it works, because I cannot afford to miss out on your instructions to get me going…Friends, Lloyd.
Hi Eric, I just received your second lesson delivered to my Eric’s Tips folder just as I wanted, so the white-listing worked as intended!!
Now I will go through your second lesson…Friends, Lloyd.
My name is David. Just watched the first lesson and want to know how I receive the other lessons. Do they come in an e-mail a day or what? I don’t have a website yet. I am starting from scratch.
G’Day Eric

You are so spot on with the fact that us newbie on the block become so over Load with info that we can’t see the forest for the trees and become soo confused over the whole thing that we get Nowhere fast and not to mention become soo Frustrated at everything!
There are so many sites out there that are just trying to rip people off with their get rich scams and my business partner was one of them untill I started to do my own reseach into online business and came across great people like your self that are not asking for 1c to help us out, true & honest people like yourself are hard to find these day and you have restore my faith in fellow mankind and I thank you for that
My Partner & I are looking forward to following your great course and Knowledge which will enable us to become successful online business people and for us to make money that we can then use to help other in the world that are not as fortunate as ourself which is something that I’ve always wanted to be able to do.
Many thanks again mate for this opportunity and we are looking forward to working with yourself and the many other here that will be helping out as well :-))))
Waiting for lesson 2…lesson3…
Until then go see my blog:
God bless you and your beautiful family!
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Eric, I attempted to white list tips@ericstips.com. My internet provider is yahoo. When I got to the 5th step of your white list instructions which states “In the top row, labeled From header: make sure contains is selected in the pull-down menu. There is nothing in the top row labeled From header. So, what do I do now?
Hi Eric!
I have just listened to your first lesson. Wow you have been busy. I am looking forward to learning from you, and establishing myself in this business. Thanks for your input, I am looking forward to the rest of the lessons!
hey i don’t know English please help
i leaning surffing
Thanks for commiting your time and resources to teaching me online biz. I really don’t know anything related to this industry. My profession is Panel Beating. Am here in South Africa.
Yes one per day
One per day.
Thanks Michael. I believe you will find this training to be worth even more than the firesale
which the best email address to use? and how can I create folder to save the emails?
thanks alot
Hello, Eric I am having trouble viewing the videos. It runs for about 2 minutes and the it stops. I am very disappointed as I wanted to view the lessons. Don”t know what is wrong. My it is my computer. The video runs about 2 minutes and then it just freezes on me and cannot watch the rest of it. Can you help?
Hi Rosemarie, please try these solutions:
Hi Eric. Well, the fireside sale continues and I find myself here at your site. I am praying that this is the real thing – and if so I am so appreciative of the help you offer.
I am your typical “information overload” victim. I have been doing this for a year now, and while I have had some success, I have definitely spent more than I should have on all kinds of products. I told myself no more, yet found that I couldn’t resist the sale – and now I think I know why I was compelled. It was to find you!
I have no issue putting in the necessary effort – I just don’t know where to start anymore.
I look forward to receiving all 100 lessons and again – thank you!
Hi Evelyn, thanks for your business. Based on your information overload situation, I think you’ll find these lessons to be even more valuable than the product you bought from me
there is no more options tab on gmail do not know how to white list there is no date just time
I have read the lesson one. How about lesson 2 and onwards? They will be emailed to me on daily basis?
Cheers Eric!!
What a wealth of helpful information! Thank you for taking the time to put all of this together. I look forward to spending many hours on your site and taking in every minute of it.
Yes you’ll get one per day emailed.
Hello Eric,
I can identify with the information overload syndrome and related paralysis.
I can see that you have been there and can show the way out.
I like your ‘lesson a day’ approach, it makes it feasible for anyone.